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Modular Construction

Modular Construction
Modular construction is a term used to describe the use of factory-produced
factory pre-engineered building units that
are delivered to site and assembled as large volumetric components or as substantial elements of a building.
The modular units may form complete rooms, parts of rooms, or separate highly serviced units such as toilets
or lifts. The collection of discrete modular units usually forms a self-supporting
self structure in its own right or,
for tall buildings, may rely on an independent structural framework.

Main Sectors for the application of Modular Steel Construction are

• Private Housing
• Social Housing
• Apartments and Mixed used buildings
• Educational Sector and Students residences
• Worker’s accommodation and Sheltered House
• Public Sector Buildings such as Prisons etc
• Health Sector Buildings
• Hotels
• Modular Building, open sided building
Attributes of Modular Construction

• Economy of scale through repetitive manufacture

• Rapid installation on site (6-8 units per day)
• High level of quality control in factory production
• Low self weight as the material is light weight
• Suitable for tight sights, where material loading and unloading is very difficult, where methods of
construction require more off sight manufacture.
• Limited disruption in the vicinity of the site
• Useful in building renovation projects, such as roof top extensions
• Excellent acoustic insulation due to double layer construction
• Adaptable for extensions, construction can be easily dismantled and reassembled.
• Robustness can be achieved by attaching units together at their corners
• Stability of the tall structures can be achieved by steel bracings
Attributes of Modular Construction
Modular construction is most commonly associated with cellular type buildings such as student residences or
key worker accommodation. For these applications it has the following features:
• Suitable for units where multiple repeated units are used.
• As the size of the units is fixed the transport of the same is also takes place with a fixed size.( 3.6mx8m)
• Open sided units can be created by changing floor orientation
• Modules are stacked with usually no independent structures.
• Self weight is limited only to 1.5 to 2 Kn/m2
• Building Floor height is limited to 4 to 10 floors ( 6 is taken as optimum)
• Fire resistance is provided for 30 to 60 minutes
• Acoustic insulation is provided through double layer walls
Construction of walls and floors in modular units
Walls Floors

Walls of modules comprise C sections of 75 to Floors of modules comprise C sections of 150

150 mm depth. to 250 mm depth.

Longitudinal walls are usually load-bearing and

Ceiling is manufactured as a wall panel.
the end walls provide for stability.

Open-sided modules can be created by

Open--sided modules use deeper floor joists or
longitudinal floor and ceiling joists – end walls
lattice joists of 250 to 400 mm depth.
become load bearing.

Stability provided by cross-flats or diaphragm Corridor zone can be used to provide in-plane
action of boarding. bracing in long buildings.

Double skin floor and ceiling provides excellent

Double skin walls provide excellent acoustic
acoustic insulation. Mineral wool may be
required between the joists.
pes of modules
he following types of modules may be used in the design of buildings using either fully modular construction or
xed forms of steel construction:

-sided modules
artially open-sided modules
pen-sided (corner-supported) modules
Modules supported by a primary structural frame
on-load bearing modules
Mixed modules and planar floor cassettes
pecial stair or lift modules

sided modules
this form of construction, modules are manufactured
ith four closed sides to create cellular type spaces
signed to transfer the combined vertical load of the
odules above and in-plane loads (due to wind action)
rough their longitudinal walls. The cellular space
ovided is limited by the transportation and installation
quirements. Depending on location and exposure
wind action, the height of buildings in fully modular
nstruction is in the range of 6 to 10 storeys.
odules are manufactured from a series of 2D panels,
ginning with the floor cassette, to which the four wall
nels and ceiling panel are attached generally by screws.
he walls transfer vertical loads and therefore the
ngitudinal walls of the upper module are designed to sit
n the walls of the module below.
dditional steel angles may be introduced in the recessed
rners of the modules for lifting and for improved
ability.Module to-module connections are usually in the
rm of plates that are bolted on site. Special lifting
ames are used that allow the modules to be unhooked
fely at height
Modules can be manufactured with integral balconies and a
range of cladding materials can be pre attached or installed on
site. All walls are insulated, and are usually boarded externally
for weather protection. Additional external insulation can be
attached on site.
For low rise buildings, in plane bracing or diaphragm action of
the board materials within the modules provides shear
resistance, assisted by the module to module connections, which
transfer the applied wind forces to the group of modules.
For buildings of 6 to 10 storeys height, a vertical system is often
located around an access core, and assisted by horizontalin the
corridor floor between the modules. For taller buildings, a steel
podium frame may be provided on which the modules are
stacked and supplemented by a concrete or steel core.
The maximum height of a group of modules is dependent on the
stability provided under wind action.Various cases are presented
in the table for scheme design (based on wind loading in the
Midlands of England).

Module being lifted in the factory

Limit on size in concept design

Form of modular construction Bracing requirements Typical max. Min. number

number of modules in a
storeys group

No additional bracing 3 5

With additional bracing in gables 5 8

With additional stabilising core 7 No limit

Single line of Modules
No additional bracing 6 2x8

With additional bracing in gables 8 2 x 10

With additional stabilising core 10 - 12 No limit

Double Line of Modules with central
Partially Open Sided Modules
4 sided modules can be designed with partially open sides by the introduction
of corner and intermediate posts and by using a stiff continuous edge beam in
the floor cassette. The maximum width of opening is limited by the bending
resistance and stiffness of the edge member in the floor cassette. Additional
intermediate posts are usually Square hollow section(SHS), so that they can fit
within the wall width.
Two modules can be placed together to create wider spaces. The compression
resistance of the corner or internal posts controls the maximum height of the
building, but 6 to 10 storeys can be achieved, as for fully modular construction.
Long modules can also be designed to include an integral corridor, as shown
below. The length of the module may be limited by transport and site access
but a length of up to 12m is normally practical. Use of modules with integral
corridors can improve the speed of construction by avoiding weather tightness
problems during installation and finishing work. The form of construction is
similar to that of 4 sided modules,, except for the use of additional posts,
generally in the form of 70 x 70 to 100 x 100 SHS members. Balconies or other
components can be attached to the corner or internal posts. Overall stability is
provided by additional bracing located in the walls of the modules.
Stability of the modules is affected by their partially open sides; additional
temporary bracing during lifting and installation may be necessary. A
separate bracing system may also be required, as the partially open-sided
modules may not possess sufficient shear resistance in certain applications. A
typical building form in which larger apartments are created using partially
open sided units is shown right.
Open sided (Corner Supported )Modules

Modules may be designed to provide fully open sides by transfer of loads through the longitudinal edge beams to the corner
osts. The framework of the module is often in the form of hot rolled steel members, such as Square Hollow Section (SHS)
olumns and Parallel Flange Channel (PFC) edge beams, that are bolted together.
shallower parallel flange channel (PFC) section may be used to support the ceiling, but in all cases, the combined depth of the
dge beams is greater than for 4 sided modules.. Modules can be placed side by side to create larger open plan spaces, as required
n hospitals and schools, etc.
he stability of the building generally relies on a separate bracing system in the form of X bracing in the separating walls. For this
eason, fully open ended modules are not often used for buildings more than three storeys high. Where used, infill walls and
artitions within the modules are non load bearing, except where walls connected to the columns provide in plane bracing. The
orner posts provide the compression resistance and are typically 100 x 100 SHS members. The edge beams may be connected to
hese posts by fin plates,, which provide nominal bending resistance. End plates and Hollo-bolts to the SHS members may also be
sed. The corner posts possess sufficient compression resistance for use in buildings at least up to 10 storeys.
s open sided modules are only stable on their own for one or two storeys, additional vertical and horizontal bracing is usually
ntroduced. In plane forces can be transferred by suitable connections at the corners of the modules.
n open ended module is a variant of a 4 sided module in which a rigid end frame is provided, usually consisting of welded or
gidly connected Rectangular Hollow Sections (RHS). The rigid end frames are manufactured as part of the module or can be
ssembled as separate components. A steel external framework comprising walkways or balconies may be also
esigned to provide stability. Modules using hot rolled steel framework can be designed to support concrete floors
or use in medical and other applications, where strict control of vibrations is required
•Structural frame of a corner supported module – •Longitudinal
Longitudinal edge beams of a corner supported module
end view
Mixed modules and floor cassettes

In this ‘hybrid’ or mixed form of

construction, long modules may be
stacked to form a load-bearing serviced
core and floor cassettes span between
the modules and load-bearing walls.
The modules are constructed in a
similar way to that described for open-
sided modules, but the loading applied
to the side of the modules is
significantly higher. Therefore, this
mixed modular and panel form of
construction is limited to buildings of 4
to 6 storey height. It is typically used
in residential buildings, particularly of
terraced form, comprising modular
‘cores’ for stairs, and highly serviced
areas. The modules are arranged in a
‘spine’ through the building and the
floors are attached to it. An example of
this hybrid form of construction is
Modules supported by a primary structure
Modular units may be designed to be supported by a primary
tructure at a podium or platform level. In this case, the
upporting columns are positioned at a multiple of the width of
he modules (normally 2 or 3 modules). The beams are designed
o support the combined loads from the modules above
normally a maximum of 4 6 storeys).
The supporting structure is designed conventionally as a steel
ramework with beams and columns that align with multiples of
he module width, and provides open plan space at ground floor
and below ground levels. This form of construction is very
uitable for
mixed retail, commercial and residential developments,
especially for residential units above commercial areas or car
parking, etc, particularly in urban projects.
Modules can be set back from the façade line. An example of a
mixed development in Manchester is shown. The ground floor
and below- ground car parking is a conventional composite
Modules supported by a primary structure
Modular units may be designed to be supported by a primary
tructure at a podium or platform level. In this case, the
upporting columns are positioned at a multiple of the width of
he modules (normally 2 or 3 modules). The beams are designed
o support the combined loads from the modules above
normally a maximum of 4 6 storeys).
The supporting structure is designed conventionally as a steel
ramework with beams and columns that align with multiples of
he module width, and provides open plan space at ground floor
and below ground levels. This form of construction is very
uitable for
mixed retail, commercial and residential developments,
especially for residential units above commercial areas or car
parking, etc, particularly in urban projects.
Modules can be set back from the façade line. An example of a
mixed development in Manchester is shown. The ground floor
and below- ground car parking is a conventional composite
Modules supported by a primary structure
Where the 4 sided modules are designed to be supported by steel
or composite beams and the typical line load per supported floor
s 15kN/m, columns are placed at 6 to 8m spacing. A column
pacing of 7.2m is suitable for below ground car parking.. The
depth of the podium type structure is 800 to 1000mm, and spans
of 10 to 18m can be created below the podium, which are suitable
or commercial applications and car parking.
The podium structure is generally braced to resist wind loads and
a separate braced core is often used to stabilise the group of
modules above the podium level. The module design is similar to
hat described for 4 sided modules. Wind loads can be transferred Mixed used module with steel frame
horizontally through the corridor floors.
Alternatively, non load bearing modules can be supported by a
primary frame, and are installed as the construction proceeds.
Modules can be disassembled in the future to leave the floor
cassette supported by the beams.. An example of the mixed use of
modules and primary steel frame is shown below left. The
modules are shown shaded and floor spans indicated.
An external steel structure, consisting of a façade structure that
acts to stabilise the building, may also be used. Modules are
placed internally within the braced steel frame, as shown in the
MoHo project in Manchester (right).
Installation of modules behind the steel fra
air module
odular stairs may be designed as fully
odular units and generally comprise
ndings and half landings with two flights
stairs. The landings and half landings are
pported by longitudinal walls with
ditional angles or SHS members to
ovide local strengthening, if necessary.
he stair modules rely for their stability on a
se and top, which leads to use of a false
nding. The open top and base of the wall
ay be strengthened by a T, L or similar
embers to transfer out of plane loads to the
nding. SHS posts and bracing can be
troduced in the walls to provide for overall

Stair Module
Non load bearing modules
Non load bearing modules are of similar form to fully modular units, but are not designed to resist external loads, othe
han their own weight and the forces during lifting. They are used as toilet/bathroom units, plant rooms or other servic
units and are supported directly on a floor or by a separate structure. The walls and floor of these ‘pods’ are relatively
hin (typically <100mm). The units are designed to be installed either as the construction proceeds or slid into place on
he completed floor.
Compatibility of the floor depth in the module and in the floor elsewhere is achieved by one of four methods:
Designing the depth of the floor of the module to be the same as the raised floor or acoustic layer elsewhere.
Placing the module in a recess in the floor of the main structure.
Designing the module without a floor (possible in small modules in which fitments are attached to the walls).
Designing the modules to be supported on the bottom flange of Slimflor beams.
Balconies and atria

Balconies may be attached to modules in various ways:

Balconies supported by a self standing steel structure that is
ground supported
•Balconies attached between adjacent modules
•Balconies that are attached to corner posts in the modules
•Integrated balconies within an open sided module.

•Atriums created between the modules

•Balconies attached to the steel structures

mensional planning
factors that influence the dimensional planning of modular systems in general building design may be summarized as
dding requirements, including alignment with external dimensions of cladding
nning grid for internal fit out, such as kitchens
nsportation requirements, including access to the site
ding form, as influenced by its functionality
eatability in modular manufacture.

kwork design is based on a standard unit of 225mm width and 75mm depth. Therefore, it may be important to design
r depth to a multiple of 75mm in order to avoid non standard coursing of bricks.
er types of cladding, such as clay tiles or metallic finishes, have their own dimensional requirements, but generally the
be designed and manufactured to fit with window dimensions etc. Many types of lightweight cladding can be pre atta
he modules, but it is generally necessary to install a cover piece over the joints between the modules on site, to cater fo
metrical tolerances and misalignments.

ndardisation of planning grid

ndardisation of the planning grid is important at the scheme design stage, as the planning grid will be controlled by oth
ding components and fitments. A dimensional unit of 300mm may be adopted as standard for vertical and horizontal
ensions, reducing to 150mm as a second level for vertical dimensions. External walls are detailed according to the typ
ding, but a 300mm total wall width may be adopted as a guide for most cladding materials. The actual width will vary
ween 200mm for insulated render and board materials to 320mm for brickwork.
ical dimensions for planning in modular construction are presented in the table.
pical dimensions for planning in modular construction

Internal Internal
pplicatio Internal wall floor zone
module module
n height (mm) (typical)
width (mm) length (m)

2400 2500 – 2700 5.4 to 6 300

artments 2400 3300 – 3600 6 to 9 450

tels 2400 – 2700 3300 – 3600 5.4 to 7.5 450

3000 – 3600
hools 2700 – 3000 9 to 12 600

fices 2700 – 3000 3000 – 3600 6 to 12 600 – 750

alth 3000 – 3600

2700 – 3000 9 to 12 600 – 750
tor open-sided
uidance on transportation on major roads is given by the Road Haulage Association, based on the Road Vehicles
Construction and Use) Regulations[2].
he following basic requirements for transportation should be considered when designing the sizes of modular units:
Modules exceeding 2.9m external width require 2 days notice to the police
Modules exceeding 3.5m width require a driver’s mate and 2 days police notice
Modules exceeding 4.3m width require additional speed restrictions and may require police escort.

ricter limits may be required for local roads, particularly in urban areas. In all cases, the maximum height of the load is
95m for motorway bridges.. Standard container vehicles can deliver one large or two smaller units.
ternal walls
ternal walls comprising the walls of adjacent modules may be designed for a standard 300mm face face overall width,
corporating the sheathing boards, internal plasterboards and insulation between the C sections. The gap between the
alls is a variable, depending on the number and thickness of boards and size of the wall studs.
oor zone
oors and ceilings in modular construction are deeper than in more traditional construction. The three structural cases
side supported (4-sided modules), corner supported (open sided) and frame supported modules require different
verall ceiling floor dimensions for planning purposes, as follows:
Continuously supported or 4-sided modules: 300 or 450mm
Corner supported or open-sided modules: 450 to 600mm
rame supported modules: 750 to 900mm.

most cases, 450mm may be adopted as a standard for the floor-to-ceiling

floor dimension, although many systems provide
hallower depths. For corner supported modules,, a standard overall floor and ceiling depth of 600mm may be used. The
ap between the floor and ceiling is a variable depending on the number of boards and the joist size.
bility and structural integrity

rall stability is provided by the

dules themselves, or by an external
cture. The load path is through the
s of the 3-D units, and so removal
his load path means that the walls
uld be designed to either:
an horizontally over a damaged
by acting as a deep beam ,or
supported by tie forces to the
cent units.

latter means that the units should

ed both horizontally and
ically. Robustness is provided by
ies between the modules with a
mally assumed minimum tying
e equivalent to half the loaded
ght of the module (minimum value
ervice interfaces
he installation of electrical, plumbing and heating services in modular buildings can be largely carried out in the
ctory with final connections made on-site.
site. In traditional construction, such activities are labour intensive on-site and
e often on the critical path, so that any difficulties can cause delays. Service strategies that have been used in modular
uildings include:
Use of communal spaces for distribution of services
Use of the floor or ceiling zone within each module for service distribution
nstallation of services within each module in the factory with site work involving only connection of modules
Drainage connections of modules connected to vertical risers in the corner of the modules
Wet areas are connected back to back to concentrate service zones.

vertical service duct is usually incorporated in the corner of each unit to accommodate the vertical drainage and
pework. The services in each module are installed in the factory and terminate in the vertical duct. Access to the
rvice duct is generally only possible from circulation areas outside the modular unit.
he horizontal distribution of services between modules varies, depending on the building type. For most types
residential buildings and hotels, the corridor ceiling and floor voids act as service zones.
ertical drainage stacks are also installed in the factory and a removable floor panel is provided to allow the final
onnection to the drains installed in the ground on-site.
site. This requires a high degree of accuracy in setting out service
lets on-site.
oustic performance
dular construction provides a high level of acoustic separation because each module has separate floor, ceiling
wall elements, which prevents direct transfer of sound along the members.
dular unit manufacturers use various methods to further improve sound reduction between units – two overlapping layers
lasterboard fixed inside each module, oriented strand board (OSB) or plasterboard fixed as external sheeting or quilt
ulation between steel members.
ecial care needs to be taken around openings for service pipes or other penetrations, because sound attenuation is
icularly affected by air pathways between spaces. Electrical sockets penetrate the plasterboard layer, so they should be
efully insulated using quilt at their rear.

e Safety
safety is related to provision of adequate means of escape, to ensuring structural integrity, and controlling spread of fire across
partment boundaries. In England, minimum periods of fire resistance are given in Approved Document .
dular construction generally achieves these requirements by the use of fire resistant plasterboard conforming to BS EN 520, Type F.
rnative materials, such as cement particle board and gypsum fibre board may also be used in combination with plasterboard as the
ng layer.
h module is lined internally with one or two layers of fire resistant plasterboard as follows:
walls: 30 minutes fire resistance is achieved by a single layer of 12.5mm fire resistant plasterboard on each face of a steel stud wall
walls: 60 minutes fire resistance is achieved by one layer of 12.5mm fire resistant plasterboard on a layer of 12.5 mm wallboard wit
gered joints on each face of a steel stud wall
floors: 30 minutes fire resistance is achieved with 18mm tongue and groove boarding on light steel joists and 12.5mm fire resistant
terboard beneath with joints taped and filled
floors: 60 minutes fire resistance is achieved with at least 18mm T&G board floor finish and one layer of 12.5mm fire resistant
terboard on a layer of 12.5mm wallboard with staggered joints beneath the steel joists.
residential construction, each dwelling usually forms a separate fire compartment. All walls and floors that
ovide a separating function between compartments require 60 minutes fire resistance. In hotels and
her residential buildings, each bedroom may form its own compartment.
general, a compartment floor will also act as a separating floor for acoustic purposes, as the same measur
ill also achieve excellent acoustic insulation between rooms.
he inherent separation between modules provides an effective barrier to spread of fire. Means of escape
hould be considered early in the scheme design in order to ensure that the module design and layout can
atisfy these requirements. Cavity barriers are required within the cavity in the external wall between the mod
nd the cladding at intersections with compartment walls. They are also required horizontally at junctions with
oors and roof, and vertically at a maximum lateral spacing of 20m (or 10m where the material exposed to th
avity is not Class 0 or 1 as defined by Approved Document B[3]). Fire stops must be provided around any
enetrations through fire resisting walls
ompartment floor at junction with external wall and compartment wall
Guidance on the design and detailing of the most
common connection types is given in BS EN 1993-1-
8]. Manufacturers use the method which best suits their
manufacturing process and for which appropriate test
data are available.

Structural connections between modules are required

for integrity and robustness but details vary depending
on the form of the module and the particular
application. Floor boarding, plasterboard and sheathing
boards are attached using self drilling, self-tapping
screws. Manufacturers of light steel framed modules
have prepared their own details of horizontal
attachments that satisfy robustness requirements.
Attachment points
Attachments between modules are made in both
horizontal and vertical directions, primarily to transfer
in plane forces, but also for structured integrity.
acades and interfaces
arious interfaces between modular units and other components in the building may not be under the control of the modul
anufacturer. The responsibility for design and coordination usually lies with the building designer.

oundation interfaces
variety of foundations can be used, including strip, trench-fill,
fill, pad and piled foundations. Further information on pile
undations is given in SCI P299. Strip or trench-fill
fill foundations are most common.
odular units are lightweight and therefore foundations may be smaller than in traditional construction. Nevertheless, the
adding options and building height may dictate the foundation design. With strips, rafts or ground beams, the modular un
e designed to be continuously supported around the perimeter of each unit.
cladding interfaces
dings for modular buildings can be self supporting vertically and only supported laterally by the units. Alternatively, th
e supported entirely by the modular structure.
generic systems of facade construction may be considered:
dding that is placed entirely on-site
site using conventional techniques.
dding that is completely or partially attached in the factory; infill pieces or secondary cladding may be fixed on-site.

y barriers must also be incorporated into any cavity that occurs between the external cladding and the modular structu
e must resist the spread of smoke and flame and are required between all separate dwellings or fire compartments. Min
is generally used.

ing interfaces
ing materials for modular buildings generally comprise tiles supported on battens, or roof sheeting on purlins. Modern
comprise tiles supported on roof sheeting or structural liner trays. Flat roofs can also be constructed with a variety of
herproof finishes. Insulation in the line of the roof pitch is used where a ‘warm roof’ is created. However, in most case
space is ‘cold’, and insulation is placed directly on the upper surface of the modular units.
s are generally designed as separate structures that are supported either continuously by the internal walls of the modu
or as free spanning roofs between the outer walls. Roofs may also be designed as modular units for habitable space, a
of installation, especially in taller buildings. However, conventional trussed rafter or purlin roofs are mostly used.
s are designed to support the weight of the roof covering, snow loads,
loads services and tanks stored on the roof space, and
pancy loads from habitable use. The interface between the roof and the modular units is designed to resist both compre
ension due to wind uplift.. In some cases, the roof can be designed to be detachable so that the building can be extende
Shallow pitch roofs can be designed to be supported directly by the modular units and are easily dismantled.

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