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By Harikrishnan Nam, VHK - 1413

Submitted to Dr. Sripad, IAH&VB
Campylobacteriosis is a venereal disease causing infertility,
repeat breeding, abortion in early stages of pregnancy, and
gastrointestinal problems in cattle, sheep, goats and human
beings. It is also known as traveler’s diarrhea.
● Caused by species of Campylobacter
genus belonging to
Campylobactereriaceae family. Most
campylobacter infections, upto 95%,
are caused by C.jejuni and C.coli.
● Small, gram negative curved or
spiral organisms with a single polar
● Microaerophilic, with a
corkscrew/spinning type of motility.
● Occurs mainly through coitus
from cow to bull, and vice versa.

● Cattle mainly show venereal type

of infection.

Transmission & ● Sheep and goat show reproductive

and gastroinstestinal form.
Hosts affected ● Poultry mainly show
gastrointestinal form.

● Other hosts include dogs, cats,

wild birds, rodents, insects &
● Infected bulls transmit C.fetus spp venerealis from one female to
another, without any changes in quality of semen or breeding
● During later stages of estrus, ~10 days following mating, causes
mild vaginitis, cervicitis and endometritis.
● After conception, IgA antibodies can immobilise the oragnism
and restrict it to the epithelial surface leading to the animal
being a carrier.
● Antigenic variation can also be a factor for the persistence of the
carrier status for months in both cows and bulls.
Clinical signs
1. Bovine -
○ Characterised by infertility, repeat breeding, early
embryonic death, and abortion in late pregnancy.
○ Reddening of cervix and mild mucopurulent exudate from
uterus into the cervix/vagina.
○ Subacute or chronic form shows moderate probems but
resistant to infection due to anamnestic immune response.
2. Poultry -
○ C.jejuni is invasive in nature.
○ Watery droppings, soiling of vent and feathers.
○ Severe cases show blood in droppings.
○ Depression, dehydration and sometimes death can also occur.
Necropsy findings -
○ Diffused and mild infiltration
of inflammatory cells, with
desquamation of superficial
○ Endometritis characterised
by infiltration of plasma cells
and lymphocytes in the
Pleurisy and pericarditis in stillbirth lamb
● Based on clinical signs ● Cervical mucus
and necropsy findings. agglutination test
● Isolation and (convenient, for herd
identification of level, ~60 days to show
organism. positive result following
● Serum agglutination test infection)
(not reliable, antibodies ● Fluorescent antibody
rarely found in blood) test.
Samples to be collected
1. Cervical mucus
2. Reproductive discharges
3. Aborted naterials
4. Blood
5. Serum
Diffrential diagnosis
● Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis
● Brucellosis
● Trichomoniasis
● Leptospirosis
● Listeriosis
● Macrolide antibiotics
clarithromycin or
azithronycin) are
Treatment effective.
● Fluoroquinolone
levofloxacin) can be
used, but organism
could be resistant.
● Artificial insemination preferred to
natural mating.
● Vaccination 2 months prior to breeding

Prevention & ● Proper disinfection of farm

surroundings and AI equipment.
● International trade rules prohibit export
control of infected animals.
● Personal hygiene should be maintained.
● Sanitization of water supply.
● Avoid overcrowding of sheds.
● Control of beetles.
Thank you.

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