The Rise of Nationalism in Europe STD - 10 Part 3

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The Rise of Nationalism in Europe. Part.

18. Explain the process of unification of Italy.

Italy was unified by the following process_

1.Italy had a long history of political division .Out of seven political units only Sardinia Piedmont was
ruled by Italian king Victor Emmanuel II .Italy became multinational empire.

2. Giuseppe Mazzini ,thoughtried to unify Italy ,formed a secret society called young Italy but failed to
achieve his goals.

3. The responsibility now fell upon Victor Emmanuel II .He was guided by the possibility of political
and economical gains.

4. Count Cavour the chief minister led the movement .Being well versed in French he stablished a
diplomatic alliance with France and succeeded in defeating the Austrians in 1859.

5. Giuseppe Garibaldi later joined the cause supported by local peasants against Spanish forces and
drove them out.

In 1861 Italy was unified and proclaimed Victor Emmanuel II as the king of Italy.

19. Explain the causes of conflict in the Balkan area after 1781.

The Balkans comprised of modern-day Romania ,Bulgaria ,Albania ,Greece ,Macedonian etc., which
was a region of great geographical and ethnic variation and its inhabitants were known as slavs. Some of
the reasons that made this region very explosive and caused conflict are as follows_

1.The feelings of nationalism of these countries was in conflict with one another and they were
extremely intolerant of one another.

2. The disintegration of the Ottoman empire which had throughout the 19th century tried to
strengthen itself through modernization and reforms could not succeed.

3. The Balkan people based their claims for independence or political rights on nationality and used
history to prove that they had once been independent but had been subsequently subjugated by foreign

4. Each of these countries attempted to gain more territory to their independent country.

5. The Balkans became a scene of big power rivalry .Major European powers
_Russia ,Germany ,England ,Austro-Hungary manipulated nationalist aspirants to further their own aims.
They were keen to extend their control over the Balkans by countering the hold of others powers over
the balkans.
20. Explain any three beliefs of the conservatives that emerged after 1815.


Enumerate any three features of conservative regions set up in Europe following the defeat of
Napoleon in 1815.

The conservative regimes set up in 1815 autocratic.Following were the features of these regimes_

1. They were intolerant to criticism.

2. They sought to curb activities that questioned the legitimacy of autocratic government.

3. Most of them imposed censorship laws to control the ideas of liberty and freedom associated with
the French Revolution.

21. Describe the great economic hardships that prevailed in Europe during 1930s.

The 1830s were called the years of great economic hardship in Europe because of the following reasons

1.There was a rapid increase in population during the first half of the nineteenth century which lead
to widespread unemployment.

2.the unemployed rural people migrated from villages to cities for earning bread. This worsened the
living conditions in towns.

3.Cheap machine made goode from England made it impossible for the small producers to compete.

4. Peasants suffered because of less agrarian facilities, burden of feudal dues and obligations, bad
harvest and price rise .It led to widespread rural poverty.

22. Explain the reasons for the greeks to win the Greek war of independence.

1. Greece had been part of the ottoman empire since the 15th century.

2. The growth of revolutionary nationalism in Europe is sparked off a struggle for independence
among the greeks which began in 1821.

3. Nationalism in Greece got support from other Greeks living in exile and also from many West
Europeans who had sympathy for ancient Greek culture.

4.Poets and artists lauded Greek as the cradle for European civilization and mobilized public opinion
to support its struggle against the Muslim empire.

Finally the Tteaty of Constantinople in 1832 recognised Greece as an independent nation.

23. Discuss the role played by the women in nationalist struggles.

Women played a vital role in the nationalist struggles around the world_

1.Woman from many parts of Europe Germany Italian full and actively supported the liberals demand
in constitutional monarchy with national unification.

2. They too joined their demands for political rights like suffrage along with the struggle of the
liberals. But inspite of their active participation, extension of political rights to them remained a
controversial issue.

3. They took advantage of the unrest in Europe to put their demands for freedom of press and
association and creation of a nation state.

4. They even form their own political associations and founded the newspapers.

5. They held political meetings and staged demonstrations to give support to their demands .But they
were denied suffrage rights during the assembly elections .When the Frankfurt Parliament was being
convened in the Saint Paul church they were granted admission merely as spectators.

24. How was the history of Nationalism in Britain unlike the rest of Europe ?

There was no British nation prior to the 18th century. The primary identities of the people who
inhabited the British isles were ethnic ones such as English, Welsh,Scott or Irish.All of these ethnic
groups had their own cultural and political traditions.

1. The English nation steadily grew in wealth, importance and power ,it was able to extend its influence
over the other nations of the islands.

2.The English Parliament which had seized power from the monarchy in 1688 was the instrument
through which a nation state with England at its centre, was formed.

3. The Act of Union 1707 between England and Scotland that resulted in the formation of United
Kingdom of Great Britain meantbthat England was able to impose its influence of Scotland.

4. Scotland's distinctive culture and political institutions were suppressed .The Scottish Highlanders
were forbidden to speak their gaelic language or wear their national dress and were driven out of their

5. The English helped the protestants of Ireland to establish their dominance over the large Catholic
country. Catholic revolts against British dominance were suppressed.

The symbols of the new Britain, the British flag ( Union Jack ),the national anthem ,( God Save
Our Noble King ),the English language were actively promoted and the older nations survived only as
subordinate partnes in this union.

25. Write a note on the the Frankfurt Parliament.

Write a note on the liberal movement of 1848 in Germany.

1.Frankfurt Parliament was an all German national assembly formed by the middle class
professionals ,businessmen and prosperous artisans belonging to the different German regions.

2. On 18th May 1848 ,831 elected representatives marched in a festive procession to take their places in
the Frankfurt Parliament canvened in the church of Saint Paul.

3. This assembly drafted a constitution for a German nation to be headed by a monarchy subject to a

4.The deputies offered the crown on the terms to Friedrich Wilhelm IV, king of Prussia he rejected it and
joined other monarchs to oppose the elected assembly.

5. However it faced opposition from the aristocracy and military.

As the parliament was dominated by the middle classes,it lost its mass support base in the end the
assembly was forced to disband.

26. What was the importance of the Act of Union 1707 ?

The Act of Union was signed in 1707 between England and Scotland.

1. It resulted in the formation of the United Kingdom of Great Britain.

2. Scotland thus became a part of Great Britain.

3. Now Great Britain was able to impose its influence on Scotland.

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