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Q1what is power sharing

An - a policy agreed between political parties or within a coalition to share responsibility for decision-
making and political action.

Q what do you mean by majoritism

An - : the philosophy or practice according to which decisions of an organized group should be made by
a numerical majority of its members

q-what do you mean by ethos

Ans- a set of ideas and attitudes associated with a particular group or society

Q-what is accommodation

Ans somewhere to live or stay, often also providing food or other services

q-what is civil war

Ans a war between groups of people who live in the same country

Q-what do you mean by prudential

An-involving or showing care and forethought, especially in business.

Q-what is community government

Ans Community government is an elected body by people belonging to one language, one culture or any
common property no matter where they live.

Q-what do you mean by pressure group

Ans-a group of people who are trying to influence what a government or other organization does
Q-what are main principle of democracy

ansS2: The basic principles of democracy are liberty, equality and justice.

Q-diff bw vertical and horizontal powersharing

Ans Horizontal power sharing is power shared among different organs of government such as –
legislature , executive and judiciary . Vertical power sharing is power shared among different levels of
government such as Union, State and local government .

Q-how power shared among social groups

Ans there are constitutional and legal arrangements whereby socially weaker sections and women are
represented in the legislatures and administration.

Q-why had the idea of power sharing emerged

Ans The idea of power sharing has emerged in opposition to the notions of undivided political power.
For a long time, it was believed that all powers of a government must reside in one person or group of
persons located at one place

Q-what factors led the civil war in sri lanka

ANs With the increasing hold of Sinhala speaking regime and dominance of Sinhala political
representation, the Tamilians of Sri Lanka started feeling alienated since the preference was given to the
sinhala speakers, it led to the sense of conflict between two groups.

Q-what kind of power sharing problems faced by belgium and sri lanka

Ans, the Dutch community could take advantage of its numeric majority and force its will on the Flemists
and German-speaking population.

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