Unit 1

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Le Thi Hoang Giang

Unit 1: Relationships

1. a faithful companion
3. 1) a husband 
2) an old friend
3) a colleague

1A. Unlikely friends

1. 1) An orangutan and a dog
2) Orangutans are usually wild animals, and dogs can be pets and working animals
3) The picture shows that 2 different animals can easily interact with each other, even
friendly with each other

2. They wrestle, hug and play together. They also share food with each other

3. 1c 2b 3a 4a 5c 6c

4. Animals can also form friendships. Maybe they want to be friends with other species
to share food, shelter or to survive

5. 1c 2b 3d 4a

6. 1 have started
2 have been discussing
3 show
4 has recovered
5 are asking
6 have been living
7 has provided
8 live

7. 2) permanent / usual situation

3) present result of past action
4) present result of past action
5) permanent / usual situation
6) permanent / usual situation
7) present result of past action, permanent situation
8)  recent activity, permanent / usual
9) present result of past action
10) situation happening around now

8. 1) a fellow student
Le Thi Hoang Giang

2) a flatmate
3) a travel companion
4) an acquaintance
5) a mutual friend
6) a fair-weather friend
7) a true friend
8) a workmate
9) an old friend
10) a girlfriend

9. -  to get on (with): to enjoy being with another person

 to stand by (someone): to be loyal to someone
 to hang out with: to spend time with a group of people
           to hang around: to be there when you are not do anything much
 to come round: to visit
           to go round to: to visit
 to keep up with: to continue to see someone
           to meet up (with): to meet someone 
           to pick up: to continue

10. 1 get on
2 hang out 
3 kept up
4 come round 
5 stand by
6 meet up

1B. A confused generation 

1. 1) The picture shows a little girl holding her head, looking bored or annoyed with
2) She may be upset with food, she may be being forced to eat something she doesn't
3) This situation I think happens in every family, I have also expressed frustration and
depression many times when I can't eat the food I like.

2. - The younger generation is increasingly influenced by western culture, they rarely

pay attention to traditional values in the family, their way of life is also gradually
becoming more liberal and open.
- The older generation also seems to be gradually forgetting about traditional values and
only cares about material values, more specifically money. The increasing demands of
life have made their job and earning money more important than ever

3. - Language use: young people use slang and speak English

 Caring for the old: it is normal for people to put their elderly parents into
Le Thi Hoang Giang

care homes now – in the past everyone cared for the older members of the
 The relationship between parents and children: parents do what children want –
in the past it was the other way round.
 Shopping: children want to buy modern, western things.
 Knowledge of the world: the young are more tuned in to what  happening in the
world than their parents

5. Bella's parents are accepting this change, but they are quite upset because Bella's
attitude in family life has also changed, and her parents feel that parenting has failed.
For Bella, this change did not seem to be difficult for her, as she was exposed to
Western culture very quickly.

6. a) T 
b) F
c) T
d) T

7. There’re many children like Bella in China. They admire western brands. They have
been spoiled a little perhaps by their parents. Often these children receive a better
education than their parents. They are sent to private schools and are encouraged to go
to university. In China everyone’s hopes and aspirations are being raised by the new

8. have been spoiled

are sent
are encouraged
are being raised

9. 1) are growing, dress

2) are being left
3) probably work / don’t have
4) are living / are expected
5) listen
6) have been replaced
7) are expected
8) are often criticised, have been spoilt

10. - Older person: 1, 2, 6, 7

 Young person: 3, 4, 5, 8

11. I think the gap between my generation and my parents' generation will be bigger
than the gap between my generation and the next generation because our generation
has been updated with new, more modern ideologies, and we gradually live that way of
life, and I guess the next generation will too
Le Thi Hoang Giang

1C. Bloodlines
1. - People emigrate may be because living conditions in the old environment do not
meet their living needs. They may lack food, lack of work, so people will emigrate to an
area that can meet their needs.

- When people settle in a new country, they may experience culture shock, they may not
be able to adapt immediately to life there.

2. 1) Here, second-generation Puerto Ricans live alongside third-generation Greeks and

first-generation Koreans

2) What Richard and Tanja's family have in common is that they both got jobs when
they settled in the US and their families are always united and attached to each other.

3) Richard's family emigrated to America for a family reason and wanted to find a new
environment to live in. Tanja's family immigrated to the US because they want to
develop their career, want to find better job opportunities

3. 1T 2F 3F 4T 5F 6T

4. 1b 2a 3b 4c 5c

5. - Paragraph 1: Immigrants from all over the world mix in New York; they are proud to
be Americans.
- Paragraph 2: People are also interested in their roots, particularly their immediate
- Paragraph 3: People had to work hard when they first arrived, and their
descendants work hard in their honour

6. Both refer to their parents, grandparents and their family's hard work, determination
and achievements. Neither really mention pride in their American identity

7. Immigrants are forced to work hard to make ends meet in a new country. It is
because of their achievements that their children and grandchildren feel proud and want
to inherit those good qualities.

8. - ‘He was clearly something of a free spirit.’: He is a person who likes to travel a
lot, explore new environments, new cultures, and wants to find many new opportunities
for himself, not just living in one country.
-  ‘My parents have a strong work ethic.’: They have a very strong working spirit, they
are passionate and enthusiastic about the medical profession, they can just balance
between work and daily life. That's why their daughters are also studying medicine like
their parents
Le Thi Hoang Giang

- ‘We’ve both inherited that desire to get ahead.’: 2 daughters in Tanja's family, they
have inherited the same determination to pursue medicine as their parents. Their
parents' dedication to the profession made them have the will to pursue medicine

1E. News from home 

1. I usually send the news to my family every 2 days, I usually call my parents to tell
them about my college life. I send news to my friends every day. And my means of
communication is texting or facetime

2. Ben is in Sri Lanka, writing articles about people who work in the tea plantations.
- Paragraph 1: apologising and explaining silence
- Paragraph 2: saying what he is doing now
- Paragraph 3: future plans

3. All my love, Best wishes, Hello, Hi John, Love, Regards, Yours

5. - I’m getting quite homesick = I am becoming homesick

- to get established = to become known in a business or profession
- to get an interview = to obtain an interview
- to get a plane = to catch / take a plane
- to get together = to meet u

5b. 1) receive
2) do / manage
3) catch
4) be
5) persuade
6) reach

1F. Immigration
Ex1: 1) They are on a ship to New York
2) They are watching what New York looks like from a distance
3) That they are leaving their homes to come to America

Ex4: 1) since the early 19th century

2) Europeans settled mainly in the eastern half.
3) Immigrants from Asia and from Mexico tended to settle in the west and southwest.
4) between 1892 and 1924
5) Ellis Island in New York harbour
6) 11,000 people a day were processed.
7) Four out of every ten Americans can trace their family history to Ellis Island.
8) They settled on the Lower East side.
9)The apartments had three rooms.
10) On the west coast people arrived at Angel Island.
11) Immigration laws were especially strict for Asians
Le Thi Hoang Giang

Ex5: 1) about 1 million

2) illegal immigrants
3) education, technical skills, a great desire to work and succeed and personal
connections to other countries
4) It has an ever-growing force of immigrant labourers and professionals.
5) similar values
6) It helps make them successful members of American society

Ex1: 1) The nuclear family is the basic family unit of parents and children. The extended
family is all the other members who 2 are related / have been related by blood and by
marriage: aunts, uncles, grandparents, nieces, nephews, inlaws, etc.
2) Grandparents help with childcare and in turn they are looked after when they are old
by younger members of the family. Also, when houses and domestic chores 6 are
sharing / are being shared by many, living costs are naturally lower 

Ex4: 1 fellow 
2 travel 
3 true 
4 mutual
5 flatmate
6 acquaintance
7 blood

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