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The growth of Socially Responsible Investment among institutional investors has

increased the demand for investee-firms Corporate Social Responsibility information, including
CSR controversial events (Vollero et al. 2019)
The concept of socially responsible investment (SRI), which states that pension funds should not
only get a good return on their investment but also use their influence over companies to increase
social and economic welfare, has gained ground in the past decade. (Sigurt Vitols.,,2011)
Mao (2015) tries to explain the dynamic changes of US public pension funds’ investment
behavior in relation to CSR. The authors link public pension funds’ probability to submit CSR-
related shareholder proposals to the degree of political self-dealing by state politicians on funds’
board of trustees, and find that funds act against their beneficiaries’ interests. Public pension
funds’ tendency to positively screen for investment targets with stronger CSR is based on moral
considerations, reflects their beneficiaries’ values and norms, and therefore is aligned with their
beneficiaries’ interests.

  Public pension funds are particularly well placed to consider the CSR performance of
their portfolio companies due to their long-term investment horizon and their holdings of a
significant share in the entire equity market (Ryan and Schneider 2002; Cox and Wicks 2011).
Public pension funds are governed by a board of trustees which sets funds’ investment policies
and is responsible for the appointment of investment managers (Andonov et al. 2018). 
Pension funds, instant of saving in the saving account, make a decision what investment we can?
Eg., buying a land or house or buying share from company. SRI, especially one of the area of
investment. Will the long term and commitment to generations of future benefit? It’s really
essential. And I think one of the places where the investment is social investing. Because the
reality is many issues that impact the ability of pension funds to meet social responsibility in the
future.So SRI is absolutely fundamental to make a positive impact. SRI is not only impact on
financial returns but also impact on environment.
Any type of investment, they have risks . For the individual member of pension fund it’s difficult
to make decision for investment strategy. Socially responsible investment, or SRI, is a strategy
that considers not only the financial returns from an investment but also its impact on
environmental, ethical or social change.Identifying which ventures to put money into can be
difficult for potential investors.
Nowadays, socially responsible investors are going one step further. They choose to factor in
whether a particular investment positively impacts society. And at the same time , it is really
important to decide whether you put your money into such ventures. And it totally depends on
each person desire. This is for the long term investment , I personally think it is a good idea to
invest my pensin funds. Although they have low return , they also have social impact. And
Investors looking to make such investments focus on environmental, social, and corporate
governance (ESG).Investors use the three factors to assess the sustainability or social impact of
an investment. Social Responsible Investing (SRI) have different approaches to ensure achieving
social goals. The technique involves screening a company’s practices and products and/or
services before deciding to invest in it. So, if a potential investor discovers that a particular
company produces harmful products – such as cigarettes – or engages in unethical practices, then
they won’t put their money into it. Socially responsible investment (SRI) is an investment that
achieves financial gain and social/ environmental goals. Implementing SRI is not that difficult.
In fact, it’s not any different from traditional investing. The only thing you’re doing is adding an
additional investment criteria which allows you to focus on investments that positively change

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