Assgnment 4.0

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Q1-what do you mean by jurisdiction?

Ans-A jurisdiction is a state or other area in which a particular court and system

of laws has authority. [law] More Synonyms of jurisdiction.

Q2-what is federalism?

Ans-Federalism is a mixed or compound mode of government that combines a general government

(the central or "federal" government) with regional governments (provincial, state, cantonal,

territorial, or other sub-unit governments) in a single political system, dividing the powers between
the two

Q3-what is state and central government?

Ans-A central government is the government that is a controlling power over a unitary state.

What is meant by state government?

A state government is the government that controls a subdivision of a country in a federal form of

which shares political power with the federal or national government

Q-4 what do you mean by coming together federalism and holding together federalism?

Ans-'Coming together' federation is nothing but independent states coming together on their own to
form a bigger state

or country. Holding together federation is nothing but the division of powers between the states of
the country and central

government of that country.

Q5-what is constitution

Ans-: the mode in which a state or society is organized

especially : the manner in which sovereign power is distributed

Q6-describe the concurrent power?

Ans-Concurrent powers refers to powers which are shared by both the federal government and state

Q7-what is linguistic stocks?

Ans-a parent language and all the languages and dialects derived from it. or all the native speakers of
any of these languages or dialects.

Q-8 write down the two levels of federalism?

AnsFederal systems have at least two levels of government, the central level and a second level that
includes territorial entities into which the country is divided, e.g. regions, states, provinces.

Q9-what is judiciary in federal system?

Ans-The federal judicial system comprises the Supreme Court and the High Court in the sense that it is
only these two courts which can adjudicate upon the rights of the federal units and the central unit, and
between the citizen and these units

Q-10 how is panchayat samiti formed and at what level?

Ans- Panchayat Samiti is formed at the block level. (ii) The members of this representative body are
elected by all the Panchayat members in that area. (iii) A few Gram Panchayats are grouped together to

form a Panchayat Samiti or Block or Mandal.

Q-11-what difficulties are faced during local level elections?

Ans-They are: (i) Most states have not transferred significant powers to the local governments. (ii) There
is a lack of resources. (iii) Elections of the gram sabha are not held regularly.

Q-12-what are features of federalism

Ans Some features are: (1) Clear division of powers between the Centre and the states, (2) Independent
Judiciary, (3) Bicameral Legislature, (4) Dual government polity, (5) Supremacy of constitution.

q-13 what makes india a federal country?

Ans The distribution of powers between the union and state governments is what makes India a federal

Q14-write about union list ,state list and concurrent list?

Ans-The Union List details the subjects on which the Parliament may make laws while, state list details
those under the purview of state legislatures. The Concurrent list on the other hand has subjects in
which both Parliament and state legislatures have jurisdiction.The State List or List-II is a list of 61 items.
Initially there were 66 items in the list in Schedule Seven to the Constitution of India.

Q15-The State List or List-II is a list of 61 items. Initially there were 66 items in the list in Schedule Seven
to the Constitution of India.

Ans-The Zila Parishad is formed by the Chairmen of all Block Samitis in a district members of Lok Sabha
and Rajya Sabha from the district members of Vidhan Sabha and Vidhan Parishad from the district and
representatives of SC ST and women.

Q16-how is power sharing in a coalition government

Ans-In coalition government power sharing is among and between different political parties that are
part of the coalition and decision is taken by each and every political party part of the representation.

Q17-its true that all states are indian union do not have identical power

aNS-all States in the Indian Union do not have identical powers. Some States enjoy a special status.
States such as Assam, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh and Mizoram

Q18-is federalism practised

ans-Restructuring the Centre-State relations is one more way in which federalism has been
strengthened in practice. If no single party gets a clear majority in the Lok Sabha, the major national
parties can alliance with many parties including several regional parties to form a government at the

Q19-what do you mean by language policy

Ans . Language policy has been defined in a number of ways. According to Kaplan and Baldauf (1997), "A
language policy is a body of ideas, laws, regulations, rules and practices intended to achieve the planned
language change in the societies, group or system" (p. xi).

Q20-how is gram panchayat formed

Ans-Every village Panchayat is divided into wards, i.e. smaller areas. Each ward elects a representative
who is known as the Ward Member (Panch). All the members of the Gram Sabha also elect a Sarpanch
who is the Panchayat President. The Ward Panchs and the Sarpanch form the Gram Panchayat.

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