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Phylum Basic Characteristic Most Important Representative Distribution

1. Phylum Porifera Structure:  Ciliona Habitat: Aquatic, mostly marine, few are
Grade of organization: cellular grade of  Euplectella (glass sponge) terrestrial
body  Euspongia(bath sponge) Habit: They are solitary or colonial
Shape: Body shape is variable, mostly  Leucosolenia
cylinder shaped  Sycon Sponges are found all across the globe,
Symmetry: Asymmetrical or radially  Spongilla(fresh water from the poles to the tropics. They may be
symmetrical. sponge) found in streams and rivers, rock pools,
Germ layer: Diploblastic animals. The  Thena and deep ocean depths, as well as frigid
adult body wall contains two layers, outer polar waters and warm tropical seas.
dermal layer and inner gastral layer. In Sponges are more commonly found on
between these two layers, there is a firm surfaces such as rocks.
gelatinous and non-cellular mesoglea
containing numerous free amoeboid cells.
Coelom: Absent; acoelomate but
spongocoel is present
Surface of the body has numerous
perforation called ostia (for the entry of
water) and a large pore at the apex called
osculum (for the exit of water). Water
canal system present
Endoskeleton: Either calcareous spicules
(calcium carbonate) or siliceous spicules
(silica) or sponging fibers (protein).
Nutrition: holozoic
Digestion: Intracellular
Nervous system: absent
Circulatory system: absent

Asexual: by budding or gemmule or
regeneration; Sexual: gamatic fusion
Fertilization: Internal

2. Phylum Cnidaria Structure:  Anthozoa Habitat: aquatic, mostly marine.

Symmetry: radially symmetrical  Scyphozoa Habit: solitary or colonial. Each individual
Forms: exhibit polymorphism  Cubozoa  is known as zooid.
Polyps are sessile, asexual stage  Hydrozoa 
Medusa are free swimming, sexual stage
Grade of organization: tissue grade of Shallow tropical saline seas are
organization. dominated by coral reefs. The current
Germ layer: diploblastic, outer ectoderm northern and southern extents of coral
and inner endoderm. Mesogloea reefs determine the tropics' extreme
separates these two layer borders. The Indo-Pacific, Atlantic, and
The body has a single opening called Caribbean regions.
hypostome surrounded by sensory
Coelom: gastrovascular cavity or
Nematocyst: organ for capturing and
paralyzing pray, present in tentacles
Nutrition: holozoic
Digestion: both intracellular and
Respiration and excretion are
accomplished by simple diffusion.
Circulatory system: absent
Nervous system: poorly develop

Asexual: by budding; (poly) Sexual: by
gamatic fusion (medusa)
Fertilization: internal or external
Development: indirect with larval stage
(Koilos: hollow, enteron: cavity)

3. Phylum Platyhelminthes Structure:  Turbellaria  Habitat & Habit: mostly parasitic,

Grade of organization: Organ- system  Monogenea  few are free living in sea water or
grade of organization  Cestoda 
fresh water.
Symmetry: Bilateral symmetry and Body  Trematoda 
is dorso-ventrally flattened
Germ layer: Triploblastic. Ectoderm is
very specialized with distinct epidermis
Coelom: Absent (acoelomate).
Digestive system: incomplete or absent
No mouth (oral opening directly into
No true stomach structure (pharynx opens
into a complex “intestinal” structure).
In tapeworms, Direct absorption of soluble
nutrients by cells and tissues.
Excretory system: Protonephridia with
Flame cell
Respiration: by simple diffusion of gases
through body surface
Circulatory system: Absent

Sexual: by gamatic fusion in
hermaphrodite species
Asexual : by regeneration and fission
Fertilization: internal.
Life cycle is complex involving one or
more hosts.
4. Phylum Nematoda Structure:  Aphasmidia  Habitat & Habit: mostly parasitic, few are
Grade of Organization: tissue level  Adenophorea free living in sea water or fresh water.
organization.  Secernentea
Symmetry: bilaterally symmetrical  Phasmidia 
Shape: cylindrical- shape They are free-living or parasitic.
Germ Layer: Triploblastic; Has 3 Parasitic nematodes cause diseases in
separate sections (ectoderm, mesoderm, the host.
and endoderm) protostomes
Coelom: Absent; cavity or pseudocoelom.
Digestion:Complete; The alimentary
canal is distinct, with the mouth and the
Resperatory: Absent
Circulatory: Absent

They have sexually dimorphic.
Fertilization occurs inside, and
reproduction occurs sexually.
Their cuticle sheds at regular intervals.
The muscles of the body's exterior are
They have amoebic sperm cells.
They are made up of chemosensory
organs called aphids that are located on
the lips.

5. Phylum Mollusca Structure:  Caudofoveata Habitat: Mostly aquatic and few are
Grade of organization: Organ system  Aplacophora  terrestrial
grade  Polyplacophora/Amphineura
Germ layer: Triploblastic  Monoplacophora Molluscs may be found in practically every
Symmetry: BIlaterally symmetry  Gastropoda  ecosystem on Earth, and they are
The body is divided into head, muscular  Cephalopoda  frequently the most visible creatures.
foot and visceral mass; also covered by a  Bivalvia While the majority reside in the sea, from
mantle and a shell  Scaphopoda  the intertidal zone to the deepest seas,
Respiration: by gills (ctinidia) in the many significant Gastropod clades
mantle cavity. lungs in terrestrial forms (biological groups) exist mostly in
Digestive system: Complete and freshwater or terrestrial environments.
Circulatory system: Closed type
Heart consists of one or two auricle and
one ventricle
Excretion: pair of Metanephridia (Kidney)
Nervous system: consists of three pair of
ganglia (cerebral, visceral and pedal)
Sexes: Dioecious and few are
Reproduction: gamatic fusion
Fertilization: external or internal
Development: direct or indirect by
trochophore larvae.

6. Phylum Annelida Structure:  Polychaeta Habitat: mostly aquatic, some are

Symmetry: bilateral symmetry  Clitellates terrestrial
Coelom: coelomate (Body cavity is a true Oligochaeta Habit: free living
coelom, often divided by internal septa) Hirudinea.
Body is metamerically segmented Annelids may be found in practically every
Grade of organization: organ system ecosystem on Earth, and they are
grade frequently the most visible creatures;
Germ layer: triploblastic (biological groups) exist mostly in
Body possesses 3 separate sections, a freshwater or terrestrial environments.
prosomium, a trunk and a pygidium.
Digestive system: complete and
Respiration: by general body surface
Nervous system: nervous system with an
anterior nerve ring, ganglia and a ventral
nerve chord.
Circulatory system: Has a true closed
circulatory system.
Excretion: by nephridia

Sexual and gonochoristic or
Fertilization: Internal or external
Development: direct with no larval stages

7. Phylum Arthropoda Structure:  Crustacea Habitat and habit: mostly terrestrial, also
Form: Body has Three-part: head, thorax,  Myriapoda aquatic, a few are also parasitic majority
abdomen; metamerically segmented; 3  Insects are free-living.
pairs of jointed legs (6 in total); two  Arachnida
antenna, Compound eyes have  Onychophora Insects are the most successful life form
thousands of lenses, resulting in a wider on the planet: they make up more than
field of view. half of all living things on Earth. They are
Symmetry: bilateral distributed far and wide. They frequent the
Germ layer: triploblastic seas at all depths, occur in fresh-water
Grade of organization: organ system lakes and rivers, and a few dwell in the
grade bark of trees, but a few groups have
Coelom: hoemocoel adapted to terrestrial life.
Exoskeleton: Chitinous (hard); no bones
or a skeleton
Respiratory system: by general body
surface, by gills, tracheae or book lungs
Circulatory system: open type with
dorsal heart.
Excretion: malpighian tubules or green
Nervous system: dorsal brain with
ventral nerve cord
Sexes are separate. Sexually dimorphism
is present
Fertilization: internal.
Development: direct or indirect with larval

8. Phylum Echinodermata Structure:  Asteroidea Habitat: These are exclusively marine

Grade of organization: organ system  Ophiuroidea
grade  Echinoidea Echinoderms may be found in practically
Germ layer: triploblastic  Holothuroidea all ocean depths, latitudes, and habitats.
Symmetry: Adults are radially  Crinoidea They are most diverse in reef habitats,
symmetrical while the larvae are although they are also common on
bilaterally symmetrical. shallow coastlines and near the poles.
Coelom: present ( coelomate) They may be found in a variety of
Body without segmentation environments, including the intertidal
The shape of the body is flat, star like, zone, deep sea trenches, sand, debris,
spherical or elongated. coral reefs, and cold and tropical oceans.
Head is absent
Presence of tube feet
Presence of water vascular system
Mouth is present on ventral side while
anus is present on dorsal side
Respiratory system: by papule, gills or
clocal respiratory tree
Nervous system: absent, they are
brainless organism.
Circulatory system: is reduced, heart is
Blood has no pigment.
Digestive system: complete
Excretory system: absent

Sexes: mostly dioecious, rarely
Sexual: by gamatic fusion
Asexual: regeneration
Fertilization: external
Development: indirect with characteristic

9. Phylum Chordata Structure:  Hemichordata Habitat and habit: terrestrial, also

Grade of organization: backboned  Urochordata aquatic, a few are also parasitic majority
animals (vertebrates)  Cephalochordata are free-living.
Symmetry:  bilateral symmetry body.  vertebrata or Craniata
Coelom: Present. Well developed Vertebrates may be found everywhere,
Presence of gill (pharyngeal) slits; from the tropical regions to the poles, from
Presence of post anal tail; Protective either the ocean depths to the highest
Cellular Skin outer covering of protective mountains, as well as in air.
cellular skin, which can be modified into
special structures such as scales, hair
and feathers; Internal skeleton.
Respiratory system: Present; well-
Nervous system: Present; well-develop.
Circulatory system: Present; well-
Digestive system: Present; well-develop.
Excretory system: Present; well-develop;
Metamerism; Blood vascular system:
Present, closed type
Ventral heart, hepatic portal system and
RBC are present.

Sexes: (2) distinguishable separate sexes
Asexual: parthenogenesis
Sexual: Intercourse
Fertilization: both external and internal
Development: 3 stages of life cycle (egg,
baby or juvenile, adult)


 IAS, P. (2021, April 29). Classification of animal kingdom (Animalia). PMF IAS.


 (n.d.). Online Biology Notes.

 (n.d.). Education India, Colleges, Universities, Courses, Exams, Schools.

Yacas, Morish Roi F.

BIO1203 - Section13

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