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Evangelista, Fiona Mikaela S.

BSIT 301
Human-Computer Interaction

a. Title of the technology/innovation

• Laser Projection or Virtual Keyboard

• Personal Assistant
• Curved and Flexible Displays

b. Image of the technology/innovation

c. Enumerate the features of the technology/innovation and explain how the feature satisfies
various human capabilities.

• The laser projection or virtual keyboard features a wireless and compact size
keyboard. It has a rechargeable battery. It allows the users to work or type even in
dark places and allows the convenience full typing in tiny factor. It is very handy
as it can be brought by users anywhere. It is recommended to users who wants a
silent typing and wants a lightweight handy keyboard.
• Personal assistants such as Siri, Bixby, and Alexa feature a voice command wherein
it recognizes a human voice and process it to serve what the user is asking for. It
offers a time saving since users can speak or say the words they want to look for
instead of typing it. Voice command features can used to send files from one device
to one another without worrying about USB or any connecting cables. It is very
helpful to differently abled people who have hard time in using keyboard, mouse
or any hardware tools.
• Curved and flexible displays feature a wider workspace and displays a neat curved
edge of a device. These are designed to offer a full-display to users. It creates a
borderless-like screen where the screen extends to the edges of the phone. The
curved design does not only look aesthetic but would also make the smartphone
more resistant to drops, bumps, and impacts.

d. Explain the connections of the interactive interface of the technology/innovation with

different aspects of human performance such as cognitive capability, ergonomics
capability, and HCI principles.
All three mentioned technology/innovation offers the users efficient features and
services, which was already mentioned earlier, in order to help them in their daily lives.
Not only that, these innovations were loved by people because of their unique designs and
features. These innovations indeed involve an interaction between human and the
innovation itself. They also know their target users and how will they satisfy their needs
and wants, which is a part of HCI principle. It is really great to see how people involve
theirselves in using these kind of technology as they continuously becoming a reason and
part of the development of technology.
e. References in APA Style Citation Format.
• Hasan, M. & Yu, H., (2017, December). Innovative Developments in HCI and
Future Trends. Retrieved from
• Richardson, D., (2019, June). Samsung Patent Shows 3D Curved Display For New
Phone. Retrieved From
• Kalamtime., (2020, December 8). Benefits of using Voice Command Feature.,
Retrieved from

After researching, conceptualize a feasible technological innovation or think of possible

development for an existing technology in line with any industry (e.g., entertainment, healthcare
services, educational services, etc.), which will satisfy the basic cognitive and/or ergonomic
capabilities of human. Explain your idea through an essay using at least five (5) sentences.
I would like to develop and improve the personal assistants. I would like to improve it by
adding a visual command feature for those people who are not able to speak or write/type words,
such as the people who has mutism, deaf people, or those who are still learning how to say a word.
A visual command feature will able the users to show their sign or body language into their
device’s camera in order to input a command and get results from the personal assistant. Also, I
would like to give it an additional feature which is the baby or kids version so that if young children
will operate a personal assistant, it will not display results that are for adult. In this way, this
innovation will not only be accessible for normal people, but also by differently abled people and
children too.

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