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Akiu Dequiña

BSEd 3-1
Wave and Optics
“Reflection in a Plane Mirror”

Trial 1

Trial 2
Trial 3

➢ When I was performing this activity, I noticed that after I repeat the steps for three times,
the angle of the line PX' are the always the same to the line PX, no matter how I decreased
the angle of the line PX.

➢ In relating to our activity, the angle of our reflection is equal to the angle of our incidence.

A. Compared to the image formed when a stone is throw into the water with circular waves
formed, the type of image formed in a calm water is a virtual image, because of the
divergence of the outgoing rays from the object.

B. The type of reflection involved in a calm water is a specular reflection, while, when a stone
is throw into the water the type of reflection involved is a diffused reflection.
➢ The regular reflection occurs when parallel beam of light falls on a plane mirror and is
reflected as a parallel beam. While the diffuse reflection occurs on rough surfaces where
a parallel beam of light is reflected in all directions.

A. The reason why my image appears to behind the mirror is because my eyes projects light
rays backward.

B. The reason why it appears to be reversed from left to right but not from top to bottom is
because if we look in front of the plane mirror we noticed that our right hand would appear
to be the image of left hand, but actually that is not true, that’s because the mirror does
not reversed image from left to right or top to bottom, but from the front to back.

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