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Developing writing skills

Adelokun Adetunji Oluwapelumi

Department of English, Skyline University Nigeria
November 3, 2021
Developing writing skills is germane to the advancement of language skills or wherewithal.
Writing is the ability to document creative, academic or imaginary ideas through scripting.
Although hundreds of millions of people are still unable to read and write, humanity relies on
writing to an unprecedented extent (Coulmas, 2004). Scholars allude the writing culture to three
major areas. They are Mesopotamia, China and Mesoamerica (Schmandt-Besserat and Erard,
2008). However, since civilization, different countries have adopted the culture of writing to
document their historical and sociocultural realities.

There are five distinctive writing techniques which writers use to communicate their thoughts
and creative ideas. They include:

i. Narrative writing
ii. Analytical writing
iii. Expository writing
iv. Persuasive writing
v. Argumentative writing

Narrative writing is a text type which is used to tell captivating, enlightening or didactic stories.
Narrative writings are presented in the past tense form because it relays what happens in the past.
Popular narrative writings include autobiographies, biographies, memoirs and fictional stories.

Analytical writing is a form of writing which entails the presentation of logical or critical ideas
about a topic or scenario. Analytical writing is expected to go beyond vivid description about a
subject matter but capture objective notions of the writer based on deep intellectual ruminations
and conclusions.

Expository writing is a technique of writing used to expose relatively unknown ideas to the
readers. Expository writing more often than not exposes readers to the nitty-gritty of a subject
matter, topic or situation.
Persuasive writing is a technique of writing which entails the use of emotive languages and
interpersonal tones to ensure people take action or step about a particular subject matter.
Persuasive writing is often used to fan the embers of commitment to a particular cause or
objective. Persuasive writing is a technique often used in advertorials.

Argumentative writing is a technique of writing which involves argumentation. It is often used

when there is a notion to buttress or confute. Argumentative writing is used when the writer
wants to convince or realign the readers to particular thought or notion.

All writing techniques require investigation, data collection, diligent research and evaluation of
evidence. Hence the development of writing skills is a delicate process which can only be
achieved through conscious and dedicated efforts. Impeccable writing skills is not seamless
because it needs to be cultivated or developed through constant practice, comprehension of
writing techniques and acquisition of a writing style.


Coulmas, F., (2002). Writing Systems: An introduction to their linguistic analysis. United
Kingdom: Cambridge University press.
Schmandt-Besserat, D., & Erard, M. (2008). Origins and forms of writing. United Kingdom:
Taylor & Francis Group/Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

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