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p4 • Classroom objects • Subject pronouns • can for ability

Video How to do project work • Colours • Prepositions of place • Possessive ’s
About the projects • School subjects • Possessive adjectives • have got

Vocabulary Grammar Reading

1 This is my life p8 • Family • Present simple: be Article: Our hangouts

Video My family tree • Physical descriptions and • there is / there are + a, an, some, any Skill UP! Facts and opinions
personality adjectives

PR JECT   Design an infographic    Project Builder 1  p9    Project Builder 2  p11

2 Welcome to p20 • Routine activities • Present simple: affirmative and negative​ Article: Do you teach robots?
our school • Free-time activities • Adverbs of frequency Skill UP! Reading quickly for
general meaning
Video School tour • Present simple: questions and short

PR JECT   Design a web page    Project Builder 1  p21    Project Builder 2  p23  

3 What do you p32 • Adjectives • Comparative adjectives Article: All kinds of football
want to play? • Sports • Superlative adjectives Skill UP! and, but, so
Video Home Olympics

PR JECT   Present a sport or game    Project Builder 1  p33    Project Builder 2  p35  

4 What we wear • Clothes • Present continuous

p44 Magazine feature: Three young
people with a passion for fashion
Video Keep? Sell? Donate? • Adjectives to describe • Present continuous and present simple
feelings Skill UP! Using titles and
headings to understand content​

PR JECT   Design a range of clothes    Project Builder 1  p45    Project Builder 2  p47  

5 Eat up p56 • Food • Countable and uncountable nouns; Article: Supertaster!

• Adjectives to describe food some, any, much, many, a lot of Skill UP! Using photos to
Video Food market
• can / can’t, must / mustn’t understand the topic of a text

PR JECT   Create a menu    Project Builder 1  p57    Project Builder 2  p59  

6 Island life p68 • Geographical features • Past simple: be and past time expressions Illustrated story: A new life
Video Our desert island • Weather  • there was / there were Skill UP! Using pictures to help
you understand new words
• Past simple affirmative: regular and
irregular verbs

PR JECT   Make a video diary    Project Builder 1  p69    Project Builder 2  p71

7 Let’s start p80 • Music • Object pronouns Magazine profile: Tell me about
... Courtney Hadwin
a band • Stages of life • Past simple: affirmative and negative,
Skill UP! Understanding the
irregular and regular verbs
Video Our band format of an article
• Past simple: questions
PR JECT   Create a musical band    Project Builder 1  p81    Project Builder 2  p83

8 Around town p92 • In a town • be going to for future plans Encyclopedia entry, news
article and magazine article:
Video Come on our tour! • Adjectives to describe • will / won't for future predictions How will we travel?
Skill UP! Understanding the type
and purpose of a text

PR JECT   Design a tour of a city    Project Builder 1  p93    Project Builder 2  p95

2 My grammar reference & practice p104–121  Culture 360° p122–126   Irregular verb list p127–128

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LS Learning situation
Listening Speaking Writing PR JECT
Video Are we good friends? Video Meeting people and making A personal profile LS Design an infographic p18
Video focus: Graphics new friends Skill UP! Contractions Project skills:Organizing visual information
Skill UP! Asking for repetition Project coach:Presenting an infographic

Project Builder 3  p13    Project Builder 4  p15    Project Builder 5  p17

Podcast: Join a club! Video Talking about likes and A description of an event LS Design a web page p30
Skill UP! Identifying speakers in dislikes Skill UP! also Project skills:Presenting clearly
a conversation Skill UP! Showing interest Project coach:Presenting clearly

Project Builder 3  p25    Project Builder 4  p27    Project Builder 5  p29

Video How do you play it? Video Making arrangements An advertisement for a sports LS Present a sport or game p42
Video focus: Showing Skill UP! Responding to an apology club Project skills:Using creative ways to
instructions and rules clearly Skill UP! Using capital letters present
Project coach:Interacting with the
Project Builder 3  p37    Project Builder 4  p39    Project Builder 5  p41 audience

Podcast: The secret life of … Video Shopping for clothes A magazine feature LS Design a range of clothes p54
colours Skill UP! Getting someone’s attention Skill UP! Punctuation Project skills:Sharing work
Skill UP! Using photos to predict Project coach:Sharing work fairly

Project Builder 3  p49    Project Builder 4  p51    Project Builder 5  p53

Video Interesting food Video Ordering food and drink in A flyer for a food stall LS Create a menu p66
combinations a café Skill UP! Writing a flyer Project skills:Making good decisions
Video focus: Sound effects Skill UP! Saying please and thank you Project coach:Working together to make
Project Builder 3  p61    Project Builder 4  p63    Project Builder 5  p65

Video Madagascar Video Asking for, giving and A diary entry LS Make a video diary p78
Video focus: How to make refusing permission Skill UP! Sequencing words Project skills:Making a video presentation
presentations interesting Skill UP! Giving reasons for refusing Project coach:Making face-to-camera
permission video

Project Builder 3  p73    Project Builder 4  p75    Project Builder 5  p77

Radio programme: An Video Asking for and giving A biography LS Create a musical band p90
interview with a pop band opinions Skill UP! Time expressions Project skills:Preparing for a role-play
Skill UP! Listening to the first Skill UP! Disagreeing politely presentation
word of questions Project coach:Overcoming nerves

Project Builder 3  p85    Project Builder 4  p87    Project Builder 5  p89

Tour commentary: Dublin Video Asking for and giving An advertisement for a tour LS Design a tour of a city p102
Skill UP! Listening for specific directions Skill UP! Giving examples Project skills:Choosing different roles to
information Skill UP! Asking for clarification practise different skills
Project coach:Trying new roles in
project work

Project Builder 3  p97    Project Builder 4  p99    Project Builder 5  p101

KEY COMPETENCES Digital  Personal, Social, and Learning to learn  Cultural awareness and expression  Entrepreneurship  
Citizenship  Mathematical, Science, Technology and Engineering (STEM)  Linguistic communication

4065948 Sync 1 SB 7P.indb 3 20/10/2021 10:55

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