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Group 3:

Vũ Thị Hoàng Oanh 20DH713989 : Content + Word 1 + File Word

Đỗ Thị Mỹ Tiên 20DH710582 : Content + Word 4 + Game
Hoàng Thị Bích Loan 20DH712917 : Content + Word 2 + Game
Võ Bùi Thùy Dương 20DH712636 : Content + Word 3 + PowerPoint
T elicits and presents new words by showing pictures, mime, examples, and asking
simple questions.

Word 1: Face-to-face/ˌfeɪs tə ˈfeɪs/

*Showing picture

*Question:  Describe the picture: what are they doing?

How about their gesture and their face? Do they look at each other or not?
Are they closing?
*Definition: Close together and facing each other.
- T reads the word first
- T tells Ss to focus on the stressed syllable
- All students repeat that word

*Example: The CEO refused our request for a face-to-face interview.

Word 2: Prepare(for) (v) /prɪˈpeə(r)/

*Showing a gif picture
*Mime: Stand up, act like you just got up, describe the toothpaste, wash your
*Short questions:
o What is the name of this cartoon?
o Where are they? Are they in the bathroom or the bedroom?
o What were the white bear and brown bear doing?
o Could you please tell me what we need to do before we go to school?
*Definition: To make things ready to be used.
- T reads the word first
- T tells Ss to focus on the stressed syllable
- All students repeat that word
*Example: ‘The bears are bathing to prepare for the museum.’
Call individually to read the word example.
Word 3: Online learning (n) /ɒn.laɪnˈlɜː.nɪŋ/
*Showing picture

*Short questions:
+ What is the girl doing in this picture?
+ What does she look at?
*Definition: a way of learning that happens on the Internet
- T reads the word first
- T tells Ss to focus on the stressed syllable
- All students repeat that word

*Example: During the COVID-19 pandemic, I mostly used online learning.

Word 4: Blended learning /blen.dɪd ˈlɜː.nɪŋ/
*Showing pictures:
*Short Questions:
1. What is the girl doing? What does she use to study online?
2. What are the children doing? Where are they?
*Definition: a way of studying a subject that combines being taught in class
with studying on the Internet (online learning)
- T reads the word first
- T tells Ss to focus on the stressed syllable
- All students repeat that word
*Example: Blended learning is the best ways for students during the Covid – 19.

T asks Ss to read each word chorally and individually


- Divide the group into 2 teams (team Banana & Papaya)
- Each team will choose 1 representative
- The teacher will give a representative to see the “new word” and he or she can
only use action (body language) to describe the word. Do not use voice or any
- The rest of the team will make the questions for she or he but with the
condition that each team can only give 3 answers. If which team broken the rules
and give the answer more than three times, you will lose points and don’t have
chance to answer
- The team that can find the “new word” the fastest will get gift and score for
who guess correctly.
- For example, teacher gives the representative a small piece of paper
which write down the “new word” (PREPARE). The representative will
describe by using actions such as brushing teeth, getting dressed, etc and the
rest of the team will guess but no more than 3 words.
- Do it sequentially with the other words:
 Face to Face
 Prepare for
 Online learning
 Blended learning.

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