Chủ Đề 2. Education

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Team Kyser, cùng nhau đi đến giảng đường Đại học!

I. WORD LIST 1 (Level 1)

Từ vựng Phiên âm Nghĩa Ví dụ
computer /kəmˈpjuːtə/ [C] (n): máy tính Our school has modern
public school /skuːl/ (n): (1) trường (1) I chose to enroll in a
công lập (ở public school to save
Scotland, Úc, Mỹ, money for my parents.
etc.) = state school; (2) Because the remaining
(2) trường dân lập rich, able students leave
(ở Anh) the public school, the
number of students
attending the public
school falls.
extracurricular /ˌɛkstrəkəˈrɪkjʊlə Extracurricular activities
activities ækˈtɪvɪtiz/ Hoạt động ngoại are extremely useful in
khóa terms of strengthening
your soft skills.
term /tɜːm/ [C] (n) (1): kì; (2): (1): The 3rd term starts at
thuật ngữ, tên gọi the end of September.
(2): The term “Gen Z”
refers to people born in the
age of technology.
parchment paper /ˈpɑːʧmənt ˈpeɪpə/ [C] (n): giấy nến Parchment papers are
dùng để chống used a lot in cooking.
dầu mỡ, ẩm =
greaseproof paper

Tài liệu KYS Education is the Key to Your Success 1

open question /ˈəʊpən ˈkwɛsʧən / [C] (n): câu hỏi mở The use of open questions
is to help students
elaborate their answers.
boarding school /ˈbɔːdɪŋ skuːl/ [C] (n): trường nội Studying in boarding
trú school usually helps
students to be more hard-
sit in rows /sɪt ɪn rəʊz/ ngồi theo hàng Children in my class are
ngang sitting in rows.
speak in one's /spiːk ɪn wʌnz əʊn bày tỏ quan điểm
I’m speaking in my own
own voice on sth vɔɪs ɒn ˈsʌmθɪŋ / của chính ai về
voice on this subject.
vấn đề gì
domineering /ˌdɒmɪˈnɪərɪŋ/ cố gắng kiểm soát Students usually dislike
người khác và ít domineering teachers
quan tâm đến cảm who always give strict
xúc của người commands with
khác unfriendly attitudes.
standardized test /ˈstændədaɪzd tɛst [C] (n): bài kiểm A standardized test is a
/ tra/khảo thí chất test on which the
lượng questions are all the same,
the time given to each
student is the same, and
the way in which the test is
scored is the same for all
turn to sb for /tɜːn tuː ˈsʌmbədi (coll.): tìm đến ai I never turned to anybody
advice fɔːr ədˈvaɪs/ đó để xin lời for advice except my
khuyên parents.
regurgitate facts /rɪˈgɜːʤɪteɪt fækts/ nói lại những sự She’s been regulating
thật mà không cần facts about the Vietnam
suy nghĩ war for 20 minutes.
venture a guess /ˈvɛnʧər ə gɛs/ (coll.): mạo muội If I were you, I would
đoán rằng venture a guess that he
would step out of the

Học tiếng Anh cùng Thầy Chí Châu | KYS 2

classroom and cry in the
improve /ɪmˈpruːv cải thiện lối cư xử We need to find ways to
conformity kənˈfɔːmɪti/ phù hợp và giống improve conformity for
nhau trong một young children nowadays.
nhóm người
whittle (class giảm số lượng Normally there are around
sizes) down /ˈwɪtl (klɑːs 50 students in class, but
ˈsaɪzɪz) daʊn/ now schools are trying to
whittle the class size
down to 30.
soft skills /sɒft skɪlz/ (coll.): kĩ năng This class promotes to
mềm build soft skills of
collaboration and
make stronger /meɪk ˈstrɒŋgər làm rõ hơn về sự We need to make stronger
associations of N əˌsəʊsɪˈeɪʃ(ə)nz liên hệ về… associations of geometry
ɒv/ and trigonometry.
Task 1. Match the words below with their correct meanings.
1. term a. just repeat what you have heard without

thinking about it
2. regurgitate facts
b. activities that are not part of the usual

school or college course completely, very

3. extracurricular activities

4. boarding school c. the fixed period of time that something

lasts for
5. parchment paper
d. a school where students live and study

e. paper that does not allow oil through,

used especially in cooking

f. a word or expression used in relation to

a particular subject, often to describe

something official or technical

Tài liệu KYS Education is the Key to Your Success 3

Task 2. Use the words in Task 1 to complete the sentences below. Some words can be used
more than once.
Question 1. Many students simply what they hear in lectures.
Question 2. is coated with silicone, making it nonstick,
grease-proof, and heat-resistant.
Question 3. I know many people who can certainly afford to send their children to
but choose not to do so.
Question 4. For any teacher, the importance of for high
school students is probably already well-known.
Question 5. "Without let or hindrance" is a legal that means
Task 3. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
Question 6. Should I _______ to John for advice? Mike said he was not so reliable.
A. regurgitate B. turn C. venture D. improve

Question 7. Our goal is to improve _______ with customer requirements.

A. conformity B. support C. guess D. relationship

Question 8. Stop _______ those well-known facts! You have to understand them.
A. venturing B. turning C. sitting D. regurgitating

Question 9. Studying in _______ school where they live and study usually helps students to
be more hard-working.
A. state B. boarding C. public D. day

Question 10. Women have to speak in their own voice _______ many issues nowadays.
A. to B. on C. into D. with

Question 11. In Britain, a _______ school is a private school that provides secondary
education which parents have to pay for. The pupils often live at the school during the school
A. state B. boarding C. public D. day

Question 12. Myocardial infarction is the medical _______ for a heart attack.
A. term B. activity C. test D. fact

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II. WORD LIST 2 (Level 2)
Từ vựng Phiên âm Nghĩa Ví dụ
accept /əkˈsɛpt/ (v): chấp nhận He accepted her apology.
Jim's school transfer form
was accepted by the
acceptable /əkˈsɛptəbl/ (adj): có thể chấp Although the dish tastes
nhận được nothing special, the
appearance is acceptable.
behave /bɪˈheɪv/ (v): hành xử The kids behave well
when they meet their
well-behaved / wɛl-bɪˈheɪvd / (adj): hành xử tốt John’s a well-behaved
student and very friendly
with his friends.
benefit /ˈbɛnɪfɪt / /ˈbɛnɪfɪt/ [C] (n, (1): Do we gain any
v): lợi ích benefits if we follow his
(2): How can we benefit
those who most need our
certificate (1) /sərˈtɪf·ɪ·kət/ (1) (n): chứng chỉ (1): I received a certificate
in Data Science.
(2) [C] (v): chứng (2): She has proposed a
(2) /səˈtɪfɪkeɪt/ nhận series of reforms to the
system of reporting and
certificating deaths.
curriculum /kəˈrɪkjʊləm/ [C] (n): chương Maths is an intrinsic part
trình giáo dục of the school curriculum.
divide /dɪˈvaɪd/ (v): chia ra The class is divided into 4
education /ˌɛdju(ː)ˈkeɪʃən/ [C/U] (n): nền giáo It's a country that places
dục great importance on

Tài liệu KYS Education is the Key to Your Success 5

independent /ˌɪndɪˈpɛndənt/ (a): độc lập We work in an
independent company
that doesn’t rely on any
financial aids.
make up of / meɪk ʌp ɒv / (phr.v): chiếm số Women make up 56
lượng percent of the university.
method /ˈmɛθəd/ [C] (n): phương Every day, Mr.Chou gives
pháp a method to learn English.
public /ˈpʌblɪk/ (a): cộng đồng We need to increase
public awareness of the
within /wɪˈðɪn/ (adv): trong We recommend that this
khoảng, trong wine should be consumed
vòng, không vượt within six months.
qua một mốc thời
a repository of /ə rɪˈpɒzɪtəri ɒv cuốn sách/ người She's a repository of
knowledge ˈnɒlɪʤ / có nhiều kiến knowledge about our
thức family history.
prevent /prɪˈvɛnt ngăn chặn cơ hội Old-fashioned teaching
opportunities to ˌɒpəˈtjuːnɪtiz tuː để… methods usually prevent
do sth duː ˈsʌmθɪŋ / opportunities to explore
and be creative.
remain /rɪˈmeɪn (coll.): không thay The curriculum this year
unchanged ʌnˈʧeɪnʤd/ đổi = stable remains unchanged.

do wonders for /duː ˈwʌndəz fɔː/ mang lại sự tiến Outdoor activities can do
bộ và có tác động wonders for children's
intellectual development.
rất tốt, hiệu ứng
tích cực
brief /briːf/ (a): ngắn gọn She asked me to give her a
brief summary of what
had happened.

Học tiếng Anh cùng Thầy Chí Châu | KYS 6

brochure /ˈbrəʊʃjʊə/ Ấn phẩm quảng Is it a good idea for
cáo English centers to use
brochures to advertise?
Task 4. Match the words below with their correct meanings.
1. repository a. obedient, good, disciplined

b. an official document stating that

2. make up of
particular facts are true

c. a person who has, or a book that

3. well-behaved
contains, a lot of information or detailed

4. acceptable knowledge

d. to combine with other people or things

5. certificate
to form a total or group

e. good enough or fairly good

Task 5. Use the words in Task 4 to complete the sentences below. Some words can be used
more than once.
Question 13. To the right of the fireplace are various framed .
Question 14. She's a of knowledge about our family history.
Question 15. Clearly we need to come to an arrangement that is
to both parties.
Question 16. Is it for fans to boo their own side?
Question 17. The troops have been remarkably so far.
Task 6. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
Question 18. Phong and Hoang are _______ little boys.
A. well-behaved B. brief C. unchanged D. independent

Question 19. They all made the same comment, quite _______ of each other.
A. beneficial B. educational C. independent D. methodical

Question 20. We recommend that this wine should be consumed _______ six months.
A. since B. whenever C. within D. thoroughly

Question 21. In July the country's jobless rate remained _______ at 8.2% of the workforce.
A. independent B. brief C. unchanged D. acceptable

Tài liệu KYS Education is the Key to Your Success 7

Question 22. In primary schools, the class teacher teaches all the subjects in the _______ to the
class, regardless of his preferences, flair and interests.
A. education B. certificate C. benefit D. curriculum

III. WORD LIST 3 (Level 3)

Từ vựng Phiên âm Nghĩa Ví dụ
academic /ˌækəˈdɛmɪk/ (a): mang tính học The school is noted for its
thuật academic excellence.
analyst /ˈænəlɪst/ [C] (n): nhà phân Our analyst will send you
tích the result as soon as the
test is done.
appealing /əˈpiːlɪŋ/ (a): gây cuốn hút The concert looks
appealing. I will buy a
ticket to it.
These stickers look
appealing. I will put them
on my laptop.
beneficial /ˌbɛnɪˈfɪʃəl (a): mang tính lợi Going to college close to
ích home is beneficial for
moving and family
category /ˈkætɪgəri/ [C] (n): loại There are five main
categories of students in a
class: the overachiever,
underachiever, class
clown, teacher’s pet, and
golden student.
disrupt /dɪsˈrʌpt/ (v): ngăn chặn (= Cheating in online exams
prevent, stop) is disrupted by the Azota
division /dɪˈvɪʒən/ [C] (n): (1): sự (1): The work will be an
chia ra; equal division.
(2): He's just been
(2): phân hạng, bộ
appointed as director of
the publishing division.

Học tiếng Anh cùng Thầy Chí Châu | KYS 8

educate /ˈɛdju(ː)keɪt/ (v): giáo dục, dạy How much does it cost to
dỗ educate a child privately?
educational /ˌɛdju(ː)ˈkeɪʃənl/ (adj): mang tính Reducing the size of
giáo dục classes may improve
educational standards.
get on with gɛt ɒn wɪð (phr.v): đang trở
We're getting on much
nên tốt hơn, hòa better now that we don't
hợp hơn với live together.

guarantee /ˌgærənˈtiː/ (v): đảm bảo (= I guarantee that your

ensure) English will improve
when you study at KYS.
independence /ˌɪndɪˈpɛndəns/ [U] (n): độc lập Vietnam gained its
independence in 1975,
reuniting the whole
investment /ɪnˈvɛstmənt/ [C] (n): sự đầu tư Buying a good PC is a
long-term investment.
investor /ɪnˈvɛstə/ [C] (n): nhà đầu tư Investors are focusing on
upgrading school
manufacture /ˌmænjʊˈfækʧə/ [C] (n/v): sản xuất (n): The manufacture of
số lượng lớn, chế armored vehicles
happened in Germany.
tạo (v): He works for a
company that
manufactures car parts.
manufacturer /ˌmænjʊˈfækʧərə/ [C] (n): công ty Germany is a major
sản xuất manufacturer of motor
nursery /ˈnɜːsəri/ [C] (n): nhà trẻ (= This type of nursery care
kindergarten) may well be the best
choice for your child.
optional /ˈɒpʃənl/ (adj): có thể chọn ≠ It’s optional, it’s up to
SYN: compulsory, your choice.

Tài liệu KYS Education is the Key to Your Success 9

publication /ˌpʌblɪˈkeɪʃən/ [C/U] (n): sự xuất Our latest publication is a
bản, ấn phẩm magazine for health
standard /ˈstændəd/ [C] (n): tiêu chuẩn Living standards are
improving time by time.
struggle /ˈstrʌgl/ [C] (n): cuộc đấu (n) The struggle of women
tranh for higher education in
Russia took place from
1885 to 1900.
(v): chật vật (v) I’m struggling to
memorize Chinese
tragedy /ˈtræʤɪdi/ [C] (n): thảm kịch The lack of teachers,
(= disaster) textbooks, and other
necessary equipment
seems like a tragedy for
rural schools.
tragic /ˈtræʤɪk/ (adj): thảm kịch (= His friends were deeply
disastrous) shocked and saddened by
the tragic news of his
Task 7. Match the words below with their correct meanings.
1. tragic g. a place where young children are cared for

while their parents are at work

2. investment
h. the act of investing money in something

i. to try very hard to do something when it is

3. nursery
difficult or when there are a lot of problems

4. standard j. a level of quality, especially one that people

think is acceptable
5. struggle
k. making you feel very sad, usually because

somebody has died or suffered a lot

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Task 8. Use the words in Task 7 to complete the sentences below. Some words can be used
more than once.
Question 23. He failed to reach the minimum and did not
Question 24. He was killed in a accident at the age of 24.
Question 25. This country needs in education.
Question 26. This type of care may well be the best choice
for your child.
Question 27. This piece of work is below .
Question 28. I was unemployed and financially.
Task 9. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
Question 29. She had a nice smile and an ________ personality.
A. appealing B. beneficial C. qualified D. optional

Question 30. I get ________ very well with my colleagues.

A. in B. on C. with D. off

Question 31. She _________ for 10 years to achieve success as an actress.

A. maked B. tried C. divided D. struggled

Question 32. Bus services will be _________ tomorrow because of the bridge closure.
A. built B. disrupted C. continued D. guaranteed

Question 33. Cuba gained _________ from Spain in 1898.

A. share B. support C. independence D. relationship

Question 34. The pilot averted a _________ when he succeeded in preventing the plane
from crashing.
A. tragedy B. silence C. shift D. share

Tài liệu KYS Education is the Key to Your Success 11

IV. WORD LIST 4 (Level 4)
Từ vựng Phiên âm Nghĩa Ví dụ
acceptance /əkˈsɛptəns/ [U] (n): sự chấp His creative science and
thuận engineering projects
gained acceptance on
social media.
analytical /ˌænəˈlɪtɪkəl/ (a): mang tính chi An analytical approach to
tiết, kỹ lưỡng the problem had
surprising results.
appalling /əˈpɔːlɪŋ/ (a): rất tệ In India, the living
conditions are appalling.
Because of his lack of
concentration in class, his
academic results are
constitute /ˈkɒnstɪtjuːt/ (v): thiết lập, This latest defeat
thành lập constitutes a major
setback for the Wildcats.
The United Nations
Educational, Scientific and
Cultural Organization was
constituted in 1946.
constitution /ˌkɒnstɪˈtjuːʃən/ [U] (n): hiến pháp The Constitution requires
that all children receive
equal educational
opportunities, regardless
of race, ethnicity, religion,
or gender, or whether they
are rich or poor, citizens or
dismiss /dɪsˈmɪs/ (v): từ chối (= turn Let's not just dismiss the
down, deny) idea before we've even
thought about it.

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disruption /dɪsˈrʌpʃən/ [C/U] (n): sự ngăn The accident brought
chặn (= widespread disruption on
prevention, stop) the roads.
Azota application brings
disruption in cheating on
online exams
literacy /ˈlɪtərəsi/ [U] (n, a): sự biết
The country has a literacy
chữ, khả năng đọc
rate of almost 98%.
privilege /ˈprɪvɪlɪʤ/ [C] (n): đặc quyền As a teacher, I’m
responsible for
considering my students’
burden /ˈbɜːdn/ [C] (n): gánh nặng If you want to study
better, you must stop
considering studying as a
brace oneself for /breɪs wʌnˈsɛlf fɔː chuẩn bị về mặt
Students have to brace
sth ˈsʌmθɪŋ/ tinh thần/thể xác themselves for a large
cho điều gì đó amount of homework
không vui vẻ gì after school.

amendment /əˈmɛndmənt/ [C,U] (n) sự chỉnh She suggested some

sửa amendments to be
suitable for students.
awareness /əˈweənəs/ (n): ý thức This subject would raise
students' awareness about
sexual violence.
deteriorate / dɪˈtɪərɪəreɪt / (v): trở nên tệ/ xấu His academic results have
đi deteriorated recently.
deterioration / dɪˌtɪərɪəˈreɪʃən / (n): sự trở nên tệ/ The deterioration of his
xấu đi mother’s health partly
impacted his studies.
illustration /ˌɪləsˈtreɪʃən / (n): hình ảnh, bức I really love colored
tranh illustrations in this book.

Tài liệu KYS Education is the Key to Your Success 13

proportion / prəˈpɔːʃən / (n): phần Only a small proportion of
the class failed the exam.
pursue / pəˈsjuː / (v): theo đuổi I want to pursue higher
education for a better life.
consolidation /kənˌsɒlɪˈdeɪʃən/ [C, U] (n): sự củng My teacher always
cố provides us with
consolidation worksheets
after each units.
facilitate / fəˈsɪlɪteɪt/ Làm cho dễ dàng, Computers can be used to
thuận tiện hơn facilitate language
Task 10. Match the words below with their correct meanings.
1. acceptance l. to become worse

m. a change or changes made to the words of

2. analytical
a text

n. the act of accepting a gift, an invitation, an offer

3. privilege
o. a special right or advantage that a particular

4. amendment person or group of people has

p. examining or liking to examine things

5. deteriorate
in detail, in order to discover more about them

Task 11. Use the words in Task 10 to complete the sentences below. Some words can be used
more than once.
Question 35. The discussion quickly into an angry argument.
Question 36. Invitations have been sent out and 80 have already
been received.
Question 37. Some students have a more approach to
Question 38. She made several minor to her essay.
Question 39. Education should be a universal right and not a .
Question 40. Her health rapidly, and she died shortly

Học tiếng Anh cùng Thầy Chí Châu | KYS 14

Task 12. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
Question 41. The war had put an insupportable financial _________ on the country.
A. burden B. silence C. awareness D. literacy

Question 42. Son __________ the opinion polls as worthless.

A. detained B. accepted C. dismissed D. allowed

Question 43. They are _________ themselves for a long legal battle.
A. trying B. bracing C. dividing D. making

Question 44. Young people need to have an __________ of the importance of eating a healthy
A. sibling B. responsibility C. understanding D. awareness

Question 45. The new trade agreement should ________ more rapid economic growth.
A. help B. facilitate C. destroy D. discourage

V. WORD LIST 5 (Level 5)

Từ vựng Phiên âm Nghĩa Ví dụ

core /kɔː/ (1) [C/U] (n): cốt (1): The core of this subject

lõi (= main) is to help students

(2) (adj): cốt lõi (= understand basic

main) principles in Chemistry.

(2): They are cutting back

production of some of

their core products.

disruptive /dɪsˈrʌptɪv/ (adj): phá rối, gây His teacher described him

ồn ào để phá đám as a noisy, disruptive

influence in class.

infancy /ˈɪnfənsi/ My mom told me that I

[U] (n): thời kì sơ
slept a lot when I was in
my infancy.

infant /ˈɪnfənt/ Lots of stuff to take care of

[C] (n): trẻ sơ sinh
an infant.

Tài liệu KYS Education is the Key to Your Success 15

parallel /ˈpærəlɛl/ (adj): song song The use of parallel

applications to check

grammar will give them a

better essay.

threshold /ˈθrɛʃˌhəʊld/ [C] (n): ngưỡng She felt nervous and

cửa excited when she was on

the threshold of the

college environment.

vocation /vəʊˈkeɪʃən/ [C/U] (n): hướng Most teachers regard their

nghiệp, nghề profession as a vocation,

nghiệp not just a job.

vocational / vəʊˈkeɪʃənl / trường dạy nghề The difference becomes

negligible for those who

finished vocational school

or two-year college, and

somewhat narrow for

those who completed high


in essence /ɪn ˈɛsns / điểm mấu chốt His argument in essence

was that education should

continue throughout life.

founder /ˈfaʊn.dɚ/ (v): be Teaching computers to

unsuccessful; thất read and write has always

bại foundered on the

unpredictable human

element in language.

be intent on /ɪnˈtɛnt/ (a) quyết tâm làm/ I've tried persuading her

sth/doing sth đạt được điều gì not to go to the college far

from home but she is

intent on it.

Học tiếng Anh cùng Thầy Chí Châu | KYS 16

undue /ʌnˈdjuː [C]: lượng gánh Such a high increase in

psychological ˌsaɪkəˈlɒʤɪkəl vác về mặt tâm lý homework will impose an

burdens ˈbɜːdnz/ nhiều hơn mức undue psychological

bình thường burden on the students.

willpower /'wɪl.paʊ.ɚ/ [U] (n): ý chí, nghị Staying on a diet takes a

lực lot of willpower.

Studying languages takes

a lot of willpower.

enrollment /ɪnˈrəʊlmənt / (n): sự ghi danh The benchmark also

depends on that major’s


confine /kənˈfaɪn / (v): hạn chế The length of the passage

will not be confined to 20


lifelong /ˈlaɪflɒŋ / (a): suốt đời Lifelong learning brings a

lot of benefits to everyone.

pursuit /pəˈsjuːt / (n): sự theo đuổi My sister decided to study

abroad in pursuit of

learning Multimedia



Task 13. Match the words below with their correct meanings.
1. disruptive q. to fail, especially because of a particular

problem or difficulty
2. infant
r. lasting or existing all through your life

s. causing problems, noise, so that

3. lifelong
something cannot continue normally

4. founder t. a baby or very young child

u. to limit an activity, person, or problem in

5. confine
some way

Tài liệu KYS Education is the Key to Your Success 17

Task 14. Use the words in Task 13 to complete the sentences below. Some words can be used
more than once.
Question 46. A few students can easily ruin a class.
Question 47. I will myself to looking at the period from 1900
to 1916.
Question 48. The project after problems with funding.
Question 49. Learning many language is a pursuit.
Question 50. She has five children, the youngest of whom is still an
Question 51. She had a influence on the rest of the class.
Task 15. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
Question 52. I’ve tried persuading her not to go but she’s ________ on it.
A. spirit B. intent C. try D. distract

Question 53. Separated from his mother when he was just an ________ , the boy grew up in a
children’s home.
A. infant B. support C. trick D. relationship

Question 54. The work will not be _________ to the Glasgow area.
A. allowed B. confined C. divided D. unbinded

Question 55. __________ during the school year is limited to about 200 students.
A. Benchmark B. Support C. Enrolment D. Silence

Question 56. He acts so cold and always keeps distance to others but in __________ he is really
A. essence B. sibling C. responsibility D. relationship

Học tiếng Anh cùng Thầy Chí Châu | KYS 18

Từ vựng Nghĩa Ví dụ
put forward sth = propose sth; đề I put forward Hadilao restaurant to throw
xuất vấn đề để thảo her a surprise birthday.
luận Jenny put forward the idea of studying at the
coffee shop.
make up for sth = compensate for sth; He has to get a good mark in reading skill to
đền bù cho make up for his low grade in writing skill.
put sth off = postpone; trì hoãn If you postpone studying foreign languages,
you will apologize soon.
get your ideas across truyền đạt ý tưởng It’s critical for students to get their ideas
to sb của bạn cho ai across to team members.
Getting his ideas across is very necessary for
a successful leader.
get on well with sb (phr. v) hòa hợp với My sister and I get on well with each other.
ai = get along with sb
get over a problem = overcome a We have to get over the problems before we
problem: khắc phục, go to school.
giải quyết vấn đề It took my teacher a long time to get over the
problems with the stereo system.
own up to sth = confess to sth; He finally owned up to bunking off
admit you did sth yesterday.
wrong: thừa nhận lỗi
look up to sb = respect sb; tôn You have to look up to your teachers.
trọng ai
come out = publish: xuất bản Mr. Chou is planning to come out an English
reference book for students.
be taken in by sb = be deceived by sb: He can’t believe that he was taken in by his
bị lừa best friend.
follow the làm theo chỉ dẫn You should follow the instruction unless you
instructions want to be suspended from examination.

Tài liệu KYS Education is the Key to Your Success 19

have a guess đoán Let's have a guess who will get A+ grade in
the final exam.
well-endowed schools receiving a This school is well-endowed with modern
schools lot of money from facilities.
rich people
better-off parents richer parents; bố mẹ I’m lucky to receive a good education owing
giàu có hơn (hơn to my better-off parents.
xưa/ người khác)
take the blame for nhận lỗi lầm, chịu That group of students took the blame for
sth/sb trách nhiệm về việc their carelessness in doing Chemistry
gì experiments.
degree the qualification My brother has a master's degree from
obtained by students Harvard.
who successfully
complete a university
or college course
diploma a document showing => High school diploma
that you have She is taking a diploma in business studies.
completed a course I’m hoping to get my teaching diploma this
of study or part of year.
your education
licence an official document => a driving licence = a driver’s license
that shows that He was arrested for driving without a license
permission has been
given to do, own or
use something: cấp
quyền, bản quyền
certificate an official document birth/death/marriage certificate
that states that a fact The picture shows that Dieu Nhi is holding
or facts are true her marriage certificate.
reform (1) [ngđt] to improve Minister of Education and Training Phung
a system, law, Xuan Nha has reformed the Vietnamese
organization etc by

Học tiếng Anh cùng Thầy Chí Châu | KYS 20

making a lot of education system by changing the set of
changes to it, so that textbooks.
it operates in a fairer
or more effective way
(2) [ngđt, nđt] to
change your She insists that she has finally reformed.
behaviour and She thought she could reform him.
become a better
person, or to make
someone do this
improve [ngđt, nđt]to make Two years later, her speaking English skill
something better, or has improved.
to become better than You should use the money for improving
before: tốt hơn trước, your bedroom.
cải thiện
refine [ngđt] to improve sth His playing technique has been refined over
by gradually making time.
small changes to it: cải
thiện dần dần
rehabilitate [ngđt] phục dựng, Some of the city's tax revenues will be used
tôn tạo, phục hồi (tòa to rehabilitate the downtown area.
nhà, khu vực) A lot of historical sites have now been
ameliorate [ngđt] to make better If our boss hadn’t arrived, we would have
something that was ameliorated the situation.
bad or not good
revamp [ngđt] to change My school revamped the sports hall after I
something in order to had graduated.
improve it and make
it seem more modern:
cải tiến
reclaim [ngđt] {nông nghiệp} This land will be reclaimed for a new airport.
cải tạo (đất), khai

Tài liệu KYS Education is the Key to Your Success 21

hoang; giác ngộ Thí In my opinion, Thi No reclaimed Chi Pheo
land (người) from a criminal way of life.
backwards and = back and forth: tới If he has to solve a hard Math problem, he
forwards lui usually moves back and forth.
first and foremost đầu tiên và quan Personally, choosing a suitable study method
trọng nhất, để bắt is the first and foremost thing in self-
đầu, hơn tất cả, learning.
sooner or later sớm muộn gì, sớm As long as you make effort to study hard,
hay muộn you will success sooner or later.
more or less = approximately; The Pomodoro technique works for me,
almost: xấp xỉ, gần more or less.
now and again = sometimes but not I usually read English novels now and again
often; = occasionally, to improve my English reading skills.
now and then, on and
off: thỉnh thoảng
safe and sound = safely: an toàn, bình He was safe and sound after the fire.
an vô sự Studying one more language really makes
me safe and sound.
Don’t worry! The teacher will get your
children back safe and sound.
odds and ends = bits and pieces: I threw away a few odds and ends and
small things of little decorated my bookshelves.
importance: những
thứ linh tinh, không
quan trọng, không có
giá trị
as good as gold well-behaved: cư xử She is my teacher’s pet because not only does
đúng đắn she study well, but she is also as good as
as light as a feather very light: nhẹ tựa Her tote bag felt as light as a feather.
lông hồng
as thin as a rake

Học tiếng Anh cùng Thầy Chí Châu | KYS 22

very thin: rất gầy, She used to be as thin as a rake. But her
gầy trơ xương weight has improved due to eating healthy
as white as a sheet white with fear/ from He was as white as a sheet when the teacher
illness: mặt trắng asked him to hand in his assignment.
bệch, trắng xanh, tái
đi vì sợ/ bị bệnh
sleep like a log sleep very well: ngủ After a long trip with school, he went home
say như chết and slept like a log because of tiredness.

Tài liệu KYS Education is the Key to Your Success 23

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