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Abdulmajeed Alghamdi & Christian Bach, “Developing teamwork at workplace,” International

Journal of Business and Management Invention (IJBMI), 7(2), February 2018, pp. 28-40.

Chris Rees, “Teamworking and service quality: the limits of employee involvement,” Personal
Review, 28 (5/6), 1999, pp. 455-473.

Eduardo Salas., Marissa L. Shuffler., Amanda L. Thayer., Wendy L. Bedwell & Elizabeth H.
Lazzara, “Understanding and improving teamwork in organizations: A scientifically based
practical guide,” Human resource management, 54(4), 2015, pp. 599-622.

Rahul Sharma., Mani Kansal & Puja Paliwal, “Effective and efficient teamwork: Make things

happen more than anything else in organizations,” IRJC International Journal of Social Science

& Interdisciplinary Research, 1(8), August 2012.

The objectives of the articles are to highlight the importance of organizational teamwork
implementation. These articles are from academic journals and are intended for audiences who
are well-versed in business organizations. The author frequently uses simple and technical
language, implying that the reader is already familiar with business principles. The article written
is appropriate as the authors used secondary data and primary data to carry out the findings for
the research. The conclusions of the research have been given in comprehensive evidence and
detailed research results, making the piece empirical research.


Most of the articles state that ineffective teamwork can contribute to a downturn within
organizations. A dysfunctional team can result in unneeded disturbance, missed deadlines, and
strategic failure (Sharma et al., 2012). Aside from that, without a clear understanding of the
team's goals and vision, it becomes difficult to build a successful team as work should be
consigned to team members based on their expertise and abilities (Alghamdi & Bach, 2018). A
seemingly unending array of literature attempting to understand teamwork and the factors
surrounding its success or failure has resulted from a plethora of studies spurred by rising
interest in teams (Salas et al., 2015).
In addition, the authors have provided the solutions to solve the problems by identifying
the findings through data and previous research. According to Rees (1999), the high level of
employee enthusiasm for collaboration allows employees to contribute to problem-solving and
fosters considerable cooperation and high morale. To build a good team, it is critical for the
leader and team members to collaborate and communicate well, and leaders must understand
cultural differences and have an understanding of other cultures to effectively manage their
teams (Alghamdi & Bach, 2018). Other than that, these key concerns for teamwork can be
addressed at all phases of team growth by organizational leaders and anyone involved in
teamwork development and maintenance (Salas et al., 2015).
Moreover, the researchers from the articles have proved the evidence from the data they
obtain using the previous research. In the interview and through survey data, Alghamdi & Bach
(2018) demonstrated that the leader recognized conflict management as a primary impediment
to collaborative development. Nonetheless, the value of teams to a company has been
repeatedly proven by organizational effectiveness research (Rees, 1999). Besides that, Salas et
al. (2015) use the literature to develop a set of nine important factors for cooperation targeted at
reducing the number of steps required to achieve good organizational practices.

The aim of the research, as stated in the papers, is to highlight the importance of
cooperation in the workplace as well as its challenges. To build effective cooperation, team
members must have common goals, visions, and missions that are aligned with the
organization's objectives. The efficacy of cooperation is harmed by many working obstacles,
such as a lack of enthusiasm among team members. As a result, the research looked into
possible remedies to the challenges. A survey and an interview were conducted during the
study, and they employed two sorts of data: primary and secondary data. The findings are
intended to highlight the advantages of successful teamwork. Teamwork can generate a variety
of innovative ideas and provide a variety of problem-solving options (Alghamdi & Bach, 2018).
Sharma (2012) claimed that active engagement by all members can build a high-productivity
member. Furthermore, it has the potential to boost service quality according to Rees (1999).
Salas et al. (2015) also suggested that critical considerations can increase cooperation.

Based on the article, the authors have proved the findings that match with the objectives
where the leader regarded conflict resolution as a major challenge for teamwork development.
These key concerns for teamwork can be addressed at all phases of team growth by
organizational leaders and anyone involved in teamwork development and maintenance (Salas
et al., 2015). In business, the effective functioning of a team is primarily used to define the
organization and mutual aid among the participants of an enterprise that comprise a business
(Sharma et al., 2012). Aside from that, organizations that can recognize and address these
issues quickly are more successful in creating and developing a team-based environment that is
founded on mutual trust and understanding. The intuitive provides knowledge and a method for
considering the aspects that are most likely to help or impede team effectiveness (Rees, 1999).
Moreover, to build a good team, it is critical for the leader and team members to collaborate and
communicate effectively (Alghamdi & Bach, 2018).

The theoretical foundation of this study is built on many articles that are linked to the
studies, which the authors already referred from the articles. Therefore, this is the same as the
secondary data that was used in this research.

In my opinion, the authors of the papers have done an outstanding job of defining how
important teamwork is for organizational success. Teamwork is vital for promoting creativity and
innovation, it is necessary for making excellent judgments, each team member is more
committed to the assigned responsibilities, and it aids organizations in increasing employee
motivation (Alghamdi & Bach, 2018). Aside from that, team attitudes, actions, and cognitions can
be monitored by organizational leadership, and various interventions can then be implemented
to develop and sustain teamwork (Salas et al., 2015).
According to Salas et al. (2015), given the importance and abundance of teamwork
research, the authors imply that transforming this material into something useful for
organizational leadership is analytical. Besides that, employees can improve their capability to
solve problems and find solutions more effectively by applying brainstorm obligingly to achieve a
good team atmosphere. A circumstance in which employees have the opportunity to contribute
to the work promotes team relations and develops mutual respect. Moreover, Sharma et al.
(2012) also argue that certain problems are encountered in the process of building collaboration
at work, such as disagreements among team members, a lack of clarity in goals and objectives,
and unsuccessful leadership. Therefore, employees can cultivate their scopes of abilities by
finding thoughts from fresher companions and resolve more compelling practices towards the
works that need to be done afterward.

8.0 ISSUES (listed by the authors)

 One of the issues raised in this article is that few people believe that teamwork has a
particularly favorable impact on most problems. For example, employees were then
asked how they would feel if the bank abandoned its overall quality improvement
initiative and how they felt about working in teams on a variety of topics (Rees, 1999).
 According to Sharma et al. (2012), they pointed out that unhealthy competition might lead
to division as everyone wants to shine on their own. Instead of pulling in the same
direction, employees begin to pull in separate directions, causing dissatisfaction among
the team and eventually its collapse.

 Alghamdi & Bach (2018) also demonstrate the issue in the article is that frequently
develops when starting cooperation in the workplace is when a team member fails to
recognize the task's purpose or aims.
 Conflict is the main concern for teams as it can lead to mistakes and disruptions in
performance, and the impact on productivity is magnified by the team's task's complexity
(Salas et al., 2015).

9.0 ISSUES (listed by own opinions)

In my point of view, a reputation and a brand image can be developed through every
action and behavior of project team members for the team. As a project team, we are required
to certify every team member that they are acknowledged and assents each accountability for
their contributions to the team's perception. Aside from that, a successful team that can fulfill
opportunities and assurances is a big constituent based on how people reflect them. This
encompasses both what is delivered and how it is delivered on the project.

1. How to create a culture of teamwork in the workplace?
2. Is it crucial to know the feedback for every issue that occurs in teamwork?
3. If a worker makes a mistake, is it necessary for the manager to take legal action towards


Alghamdi, A., & Bach, C. (2018). Developing teamwork at workplace. International Journal of
Business and Management Invention (IJBMI), 7(2), 28-40.

Rees, C. (1999). Teamworking and service quality: the limits of employee involvement. Personal
Review. 28 (5/6), 455-473.

Salas, E., Shuffler, M. L., Thayer, A. L., Bedwell, W. L., & Lazzara, E. H. (2015). Understanding
and improving teamwork in organizations: A scientifically based practical guide. Human
resource management, 54(4), 599-622.

Sharma, R., Kansal, M., & Paliwal, P. (2012). Effective and efficient teamwork: Make things

happen more than anything else in organizations. IRJC International Journal of Social Science

& Interdisciplinary Research, 1(8).

The journal articles written by the authors, mostly highlight the importance of
organizational teamwork implementation. According to Salas et al. (2014), organizational
leadership can monitor team attitudes, actions, and cognitions, and then conduct various
interventions to promote and maintain teamwork. Apart from that, Sharma et al. (2012) also state
that teamwork has a significant impact on organizational performance, as a well-functioning
team can assist a company in reaching extraordinary achievements. Next, the process of team
development and technology used by teams for better management of teams and effective
communication (Alghamdi & Bach, 2018). In addition, Reese (1999) also explains that teamwork
is recognized as one of the most important ways to include employees in continuous
improvement initiatives and, as a result, to improve customer satisfaction. The authors have
developed the articles well by supporting their arguments with sufficient research. The authors
maintain a clear and serious tone throughout the essays, emphasizing the importance of
effective teamwork. After reading these articles, one may conclude that the organization's
perception on how significant teamwork is.

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