25 Legacy A1 Test 6b

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TEST 6B (Unit 6)

NAME ......................................................................................................... DATE .....................................

CLASS .......................................................................................................... MARK ––––––
(Time 50 minutes)

A Directions: You will hear a recording twice. Before you listen to it, you will have 2
minutes to read questions 1-5. While listening for the first time, you can look at the
questions, but you are not allowed to take notes. After you hear the whole recording, you
will have 3 minutes to answer the questions, choosing the answer (A, B or C) which you
think fits best. Then you will hear the recording again and you will have 1 minute to
check your answers.

1 Chris has got … 4 Chris’ pet likes …

A a new pet. A playing on Chris’ hand.
B a snake and a spider. B eating spiders.
C a baby spider. C climbing up Chris’ arm.

2 Alex wants to … 5 Alex decides to …

A see Chris’ pet. A hold Chris’ pet.
B hold Chris’ pet. B play with Chris’ pet.
C keep Chris’ pet. C stay away from Chris’ pet.

3 Alex …
A is afraid of snakes.
B likes Chris’ pet.
C doesn’t like animals.
Marks ____
53 15

B Directions: You will hear a recording twice. Before you listen to it, you will have 2
minutes to read statements 6-10. While listening for the first time, you can look at the
statements, but you are not allowed to take notes. After you hear the whole recording,
you will have 3 minutes to mark the statements as T (True) or F (False). Then you will
hear the recording again and you will have 1 minute to check your answers.

6 The buses to the zoo leave at 8:30. ........

7 Ms Abbott’s class is on the same bus as Mr Appleby’s. ........
8 All students have to hear the talk on penguins. ........
9 The talk starts at 1:45. ........
10 There is a competition for the students. ........
Marks ____
53 15

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 1 Legacy A1

C Directions: Read the text below. Then, for questions 11-15 choose the correct item (A, B
or C).


Owls are truly beautiful birds. But don’t look for one during a morning walk through the forest – they are asleep!
Owls only come out when it’s dark. They do this because the small animals they eat, like mice, also come out at
An owl’s home is in the countryside, away from the noisy and crowded cities. They usually live in trees, but some of
them make their home in barns or old buildings. Owls don't make their own nests. Instead, they live in the nests of
other birds that are now empty.
There are about 200 different kinds of owl. There’s the great horned owl, which has got dark feathers that look like
horns on the top of its head. Some people think that these feathers are the bird’s ears, but they’re not! There is also
the burrowing owl, which lives on the ground; and the barn owl, which is the most common of all. All owls have got
large eyes, strong claws and good hearing.
One funny species is the elf owl. This little bird is very clever. When it feels it is in danger or thinks something is
about to attack it, it doesn’t move or fly away at all. It plays dead until the danger goes away!

11 Where do most owls live? 14 The most common kind of owl is the …
A in cities B in barns C in forests
A burrowing owl.
12 They make their homes in … B great horned owl.
A nests that other birds make. C barn owl.
B large nests.
15 When in danger, elf owls…
C nests in old buildings.
A fly away. B attack. C don’t move.
13 The great horned owl has …
A horns on its ears.
B feathers that have the shape of horns.
C dark ears.
Marks ____
52 10
Use of English
D Directions: Circle the answer (A, B or C) which best completes each sentence.

16 Max is the youngest …… all my dogs. 21 Marianne is the …… girl in the class.
A than B of C in A beautiful B more beautiful
C most beautiful
17 Pick the tarantula up …… .
A careful B carefully 22 Who …… at the party yesterday?
C most careful A did you see B you did see C you saw

18 …… Emma’s new rabbit last night? 23 We …… to the dinosaur exhibition last week.
A Did you saw B Do you see C Did you see A didn’t go B don’t go C didn’t went

19 Mark is a …… student than George. 24 I …… my rabbit a carrot for his lunch yesterday.
A better B best C very good A gived B gave C give

20 He …… the house at 8 o’clock yesterday 25 Cheetahs can run really …… .

morning. A faster B fast C fastly
A leaves B leave C left
Marks ____
102 20

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 2 Legacy A1

E Directions: Read the text and circle the answer (A, B or C) that best suits each gap.

Imagine getting up before 26) …….. every morning! Well, when you live on a farm like me that’s normal! Our farm’s
got lots of animals. We’ve got cows, sheep, chickens, goats and even some horses. When I was young, I learnt
how to 27) …….. for them. My favourite animals are cows. They’re amazing! They 28) …….. over 500 kg and give
us lots of milk. They spend most of their day just 29) …….. on grass. Our chickens 30) …….. eggs every few days
and we need to collect them before they 31) …….. . Our goats have got 32) …….. horns and every two months we
have to cut a little bit off the top or they get too 33) …….. . Most of our goats are friendly, but not Stanley.
Whenever we try to cut his horns he 34) …….. us. He chases us around the farm and tries to 35) …….. us!

26 A darkness B sunlight C daylight 31 A hunt B survive C hatch

27 A care B adopt C protect 32 A glowing B pointed C weak

28 A appear B weigh C catch 33 A slim B tiny C sharp

29 A feeding B eating C taking 34 A reaches B attacks C escapes

30 A digest B lay C do 35 A bite B chew C cut

Marks ____
102 20
F Directions: Your English teacher has asked you to write a story. Your story must start
with the sentence: “One dark night last year, my family and I were all in bed sleeping.” In
your story, you need to mention:

 an animal.  a fire.

Write your story (60-80 words).


Marks ____

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 3 Legacy A1

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