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8 Noli Me Tangere Published in

Date discussed? If none, date given? Aug 18, 2020

Recorded Lectures Noli


Subject RIZAL

Year level / Semester

Idea of Writing a Novel in the Philippines From

When did NMT came off the press?

March 21, 1887

Which novel did the idea came from writing the NMT?
Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin portraying the brutalities of
American slave-owners and the pathetic conditions of the unfortunate

What happened bakit mag isa niya lang sinulat ang NMT?

The Writing of the Noli

When did he finish writing the first half of the novel?


8 Noli Me Tangere Published in Berlin 1

One half of the second half?

Where did he finish the last fourth of the novel?


When and where did he finish writing the last chapters?

Wilhelmsfeld in April-June 1886

When and where did he made the final revisions on the manuscript of

Berlin during winter days of February, 1886

Viola, Savior of the Noli

Who lent Rizal the money to publish the novel?

Dr. Maximo Viola, a scion from a rich family of San Miguel, Bulacan

When did he arrive in Berlin?

before Christmas in 1886

Which chapter did he delete due to excess in printing expenses?

Elias and Salome

NMT finished when?

February 21, 1887

The name of the printing shop which offered the lowest printing cost

Rizal suspected as French spy

8 Noli Me Tangere Published in Berlin 2

What happened with the issuance of the passport?

What was the whole reason of this suspicion?

During that time, relationship ng France x Germany were strained on
account of Alsace-Lorraine.

They received intelligence reports of Rizal roaming around the country

and that he was a French spy when he entered Germany from Paris

How did Rizal managed to explain himself?

He explained himself in German, bumilib yung mga police and he was then
permitted to stay freely in Germany

Printing of the Noli finished

To whom did Rizal sent the first copies of NMT?

His intimate friends

Ferdinand Blumentritt

Dr. Antonio Ma. Regidor

Graciano Lopez Jaena

Mariano Ponce

8 Noli Me Tangere Published in Berlin 3

Felix R. Hidalgo

As a sign of gratitude, what did Rizal give to Viola?

 galley proofs of Noli carefully rolled around the pen Rizal used in
writing it

 a complimentary copy with the inscription saying "To my dear friend,

Maximo Viola, the first to read and appreciate my work Jose Rizal"

The Title of the Novel

What is the meaning of "Noli Me Tangere"

Touch Me Not, he took it from a bible

From which gospel did he base its title?

Gospel of Saint John 201317

The Author's Dedication

For what or to whom did Rizal dedicated the Noli?

"To My Fatherland"

Synopsis of the Noli

What was the reason why Paulita rejected Isagani as a lover.

She hated the liberal ideas of Isagani

Wife of Don Tiburcio de Espadaña. Vain and vulgar native woman

Dona Victorina

Fiance of Ibarra; daughter of Father Damaso.

8 Noli Me Tangere Published in Berlin 4

Maria Clara

Mother of Maria Clara.

Pia Alba

Formerly a rich girl but became poor because she married a gambler


One of the two sons of Sisa who worked as sacristanes in the church.

Defended a helpless boy from the brutality of an illiterate Spanish Tax


Don Rafael Ibarra

A bogus Spanish physician, lame, henpecked husband of Donya Victorina

and several ladies.

Don Tiburcio de Espadana

Penniless and jobless, fortune hunter who came to the Ph in search of a

rich Filipino heiress.

Don Alfonso Linares

The teniente-mayor and leader of the liberal faction of the town.

Don Filipo Lino

The Noli based on Truth

Which is which sa mga characters sa Noli vs in real life?

Maria Clara - Leonor Rivera

Ibarra and Elias - Rizal

Pilosopo Tasyo - Paciano

Padre Salvi - Padre Antonio Pierdavieja(the hated Augustinian friar in


8 Noli Me Tangere Published in Berlin 5

Capitan Tiago - Capitan Hilario Sunico of San Nicolas

Dona Victorina - Dona Agustina Medel

Basilio and Crispin - Crisostomo bros of Hagonoy

Padre Damaso - a typical friar

Missing Chapter of Noli

What was the missing chapter all about?

Elias and Salome with Salome having to leave and live with her relatives
sa malayong lugar eme

8 Noli Me Tangere Published in Berlin 6

Rizal's Friends Praise the Noli

8 Noli Me Tangere Published in Berlin 7

Who said this praise speech for Rizal, "Your work, as we Germans say, has
been written w/ the blood of the heart... Your work has exceeded my hopes
& I consider myself happy to have been honored by your friendship. Not
only I, but also your country, may feel happy for having in you a patriotic &
loyal son. If you continue so, you will be to your people one of those great
men who will exercise a determinative influence over the progress of their
spiritual life."?
Prof. Ferdinand Blumentritt, his best friend

Who said this praise speech for Rizal, "the book was superior" & that if
"don Quixote has made its author immortal because he exposed to the
world the sufferings of Spain, your Noli Me Tangere will bring you equal

Antonio Ma. Regidor, who is he?

a Filipino patriot and lawyer who was exiled due to his involvement in
the 1872 Cavite Mutiny

8 Noli Me Tangere Published in Berlin 8

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