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l ( 'IIF~1 ('
' · · I AL U()NDIN(~ANU M () LE( 'IJLJ\H ST H lJ( "l' lJ l{E
I. "o"d- Lt·wh• Ai•i• I.Oat·I I lo ( ' ht•111kul Uo11clln w
f Ot· ll·I .... ,,.. l'li L· ) Ii . .
·- ol l111v 111 p 1-·q•l11 l' k(; l ru n ,
I l llllllh: 1lli11 11 1 v :r k n Ly .., h<: 11, . ., l:tl kJ oc l CI
n,k lh1: :ito111011111 1h.:· I · ti
w 1 1nc 1c 1 1-·1111l1g 111a11o n i..., nw , c ., ,:r h k
0 C 11 '• 1:-. n1n rc:-.1ahktll'1• 11
/ ·, II' · , IO
l ll l

/ , ··111 ,1.:. ( 'n , ' 1l:i s nc 11.:1co nl1. g11r.1 110 11
'• h1.:<.:,

. .., Il c.:•II
va Ic m:y
w lil ' I\ ;
··1s· ..:!.!- .i s psc 11l o c tcl co nl1 g 11r:11 io11 i11 v:1k 11l'y -; hc.:1 1.
-5. ( ·; ion is more s t ahk I h:111 ( ·1 a loin. bcc:u, sc C.1 posse~sc.. , s t..ih lc.: oc te t co nli g urnt 10n .

j Arg on is 1110110 alo111ic gas as it poss1.:sscs slahle oc tcl co nfi g urat io n in it ~ va le ncy -..he ll
C'ovaknc hond: That in vo lv es the shar in g of' elec rro n pa irs be t ween a to ms.

_✓. Formal char~c: Fo rmal charge V I. !... (JJ)

V - nu mbcr or vale ncy electrons L number o flonc pair-, elec tro ns
O= number o f bond pair or electrons
Ionic Bond or ElcctroValcnl Bond:
The strong electro st,.ttic lo rcc o f att raction formed between two oppositelyeharged ions is
known as io nic bond.
Favourable Conditions for the formation ofionic bond:
The lonnat io n of ionic bond is inlluenccd by nature of cation and nature of anio n
For catio n forma tion fa vo uring factors are large size, low charge, low IP
For anio n formation fa vouring factors are small size, low charge, high EA
Lattice energy: The amount o f energy released when one mole of io nic crystal is formed from its
oppositely charged gaseo us ions is called lattice energy.
10. Properties of ionic compounds:-
_,?) Ionic compounds are hard and possess high melting and boiling po ints
A Ionic co mpounds arc soluble in polar s~lvcn~s like wat er
JifJ) onic compounds arc bad co nducto rs 111 so lid state due to absence of free ions
..,WJ, lo nic compourn.h act as conductors, in aqueo us solutions (or) in fused state.
A 1onic bond is non direct ional. Hence Ionic compounds do no t ex hibit isomerism.
111. Bond Parameters:
II . i. Bond Length : The equilibrium dis tance between the nuclei o f two bonded ato ms in a


- - --
JR f ";T f,R
( IH \II Sl IH C OF \I \I FRI \I
m,b..ulc ,., c...iflcd hon<l k:ngth unu,
n H<m<.l r\n!,!k Thcanglt 'hel\\1..'\ .nt~l,rhll abcont ,\...~ <l
I l'1..•n m~ l'b.:trnn f'J'" ,U\1111\\I
thl Lt:ntr,J tllom rn a mc.,kcuk b calkd tx1nJ .in{!k L,lmmk ni i-- dl..'l!Tci:,
111 Bon<.! l nthalr~ · 1 he amount ofcnt'r!:!'- re,,;ircJ to hn~·• 1 ...\,n • n. . 11 • , 1...
. 1 1... 'l
-· • .., -"' " " I . : \ 1\u-.1..: \ \ t'~ll l\\ll
atomi, m a g~eou<.; ',late b called bond cmhalp~ . L 1111, · f.:Jmol- I
J\' Bond O rder . The numbe ~ lh,
. . r o fbond.:, be l\\Ct:n ·
t: l\\l)Jton1:- 111.1mukc uk 1,1.:.ilkJ~111J onh.:1 .
f or 1soclcclro mc molecules and IOfb ha\e id~nti-.:al bond onk r
12 . Dipole mo me nt ·· i) Th
c prod uct ot·magmtu · de o t· c Imrgt:
\'11 the prili::-- and thc d1:-tu t11.'. c
between the two po les i5> called d1JX'le rnornent. 11 is rcprcsi:med b~ :u
iJJ µ = q/ d (q=charge: d=bond leng1h).u mts:Deb~c (l 10 = 3J J~ ~-hl 0 '"Cm
13. Applications : iJ Geometry of the rnolecule can be detennin cd
ii) Percentag e o f ioruc character of a bond can be cak ubtcd

% of ionic charac/e r = µ , i.. ~ I 00

iii) ci..'> and trans ~omers can be separa ted
~ 14. Faj an 's rules :
i ) For a given cat ion CO\ a le nt c harac ter mcrease s with increase in size of an io n.
Ex: KI is mo re covalent th a n KF
ii) Co \.alc nt characte r increase s,, ith increasi ng chargc s ei ther 0 11 ca tion l)f anion.
Ex: SnC/4 is mo re CO\ ale nt than S11C(.
ii i) Fo r a given anio n co ,·a lent characte r increase s with decrease in size o f l' ::J l i lln .
Ex: LiF is mo re CO\ a lent th an Kf.
iv) Co \.a lent c harac ter is higher for compo unds " ·ith cat ions,, ith pseud o int.:r1 gas
co nfigurat io ns than \l, ith inert gas co n fig ural io ns.
Ex: CuCI is mo re covale nt tha n .\'aCI.
JV. Th e Val e nc e S he ll Elec tron Pair Re pul sio n T heo r~ :
15. The shape ofthe molecule depends upon numl:~r ofelectron pairs in ,,1krl\:y shell ofcl' ntra l ntom
16. The shape o f the molecule also depe nd::, upon rcpulsion ~m t'en ckxt rnn pairs.
17 The bond angle o f the molecule depends upon rcpulsiun OCl\\'ecn ck-ctr°\)n pa~ and l'kl·tn)
negativity difference betv.een cent ral ato m and bonding atl)Jn.
18. A lone pair of electron:) occupu:s more :)pace :m)Und till' 1.·. enrra l atom than l-x)nd p:1ir 1..1 !'
~ 19. The repulsions amo ng d ecrro n pam. decrease in the order./.,, - /./' ' l.f'- h.p' h.p - h.p
20. Repuls ion among triple,double.single bonds decrc:.bc in the order tripk honJ -, Jouhk bum.I ' smglr
21 Rcpu lsion force::. dccrea.:,es sharp!) \\ ith innca:-e m .111~k hd\\ n:111..·k l'l mn pairs.
22. Shape and bond angle of t he molecule ba..,ing on bonJ pair:- and I\HICp..iirs around ccntr:tl mom
23 . Accordin -g to \'SE PR theon. .
bond amdc in ·\ mmlH11.1 is r1..•tl uccd frtHll I09'' 2~ to I0 7". This i~

due to repulsiun bet,\ een lone p::11r and bonJ pair.

\' \ 'alence bond theo~ :
24 . \ 'alcncc bond tht?OI') e:xplam the directional nature ofco, Jlt•nt h..lnJ...,
25 Co, alent bond i-; frmncd h: o, i:rlapp111g l1fm l' .nnm1c nrb1t.1b ha, 111g u11p~11n:d t!k•1..·1wn-.
2t. Gr~at...:r the e , tt'□l ofo,crbp pmg. the :-trnn!,!cr L, thi: hon<l h1 mll.'O.
Strength of the b1..m<l:- fr1l11..n,~ tht: nrd1?1. rr - (T

2~ Ctl\a lcnt hund ....1rc t\\tl l : lk'-. (J) , 1~m.1 tx,nd thl pi l"l\ 11J 1
Ii, I '\ l l H I H '-II" I IH < I H· ~I \ I I• HI \ I

, · h I 11 11 11 , n-,1 g111al
· tgnw hood I 11d 1111 l 1kl 111.·.,J , •n 111..JJ, 11, u IJpp 1ng, ii .1t11m11.. 11 r 1LJ " 1
"' d

1 1•1.t
, f .tt ..·1 .ii \l \ <'r l.1rr•t1!? I ,t , l( ll l111l u, Ii I Ill ml I' I( T ) h, ,mt
\ () I ~ · Sig mu bond i~ ~, nrngcr than Pi bont.l 01 1
\ I th hridi,__anun I lw 11IIL'1.1ru , u 1i! uf.11nnuL· orh11ab 1u fi.>rm nt.:"'· -,amc number cquuv,.u:nl
~ . . _. . lh.l hybnJ nrb1I JI..,
, '' t,,, .u, b L..Uk J H~ bntlbJI 1u11 ,rnJ the lu nncJ, JI c cu c
-. p In hridi~lltion : · - 1. aUcJ SP I1yb <l
1 Im: , flll_\Jn~ 11 1" ur•.: ~ urti1ruJ nnJ ullt' p urhiwl 1U g" L' n, 0 SP hybrid urbitac, L<., c· · n uatiun
1 '- h.1pt· 1, 180
bnl.·:i.r amJ bonJ angk is

111 l , -:har,IL'lt'r ,~ 50 n anJ P d1.irac1er is 50° u


l:g : 8t'l I .C:H :

:11 _s p 2 h~bridisation:
11 lntt'r ITll\ tng ()fone s orbita l and r,, o P orbita ls to gi, e three SP:. hybrid orbitals is called
-' , , h~bri<lizmion
11) ~h<1pc: is tngonal planar and hond angle is I ~0°
111 ) ~ cha.meter is _n ..1° 0 and P character is 66.6 %

lg: RCl,,C ,H~

;I SP' b~hridisation :
,) lnk--r rru.x1ng ofo~ S urbttaland three Porbitals to give fow-5p 3 hybrid orbitals isca.Iled 5p hybridi:zati:m
11)Shape i:,, 1ctnilit'ural 3.Ild bond angle is I09°28
111) 'I l·han11:ttT is ~5 °u and P character is 75° 0

SP-'d hybridization
, l lntrr mixing or om: s-orbirnl . three p-orbitals and one d-orbital to give 5sp ' d hybrid orbitals
1, c:1111:d ,1, 'cl hybrid ization.
11) :-;t,Jrc- ,~ trtgunal bipyrnmidal and ho nd angles ore I 20° and 90°.

11 , l, char:1c1cr I!- ~0° u. /' c hc1rnL"lrr is 60° u and cl d1aa.1c tcr is 20° u. Eg: PC!,

SP'd! h) bridizacion :
11 I11tL· m11,m!! u I , 1nr , -orbitn l. rhrt>c r -orbitab and l \\ o d-orbitals 10 g.i, c 6 ,p \ i hybrid orb1tab

1, L.t llnl ,, ,\ ( lt~hml1111t1on

11 I '-ihart· u I Iltc 1110 IL:cu k 1:- tlCILthedra l .u1d honJ w/' 1111 c1 1,'\ {)(} Eg: SF.
\ I ( oordi nuft• ( ·o , bond or Oath t• hood
, I
I ht- bond lnrt11L·J h~ , h .m tt!,! 11t L'k'L'trun p.i ir 1, Cl1ntnbu1cJ b, unt' uf thL· I\\ O bonde<l atu~ 15 known
,hu111r tlm,lll'l'll \ ,ill'n l r\ )Jld (l1r)J,1l1\L'honJ ·
I lw .tl \1111 "l 11d 1 d11rnlll'" l'kctmn pair'" ralkd and the Jtt,m \ \ hJCh ..11:-cept.., the electron parr tS
l ,dkd .Ill q 1tp1

Iµ I 1 1111 1:11 ll 1 ll ,d \ II 11111 // 1un ,1n·cpi... ,1p :rn ul d cctrun~ from nmug~n ofammuruJ .ind

IPIIIL'> \ II ' '""

lh l•,• 111hl'' ' "l'lll 111 \/ / ( / ,ll l' l 11,,de111 r\Hh.l llllllL r\ ind JJll\~bonJ
f7"'- \ II. \l oltc ular orbital tbeo11:
~ r \to.~ubr orbital thcol) ,s u~e<l to calculate bond o rder (number ofbonds between atoms)

Bond order = ~ ( bonJrng eleurons -

A nri bondmg electrons)
3h The d1strubu t1on of electrons m the molecular orbitals of Ni

Ee of ,\'. = al , a • t \ a:! ~: a • 2.v 1 (rr2p : = ,r2p ,· ) a2 p_i

39 . 10-4 6
Bo nd orderin molecule (BO )= =
-~ !
2 2 =3
40 . A s there are no unpaired electrons in MOED of N it is diamagnetic in nature.
4 I. The distrubutio n of electrons in the molecular orbitals of 0
2 2 2
EC of 0 ., = al s a · ls a2s a'2s1a2P 1r2P =1r2P 1r·2p =1r 2P 1
2 2 2 1 0

r J: I X

42. As there are unpaired electrons in MOED of 0 it is paramagnetic in nature


10 6 4
43. Bondorde rin O2 molecule(B O)= - = =2
2 2
VIII. Hydrogen bond
44. The weak electrostatic force of attraction between a partially positively charged hydrogen atom
and a highly electro negative atoms like F, 0, N of the same (or) different molecule is known as
hydrogen bond.Hydrogen bonding is of two types
45. Intermolecular hydrogen bonding: The hydrogen bond is formed between two different polar
molecules is called inter molecular hydrogen bonding
Examples: NH 3 , H 20,HF
46. lntramolec ular hydrogen bonding: The hydrogen bond is formed ryetwcen two atoms of
same molecule is called intra molecular hydrogen bonding.
~ Examples: o-hydroxybenzaldehyde, o-~itr~phenol, o-nitro~nilinc_ .. . .
47. V Due to the presence of Hydrogen bondmg m molecule thelf mc~tmg and bo1lmg points mcrca.~es.
48. H~O has higher boiling point than HF because more nwnber of hydrogen bonds arc present m
H-O molecule than HF
,,t ~TATl?~ O

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