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Portfolio Task #9-Finding One's Meaning to Life

Name: Kier Andre C. Somodio Section: Polaris 1-A Date Submitted: 10/29/2022

Write a personal reflection of not less than 150 to not more than 250 words on how you
can find meaning in or to your life with the title: “How I Can Find Meaning to/in my Life.” This is
30 points. Refer to the rubrics in previous reflection tasks. Observe Tahoma 11, 1.5 spacing
between sentences, and encode directly on the page of the ePortfolio. Make sure the text is
readable in the background.

Note: Disregard what is not applicable to the ePortfolio.

“How I Can Find Meaning to my Life”

As I grew older and more mature, I realized that finding one's unique definition of life is
essential, for it serves as a guiding light toward reaching one's authentic self. It affects one's
value of self-worth and importance into lifeblood. A self-actualized person is a gateway to
success and the bridge to the reality beyond what they can see.

Knowing how to leave our comfort zone is a factor in unlocking one's designation of life. I
believe that if we start trying new things, we can break the norm that we set for ourselves and
realize the things we are missing out on in our life. Likewise, as amorphous and tangible clay,
we can mould any creation to us if we wish to transform ourselves. Also, helping others builds
an avenue to know one's definition of life. Knowing how to help others makes you feel worthy
and gives you a sense of purpose and direction in life.

In conclusion, finding one's meaning in life is complex. One must start to know the self
before our senses first; otherwise, if we let our senses sooner see the self, it is just the mirage,
not the core. To grasp what's meaningful is to know who we are, to materialize our life's goal,
and so on, to understand what we always look for. Hence, learning how to assess oneself fully
aids the impression of the true beauty and meaning of one's life.

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