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School: Calumpit National Highschool Date: September 17, 2022

Teacher: Ms. Lealyn M. Ibanez Sections: 9- Acts, 9- Matthew,

9- Philippians, 9- Romans

A Detailed Lesson Plan

In Grade 9 Mathematics
Solving Quadratic Equation by Completing the Square
1. Objectives
At the end of the lesson the student should be able to:
 Identify and complete the perfect square trinomial; and
 Express square of trinomials as square of binomial
 Perform quadratic equation by completing the square


A. Topic: Solving Quadratic Equation by Completing the Square

B. References: Mathematics Learner’s Material 9 Pages 35-46,

C. Materials: Visual Aids, (Manila Paper & Marker) Black Boar, Chalk,
or Power Point Presentation

III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Preparatory Activities

-Can someone lead the prayer? . (One student volunteer to will

lead the prayer) “our father…”

-Good morning class!

- “Good morning Ma’am!”

Before you take your seats, kindly pick

up the pieces of paper on the floor and (Students Obliged and take
arrange your chairs properly. their seats)

3. Checking of attendance
If I call your name for attendance say

- Yes, Ma’am
4. Checking of Assignment

We have assignment, right? Kindly get

your notebook and exchange to your

(Learners do as what teacher


B. Preliminary Activities

1. Review

Last meeting, we discussed about

solving quadratic equation by factoring right?

Okay! If you remember we used steps

on how we solve the quadratic equation by
factoring who wants or who can recite the 5 - Yes, Ma’am
steps on solving quadratic equation by

(students raised their hands)

- Ma’am in solving
quadratic equation we
used 5 steps which first
step is write the equation
in to standard form,
second is factor the
quadratic expression,
third apply the zero
product property, forth
Very well said solve the linear equation
and lastly check the
C. Developmental Activities values of the variable
1. Motivation obtained by substituting
Before we start to our lesson let us have each in the original
a quick activity, I will show a jumble equation.
letters and you can identify what words
it is okay let start are you ready class?


RUQSEA - Yes, Ma’am we are

kay! So, in this 1. Perfect Square Trinomial

2. Quadratic Expression

game I’ll give you 3. Factoring

some questions 4. Square Roots

5. Solving Quadratic Equation

that are by Completing the Square

answerable by
YES or NO. if (Some Students Raised their

your answer is hands)

YES - Ma’am our lesson for

today is Solving
then you need Quadratic Equation by
Completing the Square

to stand up
answering No,
means sit down.
kay! So, in this
game I’ll give you
some questions
that are
answerable by
YES or NO. if
your answer is
then you need
to stand up
answering No,
means sit down.
So, class do you have idea what is our
lesson for today?

(Teacher Call one student to answer)

Very good!

D. Lesson Proper

1. Presentation

Now you have learned the 2 methods of

solving quadratic equation which
Extracting the Square and Factoring

Today let us proceed to our new topic

Solving Quadratic Equation by (Students listen attentively)
Completing the Square

I want you to listen carefully and

understand as I discuss everything

2. Discussion
“Completing the square” is another
method of solving quadratic equations. It
allows trinomials to be factored into two
identical factors.

Let us define first the perfect square

trinomial. Perfect square trinomial is an
algebraic expression that is form in a x 2 +
b𝑥 + 4 which has 3 terms. It is obtained
by the multiplication of a binomial with
Example: x 2 + 4𝑥 + 4
(𝑥 + 2)(𝑥 + 2) or ( x +2)2

To complete the square, it is necessary

to find the constant term, or the last
number that will enable factoring of the
trinomial into two identical factors. To
find the constant term needed, simply
take the coefficient of “𝑥,” divide by 2,
and square the quotient. If you have an
equation, rather than an expression, the
resulting number should be added to (students raised their hands)
both sides of the equation.

In complete the square of the expression

x + b𝑥, add the square of half the

coefficient of x to make
(expected answer from
b 2
x + b𝑥 +( ¿ ¿
Example : x + 4 x +
4 1. x 2+ 6 x+ 9

4 2 2. x 2−12 x−36
x + 4𝑥 +( ¿ ¿
2 =4

Steps in solving quadratic equation by

completing the square

1. Divide both sides of the equation by - None so far Ma’am

a then simplify.
2. Write the equation such that the
terms with variables are on the left (students raised their hands)
side of the equation and the constant In completing the square, you
term is on the right side. need to divide by 2 the linear
3. Add the square of one-half of the term or the value of b and you
coefficient of x on both sides of the squared the answer and then
resulting equation. The left side of the you get the constant term or the
equation becomes a perfect square value of c
4. Express the perfect square
trinomial on the left side of the
equation as a square of a binomial.
5. Solve the resulting quadratic
equation by extracting the square
6. Solve the resulting linear equations.
7. Check the solution obtained against
the original equation.

3. Guide Practice
- Yes, Ma’am
(students raised their hands)

Given the quadratic equation

x + 10 x=3
In solving the quadratic equation by
completing the square it is form in x 2 +
bx = c our constant term is in the right
side and our quadratic and linear term
are in the left side

4. Fixing skills

Class do you have a question? If none

let us have some exercise

I need 2 students to answer the

following on the board and you must explain
your answers.

(teacher call students who raising their hands)

Find the value of c that will make

each trinomial a perfect square

1. x 2+ 6 x

2. x 2−12 x

So that was excellent, I assume that all of you

understand the method of completing the
square by solving quadratic equation
5. Generalization 

Do you have a question class?

Okay what have you learned in our


Okay very good answer!

6. Application

Choose your partner and solve the

following by the completing the square

1. x 2+ 13 x−48=0
2. x 2−4 x−5=0

Are you class done?

Now let’s answer who wants to

volunteer to answer?

IV – Evaluation

Activity 3 (Find my Capital)

Determine a number that must be added to make each of the

following a perfect square trinomial. Match column A to column B and find the
capital of each country

A. B.

1. France x 2+ 4 x Nairobi 25

2. Australia x 2+ 12 x Paris 4

3. Kenya x 2+ 10 x Tokyo 144

4. Finland x 2+ 5 x Berlin 16
5. Vietnam t 2+ 6 t Helsinki 4
6. Netherlands y 2 +16 y Canberra 36

7. South Korea x 2+ 20 x Hanoi 9

8. Japan x 2+ 24 x Rio 36

9. Germany x 2+ 8 x Seoul 100

10. Brazil x 2+ 12 x Amsterdam 64

V. Assignment

Find the solution of each of the following quadratic equation by completing

the square. Answer the questions that follow.

1. x 2−2 x=3

2. s2 +4 s−21=0

3. t 2+10 t +9=0

Prepared by:

Lealyn M. Ibanez

Checked by: Noted by:

Mrs. Glenda P. De Jesus

Cooperating Teacher Ma. Teresa C. Manansala

Master Teacher 1 – Math Department

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