2E Heaven and Hell

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By: Kim Frandsen

Additional Writing: Rodney Sloan

Art & Layout: Bob Greyvenstein

Editing: Rodney Sloan

Publisher: Rising Phoenix Games


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Additional Artworks: Peter Paul Rubens - Fall Of the Damned; Anton Raphael Mengs - Helios
as Personification of Midday; Henryk Siemiradzki - Talisman; Alphones Mucha - Seasons,
Spring; Solomon J Solomon - Awakening; Solomon J Solomon - St George; Jacob Cornelisz
van Oostsanen - Saul and the Witch of Endor; Wolfgang Andreas Heindl - Saint Michael the
Archangel Vanquishing the Devil; Sir Frederic, Lord Leighton - Elijah in the Wilderness; Thomas
Cooper Gotch – The Child Enthroned; Raphael - St Michael; Frederick Richard Pickersgill -
Samson Betrayed; Carlo Crivelli - Saint Michael with Scales; Eduard Von Grutzner - Tasting
The Wine Oil; Frederick Arthur Bridgman - Diversion Of An Assyrian King; Franz Simm - Das
Goethezeitportal; Alexander Liezen Mayer - Faust; Norman Lindsay - Keepers of the Bull;
4 Serafino Macchiati - Le Visionnaire; Jheronimus Bosch - De verzoeking van de heilige Antonius;
Cornelis Bloemaert - Sisyphus; Frederik Barbarossa - Doom upon a Templar; Franz Stassen -
Ring des Nibelungen; Philip James de Loutherbourg - Moses Parting the Red Sea; Cabanel
- Fallen Angel; Arthur Rackham - Wotan; Frans Von Bayros - The Divine Comedy; Sir Joseph
Noel Paton - Dantes Dream; Max Ernst - Vampire’s Kiss; George Clark Stanton - Death and the
Maiden; Luca Giordano - La Caduta.
Aasimar 6
Aasimar Heritages 10
Ancestry Feats 11
Random Aasimar Features 16
Aasimar Equipment 19

Tiefling 22
Tiefling Heritages 26
Ancestry Feats 28
Random Tiefling Features 32
Tiefling Equipment 35

Open Game License Version 1.0A 37

he Aasimar are seen as beacons of hope and light, having descended from
angelic beings, creatures who are a living part of the good-aligned Outer
Planes. While they are certainly inclined towards that behavior, courtesy
of their bloodline, they are not all good, nor are they all benevolent. Just
like other creatures they learn from their experiences, good and bad, and
shape their behavior accordingly. They do tend to become something of
social chameleons as they have no people to call their own, and often find
their homes among other races.

Most aasimar see themselves as a hybrid
Hit Points
between their humanoid (usually human)
heritage and that of their angelic ancestors. 8
They task themselves with the betterment of
those around them, often rising to positions Size
of importance in the culture where they grew
up, drawing upon their inherited personal
magnetism to impress those around them. Speed
Some become fascinated with learning
about other people and will often be the 25 feet
voice of reason when dealing with outsiders,
especially those with some form of mixed Ability Boosts
heritage (like half-elves and half-orcs). Wisdom
If you want to play a character who continually Charisma
questions the supposedly inherent good in Free
themselves, and the world around them, and
Ability Flaw
who struggles with whether they live up to
their heritage, you should play an aasimar. Constitution


Additional languages equal to your

Intelligence modifier (if it’s positive).
Choose from Abyssal, Draconic, Elven,
Infernal, and any other languages to
which you have access (such as the
languages prevalent in your region).


Low-Light Vision
You can see in dim light as though it were
bright light, so you ignore the concealed
condition due to dim light.

YOU MIGHT… unless trying to hide or fit in, but even then
they’ll find a bright color to accent their
• Get along with others, at the expense of outfit. Most aasimar wear their hair long
your own wellbeing. unless inconvenient, luxuriating in the feel
• Believe the best about everyone. and loving the wind blowing through their
hair, sending it flying in a glorious, dazzling
• Carefully consider every option before display.
committing to a plan of any kind.
Aasimar age at the same pace as their
OTHERS PROBABLY… parent’s race, so an aasimar born to human
parents reaches the age of physical maturity
• Think that you’re some sort of angel. around the age of 15, though sometimes
• Find it difficult to understand your they mature slightly slower. They live to
perspective on things, especially when it around the same time as their parents, so
comes to giving others a second chance. an aasimar born to humans could expect to
live to be around 90, while one born to elven
• See you as too nice for your own good, parents would likely live to be around 600.
gullible, or feel that you talk to them in
the same manner that you would a child. Random Height and Weight


Base Height
Height Modifier
Aasimar stand around 6 feet tall, and a
Male 5 ft. 2 in. +2d8 in.
powerful 150 pounds, lighter than a human
of the same build due to hollow, but strong Female 5 ft. 0 in. +2d8 in.
bones, though this can vary as aasimar
descended from gnomes or halflings stand Base Weight Weight Modifier
much shorter than those descended from 110 lbs. +(2d8x5 lbs.)
elves or humans.
90 lbs. +(2d8x5 lbs.)
Generally, the aasimar have clear skin and
regular, almost perfect features. They are SOCIETY
in good shape and resemble near perfect
Aasimar are raised within their parents
specimens of their parent’s race. While
culture, and absorb the customs, preferences,
they resemble their parents, hidden in the
and prejudices of the society they’re raised
bloodline of the aasimar are traces of their
within. This means that any two aasimar
outsider progenitor.
could have wildly divergent worldviews.
The legacy of this angelic blood can manifest
Due to their personal magnetism, and
in many ways. Some aasimar have a unique
their general ability to plan ahead, many
eye or skin color, vestigial wings, or even a
aasimar become leaders within their
visible halo. Only rarely do these reminders
societies, working as civic leaders, sheriffs,
of their celestial ancestors detract from the
and champions of a cause. They’ll put the
beauty of the aasimar, instead lending them
community first, a leftover from their celestial
8 an air of the divine.
origins, though whether that means working
Aasimar dress in bright colors, though they within the accepted structure of any given
take their cues from the culture of their community or working to tear it down
birth and the culture where they currently depends on the aasimar in question. Even
live. Aasimar do not dress in bland clothes in those communities that shun the aasimar,
they’ll become leaders, just of a very different NAMES
sort, being drawn to places where outcasts
gather and instead become a leader of them, Aasimars do not have a separate tradition
such as the master of a thieves’ guild. of naming themselves, as they take the
names of the culture or society in which they
ALIGNMENT & RELIGION are raised. For most of them, due to their
obvious celestial nature, these names tend
Aasimar are idealistic creatures, believing to carry some form of positive meaning,
in the good in all beings. They’ll go out of such as hope or love, in line with their
their way to help the needy, but have no perceived nature at birth.
preference as to whether they should do
so according to the law or by breaking the On occasion, aasimar will name themselves
system. As such, they tend to range from and they will generally emulate the names of
lawful good to chaotic good. When it comes their outsider forebears.
to deities, aasimar worship the deities of
good, tending towards those that encourage Sample Names
putting community and family above the Aaidyn, Abi, Adonis, Adriel, Arthur, Breanna, 9
needs of the individual. Some engage in Caden, Caleb, Candace, Celeste, Chriss,
ancestor worship, praying to their celestial Dann, Darien, Diana, Edden, Eleanor, Evann,
forebear, though these aasimar are rare. Gabriel, Gaige, Galen, Maol, Rae, Sade,
Truth, Verity
Aasimar adventure to help others,
questing to rescue those in distress and
finding lost treasure or rediscovering
forgotten ruins in the process. In short,
they adventure out of a wish to assist
those in need and are spurred on by a
sense of wonder.

Typical backgrounds for an aasimar

include acolyte, barrister, emissary, noble,
and scholar. Aasimar often become bards
or sorcerers, drawing upon their innate
personal magnetism and strength, while
others draw upon their wise nature to
become clerics or druids.

With their varied ancestors and the history of

celestial interference in the lives of mortals,
it is no surprise that there are many types of
aasimar. Choose one of the following aasimar
heritages at 1st level.

Angelkin (Angel Heritage)

Angels were among the first creations
introduced to the multiverse, beautiful in
aspect, and tied by a strong moral code
to one deity or another. You carry these
traits deep within you. When you make a
Diplomacy check to make an impression, you Furthermore, you can use it on unfriendly
improve the degree of success by one step (though not hostile) animals.
when dealing with good-aligned creatures.
Lawbringer (Archon Heritage)
Idylkin (Agathion Heritage)
Archons are paragons of law and good, they
Agathions are animal-like celestials, and you are the enemies of all evil, fighting on the
carry the physical marks of that heritage in front lines against the forces of evil outsiders
10 the form of markings, light fur, or feathered in particular. You’ve inherited some of the
ears. This gives you a supernatural ability to abilities of your forebears, and whenever you
communicate with and calm animals. You gain score a critical hit with a Melee Strike against
a +1 circumstance bonus to Nature checks creatures with the evil and outsider traits,
when using the Command An Animal action. they are stunned for one round.
to a minimum of 1. For example, if you’d get
stunned 2 from a spell, you only get stunned
1, or if suffer an effect with a duration of 1d6
rounds, it would now be 1d6–1.

At 1st level, you gain one ancestry feat, and

you gain an additional ancestry feat every
4 levels thereafter (at 5th, 9th, 13th, and
17th levels). As an aasimar, you select from
among the following ancestry feats.


An ancestor of yours fell to the lure of evil
eons ago, which has partially corrupted your
bloodline. You can take tiefling racial feats,
and you gain the tiefling trait, in addition to
the aasimar and humanoid traits.


Your connection to the Outer Planes grants
you a divine innate spell, much like those of
angels. Choose one cantrip from the divine
spell list. You can cast this spell as a divine
innate spell at will. A cantrip is heightened
to a spell level equal to half your level,
rounded up.


(Azata Heritage) AASIMAR

Azatas are the free spirits of the good-aligned You have a remarkable adaptation to hostile
outsiders, roaming at will, and doing good environments from ancestors who inhabited
wherever the winds take them. Like your the outer planes. This grants you acid
ancestors, you’re difficult to tie down, and resistance equal to half your level (minimum
1), and you gain the vestigial wings. These
you get a +1 circumstance bonus when using
the Escape action. Furthermore, all effects are not strong enough to allow you to fly, but
that give you the paralyzed, petrified, or you can use them to, as a reaction, cause a
stunned conditions are reduced by 1, down strong wind in your square. This allows you
to dissipate spells and effects such as the
smoke created by a smokestick.


Trigger You are targeted by a spell that

allows a saving throw.
Your ancestor’s innate resistance to magic
surges, before slowly ebbing down. You gain
a +2 circumstance bonus to the triggering
saving throw.



Trigger An ally within 5 feet is attacked

with a melee or ranged weapon.
You instinctively move your shield to protect
your ally. They gain your shield’s circumstance
bonus to AC against that attack only. You lose
the bonuses from the shield until the end of
your next turn and cannot use the Raise a
Shield action until the end of your next turn.


Not all aasimar have the ability to see in the
dark, but you have inherited this ability from
your ancestors. You can see in darkness and
dim light just as well as you can see in bright
light. Unlike normal darkvision you can still
see colors, rather than being limited to black
and white.


Prerequisites at least one divine innate spell

Your connection to your ancestors and the

12 wellspring of magic grows stronger, and

you gain the ability to cast searing light
once per day.

Prerequisites Armored Might
By now you’ve become a staunch defender,
and you are a formidable obstacle for
opponents to overcome, thanks to the
strong connections with your celestial
ancestors. As such, when you use the Raise
a Shield ability, you now apply the shield’s
circumstance bonus to your Reflex saves. For
example, if you have a wooden shield with a
+2 circumstance bonus to AC and you use
Raise a Shield, you get the +2 bonus to both
your AC and your Reflex saving throws.



Whenever you cast spells with the light trait
they are automatically heightened (+1). Such
spells also automatically increase the light
level in a 30-foot radius around you by one
step for one round. For example, if you cast
searing light in an area of darkness, then a
30-foot radius around you counts as dim
light for the following round.


Within you beats the heart of an avenger,
you are an enemy of all that is wrong
with the multiverse. As such you gain a
+1 circumstance bonus to damage with
weapons and spells against creatures with
the fiend traits. If your attack would deal
more than one die of damage (as is common
at higher levels than 1st), the bonus is equal
to the number of weapon dice or spell attack
dice instead.


You’ve inherited some of the nature of your
ancestors, making you incredibly difficult to
coerce. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus
to all saving throws against spells or effects
with the mental trait. If you roll a success on a
saving throw against a mental effect, you get
a critical success instead.

You’re able to see the good in most people,
and you unconsciously show that appreciation
for them. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus
to Diplomacy checks against intelligent
good-aligned creatures, as long as you share
a language. You also gain this bonus on
Perception checks to Sense the Motives of
such creatures.


You sprout vestigial wings on your back, and
while these are not strong enough for you to
fly, they enable you to levitate for a number of
rounds equal to your level, per day. You cannot
levitate further than 10 feet above the ground.


Prerequisites Shield Exemplar
One of your ancestors was on the front
lines of the war against evil, and your
blood connection with your ancestor grows
stronger as you experience more of the real
world. Through these experiences and the
power of your blood, you’ve learned to make
the most of armor. When wearing medium
or heavy armor, you reduce the Strength
requirement by 2 and Speed Penalty by 5
feet. For example, full plate normally reduces
your speed by –10 feet, but with this feat it
only reduces it by –5 feet or 0 feet if you fulfill
the Strength requirement, which is in turn
reduced to 16.


14 Your connection to the good-aligned Outer
Planes has grown, and you become a conduit
of life. If you rest for 10 minutes, you can
designate a single ally. That ally gains Hit
Points equal to their Constitution modifier
x half your level. This healing is cumulative
with any healing they receive from other


A halo appears around your head, taking the
shape of a crown, as a tangible reminder of
your majestic heritage. As an innate divine
spell, you can cast circle of protection once
per day. This only works against evil creatures.
Furthermore, any creatures with the fiend or
undead traits within the 10 feet radius of the
circle take 1d6 good damage each round
that they remain within the radius.


Prerequisite Armored Might

Whenever you use the Raise a Shield action,

you provide cover for anyone behind you.
You count as standard cover for any ally
within 5 feet provided you are between
the enemy and the ally. You do not provide
cover for yourself when doing so, but you do
gain the normal benefits from Raise a Shield,
as usual.


Prerequisites Halo Crown

Your Halo Crown now affects all evil

creatures, dealing 2d6 points of damage
to them while they’re within the radius (and
double damage to creatures with the fiend
or undead traits).

Presented below are random features an aasimar might possess. None of the following features
grant characters any special power in excess of their usual abilities. Roll once on the table
below to determine your celestial features, or pick one or more you like.

d100 Feature

01–02 Your hair always smells like a spring meadow in the early morning.

03–04 Your eyes are a clear, icy-blue that grows paler, almost white, when angry.

Birds and small animals flock to you whenever you settle down for the night,
often eating directly from your hands.

07–08 No matter the conditions, your hair is always naturally perfect.

09–10 Your skin is a pale white, almost alabaster color, but you never get sunburned.

11–12 Your head is surrounded by a translucent halo.

Wherever you are, the weather always seems to be better just around you, as if
you had your own personal weather effect.
You have round, red cheeks, like those of a cherub, giving you a healthy

17–18 You constantly hear very faint soothing harp music.

Your feet always seems to have green stains on them, as if you’ve waded through
freshly-mown grass.
You like to pray to your ancestors at the end of each day. You never know if they
listen, but it can’t hurt, right?

23–24 Regardless of the situation, you always hold your head high and walk with pride.

You’re unusually light on your feet, often unintentionally startling those around

27–28 Church music always relaxes you.

29–30 On your shoulder blades are 2 bright birthmarks, in the shape of wings.

You have an affinity for fire, and when storytelling the closest fire seems to come
alive with figures to match your tale.
16 33–34 When you sing, birds sing along with you.

You speak with authority, and your voice is a strong, deep bass that resonates in
people’s hearts when they hear it.
Whenever you brandish your weapon, a short-lived aura of illusory fire surrounds
the weapon.
Your ears are long and taper to a point like an elf’s, though they are not quite
as long.

41–42 Your hair is the color of lustrous bronze.

43–44 Your skin resembles chrome or mercury.

45–46 You’re extremely well-proportioned, drawing attention from others easily.

47–48 Your eyes glow softly white in the dark.

49–50 Your nails are vividly colored, each one a different color to the next.

51–52 Your face is perfectly symmetrical, as if you were a sculpture.

White markings run across your face, accentuating your features, as if subtly
underlining them. 17
When the sun is up, your hair is the color of gold, but when it goes down, it
turns silver.
Even on the hottest days you’re still cool, thanks to a never-ending breeze that
surrounds you.
59–60 Your hair moves of its own accord, matching your mood.

Your arms and hands leave glowing contrails when you move. The contrails
dissipate in seconds.
Instead of being darker than the surrounding areas, your shadow is lighter, but
still reacts to light and movement as normal.

65–66 Your skin glitters and shines.

67–68 Your sweat tastes of honey.

69–70 When wet, you smell like the ocean.

When you speak, the last word of every sentence you make seems to reverberate
mentally with your audience.

73–74 When you move, people can hear faint wind chimes.

75–76 When you walk barefoot, flowers sprout in your footsteps.

77–78 You suffer from stigmata, as appropriate to your religion.

79–80 You sleep with your eyes open.

During the night, your eyes go black and stars appear in them, matching an
unknown sky.

83–84 You are much warmer to the touch than normal.

85–86 You are much colder to the touch than normal.

No matter the circumstances, your skin and hair is always clean, though this
doesn’t extend to your clothing.

89–90 When you clap your hands, a bell rings.

91–92 Your skin is as blue as the sky.

93–94 Your nails are completely white, and incredibly hard.

95–96 You have no body hair of any sort, though you still have hair on your head.

97–98 You appear to be androgynous.

18 99–00 Dogs follow you everywhere, as if they were attracted to you.

Aasimars have access to the following equipment.

Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L

Activation Interact

Upon consumption, this heavenly elixir, brewed from holy water and blessed herbs, you gain
an item bonus to saving throws against negative energy, drained, and death effects for 1 hour.
Ambrosia can otherwise be used as holy water.

Type lesser; Level 1; Price 3 gp

You gain a +2 item bonus.

Type moderate; Level 6; Price 35 gp

You gain a +3 item bonus.

Type greater; Level 10; Price 160 gp

You gain a +4 item bonus.

Type major; Level 14; Price 675 gp

You gain a +4 item bonus and the duration increases by 1 hour.


Price 25 gp

Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L

Activation Interact

This sacred oil, infused with aromatic spices and distilled holy water, may be applied to a
creature while casting a harmless divine spell with a range of touch, increasing the casting time
to a full-round action but the spell is also heightened (+1).


Price 50 gp

Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L

Activation Interact

This blessed thurible holds up to 10 pieces of incense, and burns at a rate of 1 stick per hour.
If a smokestick is added to the incense in the censer while it burns, creatures with the evil trait
are dazzled for as long as they remain within the area of the resulting smoke.


Price 300 gp

Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L

Activation Interact

This polished lantern contains a continual flame and sheds light as a common lamp. If its font
of consecrated crystal and metalwork is filled with holy water, the lamp’s light is sanctified for
24 hours, adding a +1 item bonus to the save DC of harm spells you cast against fiends and
evil creatures within a 30-foot radius.

Price 1 sp

Activation Interact

This aromatic resin, imbued with fragrant oils, is often formed into sticks, cones, or balls and
burned in ceremonies or during meditation. A piece of incense burns for 1 hour.

ieflings, in the eyes of many, are a travesty against nature. They’re the
combination of “regular” humanoids, usually humans, and fiendish
creatures who at some point left their mark on mortal life, either through
corruption or direct procreation. Tieflings are more common in societies
who tend towards evil, as fiendish creatures are more tolerated there.
Elsewhere, they’re often ostracized for their nature, as everyone around
them automatically assume that they are evil.

Tieflings see themselves as the victim of some cosmic joke

or cruel prank. They’re marked by the deeds of a foolish
ancestor who engaged with powers beyond the ken of
mortals. Now, the tieflings carry the scars of that liaison
physically, as a brand of shame. They’re not the same as their
fiendish ancestors and they retain the ability of most mortals
to shape their own destiny, though many succumb to the lure
of darkness. Few break the shackles of their fiendish heritage
and gain divinity.

Hit Points
• Have a hard time opening up to others.
• Bully others to get your way when in a
hurry. Size
• Feel that you’re smarter than Medium
everyone else.
25 feet
• Think that you’re some sort of fiend or
fiend-spawn. Ability Boosts
• Blame you when things go wrong and Intelligence
there’s no other obvious reason. Charisma
• Think that you can’t be trusted, as your Free
nature will eventually come back to
Ability Flaw
haunt you.
Where most other races have some constant
that defines them, the tieflings are an Common
extremely varied bunch, as varied as their Either Abyssal, Daemonic, or Infernal
fiendish ancestors. Thus a tiefling descended
from a barbarzu (bearded devil), for example, Additional languages equal to your
might have a bone-growth resembling a Intelligence modifier (if it’s positive).
beard and red scales, while an unfortunate Choose from Abyssal, Celestial,
descendant of a lemure might have a face Daemonic, Draconic, Infernal and any
that resembles molten skin. These two other languages to which you have
tieflings, while both descended from devils access (such as the languages prevalent
native to Hell are clearly distinct from one in your region).
another, and would bear no similarity to the
otherworldly beauty of a tiefling descended
from a succubus. Tiefling
The mortal side of tieflings is both easier,
and more difficult to predict. Most tieflings
are born to humans, as the short-lived race
tends to take shortcuts that longer-lived (or You can see in darkness and dim light
wiser) races would avoid. As such, tieflings just as well as you can see in bright light,
descended from humans tend to range though your vision in darkness is in black
from just over 4½ feet to 6½ feet, with and white.
weights ranging from 95 to 220 lbs. Those
from other races vary accordingly, such that 23
a tiefling descended from a halfling would
be considerably shorter and lighter, while
one descended from an ogre would be a
lot bigger.
Random Height and Weight
Base Height
Height Modifier
Male 4 ft. 10 in. +2d10 in.
Female 4 ft. 5 in. +2d10 in.

Base Weight Weight Modifier

120 lbs. +(2d10x5 lbs.)

85 lbs. +(2d10x5 lbs.)

Tieflings are not considered to be a part of
the society in which they grew up, due to
their fiendish ancestry. They’re often bullied
as children because they “look funny,”
which can turn into fear and resentment
as the tiefling grows older. As such, any
given tiefling rarely stays where they grew
up, choosing instead to wander the world,
or settle elsewhere. There are civilizations
and societies—the ones that turn to devil-
worship and the like—that consider tieflings
to be blessed. As such, any one tiefling
could be relegated to a different social class
depending on where they are, ranging from
beggar or slave, to veneration as a god.

Tieflings rarely join up with others of their kind,

as they do not have much in common, apart
from the foolishness of some long-forgotten
ancestor, but when they do they create their
own “society within society.” These take the
form of clubs or societies, kept secret from
non-tieflings. These social organizations are
run and ruled by tieflings whose forebears
leaned towards lawful behaviour. Chaotic
tieflings tend to create murderous cults with
other evil tieflings, while those who lean
towards good join or incite rebellions against

24 oppressive regimes.
Tieflings, by their very nature, tend toward
evil. While they have the free will and
freedom of choice of most mortal creatures,
their fiendish blood draws forth their darkest
tendencies. Tieflings have no particular
inclinations towards law or chaos, in general,
but the legacy of their ancestors influences
them. As such, a descendant of a devil would
tend towards lawful, while one descended
from a demon would have a chaotic bend.

While not overly religious on a whole,

some tieflings are drawn towards the
divine, seeing in the gods an opportunity
to redeem and better themselves. These
tieflings can become strong believers
in divine providence. In particular, gods
that espouse a forgiving dogma or which
teach redemption and betterment through
trials of life have a great following among
tiefling believers. Gods that teach revenge,
violence, and destruction have a small but
strong following among evil tieflings.

Tieflings take names from the societies in
which they were born or live. Sometimes
these names are common first and last
names and on occasion they are nicknames
(though not always nice ones).

Tieflings that have thrown off the mantle of

the societies in which they were born take
names of their own choosing, though they
avoid last names. Chosen names tend to be
guttural with plenty of hissing, an ironic nod
to their dark ancestry, which some tieflings
cannot resist.

Sample Names
Allizah, Baru, Dellisar, Endie, Gorgron,
Hessh, Indranna, Kasidra, Maldrek, 25
Maris, Mellisan, Molos, Mordren,
Nisha, Nokven, Sarvin, Shoremoth,
Sushvenneh, Temerith, Voren, Zoren.
Tieflings adventure for power and the
opportunity to further themselves, and for
a rare few, to experience companionship
amongst those that accept them for who
they are on the inside, rather than their
fiendish exterior.

Typical backgrounds for a tiefling include

artist, charlatan, criminal, hermit, and
prisoner. Tieflings often become wizards
or sorcerers who draw upon their natural
fonts of magic, though a great many
of the tieflings become rogues, fully
embracing their darker sides.

With their varied ancestors and the history of

fiendish interference in the lives of mortals,
it is no surprise that there are many types of
tieflings. Choose one of the following tiefling
heritages at 1st level.

Grimspawn (Daemon
Grimspawn hail from Daemon stock. They’re
often fascinated by sickness, decay, and
death in all forms. They are extremely thin,
with sallow skin and milky white, dead, eyes.
You gain a +1 status bonus to saves against
diseases. In addition, if you roll a critical
failure on a save against a disease, you get
a failure instead.

Pitborn (Demon Heritage)

Pitborn vary immensely in size and stature,
26 with no constant between them. Even the
pitborn themselves vary daily between 1
and 2 inches in height and up to 5 pounds
gained or lost. This instability and chaos is
inherent in the pitborn, coming from your
demonic ancestors. You’re constantly restless
and notoriously difficult to control. You
gain a +1 circumstance bonus to all saving
throws against spells and effects with the
incapacitation or mental traits. If you roll a
success on a saving throw against an effect
with both the incapacitation and mental
effects, you get a critical success instead.

Hellspawn (Devil Heritage)

Hellspawn tend to be tall and muscular, and
often have large horns, though these are
not used in combat. You always keep a cool
head, calmly assessing a situation, before
unleashing a storm of violence. Because
of your level-headedness, you make an
effective leader, though others might find
your methods ruthless.

Survey the Scene

Prerequisite must take place on the first

round of combat

You survey the terrain and the combatants,

and issue orders to your allies. All allies within
20 feet of you gain a +1 circumstance bonus
to attack rolls and damage rolls for their next
round only.

Gobmaws (Barghest Heritage)

The gobmaws are a very particular type of
tiefling, the result of crossing barghests with
goblins. They’re far shorter and lighter than
most tieflings, with a wiry build, and outsized
mouths that give them a terrifying grin.

Toxic Breath

Frequency once per day

You let out a cloud of toxic gas that affects

anyone within a 20-foot cone for a number
of rounds equal to half your level. The target
becomes sickened 1 unless it succeeds on a 27
DC 10 + ½ your level Fortitude save. Success
means that the target is only sickened for one
At 1st level, you gain one ancestry feat, and
you gain an additional ancestry feat every 4
levels thereafter (at 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th
levels). As a tiefling, you select from among
the following ancestry feats.


Your ancestors eventually overcame the lure
of evil, which has partially cleansed your
bloodline. You can take aasimar racial feats,
and you gain the aasimar trait, in addition to
the tiefling and humanoid traits.


Your connection to the Outer Planes grants
you a divine arcane spell, much like those of
fiends. Choose one cantrip from the arcane
spell list. You can cast this spell as an arcane
innate spell at will. The cantrip is heightened
to a spell level equal to half your level,
rounded up.


You have a remarkable adaptation to hot
environments from ancestors who inhabited
the outer planes. This grants fire resistance
equal to half your level (minimum 1), and you
gain horns. These add an extra die to any
unarmed damage rolls that you make.


You know that your fiendish presence is
unsettling to others and you use that to your
advantage. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus
on Intimidation checks whenever dealing
with creatures who are good or neutral.


Knowledge and subterfuge runs through
your veins. You gain the trained proficiency
rank in Arcana or Occultism, and Stealth. If
you would automatically become trained in
one of those skills (from your background
or class, for example), you instead become
trained in a skill of your choice.


Magic burns within you. Choose one magic
school. Treat all spells from the arcane list with
that school as heightened (+1). For example,
if you cast fireball as an arcane spell, and
you’ve selected evocation as your school, it
does an extra 2d6 points of fire damage.


Prerequisites at least one arcane innate

Your connection to your ancestors and the

wellspring of magic grows stronger, and you
gain the ability to cast flaming sphere once
per day.


You’ve learned to channel the dark energy
of your fiendish ancestors into a useful tool.

Eyes of Evil

Once per day, by focusing your attention on

a single target, you infuse them with intense 29
paranoia causing them to second-guess
their every move. The target must succeed
on a DC 10 + ½ your level Will save or be
frightened 2.

Prerequisites Fiendish Resistance

You’ve become more in touch with your dark

blood, and have learned to manifest a fiery halo.

Halo of Fire

Trigger when you deal damage with a melee


You cause your halo of fire to flare. This deals

1d6 fire damage to your target. This increases
to 2d6 fire damage on a critical success.


With time, you’ve grown a spiked tail, and
it has become a formidable weapon in your
arsenal. You gain a tail unarmed attack that
deals 1d6 piercing damage. Your tails is in
the brawling group and has the finesse and
unarmed traits.


Prerequisites at least one arcane innate spell
Whenever you cast a spell with the darkness
trait the spell is automatically heightened
(+1). If it has a duration, it is doubled.


One of your fiendish ancestors was one of
the higher-ups from the Lower Planes, a
minor lord in their own right. You’ve learned
to project that authority.

Bask in My Glory

30 Trigger whenever you have a critical success

You inspire all allies within 20 feet to
greatness. They gain a +1 circumstance
bonus to attack rolls, saving throws, and skill
checks for the following round.

Prerequisites Intimidating Presence
You’ve learned to project the power of your
convictions onto others. Whenever you make
someone helpful by Making an Impression
with the Diplomacy skill, you can automatically
cast suggestion on them, as an innate arcane
spell. If they fail the saving throw, the spell
takes effect as normal, but a successful saving
throw does not let the target know that they
have been subjected to a spell.


Prerequisites at least one innate arcane spell
Over time, your connection to the Lower
Planes has grown, as has your magical power.
You gain the ability to cast chilling darkness
once per day as an innate arcane spell.


Your grasp on life means that you are very
hard to kill, refusing to let your spirit pass into
the Lower Planes.

Life Holder

Trigger whenever you fall to 0 hp

You will your body to start knitting itself
together, as you take a deadly wound. Once
per day, when reduced to 0 hp (ignoring any
further damage), you immediately stabilize
and you’re healed for 1d8 + your Constitution
modifier Hit Points, as if you were the recipient
of a heal spell.


Your very presence weakens the borders
between the planes, and makes it easier for
souls to pass on to the afterlife. Any non-
ally who receives the dying condition within
30 feet of you is automatically affected by
doomed 1 and dies at dying 3 instead of
dying 4. This counts as a death effect.
Presented below are random features a tiefling might possess. None of the following features
grant characters any special power in excess of their usual abilities. Roll a d100 and consult the
table to determine your fiendish features, or choose one or more features that interest you.

d100 Feature

01–02 Your feet are a couple of inches longer than a human’s and you have 6 toes.

03–04 You have 4 vestigial horns sprouting from your forehead.

05–06 Your eyeballs a black orbs, with a fluid, slick look to them.

You don’t have any external ears. Instead your have two small cones on the side
of your head that serve the same function.

09–10 You have half again as many teeth as a normal human.

11–12 Your head has several pronounced bony ridges under the skin.

13–14 You have vestigial wings on your back, that resemble bat wings.

15–16 Your tongue is forked, causing you to hiss a lot.

17–18 You have no lips and spittle constantly dribbles down your face.

You have a third eye in the middle of your forehead. You can’t see through it, but
it watches everyone.

21–22 Your have no nose, instead there’s a flat piece of skin.

23–24 Your nostrils are flared wide, like those of a bat.

25–26 Your tail isn’t scaly like most tieflings, instead it’s like that of a rat.

Your hair is long and dreadlocked. When you cut it, it’s back again the next

29–30 You’ve only got 3 fingers and a thumb on each hand.

31–32 Your eyes are big, wide and can move independently like those of a chameleon.

33–34 Whenever you are angry, illusory flames seem to lick across your skull.

32 35–36 Your eyelids close vertically rather than horizontally.

Your canines are extremely pronounced and impossible to conceal, resulting in

people sometimes mistaking you for a vampire.
Your skin subtly changes color to match your surroundings, though it is not
Your skin color changes so that it clashes most violently with the colors around
you, making finding clothes that match you a bit of a problem.

43–44 Your laughter is extremely deep and ominous.

45–46 When you talk, people can hear crackling fires in the background.

47–48 Your skin feels like sandpaper due to the tiny scales that cover your body.

49–50 Your tail is barbed.

51–52 Your tail ends in a vestigial stinger.

53–54 You smell of sulphur when you sweat.

55–56 When walking barefoot, part of your footprint always resembles a goat’s hoof.
57–58 Your knees bend backwards when you walk.

59–60 You have a magnificent set of antlers growing from your forehead.
You’re able to unhinge your jaw, and typically swallow your food without chewing

63–64 You feel an urge to avoid dogs and sense that they know something about you.

Dogs know something is wrong with you and always bark at you, even the ones
that know you.

67–68 Your touch causes plants and flowers to die, though living creatures are unaffected.

69–70 Your heart beats at double the speed of a human’s.

71–72 You’re able to rotate your head around like an owl.

Your body is covered in runes and tattoos. You were born with them, and you
don’t know their meaning.

75–76 Whenever you drink anything, it always tasted of blood.

77–78 You are completely bald. A mohawk of bone growths covers your head instead.

Your eyes are the color of embers, flaring into bright flames when you get

81–82 The back of your arms are covered in vulture feathers.

83–84 Two scaly protrusions rise up from your shoulders.

85–86 You have the legs of a goat.

87–88 Your fingertips are not covered in scales, unlike the rest of you.

89–90 Bone growths rise from your cheeks to your eyebrows, forminga visor of bone.

Shadows seem to follow you wherever you go, and you always find yourself
standing in shadow.
You have a disconcerting habit of sticking your hands directly into fire, and they
seldom get burnt.
Whenever you touch anything made of wood, you leave behind a burnt handprint,
though your hand is not warm enough to set anything aflame.

97–98 You talk to yourself, but answer yourself in a much deeper voice.

You look completely like a normal human and nothing stands out as fiendish,
apart from the two small horns on your forehead.
Tieflings have access to the following equipment.


Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L

Activation Interact

When this unguent—prepared with vile alchemical reagents and the gore of fiends—is applied
to a wounded tiefling or evil fiend (not currently at maximum hit points), it momentarily
transforms the essence of the target into something even more fearsome and demonic.

While under the effects of a fiendgore unguent, a tiefling or an evil fiend gains an item item
bonus on Intimidation checks to Demoralize and to the DC of all spells with the fear descriptor
that they cast.

The unguent can only be properly applied to a willing or helpless creature. If applied to a
creature other than a tiefling or an evil outsider, it the creature gains sickened 1 instead. The
unguent’s effects (either beneficial or harmful) last for 1 minute.

Type lesser; Level 1; Price 3 gp

You gain a +1 item bonus.

Type moderate; Level 6; Price 35 gp

You gain a +2 item bonus.

Type greater; Level 10; Price 160 gp

You gain a +3 item bonus.

Type major; Level 14; Price 675 gp

You gain a +4 item bonus.

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Astonishing Races: Aasimar © 2017, Fat Goblin
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