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1. The normal at a point P(x, y) of a curve meets the x-axis at Q & N is the foot of the perpendicular from P
x(l+y2 )
on x-axis. If NQ = - � --, then equation of the curve passing through (3, 1) is
l+x 2
(A) x2 - y2 = 8 (B) x + y2 = 4 (C) x2 + y2 = 10 (D*) x2 - 5y2 = 4
Ans. (D)

2. Area bounded by y = g(x), x-axis and the lines x = -2, x = 3, where

max : {f(t) ;-2 ::S: t ::S: x}, - 2 ::S: x < 0

g(x) = { And f(x) = x2 - lxl , is equal to
• .. {f(t)·0
min , _<t_ < x}, 0 _ <x<3

113 111 117 121

(A*) sq. units (B) sq. units (C) sq. units (D) sq. units
24 24 24 24
Ans. (A)

3. Let f(x) = min{x - [x], -x - [-x]}, -2� x � 2. (where [.] denotes greatest integer function). The number of
solutions of the equation x2 + 2f(x) = 1, is
(A) 2 (B*) 4 (C) 5 (D) 6
Ans. (B)

2 2
4. Point 'A' lies on the curve y = e-x and has the coordinate (x, e-x ) where x > 0. Point B has the coordinates
(x, 0). If 'O' is the origin then the maximum area of the triangle AOB is
1 1 1
(A) - - (B) (C) -
✓e (D*) J&
� J/k

[o, �)2
an X
5. Let f (x) = 2
� , n E N, where X E
I, tan" x

(A*) f (x) is bou nded and it takes both of it's bounds and the range of f (x) contains exactly one integral point.
(B) f (x) is bounded and it takes both of it's bounds and the range of f (x) contains more than one integr al point.
(C) f (x) is bounded but minimum and maximum does not exists.
(D) f (x) is not bounded as the upper bound does not exist.

-x 2
6. Equation of the line through the point (1/2, 2) and tangent to the par abola y = - - + 2 and secant to the
curve y = ,/4 -x 2 is :
(A*) 2x + 2y-5 = 0 (B) 2x + 2y-3 = 0 (C) y- 2 = 0 (D) None of these
Ans. (A)
1 x 2 +10x+8,

x 2 + 2x,
Let continuous function f(x) = px + qx + r, -2 < x < 0 , where p-:/- 0. If a line T. touches the graph of y = f(x)
at 3 points, then
The value of p + q + r is equal to
(A) 5)2 (8)5 (C) 6 (D) 7
Ans. (D)

8. If f(x) and g(x) are differentiable functions such that f(x)+ f g(t)dt = sin x (cos x - sin x), (f'(x)) 2 + (g(x)) 2 = 1,

then t(¾) can be:

(A*)� (B) -- (C) 0 (D)-1
2 2
Ans. (A)


(A*) f(x) is bounded and it takes both of its bounds and the range of f(x) contains exactly one integral point
(B) f(x) is bounded and it takes both of its bounds and the range of f(x) contains more than one integral point.
(C) f(x) is bounded but minimum and maximum doesnot exist.
(D) f(x) is not bounded as upper bound doesnot exist.
Ans. (A)

10. > 1 , satisfying f(l) = 1 and f' (x) =
Let f(x) be a real valued function defined \ix - then xlim
➔ oo
f(x) is
X + f2 (X)

(A) 1+� (B*) less than 1+� (C) greater than 2 (D) 1
4 4
Ans. (B)


11. Let f(x) be a function given by f(x) = x312e-x12 • Then:

9'13 9'13
(A) f is non-monotonic in (4, oo) (B) ,- < f f (x)dx < ,
e'-Je O '-Je

(C*) ff(x)dx < ,
(D*) f is monotonic in (4, oo)

Ans. (CD)
12. If f(x) = (logx)n -x , then:
(A*) f(x) = 0 has exactly two solutions for n = 5
(B) f(x) = 0 has exactly one solution for n = 5
(C*) f(x) = 0 has no solutions if n E (0, 1)
(D) f(x) = 0 has exactly two solutions if n E (0, 1)
Ans. (A,C)

13. Let f(x) be differentiable for all x. If f(2) = -2, f'(x) :2'. 3 for all x E [ 2,5], then f(S) can be:
(A)S (8*)7 (C)4 (0*)9
Ans. (B,D)

14. Which of the following statements is/are correct?

J xe 12
(A*) Jim O =- 2
x ➔O l+x-ex

(B*)The points Land Mare on the curve 14x - 7xy + / - 2 = 0, each having x-coordinate 1. Then the y­
coordinate of point of intersection of tangents at L and Mis 4
(C*) Let f(x) = lx-a 1 I + lx-a2 1 + .......... + lx-an l, ai E Rand ai < ai + 1 V i EN, i < n-1 if n is odd integer
then f(x) has minimum value exactly at one point
(D) If LMVT is known to be applicable for a quadratic function y = px + qx + r, x E [x 1, x2 ] then 'c' of LMVT
occurs at c = ( x1 ; X )

Ans. (A,B,C)

J ✓l+sin t dt VxE (0,

-1 2
15. Let f(x)=e x + 00 ), then:

(A*) f' exists and is continuous V xE (0,00 )

(B) f" exists VxE (0,00 )
(C*) f' is bounded
(D*) There exists a> 0 such that I f(x) I > I f'(x) I VxE (a, 00)
Ans. (A,C,D)

16. Let f(x)=
- - and
9-x 2
Ji, = number of integers in the domain of f(x) where f(x) is increasing.
m = number of solutions off(x) = sinx
n = least positive integral value of k for which f(x) = k posses exactly 3 different solutions then:
2 2 2
(A*) m = Ji, (B) Sm = n -f
(C*) n + Ji, + m = 20 (D*) nf + m = 75
Ans. (A,C,D)
(x - 1)(x -n) x :::; n
17. Let f(x)= { ,then identify correct statement(s) (n E I)
x 2 -n x>n

(A*) V n:::; 0 f(x) has local minima at x = n

(B) V n :2'. 0 f(x) has local minima at x = n

(C) V n > 0 f(x) is strictly increasing at x = n

(D*) f(x) has always a local minima V nE I

Ans. (A,D)

18. Let two curves y = f(x) with f(O) = 1 and g(x) = J f(t)dt with g(O) = 4 are such that,their tangents at the points
with equal abscissa intersects on x-axis,then:
x 2 +4 13
(A) _f 4+g(x) dx- 3
(B*) Area bounded by y = f(x), y = g(x), x = 1 and y axis is 12(e 1 - 1) sq. unit
(C*) f(x)-g(x) is decreasing in [-1, l]

(D) period of{{�}) is8 ({.}dentoes fractional part of x)

Ans. (B,C)

19. Which of the foll win six statements are false about the cubic polynomial
� �
P(x) = 2x + x + 3x-2?
(i) It has exactly one positive real root.
(ii) It has either one or three negative roots.
(iii) It has a root between O and 1.
(iv) It must have exactly two real roots.
(v) It has a negative root between-2 and-1.
(vi) It has no complex roots.
(A) statement (i) and (iii) (B) statement (i) and (vi)
(C*) statement (ii) and (iv) (D*) statement (v) and (vi)
Ans. (C,D)
n n
20. At the point P(a, a ) on the graph of y = x (n E N) in the first quadrant a normal is drawn. The normal
. 1
intersects the y-axis at the point (0,b). If Lim b= - , then n can not be equals
a ➔O 2
(A*) 1 (B*) 3 (C) 2 (D*) 4

21. Consider the curve represented parametrically by the equation

x = t3 - 4t - 3t and
y = 2t + 3t-5 where t E R.
If H denotes the number of point on the curve where the tangent is horizontal and V the number of point where
the tangent is vertical then
(A*) H = 1 (B*) V = 2 (C) H = 2 (D) V = 1

22. If the composite function f1(f2(f3 ••••• f (x))) is an increasing function and if r of fi' s are decreasing function while

rest are increasing, then maximum value of r(n-r) is

n2 -1 n2
(A) - - when n is an even number
4 when n is an odd number
n2 -1 n2
(C*) - - when n is odd number (D*)
4 4 when n is even number
Ans. (CD)
23. Which of the following statements are false?
(A*) If f: R ➔ R and c E R is such that f is increasing in (c - 8, c) and f is decreasing in (c, c + 8) then f has a local
maximum at c(8 ➔ sufficiently small positive quantity)
(B) Let f: (a, b) ➔ R, c E (a, b). Then f cannot have both a local maximum and a point of inflection at x = c.
(C) The function f(x) = x2 Ix I is twice differentiable at x = 0.
(D*) Let f: [c - 1, c + l] ➔ [a, b] be bijective map such that f is differentiable at c then f-1 is also differentiable
at f(c).
Ans. (AD)

24. Let f: R ➔ R is a polynomial satisfying

(x - 4)f(x-1) = (x - 7)f(x) v x E R
If f(7) = 6 then
(A*) f'(x) will have two distinct positive real roots (B) f'(x) will have exactly one positive root
(C*) f is surjective (D) f is non-surjective
Ans. (AC)

25. Let lll denotes the set of real numbers. Suppose a function f: lll ➔ lll satisfies f(f(f(x))) = x for all x E lll,
then which of the following is/are true?

(A*) f is one - one

(B*) f can not be strictly decreasing

(C*) if f is strictly increasing, then f(x) = x for all x E lll

(D) none of the above

Ans. (ABC)

26. If there is a straight line which intersects the curve f(x) = x 4 +8x3 +ax 2 +bx+4 at four distinct points, then
(a, b) can take value(s)

(A*) (22, 4) (B*) (22, 10) (C) (25, 10) (D*) (20, 4)

Ans. (ABD)

2 1 2 1
27. If the curves y = Ax +Ax+ and x = Ay +Ay+ are tangent to each other, then A can be
24 24

(A*) I (B*) �
1 +
(C*) 3 -J66I
1 +
(D) - 3 -J66I

Ans. (ABC)

28. If the tangent at a point P1 (other than (0, 0)) on the curve ax3 - y + b = 0 meets the curve again at P2. The
tangent at P2 meets the curve at P3 and so on. If the abscissae of P1, P2, P3, ..... , Pn form a G.P. then (a, b) may
(A*) (1, 0) (B*) (2, 7) (C*) (3, 5) (D*) (4, 9)
Ans. (ABCD)

Let f: [0,1] ➔ [0,1] be a function such that f(0) = 0, f(l) = 1, f'(x) > 0 and f"(x) < 0 for all 0 < x < 1.

29. The value of the expression J-1(x).f(x) - x2 in [0, l] -

(A) is negative (B) is non-negative
(C) takes negative as well as positive sign (D*) is non-positive

30. If g(x) = e-xj'(x), x E [O, l], then -

(A*) g(x) is a decreasing function in [0, l] (B) g(x) is an increasing function in [0, l]
(C) g(x) is a non monotonic function in [0, l] (D) g(x) has three points of local maxima in [0, l]

PARAGRAPH-I for Q.31 to 32

Suppose you do not know the function f (x), however some information about/ (x) is listed below. Read the
following carefully before attempting the questions
(i) f (x) is continuous and defined for all real numbers
(ii) f '(-5) = 0 ; f '(2) is not defined and/ '(4) = 0
(iii) (-5, 12) is a point which lies on the graph of f (x)
(iv) f "(2) is undefined, but/ "(x) is negative everywhere else.
(v) the signs of f '(x) is given below

f·++ ++I· - I--I - I- -I - I- -

I -I+++
· I ·I- - -
-5 0 2 4

31. On the possible graph of y = f (x) we have

(A) x = - 5 is a point of relative minima.
(B) x = 2 is a point of relative maxima.
(C) x = 4 is a point of relative minima.
(D*) graph of y = f (x) must have a geometrical sharp corner.

32. From the possible graph of y = f (x), we can say that

(A) There is exactly one point of inflection on the curve.
(B) f (x) increases on - 5 < x < 2 and x > 4 and decreases on - 00 < x < - 5 and 2 < x < 4.
(C*) The curve is always concave down.
(D) Curve always concave up.

Paragraph -1 for (33 - 35)

Letf: R➔ Rbe a differentiable function such that f(x + y) = exf(y) + eYf(x), for all x, y E R and lim = 1.
x➔O X
33. The function has:
(A) local maximum but not local minima (B*) local minima but not local maxima
(C) neither local maxima nor local minima (D) both local maxima and local minima
Ans. (B)

34. The area bounded by the curve y = f(x) and the x-axis is equal to:
(A*) 1 (B) - (C) 2 (D) e
Ans. (A)
35. The range of f(x) is:

(A*) [ -�, 00) (B) [�, 00) (C) [0, oo) (D) (-oo, oo)

Ans. (A)
Paragraph-2 for question nos. 36 to 38
P(- )
Let P(x) be a biquadratic function of x such that Lim( : ) ;z = �.
x ➔O 2x e

36. Which one of the following statement is correct for P(x)?

(A) P(x) is even function
(B) P(x) is surjective function
(C*) P(x) has two real roots
(D) None of these

37. Which one of the following statement is correct for P(x)?

(A) P(x) has minima but no maxima.
(B*) P(x) has maxima but no minima.

(C) P(x) increases in (-oo, ¼) ¼, 00)

and decreases in (

(D) P(x) decreases in (-oo, � ) and increases in ( � , 00
38. The area bounded by y = P(x) and x-axis in the second quadrant is equal to
1 1 1 1
(A*) (B) (C)
810 243 270 (D) 81

Paragraph- I

Let f(x) be a twice differentiable function defined on (-oo, oo) such that f(x) = f(2 -x) and f'(½) = f'( = 0.


39. The minimum number of values where f"(x) vanishes on [0, 2] is

(A) 2 (B) 3 (C*) 4 (0)5
Ans. (C)

J f'( + x)x e
2 x2
40. l dx is equal to
(A) 1 (B)1t (C) 2 (D*) 0
Ans. (D)

1 2
41. J f(l - t)e- cosrrtdt - J f(2 - t)ecosrrt dt
0 1

(A*) J f'(t)e cos

7tldt (B) 1 (C) 2 (D)1t
Ans. (A)
Paragraph - 2

x + in x , V x E [O, n], which satisfies f(x) + f(21t - x) = Jt,

Consider a function f defined by f(x)= sin-1 sin( � )
V x E [1t, 21t] and f(x) = f(41t - x)for all x E [21t, 4n], then

42. If a is the length of the largest interval on which f(x)is increasing, then a =
(A)- (B)1t (C*)21t (D)41t
Ans. (C)

43. If f(x)is symmetric about x = B, then B =

a a
(A) (B*)a (C) (D)2a
2 4
Ans. (B)

44. Maximum value of f(x)on [O, 4n] is :

(A*)� (B)B (C) � (D)2B

2 4
Ans. (A)

Comprehension 1

Let f(x) = x 6 -3x 2 + x . The graph of f has three critical points.

45. Find the quadratic equation whose curve passes through these three critical points

2 1 2 1 5 5
(A) -2x +-x (B) 2x --x (C*) -2x 2 +-x (D) -2x2 --x
6 6 6 6

Ans. (C)

46. Number of point of inflection of f(x)is/are equal to

(A)O (B) 1 (C*)2 (D) 3

Ans. (C)
Comprehension 2

A function f is increasing if f(x) > f(y)for x > y and a function is decreasing if f(x)< f(y)for x > y

47. For all x E (0,1)

. . -1 2 . JtX . -1 2 2 . JtX . -1 2 . . -1
(A) ( smx ) sm x< ;- ( sm ) sm x< x (B*) ;- ( sm ) sm x< x < ( smx ) sm x
2 2

. . -1 2 2 .
(C) ( smx ) sm x < x < ;- ( sm
sm-1 x (D)None of the above

Ans. (B)

48. For all x E (0, n)

x sin x sin x l � sin x

(A*)1 --<- (B) < - (C)->1 (D)None of these
3 X x 3 X

Ans. (A)

Paragraph for Question no. 49 to 51

A family of curves has the property that the segment of the tangent between the point of tangency and the x-axis
is bisected at the point of intersection with y-axis. A member 'C' of this family passes through the point (9, - 6).

49. Through the vertex O of the curve C two chords OP & OQ are drawn and the circles on OP & OQ as diameters
intersect in R. If m1, m2 & m are the slopes of the tangents at P & Q on the curve C & of OR respectively then
the reciprocal of harmonic mean of m1 & m2 is equal to:
(A)-2 m (B*)-m (C)m (D)none of these

50. If a normal to the curve C has slope (tan<)>), then it will cut the curve again at an angle:

(A)tan-1(2 tan<)>) (B*)tan-1 (½tan<)>) (C)cot-1 (½tan<)>) (D)none of these

51. The locus of mid points of focal chords of curve C, is:

(A)y2 =(x -1) (B*)y2 =2(x -1) (C)y2 =(x+l) (D)y2 = 2(x + 1)

Paragraph for Question no. 52 to 54

X -a
Consider the function f: (- oo, oo)➔ (- oo, oo)defined by f (x) = 2
0 <a< 9.
x +a'
52. Which of the following does not hold good?
(A)Maximum value of f is not attained even though f is bounded.
(B)f (x)is increasing on (0, oo)and has local minimum at x =0.
(C)f (x)is decreasing on (- oo, 0)and has local minimum at x =0.
(D*)f (x)is increasing on (- oo, oo)and has neither a local maximum nor a local minimum at x =0.

53. Which of the following is true?

(A)f (-1)f ' (1) =f (1)f'(-1) (B)(4 + a)2 f" (2) + (4 - a)2 f" (-2) = 0
(C)(4 + a)3 f" (2) + (4 - a)3 f"(- 2) = 0 (D*)f" (2) = f" (-2)
2x f '(t)
54. Let g (x) = J -l+t -4 dt . Which of the following is true?

(A) g' (x) is positive on (- oo, 0) and negative on (0, oo).

(b) g' (x) is negative on (- oo, 0) and positive on (0, oo).
(C) g' (x) changes sign on both (- oo, 0) and (0, oo).
(D*) g' (x) does not change sign on (- oo, oo).


55. Let<)>(x) = max.{l2x-ll,lx-ll}; \jf(x) = max.{lx-31,3} & f(x) = min. {<!>(x),\jf(x)} then for f(x)
List-I List-II
(P) number of points of local minima is (1) 0
(Q) number of points of local maxima is (2) 1
(R) the reciprocal of minimum value is (3) 2
(S) number of integral value(s) of k E I such that (4) 3
the tangent is horizontal at x = k, is
p Q R s
( A) 1 2 1 3
( B) 2 1 1 4
(C) 1 2 4 3
(D*) 2 1 4 4
Ans. (D)

56. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the code given below the list.
List-I (Number of solution(s) of) List-II

(P) I sin x I= Iii is (1) 1

(Q) e-x +e-x -x=0 is

(2) 2

(R) sin5 x +cos3 x= 1 in (0, 21t] is (3) 4

(S) I cos x I=I 2 I x I - 2 I in (-%, %) is (4) 3

Codes :
p Q R s
(A) 4 1 3 2
( B) 4 3 1 2
(C*) 4 1 2 3
(D) 3 1 4 2
Ans. (C)
57. Match the following column-I with Column-II
Column-I Column-II

(A) If f(x) = kx + 2 cosx is monotonically increasing for all (P) 0

x E R, then lkl can be
(B ) Minimum distance of the point (0,5) from the curve (Q) 1
x2 = 2y is

(C) If sinx+cosx=.JA+ �, A> 0 and x E [0,n], (R) 2

then number of ordered pairs of (A,x) is

(S) 3

a,b,c are sides of a triangle, then E can be (T) 4

Ans. (A)-RST, (B)-S, (C)-Q, (D)-QRS

58. Match the column


Considering the function f(x) = (5£n(l + t 2 ) - 10t tan -l t + 16 sin t)dt. ( use Jt> 3 )

Column I Column II
(A ) f(x) is (p) positive for all x E (0, 1)
(B ) f'(x) is (q ) negative for all x E (0, 1)

J f(t)dt is (r) Increasing for all x E (0, 1)



(D) f" (x) is (s) decreasing for all x E (0, 1)

Ans. (A) - (p,r); (B) - (p,r); (C) - (p,r); (D) - (p,s)

59. Match Column I with Column II:

Column I Column II
2x 2 (p) Local maxima
(A) f(x) = J (t - 2) (t + 1)3 (t - 3)2 dt is/has in (-1, 1)

{sm (-
nx ) X::,; 2
(q) Local minima
(B) f(x) = _:x is/has in (0, 2)
9 x>2
f(x) = {2x} is/has in (0, 1) (where {} fractional (r) Continuous
(C) part of x)

Ix I x<2 then f(x) is/has in (-1, 4) (s) Non differentiable

f(x) =[
(D) [x] X :2'. 2
where [] greatest integer function ]

Ans. (A) - (p,r); (B) - (r); (C) - (q,s); (D) - (q,s)


60. Let f(x) be a differentiable function satisfying f'(x) < 2 -f(x), V x E R, f(0) = 0. If the maximum value of f(2)
is M, then[M] is (where[.] denotes greatest integer function)
Ans. (1)

61. If maximum value of sinx cosx cos2x is , then M is equal to

Ans. (4)

62. The small orifice between two communicating vessels have area 1 sq. cm. The surface area of the horizontal
sections of the first and the second vessel are 10 m2 and 5 m2 respectively. Initially the level of liquid in the
first and second vessel is 15 m and 5 m from the orifice. Given that velocity of liquid flow is v = 0.J2g(h1 - h2 )
m/s, where h1 and h2 is the height of liquid in the two vessels, then the time required for the liquid to reach
the same level is , where t is equal to :
Ans. (7)

3 2 2
63. Given a differentiable function f(x) = J((t-l)(t-2) + (t-2) (t-1) �t. If f(x) has point of maxima at x =

a and point of minima at x = b, then '2(6 + a)' is equal to :

Ans. (5)

64. Let f(x) be a polynomial of degree five having extremum at x = -1,1 and Jim ( (;) -1) = 3. Then number
x➔ O x
of points of extremum of the function f(x) is
Ans. (2)

x2 -41 x I +a if X � 2
65. G.1ven f( x ) = { , then number of positive integral values of 'a' for which f(x) has local
6- x if X >2
minima at x = 2.
Ans. (7)

66. Let f : JR. ➔ JR. is a continuous function and g(x) = f(x) Jf (t) dt . If g is a non - increasing function then

number of integral values f( l 0) can take.

Ans. (0)

67. If f"(x) = f 2 (x)-f 5 (x) , f'(0) = 7 and f(0) = 2 , then largest possible value of lf'(x)I is ✓a , where b and a are

positive integers and a is square free, then b - 2a =

Ans. (8)
68. Let p be a manic cubic polynomial such that p(0)= 1 and all the roots of p'(x) are also roots of p(x). Then p(l)=

Ans. (8)

69. The tangent at any point P(x, y) on a curve y= f(x) meets the x-axis at T. If OP= PT, where O being the origin
such that f(O)-:/:- 0 and f(16) = 4, then ,JJ(2)+.Jf(4) is equal to
Ans. (6)

l-cos 2 lxl x ;t O
Let f,g: R ➔ R be two functions defined as f(x) = tan-1 (x2 + J and g(x) = { ' .
1 + COS 2 1, X = Q

Then the number of solutions of the equation f(x) - g(x)= 0 is equal to:

Ans. (3)

71. Let f(x) and g(x) are differentiable function of x such that x2 (gf(x)) • (f'g(x)) • (g'(x)) =

(1-2x2 )(g'f(x)) · (f'(x))f(g(x))Vx ER. Moreover g(x) is positive andf(x) is non negative and

J>(g(x))dx = l-e-k Then, find the value of [1n(:i�U] __([.] is G.1.F.)


Sol. 2

P(x) be a polynomial of degree at most 5 which leaves remainders -1 and 1 upon division by (x - 1) and
(x + 1) respectively. If the sum of pairwise product of all roots of P(x)= 0 is n then the value of (3n + 12) is

Ans. 6

Let f(x)= x - 4a x - 4a + 3a + 5 and the least value of f(x) is equal to 1 for x E [-1, l]. If 'n' is number of
4 3 3
possible values of 'a' and 's' be the sum of all the possible values of 'a' then [n + s] is equal to
(where [x]= greatest integer function)
Ans. 1

74. Let f(x) and g(x) be two differentiable functions on R (the set of all real numbers) satisfying

f(x) = X +1-x r g(t)dt and g(x) = x - f 1 f(t)dt ,

3 x
2 Jo Jo
then the number of points where f Ix I is non-differentiable is

Ans. (0)

tan(x + !)
The minimum value of -�-� is:
tan x

Ans. 3

76. f(x) and g(x) are quadratic polynomials and If(x) I:2'. Ig(x) I \ix E R . Also f(x)= 0 have real roots then number
of distinct roots of equation h(x)h"(x) + (h'(x))2 = 0 is (h(x)= f(x)g(x))
Ans. 4
77. Let S be a square of unit area. Consider any quadrilateral which has one vertex on each side of S. If a, b, c and
d denote the lengths of the sides of quadrilateral and E = a2+ 62+ c2+ d2 then EE [a, b] then a+ b is
Ans. 6

J J f(x)dx can be expressed in the form of

1 1

78. If f(x) = x + t(x+t)f(t)dt , then the value of the definite integral

0 0
p q
rational as � (where p and q are coprime). Find � .
Ans. (5)

79. There is a point (p, q) on the graph of f(x) = x2 and a point (r, s) on the graph of g(x) = - where p > 0 and

r > 0. If the line through (p, q) and (r, s) is also tangent to both the curves at these points respectively, then find
the value of (p+ r).
Ans. (5)

80. Let f: [-1, 2] ➔ R be differentiable such that O:::; f'(t):::; 1 for t E [-1, O] & -1:::; f'(t):::; 0 for t E [O, 2] then
f(2) - f(-1) E [a, b] then b - a is
Ans. (3)
x -x
81. If the largest value of 6 3 , where x :2'. 1 can be expressed as - , find a.
x +2x-1 a
Ans. (6)

82. In a regular triangular prism the distance from the centre of one base to one of the vertices of the other base is

/. The altitude of the prism for which the volume is greatest is then A is equal to:

Ans. 3

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