20 Legacy A1 Test 4b

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TEST 4B (Unit 4)

NAME ......................................................................................................... DATE .....................................

CLASS .......................................................................................................... MARK ––––––
(Time 50 minutes)

A Directions: You will hear a recording twice. Before you listen to it, you will have 2
minutes to read statements 1-5. While listening for the first time, you can look at the
statements, but you are not allowed to take notes. After you hear the whole recording,
you will have 3 minutes to mark the statements as T (True), F (False) or NI (No
Information). Then you will hear the recording again and you will have 1 minute to check
your answers.

1 Fiona is in the park with her family. ........

2 Paul doesn’t like washing the car. ........
3 It’s chilly in the park today. ........
4 Fiona has a lesson every Saturday. ........
5 Fiona is giving some of her sandwich to a dog. ........

Marks ____
53 15

B Directions: You will hear a recording twice. Before you listen to it, you will have 2
minutes to read questions 6-10. While listening for the first time, you can look at the
questions, but you are not allowed to take notes. After you hear the whole recording, you
will have 3 minutes to answer the questions, choosing the answer (A, B or C) which you
think fits best. Then you will hear the recording again and you will have 1 minute to
check your answers.

6 For her holidays, Sarah always … 9 Sarah doesn’t bring many T-shirts …
A stays in England. A to cold places.
B goes to the same place. B to warm places.
C goes to a foreign country. C to windy places.

7 Sarah checks the weather of places … 10 Sarah puts socks and hats …
A on the Internet. A inside her suitcase.
B by calling an airport. B in her coat pockets.
C by asking her friends. C in a pocket in her suitcase.

8 How many pairs of shoes does Sarah pack for a

A one B two C three
Marks ____
53 15

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 1 Legacy A1

C Directions: Read the text below. Then, read the statements that follow it and mark them
as T (True), F (False) or NI (No Information).


For millions of foreign holidaymakers, Italy is an ideal destination at all times of the year. The country has so much
to offer, from history and art to food and fashion.
For a lot of tourists, Italy’s main attraction is the Amalfi Coast. This area, around an hour’s drive south of Naples, is
famous for its long sandy beaches, crystal clear waters and beautiful seaside towns. It’s also well known for its
delicious seafood! But Italy doesn’t just offer a beautiful coast. The Aosta Valley, for example, has many ski resorts,
and it’s also a good place to go hiking.
Also, of course, Italy is perfect for sightseeing. For example, the capital city, Rome, is home to the Colosseum and
the Trevi Fountain, and also has lots of museums and parks. For shopping, though, a good city to visit is Milan in
the north. It’s the fashion capital of Europe and it has some very popular clothes shops. All in all, Italy is a
wonderful holiday destination that has something for everyone!

11 Tourists prefer visiting Italy in summer rather than in winter. ……….

12 The Amalfi coast is great for swimming. ……….
13 You can go skiing in the Aosta Valley. ……….
14 People usually go to Rome to visit the Colosseum. ……….
15 The clothes shops in Milan are expensive. ……….

Marks ____
52 10

Use of English
D Directions: Read the text and circle the answer (A, B or C) that best suits each gap.

Summer or Winter Holidays?

Lots of people take their holidays in summer. It’s nice and 16) ………. and people can spend time on the beach.
There are people, though, who prefer not to go on holidays when it’s 17) ………. hot outside. They simply don’t
enjoy themselves when the 18) ………. are so high. These people prefer winter holidays.
Winter holidays are just as fun. When it’s snowing, 19) ………. a snowman in your back yard or even go
20) ………. fishing! No snow? No problem! Just put on your 21) ………., go for a hike and enjoy the 22) ……….
outdoors! And when it’s 23) ………. cold, why not just stay in and enjoy a cup of hot chocolate?
So, the next time you’re 24) ………. a holiday, think about where you want to stay: a cosy ski 25) ………. in the
mountains, or a luxurious hotel on a tropical beach? The choice is yours!

16 A foggy B sunny C cloudy 21 A belts B boots C suits

17 A boiling B exotic C clear 22 A great B nice C good

18 A degrees B seasons C temperatures 23 A chilly B cool C freezing

19 A make B do C play 24 A planning B going C finding

20 A cold B snow C ice 25 A scenery B resort C hotspot

Marks ____
102 20

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 2 Legacy A1

E Directions: Circle the answer (A, B or C) which best completes each sentence.

26 The children …… TV at the moment. 31 …… where she is?

A watch A Do you know
B watches B You are knowing
C are watching C Are you knowing

27 …… Bensons’ house is opposite the park. 32 Brian usually eats lunch …… noon.
A – B A C The A on B at C in

28 The bus leaves …… ten minutes. 33 Make sure you take your passport with you ……
A in B at C on you leave for the airport.
A after B – C before
29 We live in a house near …… Lake Michigan.
A the B – C a 34 My sister’s birthday is …… 3rd November.
A on B in C at
30 What …… now?
A do you do 35 …… at the moment.
B are you doing A Is it snowing
C you are doing B It snows
C It is snowing

Marks ____
102 20
F Directions: You’re on holiday with your family. Write a letter to your English-speaking
friend (60-80) words. In your letter:
 say where you are and describe the place.  say what the weather is like.  say what you and your family
are doing now.

Marks ____

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 3 Legacy A1

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