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22 Exile in Dapitan, 1892-1896

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Recorded Lectures Exile in Dapitan


Subject RIZAL

Year level / Semester

Beginning of Exile in Dapitan

When was Rizal brought to Dapitan?

July 15, 1892

Who was the Superior of the Jesuit Society in the Philippines?

Father Pablo Pastells who wrote the letter containing the conditions for
him to live in the parish convent

Who was the Jesuit parish priest of Dapitan?

Father Antonio Obach

What were the conditions written in the letter?

Syempre umayaw si Rizal

Who was the warden who took care of Rizal during his exile?

22 Exile in Dapitan, 18921896 1

commandant Captain Carnicero

Rizal admired by the warden, he wrote a letter for him during his
birthday, what was the title?
A Don Ricardo Carnicero

Wins in Manila Lottery

Which mail boat brought the lottery ticket?


Lotter ticket # ___


Captain Carnicero, Dr. Rizal and Francisco Eliquor won how much in the
2nd prize for 20,000

How did Rizal divide his share?

2,000 = father
200 = Blumentritt

4,000 = he invested by purchasing agricultural lands along coast of


Who said that Rizal being a lottery addict was his only vice?

Wenceslao E. Retana

How much would Rizal allot for lottery tickets every month?
3 pesetas

Rizal-Pastells Debate on Religion

How did the Rizal-Pastells debate began?

It began when Pastells sent Rizal a book by Sarda along with an advice
that Rizal should desist from his majaderas(foolishness) in viewing religion
from the perspective of individual judgement and self-esteem

22 Exile in Dapitan, 18921896 2

How did they debate?
Through exchange of letters

Why was Rizal bitter against the friars?

Bec they commit abuses under the cloak of religion

How did their debates go on about?

Father P Divine faith supersedes everything, even

including reason, self-esteem and individual judgment.
Human intelligence is limited, thus, Rizal needs the
guidance of God.

Rizal: Individual judgment is a gift from God and

everyone should use it like a lantern to show the way
and that self-esteem, if moderated by judgment, saves
man from unworthy acts. The pursuit of truth may lie in
different paths and thus, religions may vary but they all
lead to the light.

What did Rizal and Pastells gave each other(since they were friends
beyond the debates)?

Pastells → Rizal: Imitacion de Cristo(Imitation of Christ) by Father Thomas

a Kempis AND
Rizal → Pastells: a bust of St. Paul Rizal made

How is Rizal's Catholicism described?

the Catholicism that inquires and enlightens, the Catholicism of Renan and
Teilhard de Chardin

Rizal Challenges a Frenchmen to a Duel

To which French businessman did Rizal had a conflict with? And why?
Mr. Juan Lardet, bec he purchased logs from the purchased land of Rizal
and found out it was in poor quality

22 Exile in Dapitan, 18921896 3

How come did Mr. Lardet did not enter into a duel with Rizal?
As advised by Carnicero,

after, he apologized to Rizal

Rizal and Father Sanchez

One of the Jesuits whom Father Pastells advised to persuade Rizal to go

back to the Catholic fold; Rizal's favorite teacher at ADMU
Father Francisco de Paula Sanchez

Efforts of Father Sanchez in persuading Rizal to go back to the Catholic

fold were successful. True or False

A Tagalog grammar which Rizal wrote dedicated to Father Sanchez

Studies on the Tagalog language

Idyllic Life in Dapitan

He build the ff in his purchased land in Talisay

 his house by the seashore

 another house for his school boys

 hospital for his patients

Rizal's Encounter with the Friar's Spy

Who quashed the investigation and released the spy turning his official
report to Gov. Gen. Blanco?
Captain Juan Sitges; succeeded Captain Carnicero as warden for Rizal?

Who was the Friar Spy?

Pablo Mercado; Florencio Namanan—real name

22 Exile in Dapitan, 18921896 4

What "services" did the friar spy offer?

that he be a courier for Rizal's letters to the Manila patriots

As Rizal became suspicious, what did he do to catch the friar spy?

He went to Captain Juan Sitges—ordering the arrest of Pablo Mercado

and instructed Anastacio Adriatico to investigate him immediately

Why was FN called the friar spy?

He was hired by the Recollect friars to this secret mission—to act as

Rizal's relative, to spy on him, to filch letters and writings that could
incriminate Rizal

As Physician in Dapitan

True or False. The operation on his mother's right eye was successful, but
Dona Teodora removed the bandages from her eyes causing the wound to
be infected but her sight eventually restored

What did Rizal advise the poor patients for their medicine

If they can't afford to buy imported medicine, he prescribe the local

medicinal plants

Water System for Dapitan

How did Rizal utilized his learnings as expert surveyor

He read engineering books and applied it by constructing a system of
waterworks to furnish clean water for the townspeople

Which American engineer praised Rizal for his Talisay Water System?
Mr. H.F. Cameron

Community Projects for Dapitan

Malaria infested Dapitan - he drained the marshes to get rid of the malaria

Lighting system - consisted of coconut oil lamps placed in dark streets in


22 Exile in Dapitan, 18921896 5

Beautification of Dapitan - with the help of Father Sanchez + they made a
huge relief map of Mindanao out of earth, stones and grass

What year did Manila saw the first electric lights


Rizal as Teacher

He established a school tuition-free, the payments being making them

work in his community projects

Formal classes conducted between 24pm

Hymn to Talisay

a poem he wrote in honor of Talisay

Hymn to Talisay

Contributions to Science

22 Exile in Dapitan, 18921896 6

Linguistic Studies

Languages he learned in Dapitan




22 languages he know all in all

 .Tagalog

 Ilokano

 Bisayan

 Subanun

 Spanish

 Latin

 Greek

 English

 French

22 Exile in Dapitan, 18921896 7

 German

 Arabic

 Malay

 Hebrew

 Sanskrit

 Dutch

 Catalan

 Italian

 Chinese

 Japanese

 Portuguese

 Swedish

 Russian

Artistic Works in Dapitan

To which charity did he contribute his painting

Sisters of Charity

Rizal made the sketches like

persons and things that attracted him

rare animal species—dragon, frog, beetle, fishes he caught in

Dapitan waters

Rizal modeled a statuette called ___ representing the mother-dog killing

the crocodile by way of avenging her lost puppy
Mother's Revenge

Rizal's sculptural works are as ff

bust of Father Guerrico(Ateneo professor)

statue of a girl called "The Dapitan Girl"

22 Exile in Dapitan, 18921896 8

a woodcarving of Josephine Bracken(his wife)

bust of St. Paul—later given to Father Pastells

Rizal as Farmer

How many hectares of land did Rizal buy in Talisay?

70 hectares

In replacement for the Dapitan farmers primitive system of tillage is the __

modern agricultural methods; Rizal imported agricultural machinery from

Rizal as Businessman

Who was Rizal's business partner?

Ramon Carreon, a Dapitan merchant

Dapitan business industry ventures are as follows




lime manufacturing

He particularly invited ___ that she could profitably engage in the textile,
jewelry and hemp business

The most profitable business venture of Rizal was __

hemp industry with 3 pesos profit per picul

Purpose of Cooperative Association of Dapitan Farmers organized by


To break the Chinese monopoly on business in Dapitan

22 Exile in Dapitan, 18921896 9

Rizal's Inventive Ability

cigarette lighter based on principle of compressed air

a wooden machine for making bricks

"My Retreat

Rizal's mother requested for Rizal to write a poem entitled ___

My Retreat(Mi Retiro)

Rizal and Josephine Bracken

When did Leonora Rivera die?

August 28, 1893

an Irish girl. slender, a chestnut blond, blue eyes, dressed with elegant
simplicity with an atmosphere of light gayety
Josephine Bracken

Parents of Josephine Bracken

James Bracken and Elizabeth Jane MacBride; adopted by Mr. George

How did Rizal and Josephine meet?

Mr. Taufer, her adoptive parent, a blind man seek services of Rizal so they
went to Dapitan accompanied by Manuela Orlac


22 Exile in Dapitan, 18921896 10

Which priest refused to marry them without the permission of the Bishop
of Cebu

Father Obach

How did their baby die?

Rizal played a prank on Josephine, freightening her so that she
prematurely gave birth to an eight-month baby boy, lived only for 3 hrs
named Francisco, buried in Dapitan

Rizal and the Katipunan

Who was the emmisary to Dapitan

Dr. Pio Valenzuela - emmisary to Dapitan to inform Rizal of the Katipunan

revolution plan

Who were their cover up to hide the real mission

Raymundo Mata, a blind man para sabihin nagpapagamot lang kay Rizal

Why did Rizal think that a bloody revolution is premature?

 the people are not ready for a revolution

 arms and funds must first be collected before raising the cry of

True or False. The Katipunan planned to Rescue Rizal and he went with
False. Since he gave his word of honor to the Spanish authorities and he
did not want to break it

22 Exile in Dapitan, 18921896 11

Volunteer as Military Doctor in Cuba

True or False. Rizal offered his services as military doctor in cuba during a
yellow fever epidemic due to shortage of army physicians


Letter of Governor Blanco's approval

"The Song of the Traveler

Rizal was overjoyed when he received the news that he could travel again to
Europe then Cuba, so he made a poem entitled ___
The Song of the Traveler(El Canto del Viajero)

Adios, Dapitan

How long was Rizal exiled in Dapitan?

4 years

Exact date when he left Dapitan

July 31, 1896

Exact date when he arrived in Manila in the Spanish cruiser, Castilla

August 26, 1896

Bonifacio and the Katipunan raised the cry of revolution(sigaw sa

pugadlawin) in the hills of ___, when?

Balintawak, August 26, 1896

The beginning of revolution tearing of community tax certificates to mark

their separation from Spain

22 Exile in Dapitan, 18921896 12

Cry of Balintawak(Pugadlawin)

To avoid difficulties from friends and enemies, captain ___ told them that
Rizal was not a prisoner but a guest detained on board
Captain Enrique Santalo

____ proclaimed a state of war in the first 8 provinces for rising in arms
against Spain
Gov. Gen Blanco

The first 8 provinces under the state of war for rising in arms against







Nueva Ecija


22 Exile in Dapitan, 18921896 13

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