UTS Teknik Informatika K2 - Jumat 28 Okt 2022

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Fakultas Teknologi Industri : Teknik Mesin , Teknik Elektro , Teknik Informatika, Sistem Informasi
Fakultas Teknik Sipil & Perencanaan : Teknik Sipil, Arsitektur
SK BAN-PT: 2719/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/PT/VIII/2017


Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris-1 Tanggal : Jumat, 28 Oktober 2022

Fakultas : FTI Waktu : 18:40-19:55
Prodi : K2 Teknik Informatika/ Dosen : Frimy Anisa Lestari,S.Pd. M.Pd.
K2 Sistem Informasi
Semester : GANJIL Sifat : Open Book
Tahun : TA.2022/2023 Jumlah Soal : 25 Soal

Part A (6 points)
Observe the graph below, then create proper expressions. Choose six components
from the graph.

Your expressions:
Part B (4 points)

Answer the following questions based on your own ideas

1. What do you know about system of information / informatics engineer?

2. Why did you choose your current major?

3. How do you improve your achievement in learning English Language as a system of

information / informatics engineer student? Why is it important?

Part C (15 points)

Choose the best word from the brackets to fill the gap:

A hundred years ago, most people travelled (by, on, with, to) foot, by train or on

horseback. (Tracks, Lines, Ways, Railways) had made it possible to travel faster

over long distances. Bicycles were also becoming (popular, invented, then,

handlebars), after the invention of the air-filled (boot, brake, tyre, engine) which

made cycling a lot more comfortable. Buses, trams and (metro, buried,

underground, submerged) railways had also been invented and cities all over the world had traffic

(blocks, sticks, knots, jams). There were very few private cars, and city

(streets, pavements, lawns, carts) were still full of horses. What a difference a

hundred years have (taken, done, made, got)! (Presently,

Nowadays, Then, Later) we have got (more, them, motorists, used) to the problem

of private cars, and some cities are so noisy and (even, polluted, so, poisoned) that

in many places (vehicles, traffic, transport, trips) have been banned from the city

centre. How will we be travelling in a hundred years’ time? Perhaps (cars, by,

even, transport) then there will be only personal helicopters. There may be no need to

(have, transport, decide, commute) to work or school in the future, since everyone

will have a computer at home. There might even be more people walking and horse-riding, for

pleasure and (exercise, keep fit, energy, healthy).

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