Radioisotopes in Industry

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The most rapid contribution which atomic national organizations discussed the r e p o r t s , the
energy makes to the economy of a country is by the latest developments in isotope utilization, and how
industrial applications of radioisotopes. In research the use of isotopes in industry could be further en-
they may be used to reveal unique information about couraged.
the nature of chemical processes, or as a fast and
The survey was prepared with c a r e , as there
cheap tool to provide information more quickly or
have been few precedents to guide such an investi-
more accurately than could be obtained by other
gation on such a scale. Although its main purpose is
means. In manufacturing they are used to control and
to make an economic assessment, it has neccessarily
regulate many processes, thereby improving the
had to start with the consideration of techniques, and
quality of the product or making better use of raw
information was collected both on technical and eco-
materials. And in product control they offer many
nomic aspects.
possibilities of non-destructive testing, thereby en-
suring that products of inferior quality do not reach
the market. Basis of Survey
All these methods are frequently described in National estimates of radioisotope savings in
scientific and technical literature, and their appli- industry in the past have been based on widely different
cations are encouraged by many national and inter- assumptions and methods. Even in the same country,
national organizations. Nevertheless, industry seems the results of different estimates have varied by as
at times somewhat reluctant to apply these methods much as a factor of ten. It was necessary to ensure
for its own profit. that all the estimates for the survey were prepared
in a standard manner; one of the main objects has
The International Atomic Energy Agency since been to achieve uniformity so that valid comparisons
its inception has always sought to promote the indus- may be made. In consequence, the basis of the survey
trial use of radioisotopes. Among other ways, it has is perhaps rather narrow - for example only a limited
arranged scientific conferences on various aspects number of industrial firms can calculate savings with
of the question, and has selected and published reasonable precision, although as many as possible
general information. were brought into the survey.
Industry's attitude to any innovation, however, It was also necessary to adopt a rather strict
is the same the world over - viz. does it pay? The working definition of "savings". They were taken to
Agency, therefore, decided to collect information on mean "a measurable difference in costs between the
the economic benefits derived from the use of radio- method used prior to the introduction of radioisotope
isotopes in industry, described in terms of "savings", techniques and the new radioisotope method". For
It arranged for an international survey of these bene- this purpose, "direct savings" are defined as raw
fits, and at the same time for the collection of material savings, finished product scrap savings,
information on how radioisotopes are being utilized labour savings, e t c . , and "indirect savings" means
today. avoidance of shut-downs, better process control, etc.
In April 1962 the Agency invited selected Member In addition, questions were prepared to allow for cal-
States to participate in the survey, and in response culation of "potential savings", which could be realized
national governments collected detailed information by an industrial category if all firms were to use
from industrial organizations in their countries in radioisotope techniques to the same extent as those
the fields of prospecting, mining and manufacturing. making estimates. Finally, "customers' savings"
The radioisotope techniques were grouped under the and "intangible savings" were not to be credited in
heads of radioisotope gauging, industrial radiography, ihe survey.
ionization applications, tracing, massive irradiation
and miscellaneous applications. The national reports National bodies endeavoured to cover the whole
from the participating countries recently reached the field of industrial utilization so as to reach some
Agency, which is preparing a comprehensive report ejtimate of national totals. They also made a few
on radioisotope use and economics. Investigations in depth, and quoted a number of
specific "case studies" of routine applications. These
In order to assess the contents of the various provide a background for the more detailed treatment
reports and to establish the best means of interpreting of data, by providing the national bodies with first-
and presenting the material, the Agency convened a hand knowledge of such matters as accuracy of nuclear
Study Group in Vienna from 16 to 20 March 1964. and alternative gauges, operational experience of
About 60 participants from Member States and inter- X-ray and radioisotope sources in radiography, and

so on. Some of these findings are of considerable Gauging is usually employed with continuous or
direct interest in illustrating the impact of the new semi-continuous processes. For industrial sheet
techniques on particular industries. materials, such as paper, plastics or metal strips,
The response by industry was on the whole quite it replaces contact gauging, or periodical sampling
good, but although much valuable and detailed inform- of the material. Contact gauging is not practicable
ation was collected on technical aspects, the economic with certain products such as paper in the wet stage,
information was rather scanty. or sheet metal which vibrates violently.

At the Study Group meeting, this was attributed The isotope gauge gives a more precise control
by W. Rudoe (UK) to the absence of any one point in a of the operation, which can thus be performed within
normal industrial organization where the information closer tolerance and often with a lower average value
required is centralized. The technical people, he said, than before. This means that less raw material is
do not know sufficient about the economics and required for a given output. The interruptions and
financial side of the firm, and the financial people loss of output i-aused by sampling are avoided, and
do not know enough about the technical aspects. the gauge gives immediate warning of any departure
However, all the countries which gave savings figures from maximum tolerance, so averting waste pro-
emphasized that the assessments were conservative, duction. Where production is frequently changed
being confined in the main to directly measurable over to new specifications - as in paper-making -
benefits, and making virtually no allowance for the the isotope gauge permits a more rapid and precise
indirect benefits, assessment of which presented adjustment of the machine to the new requirements.
Where level gauges are used, less supervision
The Canadian report noted that savings were is usually required, with a saving in labour. There
difficult to estimate, as the availability of such in- are some processes - notably in the chemical industry -
formation depends so much on the methods and details which would not be possible without this aid. Gauges
of book-keeping in the various industries and com- also make an important contribution to safety, by
panies. The report adds that figures of dollar savings ensuring that the level of liquids in tanks is not too
are incomplete and can reasonably be doubled, or high or too low.
more. "Apart from the methods of book-keeping which
may make the recording of savings difficult, there One of the most important gains from the use
are many cases where savings themselves a r e not of isotope gauges is the improvement in the quality
obvious, as for instance the case of static eliminators of the product which results in many cases. The Study
where, under certain atmospheric conditions not un- Group meeting was told of some cigarette manufactur-
common in Canada, production becomes virtually ers who found when they installed density gauges that
impossible without the use of eliminators." they could reduce the amount of tobacco used, because
the cigarettes were more even in quality. They de-
Although the survey proved that the direct cash liberately elected not to do so, howev'er, preferring
savings resulting from the industrial use of radio- to pass on the whole of the benefit to the customer in
isotopes are very substantial, these in many cases the form of improved quality.
are outweighed by far by other benefits such as im- The investment in radioisotope gauges is often
proved quality in the product. recovered in a few months. Poland reports a chemical
The Agency's final report will be published in company which installed level gauges on liquid ammonia
a couple of months and will give the over-all results separators, which paid back the investment in four
of the survey. Meanwhile, some of the highlights of months, and a metallurgical company recovered in
the national reports and of the meeting are worth re- three months the cost of thickness gauges installed
cording. on cold rolling mills. In the United Kingdom, a paper
mill uses four transmission-type basis weight gauges,
each using 25 millicuries of thallium-204. The total
Some Typical Cases investment was £10 750, and running costs are small.
When weight is changed on the machine the valve con-
Gauging is the commonest of all industrial ap- trolling the quantity of feedstock is r e - s e t , and this
plications of radioisotopes today. It is employed to used to be done by the operator, using his experience.
determine thickness of sheet material, the thickness His judgment proved at fault, and the sampling and
of a coating such as paper or textile coated with plastic weighing had to be repeated until the correct weight
or abrasive, or steel plated with tin, the density of was established. One sampling, cutting and weighing
materials of constant thickness such as liquids or operation might take about five minutes; during this
slurries in a pipe-line or tobacco in cigarettes, levels time some- five hundredweight of paper would be pro-
of solids or fluids in containers, bins or tanks, the duced which might have to be scrapped. This weight
elemental composition of certain materials, and the change on two machines would cause at least £25 000
density of materials in large bulk, such as concrete, loss of production per annum which was avoided by
soil and rock strata. the use of the isotope gauge. Other economies which

cannot readily be calculated are the maintenance of Belgium reported an important printery which
correct weight thanks to the ability to spot changes publishes a monthly magazine of about 60 pages, some
immediately. This saves paper which might other- in four colours. Static electricity on the paper caused
wise be rejected, and the saving is of the order of some deviation of the sheets, particularly significant
£35 000 per annum. The total saving of £60 000 im- when they were engaged by the colour cylinders and
plies that the investment in the gauges is amortized the folding-machine. This led to considerable
in just over two months. rejections - up to 30 per cent - on account of printing
out of register or faulty folding. A radioactive static
One British 1 chemical firm used a level gauge
eliminator brought the number of rejects down to the
to determine the liquid profiles in absorber towers in
normal 3 to 4 per cent.
operation. This revealed positions of flooding, so that
chemical engineers were able to modify the towers to A British manufacturer of cellulose acetate yarn
increase the throughput. It not only saved the building and plastics uses a radioisotope detector in gas
of two new towers at a capital cost of about £100 000 chromatography as an aid in recovering solvents used
each, but enabled throughput to be increased six in the process. The optimum economic working of
months earlier than would have been possible by the process depends on maintaining the correct balance
building new ones - a gain of some £50 000. Thus a between solvent recovery efficiency, steam con-
single gauge application saved the firm £250 000. The sumption, and the rate of replacement of carbon-
same firm uses a variety of density or level gauges activated charcoal on which the solvents have been
with an estimated total annual saving of £300 000, for adsorbed. The isotope method saved £50 000 a year
an annual investment of £5000. on a recovery plant with annual operating costs of
about £250 000. The total investment of £7000 in iso-
In the glass industry a British firm making
tope equipment includes 56 fire and smoke detectors,
moulded glass containers uses level gauges to control
and running costs are £100 a year.
the supply of raw materials into the furnace. The
gauge operates an automatic control system to main-
tain a constant level in the furnace. Although the gauge Massive Irradiation
works through about two feet of brick and refractory Treatment of medical supplies is the most im-
the control is normally better than 1/32 inch. This portant application in this field, and P . LeVeque
enables more accurate control of glass feeder temper- (France) considered that this use would continue to
ature, and a constant weight of glass is delivered to grow. The new methods of radiation sterilization
the moulding machine, so increasing the uniformity have upset established ideas of preparation, such as
of the product. The main advantage is that there is the development of more compact packages. Sterili-
no interruption or interference with feeder operations; zation of sealed packages also brought complete changes
most other methods require some form of probe to be of manufacturing methods, such as the disposable
inserted. The total investment is £2650, annual costs plastic syringe. Close co-operation thus became
£200, and annual savings estimated at £190 000. essential between the manufacturer and the irradiation
In the United States, a potash manufacturer used specialist.
radioisotope gauges to measure the density of salt so- Many applications of irradiation had been pro-
lutions, and reported annual labour savings of $25 000, posed, he said, but the industrial applications had so
raw material savings of $20 000 and ten per cent in- far been restricted. He listed eight industrial plants
crease in productivity worth $25 000. The gauge cost in the world, and of these five use accelerators and
less than $900 a year. three gamma irradiation from cobalt-60. These ap-
plications are, however, on a significant scale, and
include the production of polyethylene and ethyl bro-
£ 5 0 0 0 0 a Y e a r for £ 7 0 0 0 mide, the sterilization of goat hair used in carpet
Ionization manufacture, and sterilization of medical supplies.
Applications of radioisotopes based on the inter- Although irradiation had helped the development
action of radiation with gases is useful in a variety of new chemical processes, chemists have usually
of industrial applications, which were summarized quickly found ways of making products with equivalent
at the meeting by C.G. Clayton (UK). He noted a qualities by very much cheaper, purely chemical pro-
continuous increase in the use of radioisotope smoke cesses. The possibilities of preserving food by radi-
detectors, which have been approved by fire insurance ation are being watched with interest, he added, and
committees in a number of countries. Gas chroma- one might shortly expect practical results.
tography is being applied in a wide range of industries
and gas chromatographic columns incorporating ion- Radiography
ization detectors are used in plant process control. Direct comparisons are difficult between gamma
Considerable extension of these uses may be expected, radiography, using radioisotope sources, and alter-
but meanwhile static charge elimination is the most native methods such as X-rays and ultrasonic testing.
important industrial application. Each has its own special advantages, so that to a large

extent they must be regarded as complementary rather Tracing
than competitive. Gamma radiography, however, is This embraces a wide field, as there is a great
the only feasible method when inspection has to be variety in the techniques in use, and also in the speci-
carried out in places inaccessible to other forms of fic applications. There are many research applic-
equipment - for example in a small tube. ations of value to industry, such as investigation of
For most materials in most factories, X-rays chemical reactions, and wear studies. Radioisotope
are better than radioactive sources for the same tracing has become an important aid to process control
quality of result. With very thick materials, however, by such expedients as flow measurements, determin-
conventional machinery gives insufficient penetration, ation of wear in furnace linings, rapid location of pipe
and then cobalt-60 sources compete advantageously blockages and leaks, and checks on the completion of
because of their low capital cost. When only a few mixing processes. Industrial products can also be
radiographs are made in a year, the long exposure readily "tagged" for identification and age determin-
times which usually make gamma radiation less ef- ation. Over a wider field, isotopes have proved their
ficient become unimportant, and panorama radiography value for studies of ground and surface water, of air
will then be cheaper than X - r a y s , mainly because and water pollution, and of movement of sand or silt
of decreased capital cost. Many small foundries in rivers and estuaries.
prefer to test their daily production by overnight
The particular lorm of tracing known as activ-
exposures in this way.
ation analysis offers a method of great sensitivity, and
A British manufacturer of pressure vessels holds the possibility of routine non-destructive analy-
continuously uses eighteen cobalt-60 sources from 0.3 sis being carried out purely by means of radiation,
to 3. 2 curies. The vessels must withstand the most no chemical processing whatever being involved. If
severe conditions of temperature and pressure, and this goal is attained, it will permit of rapid and con-
radioisotopes are used for two main purposes. The tinuous analyses "on stream" without any interference
major purpose is to check the quality of the casting with production, and this would establish much closer
produced and to provide guidance on technique so that control over production operations. An American
future products may be free from blemishes; the company producing semi-conductor material deter-
second is to ensure that castings leaving the foundry mined trace impurities by this method and was able
are of sufficient standard to pass right through the thereby to eliminate several manufacturing steps. The
factory without interruption, no matter what further saving in time and equipment was estimated at $ 150 000
tests and inspections may be made. annually.
Savings are then made in the following ways: A French oil refinery established a radioisotope
test bench for wear studies on automobile engine parts.
It was reported that no unsound castings are
produced, thus saving labour and foundry The investment was 50 000 francs, and the annual sav-
materials; ings 60 000 francs. Furthermore, results were ob-
tained in a month which would have required more than
Consequent saving of labour spent in produc- a year by other methods. A preliminary study was
ing castings rejects; made for a breakwater in a French harbour, and it
was found that the length could be shortened by 200
Minor faults in castings can be repaired while
m e t r e s , with a saving in construction cost of eight
they can still be heat-treated, etc. ;
million francs. This was accomplished partly by
Saving in machining time spent on producing studies of scale models and partly by radioisotope
bad castings; hydrological studies.
Production programme can rely on quantities
Future Applications
at the end of the cycle being identical with
those at the beginning - hence more efficient Some other radioisotope applications are being
production; and developed for specialized purposes, such as the
nuclear batteries used to supply power in space
Customer complaints and replacement of fault}
parts eliminated. satellites and weather stations. Isotope light sources
may also prove useful for railway signals. But these
The total investment is £52 000 and annual run- do not, at present, seem likely to have any great in-
ning costs £6000, but the annual saving is estimated dustrial significance.
at £500 000.
Looking to the future, E. E. Fowler (USA) told
In a great many establishments, however, cal- the Study Group that there was likely to be a steady
culations of direct money savings are regarded as of extension of established industrial applications, which
minor or no importance. The benefits sought are the would be encouraged by the increased sensitivity of
increase in the quality and reliability of the product, techniques and by the greater variety of radioactive
the objectives being customer satisfaction and safety preparations now available. which were also of greater
in use. purity.

Over the next ten y e a r s , he did not expect to should continue at about the s a m e r a t e , a p a r t t r o m
s e e a large growth in the use of radiography, as no any m a j o r t e c h n i c a l changes which might take p l a c e .
important new technology or new markets appeared T h e m o s t likely field for such change w a s p r o c e s s
to be emerging. The use of gauges appeared to be r a d i a t i o n , which could open up " a new d i m e n s i o n in
c l o s e to saturation point, but there could still be radioisotope u s e " . It was being used for the p r o d u c -
s o m e extensions into new applications,, and gauges tion of c h e m i c a l s and the modification of m a t e r i a l s ,
of greater penetration could be developed. Tracing D r . F o w l e r continued, but instead of using radiation
offered the greatest opportunity for expansion; it could a s an adjunct to established p r o c e s s e s , the trend now
be applied to many problems of industrial significance, w a s to look for p r o d u c t s unique to r a d i a t i o n . Food
and the rapid techniques of radio-analysis now being p r e s e r v a t i o n by r a d i a t i o n could be a m a j o r d e v e l o p -
developed could have many industrial applications. m e n t . The United States had devoted a c o n s i d e r a b l e
effort to t h i s , and the next decade might s e e i m p o r -
The economic contribution of radioisotopes tant p r a c t i c a l r e s u l t s e m e r g e .


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