John Dewey

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John Dewey’s major contributions to the sociological foundation of education are the
following except one. Which one is it?
a. Facilitating education means being aware of the social condition of the learners
b. Education is a social process beginning unconsciously at birth
c. School is a continuation of home; activities at home continue at school
d. “True education” is transmission of knowledge from the teacher to the learner

2. Philosophy of education is a statement that, what is this all about the philosophy of education
3. Post modernism educators believe that there is no absolute or universal truth
4. Philippine Constitution
5. Which are elements of profession like teaching?
6. I. Long years of professional education
Il. Passing the competency-based examination to obtain a diploma from TESDA
III. Continuing Professional Development
IV. Adherence to a Code of Ethics for the professional group
A. 1, 11 and 111
C. 1, 111 and IV
B. 11, 111 and IV
D, 1, 11 and IV

7. Based on the elements of a profession given in this Lesson, can the taxi driver be considered a
professional? — Analysis
i. No, because driving is not a college/university degree.
ii. Yes, because there is such a term professional driver.
iii. It depends on the technical and ethical competence of the taxi driver.
iv. Yes, if the taxi driver is competent and honest
8. In the Philippines there was no teacher preparation since the Spanish regime. Is the statement
CORRECT? — Understanding
A. No
.C. There was but informal
.B. Yes.
D. There was and for men only
9. Which is the first legal document that professionalized teaching in the Philippines? —
A. RA. 7836
C. RA. 9192
B. PD 1006
D. RA 898
10. Did teacher preparation in the Philippines begin with 4 years? —Remembering
A. Yes
C, No.
B. Yes, 4 years but informal
D. No, it began with I year
11. Teaching is a vocation. What does this mean?— Understanding
I- Teaching is a calling to serve.
II- Everyone is called to teach.
III- The response to the call to teach is a must.
A. I only
C. 11 only
B. 11 and 111
D. 1, 11 and 111
12. If teaching is considered as your mission, which applies / apply? — Understanding
I. You will be faithful to teaching no matter what.
Il. You will teach for recognition of efforts.
Ill. You will be faithful to your mission and you want to succeed.
A. 1, 11 and 111
C. 1 and 11
B. 11 and 111
D. 1 and 111
13. The philosophy of education
 Perennialism
 Progressivism
 Idealism
14. According to the existentialists, every person is in the same predicament and has
the samepossibilities. What does this simply means?
a. Every person must have access to education
b. Every person must choose to go to college
c. Every person must go through the same form of education
d. Every person must go to college
15. One philosopher considers education as the acquisition of the art of utilization of knowledge. This
implies that
a. Learner’s application of what he has learned is necessary
b. A learner’s interest in the art is commendable
c. A learner’s acquisition of information is sufficient
d. A learner’s acquisition of information is not important
16. Value clarification as a strategy in values education classes is anchored on w/c philosophy?
a. Existentialism
b. Christian Philosophy
c. Idealism
d. Hedonism
17. The teacher believes that it is better to use the old and traditional methods that to experiment
withnew techniques in classroom teaching. She is a/an
a. Progressivist
b. Existentialist
c. essentialist
d. Naturalist
18. Which of the following best describes the role of a teacher from a Perennialist’ perspective?
a. To expose the learner to up-to-date information about Math & Science
b To reveal the wisdom of the ages such as those contained in the Bible/Koran
c. To assist the learner to clarify his value priorities through self-analysis
d. To tell, interpret or analyze complete information to the student
19. . Which of the following is provided for in Article XIV of the 1987 Philippine Constitution?
a. Academic freedom of teachers and students at all levels
b. Mandatory religious education in elementary and high schools
c. Protection of intellectual property rights
d. Advancement of free and compulsory secondary education
20. Resolution is often used to express the body approval. Which is not type of resolution?
21. Structure is important in the school because a structure means to regulate. Which of the
following is true about social structure?
22. Economics and social factors. Which are not included as factor in education system?
23. These pillar of education is anchor with the context of life long learning?
24. This reflect that notion that progress change are fundamental. Which is the basic in what

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