Unit 4 Group Dynamics

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anizational Behaviour

Definition of Group
two or more people interacting and interdependent who have come
together to achieve particular common objectives.
Characteristics –
• Two or more person
• Collective identity
• Interaction
• Common purpose

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anizational Behaviour

Why people join group

• Safety and security needs – group provide protection eg.
Trade union
• Relatedness and belongingness needs – group satisfy social
needs eg.. Study shows those who are isolated tend to
remain absent from work
• Esteem needs – gets sense of recognition from group
• Power- worker enjoy power by joining group eg. Together we
stand, divided we fail
• Identity – person gets identity as a member
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anizational Behaviour

Formation of group
Homan’s theory – Activities, Interaction and sentiments –
According to Homan these 3 elements are directly related to
each other
Exchange theory of reward and cost outcome-
outcome Thaibaunt and
Kelly – the outcome of interaction as the basis of group
formation. They say the outcome of interaction should result in
attraction and affiliation (reward), If this incurs anxiety or
frustration it is called as cost.
Balance Theory – Newcomb – those get attracted whose values,
attitudes are similar
Propinquity Theory – People residing near get connected to each
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anizational Behaviour

Tuckman’s Model of Group Development

Tuckman in 1965, who said that these phases are all necessary
and inevitable in order for a team to grow, face up to challenges,
tackle problems, find solutions, plan work, and deliver results.
Forming - may be anxious, curious, or excited to get going
Storming - Conflict or friction
Norming - Gradually, the team moves into the norming stage.
Performing - team is in flow and performing to its full potential
Adjourning c- projects come to an end

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Tuckman’s Model of Group Development

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anizational Behaviour


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anizational Behaviour

Group Properties
Group Norms – Set of expectations about appropriate individual and
group behaviour commonly agreed on by members
• Formal norms – written rules
• Informal norms – develop as result of interaction which may help or hinder
their performance
Group Roles – Each member plays a particular role in a group
• Maintenance role – to establish and maintain good interpersonal relations
• Personal roles - generally detrimental for group effectiveness
• Expected role - expressed as what to be fulfilled
• Perceived role – role incumbent believes are necessary to fulfill expected role
• Enacted role – how actually behaves in a particular situation

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anizational Behaviour

Group properties
Role Ambiguity – uncertainty in duties
Role Conflict – performance of one role becomes difficult by another
• Person-role, inter-role, intra-sender,
sender, role overload
Status - The designation of members in the group.
• When a group comes together for them the first time and begins to interact,
various differences between the members begin to appear. differences in
status, influence, role, ability, and so on. The pattern of relationships that is
thus established is known as the group structure.
Size – no. of people in group
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anizational Behaviour

Size – no. of people in group

Advantage of small groups
• Interact more with each other and easier to coordinate their efforts
• More motivated, satisfied, and committed
• Easier to share information
• Better able to see the importance of their personal contributions
Advantages of large groups
• More resources at their disposal to achieve group goals
• Enables managers to obtain division of labor advantages
Disadvantages of large groups
• Problem of communication and coordination
• Lower level of motivation
• Members might not think their efforts are really needed
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Group Cohesiveness
The degree to which members are
attracted to their group
Three major consequences
• Level of participation
• Level of conformity to group norms
• Emphasis on group goal

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anizational Behaviour

Group Decision making

• Group decision making is a
type of participatory process
in which multiple individuals
acting collectively, analyze
problems or situations,
consider and evaluate
alternative courses of
action, and select from
among the alternatives a

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anizational Behaviour

Approaches to group decision making

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anizational Behaviour

Problems in group decision making

Social Loafing

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