28 Legacy A1 Test 8a

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TEST 8A (Unit 8)

NAME ......................................................................................................... DATE .....................................

CLASS .......................................................................................................... MARK ––––––
(Time 50 minutes)

A Directions: You will hear a recording twice. Before you listen to it, you will have 2
minutes to read questions 1-5. While listening for the first time, you can look at the
questions, but you are not allowed to take notes. After you hear the whole recording, you
will have 3 minutes to answer the questions, choosing the answer (A, B or C) which you
think fits best. Then you will hear the recording again and you will have 1 minute to
check your answers.

1 Patrick is going to… 4 Patrick needs to buy…

A take his mum to a restaurant. A pasta. B sauce. C meat.
B buy a present for his mum.
5 The conversation takes place in…
C prepare a meal for his mum.
A a classroom.
2 What does Patrick NOT cook at home? B a supermarket.
A pizza B pasta C burgers C a fast food restaurant.

3 What is Patrick’s mum’s favourite dish?

A spaghetti B chicken C chips
Marks ____
53 15

B Directions: You will hear a recording twice. Before you listen to it, you will have 2
minutes to read statements 6-10. While listening for the first time, you can look at the
statements, but you are not allowed to take notes. After you hear the whole recording,
you will have 3 minutes to mark the statements as T (True), F (False) or NI (No
Information). Then you will hear the recording again and you will have 1 minute to check
your answers.

6 The speaker has been to lots of Italian restaurants. ………

7 Marco’s restaurant is a bit expensive. ………
8 Customers wait a long time for their meal. ………
9 The restaurant makes tasty desserts. ………
10The restaurant only serves pasta. ………
Marks ____
53 15

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 1 Legacy A1

TEST 2A (Module 2)

NAME ......................................................................................................... DATE .....................................

CLASS .......................................................................................................... MARK ––––––
(Time 50 minutes)

C Directions: Read the text below. Then, read the statements that follow it and mark them
as T (True), F (False) or NI (No Information).


In wealthy countries around the world, the number of overweight people is increasing. This is because, in modern
society, lots of people eat too much junk food and do very little exercise. Being overweight can lead to health
problems, such as diabetes and heart disease.
Improving your eating habits is a great way to stay healthy. There’s no need to cut out all the foods you enjoy, but
make sure that you eat a well-balanced diet. This means eating lots of fruit, vegetables and grains, moderate
amounts of dairy products, fish and meat and only small amounts of sugary foods like cake and chocolate.
Regular workouts are also essential for a healthy life. Experts recommend 30 minutes of exercise 3-5 times a
week. Some ideas include jogging, cycling, swimming, going to the gym, or even taking your dog for a quick walk.
Just don’t do too much at once because you could hurt yourself.

11 There are more overweight people in rich countries than in the past. ………
12 Junk food is the only reason why there are more overweight people. ………
13 People who want to be healthy need to stop eating the kinds of food they like. ………
14 To eat a healthy diet you don’t need to stop eating all sugary foods. ………
15 Walking your dog is the best form of exercise. ………

Marks ____
52 10

Use of English
D Directions: Read the text and circle the answer (A, B or C) that best suits each gap.

Hi Paul,
I hope you’re well. In your email you asked me for some information about food in Bulgaria for your school
project. Let me see if I can help.
Food is an important part of Bulgarian 16) ………! We have lots of 17) ………and we cook lots of traditional
food. One of the most important things we make is bread. To us, bread 18) ……… family unity. In my
house, we have 19) …. Koledna Pitka every Christmas. It’s a delicious bread that’s rich 20) ……… fibre.
Traditionally, we put a coin inside it and the person who finds it gets good 21) ……… . To make it you need
a 22) ……… of flour, water, yeast, butter, eggs and two soup 23) ……… of sugar or honey to make it sweet.
You simply 24) ……… all the ingredients together and let the mixture rest for an hour. Then, bake the bread
for about 30 minutes and wait for it to cool down before you 25) ……… it.
I hope the information is useful for your project.
Write back soon,
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Express 2 Legacy A1

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 3 Legacy A1


16 A culture B event C decoration 21 A mood B spirits C fortune

17 A highlights B contests 22 A glass B jar C bag

C celebrations
23 A spoons B knives C forks
18 A symbolises B lasts C holds
24 A boil B mix C peel
19 A annual B homemade C ordinary
24 A pour B stir C serve
20 A in B of C with

Marks ____
102 20

E Directions: Circle the answer (A, B or C) which best completes each sentence.

26 Can I have …… juice, please? 31 Helen …… a great salad for dinner yesterday.
A some B any C a few A made B makes C has made

27 Have you …… Mary today? 32 We need …… bread from the bakery.

A see B saw C seen A a loaf of B a C few

28 Mum needs …… tomatoes for the salad. 33 My friend is ill. He …… see a doctor.
A a few B much C a little A would B shall C should

29 We …… use mobile phones at school. We aren’t 34 Adam …… before 7 o’clock in the morning.
allowed. A often gets up
A couldn’t B don’t have to B gets up often
C mustn’t C gets often up

30 She doesn’t eat …… bread. 35 The biscuits I baked are …… tasty.

A a lot B much C many A quite not B not very C not much

Marks ____
102 20

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 4 Legacy A1

F Directions: You went to a food festival. Write an email to your American e-friend (60-80
words) telling him/her about it. In your email:

 describe what you saw/did at the festival.

  mention a new dish that you tried.
 give details of a competition you entered.


Marks ____

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 5 Legacy A1

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