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Hello, Aerospacers, Kumusta? How are you all doing?

before we get into the exciting part let us ask you some questions first.

I want a volunteer to answer the first question or do you want me to choose or to pick
someone? Don’t be scared we won’t bite you.

We have a brave student here, (if someone’s volunteer)

What department are you? Are you from HM, Tourism or Education? What is your name
and what year are you right now?
What is your expectation in IAU?

Thank you so much for that answer ________

(Call an audience)
Ask the name, year level and department before asking the question
What things do you look forward to in this school as an HM, tourism, or education

(Call an audience)
Ask the name, year level and department before asking the question
Who are the first-year students here? Can you tell us why you chose IAU?

(Call an audience)
Ask the name, year level and department before asking the question
How does it feel to have a face-to-face class this school year?

That’s a wrap of our question and answer portion, thank you for your cooperation aerosapcers

Do you have any questions? If you have any questions, please raise your hand for us to
acknowledge you.
Are all of your classmates here right now? If not, please get in touch with them to proceed at
Aerospacer’s Hall because 5 minutes from now, we will start the program.
All right, time check…
A quick and simple reminder to everyone to avoid unnecessary actions and be attentive to the
program because before we end the program, we will have an open forum, and you are all given
a chance to ask questions, and we would like to hear your thoughts in today's Orientation—a
reminder to everyone to wear your facemask properly. 

To formally open this Orientation,

Let us begin with an opening prayer
To be followed by the IAU hymn
and IAU now with an audio-visual presentation.

(Introduction about the Orientation Session)

Good afternoon Aerospace! 

My name is Kimberly Rose Rollen, a 2nd-year student taking up Tourism Management, 
and I am Alyssa Ashley Digamo, a 4th-year student taking up a Bachelor of Secondary
We will be your hosts for today's Orientation.
Hello Kim, Kamusta? How's your vacation?
(Kim answered)
How about you?
(Ashley answered)
How about you guys? Did you spend your vacation well? 
How did you spend your vacation? You spend it by traveling, simply staying at home, playing
online or mobile games, scrolling in TikTok, and having online chismiss.
Well, GOOD tO HEAR THAT (possible adlibs)

Before we get started, I want you all to face your seatmates and, on the count of 1 to 3, say these
words to your seatmates if you know your seatmate already, "hello, kamusta? I miss you," and if
your seatmate face is not familiar just say "hello, kamusta? I'm Ashley; nice to meet you."

Okay, ready 1,2 3 

You are so sweet and welcoming to the freshman and transferees, and I know it's good to be back
on our campus. 

(Welcoming the Participants)

We want to welcome students from Hospitality Management and Tourism Management,
and We would like to welcome the students of the College of Teachers Education! Are you all
Also, we would like to welcome our respective Department Heads and Faculty. 
Mr. Vicente N. Barina 
Dr. Giovanni Legaspi 
Mr. Harold E. Toring 
Dr. Nonita P. Legaspi 
Mr. Edjie Galeos 
Ms. Jocelyn A. Cinco 
Mr. Darwin Cayada 
Ms. Maria Luz G. Cahayagan 
Mr. Adriane Joseph B. Adaptar 

Welcome, all of you Aerospacers, to the new academic year!

I know we are now aerospacers but have you ever wondered about our history?
 Do you know our history? If not, here's a brief history of IAU.

(Brief History of IAU)

Founded in 1992, the Indiana Aerospace University (formerly known as Indiana School of
Aeronautics) was conceived to answer the growing needs for qualified and well-trained
manpower in aeronautics and aviation-related fields as a result of the expansion of the Mactan-
Cebu International Airport and its opening to direct international flights. Moreover, the
expansion of multinational maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO) stations in the country
plays a virtual role in why IAU was established.

Apart from being the center of international aviation, Lapu-Lapu City has now become one of
the fastest growing centers for business and industry in the country and necessarily requires
employment opportunities for technical personnel, which IAU can provide.

(Intro to Orientation Session)

For today's Orientation, you might be wondering why we have it. If you have seen the FB post
by IAU, the caption's thoughts mean that this will be a start to meet new friends, especially for
the first-year students, and we will learn how to get involved and interact with the blended
modality, which is we are having our online classes thru altimeter and a face-to-face class here in
our campus. 

To Formally start this Orientation, presenting a pleasant welcome message by the Chief
Executive Officer of IAU, Mr. Harold E. Toring.
Thank you for that warm welcome, sir, and no doubt you chose(chows) the best school in terms
of quality education for all freshmen and transferees; welcome to Indiana aerospace university.
Enjoy your stay here while learning.

To know more about the degree program, let us welcome the HM and TM Department Head, Mr.
Vicente N. Barina.

Thank you sir Barina for sharing the knowledge you have about the degree program of HM and
TM department.

An Overview of the Course and an Introduction of our respective Instructors and Professors, to
be presented by the Department Head of the College of Education, Dr. Giovanni Legaspi          

Thank you Doc Leg for giving us an overview of the course and for the information you impart
to everyone who wants to know about the degree program they chose.

Since you already know the respected degree program you are taking right now, congratulations
on enrolling in your chosen career, and I wish you much success and happiness in your/our
future endeavors.

To warm up, we prepared an ice breaker for all of you, and please do participate and cooperate
with everyone. Thank You.

Program continuation…

So much with the fun and games, let's compose ourselves and get back to the program. Thank
you for your active participation. Right now, we will be going to hear the school's academic
policies, wherein these policies are to assist students in attaining their academic goals as
effectively as possible. If you want to know more about the enrollment policy, fees and
payments, IAU guidelines and policies in the new normal of Education, the simplified grading
system for the college department, and student privacy, let's hear it from our campus registrar
Ms. Jocelyn Cinco.

Thank you Ms. Jocelyn for the information that you’ve shared to us.

Since everything is clear about the school's academic policies, let's proceed to the Student's
Welfare and Development Services because IAU values students' growth and well-being. SAO
or OSAS is responsible for developing and implementing various programs and services that
focus on the non-academic aspects of the student's life in College, such as the acquisition of
values and skills for lifelong learning. This will be discussed by our SAO Director, Ms. Maria
Luz G. Cahayagan.

Thank You Ms. Maria Luz Cahayagan for giving student’s attention of their welfare and

Before we proceed, we want to check with you guys, is everyone still in their state of mind and
actively listening? Is all too well pa guys? Are you still okay?

Remember, you can always come by our school guidance office if you are not okay. I know it's
okay not to be okay sometimes, right? If you feel alone and something's bothering you that
affects your studies, our guidance office is not 24/7 open but will surely be a big help and
encourage you academically, socially, and emotionally but not financially. Our School guidance
helps students better know themselves and find effective solutions to their daily problems.
Maybe they also offer love-life advice. To learn more about our guidance office services. Heads
up and listen to our school guidance counselor Sr. Ma Nina Sevilla.
Thank You so much Sr. Ma Nina Sevilla for presenting the different services of guidance office
and also thank you for being there if a student is wanted to vent out their problems and ready to
help as always.

Always remember that IAU cares for you, and our safety is one of their priority. For that, let's
welcome Mr. Adriane Joseph B. Adaptar, the IDRRMU Coordinator, to discuss the Safety and
Security Services with us.

Thank You Mr. Adriane Joseph Adaptar for discussing the safety and security services with us,
we really appreciate that IAU does not only cares academically but also they invest in terms of
our safety and security.


Do you have any questions? If you have any questions, please raise your hand for us to address

We are done with the 1st part of the program policies, rules, and history. Are you still in follow


To know the department organizations and officers, let us watch this video prepared by HATS,
followed by the discussion of the calendar activities; please welcome the Department Governor
Mr. Humprey Cartilla.

Next, For the education student, let us watch this video to know our department organizations
and officers, and for the discussion of school activities, let us welcome the governor of the
education department. Miss Christine Joy Gablines

For the closing remarks, please welcome the HATS Governor again, and for the closing, prayer
will be led by the CTE Governor.


Thank you, aerospacer, for attending today's Orientation and your active participation. 

Remember, Indiana Aerospace University gives us wings to fly 

So soar high and fly high aerospacers. Even if you are not at your best but always do your best.

This is Alyssa Ashley Digamo 

and Kimberly Rose Rollen 
is now signing off. 

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