ROBAS - Veritatis Splendor

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Deanne Mari C.



a) the meaning and purpose of one's life ;

Based on what I have read in Veritatis Splendor the meaning and purpose of one’s life is
the bible verse Ephesians 1:12, “the Church, instructed by the Teacher's words, believes
that man, made in the image of the Creator, redeemed by the Blood of Christ and made
holy by the presence of the Holy Spirit, has as the ultimate purpose of his life to live "for
the praise of God's glory.” It talks on the advantages Christians have because of our
salvation through Christ and through prayers of thanksgiving to God. Therefore, both
praises the Ephesians for their reputation and asks that Christ would enlarge and deepen
their faith. Another insight was the bible verse 1 Corinthians 11:7, "know, then, O
beautiful soul, that you are the image of God", writes Saint Ambrose. "Know that you are
the glory of God.” It addresses two difficulties that the Corinthian church was improperly
addressing. It also explains the significance of the Lord's Supper and the proper way to
observe it because they practiced communion in a manner that disregarded Christ's atoning
work for sin and denigrated the less fortunate among them, the Corinthian Christians had
brought God's punishment upon them. It is essential to comprehend what the divine law is
and why it is, as it is revealed in Church doctrine. A person has a duty to make sure that
their conscience is informed constantly and everywhere because the judgment of the
conscience may be erroneous.

b) how have you been living out the Commandments given by God to humankind?

It is impossible for a man to replicate and embody the love of Christ in his own strength.
Only because of a gift he has been given does he possess this love. Similarly to how the
Lord Jesus freely gives to his disciples the love of his Father. According to Veritatis
Splendor, the bible verse John 15:9, "as the Father has loved me, so have I loved you;
abide in my love" God wants us to move from spiritual poverty to wealth by going from
barrenness to fruitfulness in our lives. The bible verse, Galatians 5:22; “Christ's gift is his
Spirit, whose first "fruit.” Trusting in Christ has resulted in freedom for the believer.
Freedom, however, can also be wasted if we use it to pursue just our sinful goals rather
than to use it to benefit others in a loving manner. If we allow the Holy Spirit to guide us,
He will give us the ability to carry it out. The last bible verse that I have read based on the
commandments that has God given to humankind is the verse Romans 5:5, "God's love has
been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit which has been given to us.” It
outlines some of the advantages of having our faith in Christ counted as righteousness in
God's eyes. We are in harmony with God and are supported by His grace. In both the
anticipation of God's splendor and our momentary sorrow, we find joy. God has already
shown us that He loves us, so we have hope that will not let us down.

c) what is so important about God and one's moral life?

Morality is therefore independent of God's will. God affirms righteous deeds for their
own sake and rejects unjust deeds for their own sake. Due to the numerous altruistic actions
that God has done out of love for man, the moral life manifests itself as the appropriate
response. The bible verse, Deuteronomy 6:4-7; "Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one
Lord; and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and
with all your might. And these words which I command you this day shall be upon your
heart; and you shall teach them diligently to your children .” As a result, the moral life,
enmeshed in the gratuitousness of God's love, is commanded to reflect his glory. No greater
recompense should be sought than that love itself.

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