13 Rizals Visit To The USA

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13 Rizal's Visit to the USA

Date discussed? If none, date given? Sep 1, 2020

Recorded Lectures


Subject RIZAL

Year level / Semester

Arrival in San Francisco

Which steamer did he ride bound to SF?


When did he arrive in SF?

April 28, 1888

What was the commotion about as to why they weren't allowed to land

What's the deal about the injustice when they arrived?

13 Rizal's Visit to the USA 1

How many weeks were they quarantined?
1 week for Rizal and other non-Japanese & non-Chinese
longer quarantine period for the Japanese and Chinese passengers who
were on the 2nd and 3rd class accomodation

Rizal in SF

What date was Rizal permitted to go ashore?

May 4, 1888

Which hotel did he stay?

Palace Hotel

How long did he stay in the hotel?

May 46

What was the best street in SF according to Rizal?

Market Street

Who are the people and which certain street is mentioned in Rizal's diary?

Leland Stanford

a millionaire senator representing California in the US Senate

13 Rizal's Visit to the USA 2

founder and benefactor of Stanford University, Palo Alto,

Grant Avenue, Chinatown formerly known as Dupont Street

Who was the president in 1888?

Grover Cleveland

Across the American Continent

When did he leave SF?

May 6

Where was his next destination?

Oakland, how far was it?

9 miles across San Francisco Bay, by ferry boat

Next stop
Sacramento, where he took his supper for 75 cents

Next stop
Reno, Nevada, where he took his breakfast

Where was his next destination after ^?


Rizal in NYC

When did he arrive in NYC?

May 13

When did he leave NYC?

May 16

Next destination?

Which steamer did he ride?

City of Rome, 2nd largest ship in the world

13 Rizal's Visit to the USA 3

What was the largest ship at the time?
Great Eastern

Which statue did he saw as they steamed out of NYC?

Bedloe Island

13 Rizal's Visit to the USA 4

Statue of Liberty

Rizal's Impression of America

What are the good impressions of Rizal with America?

 material progress of the country as shown in the great cities, huge

farms, flourishing industries, and busy factories

 the drive and energy of the American people

 the natural beauty of the land

 the high standard of living

 the opportunities for better life offered to poor immigrants

What is the bad impression of Rizal with America?

lack of racial equality

13 Rizal's Visit to the USA 5

Rizal's letter to Ponce re: the lack of democracy x freedom practice,
too much talk

Who was his roomie in Brussels?

Jose Alejandro

What exact room was it?

38 Rue Philippe Champagne, Brussels

When Jose Alejandro asked Rizal his impressions about America, what
did Rizal respond?

and really start spreading that knowledge especially for the oppressed.

13 Rizal's Visit to the USA 6

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