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Anthelmintic Effectivity of Betel Nut (Areca catechu) Agaisnt Capillaria anatis to

Pekin Ducks (Anas platyrhynchos domesticus)

A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of the

College of Veterinary Medicine
Cagayan State University
Tuguegarao City

In partial
Fulfilment of the
Requirements for the Degree
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

Ovideo M. Daliyong


catechu) AS DEWORMER TO PEKIN DUCKS (Anas platyrhynchos domesticus)”,
prepared and submitted by OVIDEO M. DALIYONG has been examined and accepted.


Thesis Adviser, Advisory Committee Chairman, Advisory Committee
________________________ ________________________
Date signed Date signed


Member, Advisory Committee Member, Advisory Committee
________________________ ________________________
Date signed Date signed

Approved by the committee on Oral defense with a grade of ____.

Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of


Dean, College of Veterinary Medicine
Cagayan State University

Date signed

The author is the youngest among the three siblings of Emmanuel G. Daliyong

and Remedios M. Daliyong. He was born on July 3, 1998, at Bulanao, Tabuk City,

Kalinga. He took his primary school at St. Theresita’s School Dagupan, Tabuk City,

Kalinga, and secondary level at St. Theresita’s School Dagupan, Tabuk City, Kalinga. He

is currently taking up Doctor of Veterinary Medicine at Cagayan State University, Carig

Campus, Tuguegarao City. He is now pursuing his dreams for his family.



The author wishes to express his profound gratitude to those who had given their

hand in the preparation and completion of this study.

To Dr. Roel T. Calagui, the adviser, for his patience, wisdom, encouragement,

and supervision, for constructive suggestions while the study was being conducted, and

for his endless support;

To the panelist, Dr. Kathlyn B. Cruz , chairman of the committee, and to the

members, Dr. Bryan Jerome R. Bassig and Dr. Maricel F, Campanano, for their

inspiring suggestions, corrections, and comments for the betterment of this study;

To Mr. Cyrus Kelly Macabangon, for his knowledge of analyzing the data.

To the RADDL staff, especially Dr. Reymel John Agcanas, for allowing him to

use the equipment and materials needed in this study.

To his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emmanuel G. Daliyong and Remedios M.

Daliyong for giving everything they can to support this study, for their endless love and

unending support;

Above all, to the Almighty God, for His unending love, provision, and blessings

which have enabled the author to overcome all the difficulties and hardship in finishing

this study.


Statement of the Problem
Significance of the study
Objective of Study
Scope and Delimitation


The plant
Betel nut (Areca catechu)
Active compounds
Medical usage of betel nut
Sun Drying
Pekin Duck (Anas platyrhynchos domesticus)
Importance of Pekin duck
Capillaria anatis
Anatomy of Capillaria anatis
Life Cycle of Capillaria anatis
Levamisole hydrochloride
Mechanism of Action of Levamisole hydrochloride
In vivo


Gathering and Collection of Betel nut
Sun drying the meat of Betel nut
Source of the Stock
Administration of Processed Betel Nut
Collection of feces
Examination of feces
Mc Master Floatation Technique
Determination of Anthelmintic Effectivity
Classification of Parasites
Statistical Analysis


Egg count per gram and change in egg count per gram
using different treatments at different observation periods



1 Administration of treatment
1 A picture of an Areca palm with Betel nut (Areca catechu)
2 A picture of a Pekin duck (Anas platyrhynchos domesticus)
3 A picture of Ascaridia galli
4 Life cycle of Ascaridia galli


AGAISNT Capillaria anatis to PEKIN DUCKS (Anas platyrhynchos




School year: 2021-2022


The objective of this study is to determine the effectivity of Betel nut (Areca
catechu) as dewormer to Pekin ducks (Anas platyrhynchos domesticus). Betel nuts are
collected from Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga. Phytochemical screening of Betel nut was
made at CSU Andrews Campus, Tuguegarao City. Thirty Pekin ducks were randomly
distributed into five treatments with three replicates each. Treatment 1 contains 1g of
powdered betel nut, Treatment 2 contains 2g of, Treatment 3 contains 3g, Treatment 4 as
the positive control, and Treatment 5 as the negative control. Treatments were
administered in day 1, and fecal samples were collected at day 3, 5, and 7 for fecal egg
count using McMaster floatation technique. It was revealed that Treatment 3 and
Positive control had the highest egg count reduction with totally 0 egg count, however
base on observation in Treatment 3 excessive salivation and euphoria was seen after the
treatment. Thus, it is capable of being an alternative dewormer in Pekin ducks.

In our country, specifically in the Cordillera Administrative Region, Betel nut is very

well known for its addictive component among the native people of Cordillera as an

energy booster for their body. This is due to the nut’s natural alkaloids, which release

adrenaline. It may also result in feelings of euphoria and well-being. Some traditional

beliefs told that it may offer relief for a range of ailments, from dry mouth to digestive

problems. It also says that more research is needed to confirm any of the betel nut’s

benefits (Bowers, 2018).

Betel nut is a fruit of a tall slender tree, 12-30 meters tall with a smooth trunk and a

crown of large pinnate leaves, yellow to orange colored when ripe, with hard fibrous

endocarp and a single seed, commonly called a nut. The seed is separated from the outer

layer of the fruit and may be used fresh or dried, sliced into thin strips, rolled in a betel

leaf with slaked lime (powder), and chewed. The areca nut is not a true nut, but rather the

seed of an Areca palm fruit categorized as a berry.

New technology arises to resolve the problem of poultry and livestock raisers,

particularly infestation of internal parasites. The chemical constituents of Betel nut have

been investigated for, among others, anthelmintic. The seed contains several alkaloids

belonging to the pyridine group. The most important of them physiologically is arecoline

(Chu, 2001), which is known and used medicinally as anthelmintic. Based on studies,

betel nut anthelmintic are comparable to the expensive commercial dewormers in terms

of efficacy and a good substitute to commercial dewormers as experimented by many

researchers. It is also cheaper in terms of cost. The technology is effective against egg

and adult parasites, in particular roundworms and tapeworms. It is an economical and

simple but effective composition and an alternative way to reduce the parasitic burden to

a tolerable level (Ozaraga et al., 2021).

It is proven beyond doubt that worm loads in birds kept in free-range systems are far

higher than birds kept in confined spaces. Worms cause lots of damage to the digestive

system, which can sometimes lead to death but certainly leads to increased feed

consumption, fewer eggs, and gradual weight loss if nothing else. The control of parasitic

diseases will lead to the stable supply of Pekin ducks and alleviate poverty in the

countryside. Thus, the study will be conducted to determine the effectivity of Betel nut as

a dewormer to pekin ducks.

Significance of the Study

The affirmative result of the study on the effectivity of betel nut will provide a

natural alternative for treating gastrointestinal parasites and will benefit not only the

pharmaceutical industry but also backyard farmers.

Objectives of the Study

Generally, the aim of the study is to determine the anthelmintic effectivity of mature

Betel nut (Areca catechu), especially to free-range Pekin ducks (Anas platyrhynchos


The study specifically aims to:

a. To determine secondary metabolites present in Betel nut (Areca catechu)

b. To determine the in-vivo anthelmintic effectivity of Betel nut (Areca catechu) and

commercial to Pekin ducks (Anas platyrhynchos domesticus).

c. To determine the reduction in number of fecal egg count (EPG) after treatment.

Scope and Delimitation

The study is to determine the effectivity of mature betel nut as a dewormer to

Pekin ducks. In particular, to determine the effectivity of betel nut, and if it is capable of

being an alternative to commercial anthelmintic drugs.


The Plant

Betel nut (Areca catechu) is the seed of the fruit of the areca palm. It is also

known as areca nut. The common names, preparations, and specific ingredients vary by

cultural group and individuals who use it.

Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Plantae
Phylum: Spermatophyta
Subphylum: Angiospermae
Class: Monocotyledonae
Order: Arecales
Family: Arecaceae
Genus: Areca
Species: Areca catechu

Betel nut (Areca catechu)

The areca nut, often incorrectly referred to as betel nut (betel refers to the leaf that

the nut is often wrapped in), and its products are the fourth most commonly used

psychoactive substance in the world after tobacco, alcohol, and caffeine. The nut is a hard

brown oval kernel, about the size of a plum stone. The areca palm is not only cultivated

for the nut but also for its husk, which is used in paper and insulating wool production.

The nut may be eaten raw or refined in a number of ways including boiling in water,

roasting, or curing. Areca is a masticatory and is chewed often in combination with

tobacco (Winstock, 2013). As shown in (Appendix figure 2)

Active Compounds

It contains several psychoactive compounds. Arecoline, the principal alkaloid in

betel nut, acts as a stimulant of the nervous system and increases the levels of

noradrenaline and acetylcholine. This leads to subjective effects of increased well-being,

alertness, and stamina. The preferred route of intake is chewing, which leads to the rapid

absorption of these alkaloids through the buccal mucosa. It has also been suggested that

betel nut chewing may confer protection against dental caries. In vitro evidence has

suggested that the tannin content of areca have antimicrobial properties, and this may

contribute to the cariostatic role of areca. It has been confirmed that arecoline can

stimulate the sympathetic nerve, stimulate the choline M receptor, and promote the

increases of saliva secretion, sweating and help to improve digestive function. However,

betel nut chewing can produce significant cholinergic, neurological, cardiovascular, and

gastrointestinal manifestations (Ali et al., 2011).

Medical usage of Betel nut

Betel nut is used for the treatment of a mental disorder called schizophrenia and

an eye disorder called glaucoma; as a mild stimulant; and as a digestive aid. Some people

use areca as a recreational drug because it speeds up the central nervous system (CNS).

Some patients with schizophrenia who chew betel nut seem to have less severe

symptoms. In veterinary medicine, the active component arecoline, which inhibits the

gamma amino benzoic acid that causes paralysis of the worms Proanthocyanidins (a

group of of condensed tannins) can inhibit enzymes and degrade membranes. The
inhibtion of enzymes causes metabolic failure and leads to worm death. Tannins also act

as anthelmintics through their ovicidal property (Chang et al., 2006).

Sun Drying

Herbs are “any plant with leaves, seeds, or flowers used for flavoring, food,

medicine, or perfume” (2019). Herbs are considered to be highly perishable foods due to

their high moisture content and most herbs are chill-sensitive (Pirbalouti et al., 2013).

They are therefore processed by drying to create shelf-stable products (Orphanides et al.,

2016). Drying preserves the quality of herbs by reducing the moisture content, which

inhibits the growth of microorganisms and chemical alterations during dried storage

(Diaz-Maroto et al., 2002b). The quality characteristics considered to be the most

important for dried herbs may depend on their usage. For instance, the quality of medical

dried herbs is defined by the content of bioactive compounds (Ebadi et al., 2015)

Pekin Duck Taxonomy

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Subphylum: Vertebrata
Class: Aves
Order: Anseriformes
Family: Anatidae
Subfamily: Anserinae
Genus: Anas
Species: Anas platyrhynchos
Subspecies: Anas platyrhynchos domestica
Importance of Pekin duck

Pekin duck is a breed of domesticated duck used primarily for egg and meat

production. It was bred from the Mallard in China. Keepers bred the Pekin duck in only

one variety; white. Simultaneously, the ducklings are yellow and most likely the type of

duckling. The primary reason this breed is favored for meat production. Pekin duck meat

is a rich source of protein. The primarily dark meat produced has a delicious flavor.

Mature Pekin duck hens (females) weigh around 8 pounds. Mature drakes (males) weigh

approximately 9 pounds. Jumbo Pekin ducks, a larger yet otherwise identical version of

the breed, often his 12 pounds when they mature (HappyChicken, 2021). As shown in

(Appendix figure 1)


Roundworms are common and are the largest worms affecting poultry. In

appearance they are thick and white and up to 12cm in length. These intestinal worms can

cause intestinal impaction and fatalities in severe cases (Squires et al., 2010). The various

species of roundworms, or nematodes, can infect various tissues and organs inside your

bird’s body, including the gastrointestinal tract, eyes, proventriculus and ventriculus, the

body cavity, and air sacs Untreated, roundworms can cause significant damage to the

tissues in which they live, causing death by tracheal ulceration or asphyxiation (Wag,

2021). Nematodes (roundworms) are the most significant in number of species and in

economic impact. Of species found in commercial poultry, the common roundworm

(Ascaridia galli) is by far the most common. Field studies show that poultry maintained

under free-range conditions may be heavily parasitized; therefore, control measures such
as preventing infections or chemotherapy can improve weight gain and egg production

(Macklin et al., 2019).

Capillaria anatis

Phylum: Nematoda
Class: Enoplea
Subclass: Dorylaimia
Order: Trichinellida
Suborder: Trichinellina
Family: Capillariidae
Subfamily: Capillariinae
Genus: Capillaria
Species: Capillaria anatis

Capillaria anatis affects chickens, turkeys, ducks and geese. They are often found

in outside environments where birds are kept in a confined area with poor drainage and

ventilation. Birds are often fed off of the ground and have access to earthworms in the


Anatomy of Capillaria anatis

The adults are filamentous worms and the females are around 30mm in length,

and larger than males. The eggs are ovoid, about 30 um, have thick outer shell, two polar
plugs and contain a single cell. They are mainly found in small intestine and cecum

(Trees, 1987).

Life Cycle of Capillaria anatis

Capillaria worms have direct life cycle. L1 develops within the egg. The host is

infected through ingestion, and develop into adults. The prepatent period is 3-4 weeks.

They are mainly found in small intestine and cecum (Trees, 1987). As shown in

(Appendix Figure 3)

Levamisole hydrochloride (Bastonero plus®)

Levamisole is highly effective against all adult roundworms and other

gastrointestinal parasites, as well as against arrested larvae of a few species. Besides the

anthelmintic activity, levamisole also has a stimulating effect on the immune system, and

it can be effective against certain tumors. It was manufactured by Janssen and first used

in 1969 as an agent to treat worm infestations (Junquera, 2021).

Mechanism of Action of Levamisole hydrocloride

Levamisole causes a depolarization of the ganglions and nervous cells of the

worms. It also interferes with the metabolism of carbohydrates in the worm. Within 1 to 3

hours after administration the worms are paralyzed and die or expelled (Junquera, 2021).
In Vivo

Studies that are in vivo are those in which the effects of various biological entities

are tested on whole, living organisms or cells, usually animals, including humans, and

plants, as opposed to a tissue extract or dead organism. Consequently, animal testing and

clinical trials are major elements of in vivo research. In vivo testing is often employed

over in vitro because it is better suited for observing the overall effects of an experiment

on a living subject.

Gathering and Collection of Betel nut

Fresh mature betel nuts were gathered from different places in the Municipality of

Tabuk City, Kalinga. The same variety of betel nut will be use in this study. The fresh

betel nut fruit will be cut into halves and the meat of the nut was separated from the shell

by using a knife or teaspoon and was placed in a clean container. (Figure 1)

Figure 1. Collection of matured betel nut (left), Cleaning and cutting of betel nut (right).

Sun drying the Meat of the Betel Nut

The fresh nut will be sun-dried for twenty four hours or until the nut was fully

dried ready for milling or grinding. As soon as the meat of the nut will be fully dried

(Figure 2), it will be milled or ground into powder using a manual grinder until it turned

into powder.
Figure 2. Sun drying of betel nut (left), Grinding of betel nut (right).

Source of the Stock

Pekin duck freely ranged in the backyard will be used in this study. They will be

examined if they are positive of internal parasites through fecal analysis using the

floatation method. Animals that will be found positive of parasites will be placed in the

cage three days before the administration of processed betel nut. The experimental

animals will be weighed individually to determine the amount of powdered nuts given.

(Figure 3)
Figure 3. Acclimatization of pekin duck before treatment (left), Pekin ducks in cages

before administrating treatments (right).

Administration of Processed Betel Nut to the Animals

Experimental animals will be orally administered with powdered mature betel nut

mixed with 3ml of distilled water. (Figure 4)

For Pekin ducks

Treatment I- 1 gram per kilogram bodyweight

Treatment II - 2 grams per kilogram bodyweight

Treatment III- 3 grams per kilogram bodyweight

Treatment IV - Positive control (Commercial dewormer)

Treatment V - Negative control (3ml Distilled water)

Figure 4. Preparation of oral suspension for treatment.

Collection of Feces

Animals will be properly observed after the administration of dewormer. Feces

excreted will be immediately collected and examined. Collected feces will be placed in

the labeled containers (Figure 5) for proper identification.

Figure 5. Collection of fecal sample for examination of egg count (left), Labeled

containers for fecal samples (right).

Examination of feces

The eggs per gram feces (EPG) modified McMaster with the sugar flotation

method was used. The treatment group 5 was not given anthelmintic as negative control

and was calculated increasing of the eggs per gram feces (EPG) as basic data. (Figure 6)
Figure 6. Examination of fecal sample using McMaster floatation method.

Mc Master Floatation Technique

Four grams of feces of the sample from the experimental animals was suspended

in 56 ml of sheather’s solution. The suspension was mixed thoroughly using tongue.

Filter the faecal suspension trough a tea strainer into container 2. While stirring the

filtrate into container 2, take a subsample with a Pasteur pipette. Fill both the sides of the

McMaster counting chamber with the subsample. Examine under the microscope (LPO)

and count. Always start at the same point on the McMaster slide (meandering technique).

Chamber 1 plus Chamber 2 x 50 = EPG (egg per gram) (Zajac et al.,2012).

Determination of Anthelmintic Effects

Anthelmintic effects will be determined through fecal examination using

McMaster floatation technique. The parasites expelled were counted to determine which

treatment is more effective in deworming.

Classification of Parasites

Collected parasites will be identified as gastrointestinal parasites further classified

as Nematodes (roundworms), Cestodes (tapeworms), and Trematodes.

Statistical Analysis

Pekin ducks will be used in this study. Data will analyze using Analysis of

Variance (ANOVA) and least significant Difference (LSD) in a Completely Randomized

Design (CRD) and determine the differences among the group treatments.

The study consists of commercial dewormer as positive control, betel nut in

powdered form and no dewormer as negative control. Each five treatment group

composed of three replicates. The result of study revealed after laboratory examination of

feces that there were species of roundworms in all treated pekin ducks which is

Capillaria anatis. The species identified were based on the distinctive features of the

eggs. Microscopic examination of the feces was used in identifying and counting the

number of eggs. Furthermore this positive results shows that betel nut can be an

alternative dewormer for local backyard farmers.

The betel nut was subjected for phytochemical screening to determine the active

components of the plant for its anthelmintic activity. The result from phytochemical

screening shows that the presence of flavonoids and natural alkaloids which are bioactive

substances capable of eliminating gastrointestinal parasites (Chu, 2001). The death of

C.anatis is due to the presence of arecoline that inhibits the gamma amino benzoic acid

that causes paralysis to helminths and Proanthocyanidins (a group of condensed tannins)

can inhibit enzymes and degrade membranes that cause metabolic failure, which

decreases energy production and leads to worm death (Ariyadi et al., 2018).

During treatment, some of the pekin ducks showed excessive salivation and

euphoria side effects, due to its arecoline component that stimulates the sympathetic

nervous system which promotes increase in saliva secretion (Xiaoxiao et al., 2021).
The study was conducted to assess the effectivity of powdered betel nut against

roundworms of pekin ducks. Moreover, it aims to evaluate the effectivity of betel nut in

eliminating roundworms of pekin ducks in terms of the species of roundworms and

reduction in the number of fecal egg count (EPG).

Table 1. Egg Count Per Gram (EPG) and Change in Egg Count Per Gram (ΔEPG)
for the Presence of Capillaria Spp Using Different Treatments at Different
Observation Periods.
Day 0 Day 3 Day 5 Day 7
Betel Nut, 1g (T1) 383 92 -291.67 83 -300.00 75 -308.33
Betel Nut, 2g (T2) 392 33 -358.33 50 -341.67 50 -341.67
Betel Nut, 3g (T3) 367 0 -366.67 0 -366.67 0 -366.67
Commercial Dewormer 375 0 0 0
-375.00 -375.00
(T4) -375.00
Distilled Water (T5) 317 342 25.00 375 58.33 383 66.67
* EPG - Egg Count Per Gram
* ΔEPG - Change in Egg Count Per Gram

The above table shows the mean egg count per gram before and after the

administration. It shows that T3 (3 grams) and T4 (commercial dewormer) has the lowest

egg count with 100% reduction in number, followed by T1 (1 gram) and T2 (2 grams). In

T5 (distilled water) the egg count increased.

Table 1 further revealed the mean egg reduction in T3 (3 grams) and T4

(commercial dewormer) has the same reduction of egg count among the other treatment

groups before and after treatment. This shows that T3 with 3 grams of powdered betel nut

can be an alternative dewormer for pekin ducks.

Appendix Figure 4 (Look at page) shows that the egg count per gram decreased

with the use of powdered betel nut in T1 (1gram), T2 (2grams), and T3 (3grams) having
the highest reduction of egg count same with T4 (commercial dewormer) with totally 0

egg count. On the other hand, the egg count per gram increased in T5 with the used of

distilled water.

Table 2. ANOVA of the change in egg count per gram using different treatments
Source of SS df MS F p-value
Treatment 2332944.44 4 583236.11 56.40 .0000*
Days 59555.56 2 29777.78 2.88 .0619
Replicates 1388.89 2 694.44 0.07 .9351
Error 837666.67 81 10341.56
Total 3231555.56 89
*Means are significantlyt different at p<.01

Tables 2 show that there is a significant difference among the egg count of the

different treatments after the administration of dewormer. It further denotes that betel nut

can effectively reducing the number of ova after administration in day 3, day 5, day 7 of

observation due to its component arecoline present in betel nut which paralyzes worms

(Mubarokah et al., 2019).

Appendix Table 7 (Look at page) shows that T3 and T4 had the highest egg

reduction with totally 0 egg counts after administration. LSD was used to compare the

treatment means and it shows that T3 and T4 is significantly different with T5 (negative

control) but not significantly different with T1 and T2.

Appendix Figure 5 (Look at page) shows that treatments T1, T2, T3, and T4 are

significantly different to T5. This means that all these treatments are effective in reducing

egg count per gram for Pekin ducks. It follows that T1, T2, T3 and T4 are all comparable.

However T1 and T2 are less effective than T3 and T4.



The study aimed to determine the effectivity of powdered betel nut against

roundworms in Pekin ducks by egg count reduction. It is also aimed to determine which

dosage of powdered betel nut has the highest effectivity against roundworm in pekin

ducks. The experiment consists of 5 treatment groups (Treatment 1: 1 gram, Treatment 2:

2 grams, Treatment 3: 3grams of powdered betel nut, Treatment 4: Levamisole as

positive control, Treatment 5: Distilled water as negative control).

Fecal examination of samples of pekin ducks was performed in day 0, day 3, day

5, and day 7 after the administration of powdered betel nut, levamisole and distilled water

using McMaster egg counting technique.

Results showed that T3 (3 grams) of powdered betel nut showed the higher egg

reduction than other treatment. Administration of 3 grams powdered betel nut also had

excessive salivation and euphoria side effect on the pekin ducks receiving the treatment

due to randomized groupings disregarding weight and age of the pekin ducks. This is due

to the main content of betel nut, arecoline that stimulate the sympathetic nerve which

promotes the increase in saliva secretion.


The results showed that powdered betel nut is effective in terms of reduction of

ova in round worms in Pekin ducks using 3 grams preparation. Using ANOVA, there is

significant difference among the egg count of the different treatments after the

administration of dewormer. Betel nut at 3 grams was capable in reducing fecal egg

count, among the treatments in which 3 grams of betel nut has the highest effectivity

resulting 0 egg count but had an side effects. The parasite identified and eliminated by

betel nut was Capillaria anatis.


Base on the results of the study, the following are hereby recommended:

1. Larval count and postmortem count should be included in the parameters.

2. It is also recommended to use other experimental animals from avian species, for

testing anthelmintic effectivity.

3. Using other parts of the palm tree of the potential anthelmintic effectivity is also


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Appendix 1. Application for Authorization
Appendix 2. Request Letter
Appendix 3. Phytochemical screening result of Betel nut.
Appendix 4. Plant authentication result
Appendix table 1. Pre-treatment egg count per gram for the presence of Capillaria
Treatment R1 R2 R3 Total Average
group mean
T1 (1gram) 400 400 400 350 350 400 2300 383.333333
T2 (2 grams) 500 300 400 200 400 550 2350 391.666667
T3 (3grams) 300 250 350 400 400 500 2200 366.666667
T4 400 200 500 250 500 400 2250 375
T5 (Distilled 350 300 450 200 450 150 1900 316.666667

Appendix table 2. Post treatment egg count per gram for the presence of Capillaria
Treatment R1 R2 R3 Total Average
goup mean
T1 (1gram) 50 100 50 100 100 150 650 108.3333333
T2 (2 grams) 50 0 50 50 0 50 200 33.3333333
T3 (3grams) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
T4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
T5 (Distilled 400 200 400 350 500 200 2050 341.666667

Appendix table 3. Post treatment egg count per gram for the presence of Capillaria
Treatment R1 R2 R3 Total Average
goup mean
T1 (1gram) 50 100 50 150 100 50 500 83.333333
T2 (2 grams) 50 0 100 50 0 100 300 50
T3 (3grams) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
T4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
T5 (Distilled 400 150 450 350 400 500 2250 375
Appendix table 4. Post treatment egg count per gram for the presence of Capillaria
Treatment R1 R2 R3 Total Average
goup mean
T1 (1gram) 50 50 100 50 50 150 550 91.66666666
T2 (2 grams) 100 0 50 100 0 50 300 50
T3 (3grams) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
T4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
T5 (Distilled 450 300 400 350 400 400 2300 383.333333

Appendix Table 5. Egg Count per Gram for the Presence of Capillaria anatis Using
Different Treatments
Egg Count Per Gram
Day 0 Day 3 Day 5 Day 7
Betel Nut, 1g (T1) 383 92 83 75

Betel Nut, 2g (T2) 392 33 50 50

Betel Nut, 3g (T3) 367 0 0 0

Commercial Dewormer (T4) 375 0 0 0

Distilled Water (T5) 317 342 375 383

Appendix Table 6. Reduction in Egg Count Per Gram for the Presence of Capillaria
anatis Using Different Treatments
Change in Egg Count Per Gram
Day 3 Day 5 Day 7
Betel Nut, 1g (T1) -291.67 -300.00 -308.33
Betel Nut, 2g (T2) -358.33 -341.67 -341.67
Betel Nut, 3g (T3) -366.67 -366.67 -366.67
Commercial Dewormer (T4) -375.00 -375.00 -375.00
Distilled Water (T5) 25.00 58.33 66.67

Appendix Table 7. Multiple Comparisons Value of LSD with the different

(I) 95% Confidence Interval
(J) Mean
Treatmen Std. Error Sig. Lower Upper
Treatment Difference (I-J)
t Bound Bound
T2 47.220 33.898 .16741 -19.216 113.661
T3 66.670 33.898 .05264 0.228 133.105
T4 75.000* 33.898 .02975 8.561 141.439
T5 -350.000** 33.898 .00000 -416.439 -283.561
T1 -47.220 33.898 .16741 -113.661 19.216
T3 19.440 33.898 .56781 -46.994 85.883
T4 27.780 33.898 .41493 -38.661 94.216
T5 -397.222** 33.898 .00000 -463.661 -330.784
T1 -66.670 33.898 .05264 -133.105 -0.228
T2 -19.440 33.898 .56781 -85.883 46.994
T4 8.330 33.898 .80643 -58.105 74.772
T5 -416.667** 33.898 .00000 -483.105 -350.228
T1 -75.000* 33.898 .02975 -141.439 -8.561
T2 -27.780 33.898 .41493 -94.216 38.661
T3 -8.330 33.898 .80643 -74.772 58.105
T5 -425.000** 33.898 .00000 -491.439 -358.561
T1 350.000** 33.898 .00000 283.561 416.439
T2 397.222** 33.898 .00000 330.784 463.661
T3 416.667** 33.898 .00000 350.228 483.105
T4 425.000** 33.898 .00000 358.561 491.439
The error term is Mean Square (Error) = 10341.564
*Mean difference is significant at p<.05
**Mean difference is significant at p<.01


Appendix Figure 1. Image of 8 weeks old Pekin duck (Anas platyrhynchos


Appendix Figure 2. Image of mature betel nut (Areca catechu)

Appendix Figure 3. Life cycle of Capillaria spp.

Appendix Figure 4. Mean change in egg count per gram on different days during
58.33 66.67
Change in Egg Count Per Gram 0 0.00

-50 Distilled Water (T5)

-100 Betel Nut, 1g (T1)
Betel Nut, 2g (T2)
Betel Nut, 3g (T3)
-200 Commercial Dewormer (T4)
-250 -291.67 -300.00
-300 -341.67
-358.33 -341.67
-350 -366.67 -366.67 -366.67
-375.00 -375.00 -375.00
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Appendix Figure 5. Estimated marginal means of the change in egg count per gram
of using different treatments.

0.0 50.0
Change in Egg Count Per Gram

Estimated Marginal Mean

-300.0 -347.2 -366.7

-200.0 -375.0
1) 2) 3) ) 5)
(T (T (T T4 T
r ( r(
, 1g , 2g ,3
ut ut ut or W
N N lN ew d
el el e lle
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