21 2nd Homecoming and The Liga Filipina

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21 2nd Homecoming and The

Liga Filipina
Date discussed? If none, date given?

Recorded Lectures Chap 2021


Subject RIZAL

Year level / Semester

First homecoming, when

August, 1887 from Spain(yata)

Second homecoming, when

June 26, 1892 HK

Arrival in Manila with Sister Lucia

During his meeting with Gov. Gen. Eulogio Despujol in Malacanang, what was
the outcome?

Gov. Gen agreed to pardon his father but not his whole family and told Rizal
to return on Wednesday

Visiting Friends in Central Luzon

Which places did he visit for his friends?

Malolos, Bulacan

San Fernando, Pampanga


Bacolor, Pampanga

21 2nd Homecoming and The Liga Filipina 1

Other interviews with Despujol

Founding of the Liga Filipina

Where did they held the meeting with the patriots?
Ylaya Street, Tondo, Manila

home of Doroteo Ongjunco

who were present during the meeting

21 2nd Homecoming and The Liga Filipina 2

The officers of the civic league


Ambrosio Salvador


Deodato Arellano

Bonifacio Arevalo

Agustin de la Rosa

Constitution of the Liga Filipina

The aims, as embodied in the constitution are

 To unite the whole archipelago into one compact and homogenous body

 Mutual protection in every want and necessity

 Defense against all violence and injustice

 Encouragement of education, agriculture and commerce

21 2nd Homecoming and The Liga Filipina 3

 Study and application of reforms

The motto of the Liga Filipina

Unus Instar Omnium aka One Like All

The governing body of the league

Supreme Council

How much should the members pay to join?

entrance fee, 2 pesos

monthly due, 10 centavos

Duties of the Liga members

 obey the orders of the Supreme Council

 to help in recruiting new members

 to keep in strictest secrecy the decisions of the Liga authorities

 to have a symbolic name which he cannot change until he becomes

president of his council

 to report to the fiscal anything that he may hear which affects the Liga

 to behave well as befits a good Filipino

 to help fellow members in all ways

Rizal Arrested and Jailed in Fort Santiago

Title of the incriminatory leaflets which was allegedly found in Lucia's pillow
cases, shown to Rizal during his meeting with the governor

Pobres Frailes(Poor Friars), author Fr. Jacinto

21 2nd Homecoming and The Liga Filipina 4

a satire against the rich Dominican friars who amassed fabulous riches
contrary to their monastic vow of poverty

printed by the Imprenta de los Amigos del Pais, Manila

Despite Rizal's denial and demand for investigation with due process of law,
what did the Spaniards do?

he was arrested and escorted to Fort Santiago

by Ramon Despujol, nephew and aide fo Gov. Gen. Despujol

Arbitrary Deportation to Dapitan

Gov. Gen. Despujol wrote a decree deporting Rizal to Dapitan

Who was the captain of the ship, Cebu which he rode to Dapitan?

Captain Delgras

Spanish commandant of Dapitan

Captain Ricardo Carnicero, Spanish commandant of Dapitan

When did he arrive in Dapitan?

July 17, 1892

How long is this exile supposed to last?

21 2nd Homecoming and The Liga Filipina 5

July 31, 1896 —four years

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