12 Romantic Interlude in Japan

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12 Romantic Interlude in Japan

Date discussed? If none, date given? Aug 25, 2020

Recorded Lectures


Subject RIZAL

Year level / Semester

Rizal Arrives in Yokohama

Japan aka
Land of the Cherry Blossoms

12 Romantic Interlude in Japan 1

What date did Rizal arrived in Yokohama?
February 28, 1888

At which hotel did he stay?

Grand Hotel

Rizal in Tokyo

What date did Rizal arrived in Tokyo?

February 29, 1888

At which hotel did he stay?

Tokyo Hotel, for how long?

from March 2 to 7

Who visited him in the hotel inviting him to live in the Spanish Legation
Juan Perez Caballero, secretary of the Spanish Legation

Why was the invitation of ^ suspicious?

Rizal realized that the Spanish diplomatic authorities were instructed from
Manila to monitor his movements in Japan

Why did he accept the invitation?

 he could economize his living expenses by staying at the legation

 he had nothing to hide from the prying eyes of the prying Spanish

Where was the Spanish Legation located?

Azabu district, Tokyo

Things he did in Tokyo

What is Japan's sport or the art of self defense?


What is the term for Japanese drama?


12 Romantic Interlude in Japan 2

Rizal and the Tokyo Musicians

What did the Tokyo band play?

classical work of Strauss

What was the nationality of some of the band musicians?


Who played the primary and secondary instruments?

primary - Japanese

secondary - Filipino

Rizal’s Impression of Japan

What are the things which favorably impressed Rizal in Japan?

What are the things he disliked?

12 Romantic Interlude in Japan 3

rickshaws operated by men
bec human beings are employed like a horse sa kalesa

Romance with O Sei-San

What was the real name of OSS?

Seiko Usui

Who helped Rizal in getting to know OSS?

a Japanese gardener

12 Romantic Interlude in Japan 4

OSS is a daughter of?

a Japanese samurai

How old was OSS?

23 yrs old

Which two languages did OSS also knew aside from Japanese?



What was OSS x Rizal's common denominator which led to their romance?

interest in arts
she taught him the Japanese art called Su-Mie

The term for the Japanese language


Sayonara, Japan

How many days was his sojourn in Japan?

45 days

Which steamer did he ride bound for USA

Belgic, English steamer

O Sei-San After Rizal’s Departure


As written in his diary...

12 Romantic Interlude in Japan 5

Who did OSS eventually marry?

Mr. Alfred Charlton, British teacher of chemistry of the Peers' School in


What was awarded to him

Order of Merit, 5th Class an imperial decoration

When is Charlton's death?

November 2, 1915

^ they had one daughter, what was the name?

Yuriko, later married who?

Yoshiharu Takiguchi, son of a Japanese senator

What historical events did OSS survived?

World War 2

12 Romantic Interlude in Japan 6

Her home was destroyed by which historical event?

US bombing of Tokyo

When is OSS' death?

May 1, 1947 at age 80

Voyage Across the Pacific

Which semi-Filipino family did Rizal met during the trip?

Mr. Reinaldo Turner

Emma Jackson, ^'s wife

maid servant from Pangasinan

What happened involving their fam's child?

Rizal and Tetcho

Who was Tetcho?

Tetcho Suehiro, forced by the Japanese govt to leave the country

a fighting Japanese journalist


champion of human rights (inspired by Rizal)

How long were they acquaintances?

8 months, April 13December 1, 1888

What happened in December 1?

12 Romantic Interlude in Japan 7

They parted ways.

Rizal remained in London to conduct historical researches, where?

on Mora at the British Museum

while Tetcho returned to Japan

What was the name of the Tokyo newspaper where Tetcho resigned?


What did he do after resigning?


he carried his fight for human rights, by means of what?

he was elected as member of the lower house of the First Imperial
Diet(Japanese Parliament


What was the title of his published political novel?

Storm Over The South Sea(Nankai-no-Daiharan)


What was the title of his published novel?

O-unabara(The Big Ocean), similar to El Fili

How was his death depicted?

he died of a heart attack in February, 1896

Age 49

12 Romantic Interlude in Japan 8

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