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Pseudo-activism and True Activism: (14:00 to 22:00) Mufti Hussain Kamani

True Activism is a three step process:

1. It starts by seeking Ilm

Finding a Mentor / A teacher
Studying with them (even online)

2. True Activism and true Dawah is a result of your personal Tazkiyah / your spirituality
People will see in you what you have in your heart
If you don’t believe and live what you are saying, your words will fall on their ears and then
on the ground
But, if what you are saying is embedded into your heart, it will pierce from one heart into
the next
And by Allah, watch the changes you’ll see
Live the Islam
Live your Deen

As Allama Iqbal said:

Husne kirdar se noor e mujassam hoja
K iblees bhi tujhe dekhe tou muslaman hojaye

The effort put in the hours of the night making dua to Allah will be what delivers your results
during the day
The results during the day are dependent on the efforts made during the night… your
connection with Allah SWT

3. Mujahida, Sabar, Ikhlas

You are sincere, you are patient and you are continuously striving
This is a bumpy road my friends
You’ll have five conversations out of which two will be such that people will be amazed and
they will enjoy your conversations because what you are saying is something that relates to
And there will be that third person who will view you as a jerk
And they will be really angry at you
And will probably curse you out
But that shouldn’t stop you
‘Cause you are not doing it for them
You are doing it for the sake of Allah SWT

Allahumma hdina wahdi bina waj’alna sababan liman ehtada ya rabbal aalameen

Ya Allah Guide us,

Guide our children
Guide our communities
Guide this land and the people who live within it
The hearts are pure
The ears are willing to listen
The text is there
The example is there
The practicality is unmatched and unrivalled
The only thing is:
We have to pick up these pieces and put them together
And just sit back and watch the show

I pray that Allah Subhanahu Wataala accepts…

Wassalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuhu

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