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Mobile Crowdsensing Incentives

under Participation Uncertainty

Panagiota Micholia Merkourios Karaliopoulos Iordanis Koutsopoulos

Department of Informatics Department of Informatics Department of Informatics
Athens University of Athens University of Athens University of
Economics and Business Economics and Business Economics and Business
104 34 Athens, Greece 104 34 Athens, Greece 104 34 Athens, Greece

Mobile crowdsensing applications rely on crowds of con- Mobile crowdsensing; participation uncertainty; incen-
tributors who are willing to carry out certain tasks of tive allocation
interest. This willingness varies widely across users and
tasks and (monetary) incentives are often engaged to 1. INTRODUCTION
strengthen it or make up for its total absence. These Photo shoots of city points of interest, regional noise
incentives need to carefully account for the highly non- or pollution maps, monitoring of automatic vendor ma-
homogeneous response of users to external motivation. chines across an area are only few application examples
We propose a framework that explicitly accounts for powered by mobile crowdsensing. In all cases, the even-
the implicit uncertainty about the eventual participa- tually delivered service is made up of small individual
tion and contributions of users. In the framework, the contributions of mobile user crowds through their smart
impact of incentives on the user choice to contribute devices. The announcement of crowdsensing campaigns,
or not is modeled probabilistically. First, we formulate the recruitment of contributors out of the mobile crowd
a convex optimization problem for incentive allocation and, often, the transformation of the raw crowd data
with the goal of achieving maximum expected quality into a meaningful service are under the responsibility of
while taking into account task budget limitations and an intermediate entity, called the service provider.
constraints related to the physical locations of users and Yet, the participation of mobile users in crowdsensing
tasks. We then propose an iterative algorithm to alle- campaigns cannot be taken for granted. Personal in-
viate the complexity of the original problem with two terests, time availability, and intrinsic motivation vary
basic steps: an allocation step that applies incentive widely across individual users and more often than not
allocation to a set of available contributors; and a re- (monetary) incentives are indispensable for encouraging
finement step that revokes portions of the allocated in- their contributions. More importantly, the user incen-
centives. We study the performance characteristics of tivization process needs to acknowledge the uncertainty
our algorithm by comparing it to a default solver for about the users’ response to the offered incentives. Al-
convex optimization problems. though, stronger incentives, i.e. higher payments, in-
crease the chances of user participation, they do not
guarantee it. End users are the ones that make the fi-
CCS Concepts nal decisions. Hence, it is crucial to find ways for incen-
❼Human-centered computing → Ubiquitous and tivizing their contributions while explicitly accounting
mobile computing; Ubiquitous and mobile computing for their participation uncertainty.
theory, concepts and paradigms;
1.1 Related work
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal
or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or One major research thread in mobile crowdsensing in-
distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice centives relates to reverse auction-based incentive mech-
and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work
owned by others than ACM must be honored. Abstracting with credit is per- anisms. Users are recruited for tasks, and payments
mitted. To copy otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to are made to them depending on the bids they submit,
lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. Request permissions from stating how much they charge for their contributions.
The main concern and criterion for selecting users varies
MSCC’16: 3rd ACM Workshop for Mobile Sensing, Computing
and Communication ’16 Paderborn, Germany. across studies. Non-exhaustively speaking, in the par-
© 2016 ACM. ISBN 978-1-4503-4343-5/16/07. . . $15.00 ticipatory system in [5], the payments made to the users
DOI: are based on their participation level; in [3] the recruit-

ment of sensors takes into account coverage concerns; account for the former constraints. This decomposition
whereas the quality of contributed data is the decisive greatly reduces the computational complexity of the al-
factor for the reimbursement of users in [4] and in [11]. gorithm and renders it amenable to parallelization. The
As far as user’s participation is concerned, Lee et algorithm’s efficiency and properties are demonstrated
al. in [6] designed a reverse auction dynamic pricing in section 4.
mechanism assuming that user participation is ensured
if the benefit they attain is above a certain thresh- 2. SYSTEM MODEL
old. Lin et al. [1] study a location and time aware sen-
sor selection problem and propose a Lyapunov, based 2.1 Problem description
Vickrey-Clarke-Groves (VCG) auction policy for com-
pensating the sensing cost of selected users. They con- We consider a platform that manages a set of crowd-
nect users’ participation to the probability of being se- sensing tasks K, with |K| = K. Each task is indexed
lected and wish to keep it over a threshold. In [12] by a number j ∈ {1, 2, . . . , K} and is directly related
we find approaches with implicit user involvement in to a physical location i.e. a photo shoot of a particu-
the determination of the incentives (platform-centric) lar point of interest. Tasks are requested by customers
and explicit user involvement (user-centric). Interested i.e. an owner of a local coffee shop that issues a re-
users decide to participate and submit sensing plans quest for a crowd photo shoot of their shop, and they
knowing that they will get reimbursed. Common to demand contributions from a set of available potential
all incentive mechanisms relying on reverse auctions is contributors N , with |N | = N . Each member i of this
the assumption that the determined payments commit set, i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , N } possesses different skills and inter-
the users’ participation to the crowd-sensing campaigns, ests, which render them more suitable for certain tasks;
even when those payments fall short of the strategically quality indices qij ∈ [0, 1] capture the quality of contri-
submitted bids. bution that user i can make to task j. Likewise, users
Departing from standard reverse auctions, authors differentiate with respect to their sensitivity γi to ex-
in [7] use all-pay auctions, where users exert some ef- trinsic incentives (payments) and the overall distance
fort and submit it to the platform. However, this kind Di they are willing to traverse in order to make their
of contest could risk the participation of users that do contributions to various tasks.
not get reimbursed. Tullock contests are proposed in a Each customer of the platform offers a certain bud-
follow-up work in [8] to offer all users a probability to get Bj for incentivizing contributions to its requested
win. Authors in [2] present a pricing mechanism where task j. This budget is managed by the service provider
users have explicit involvement in the determination of who manages the platform of crowdsensing tasks. Upon
their payments as they individually bargain their prices particular points in time, the service provider considers
with the platform in order to reach an arrangement. the distance of each user i from task j denoted dij and
Uncertainty is considered in [9], which is probably the shares the task budgets allocating payments pij . A cru-
most relevant work to ours. Thereby users aim to cap- cial assumption in our model is that the propensity of
ture the responsiveness of users to service consumption, users to contribute to a task varies with the amount of
but the study is restricted to a single task scenario. extrinsic incentives presented to them, albeit to differ-
ent extent per user. Some of them are more respon-
1.2 Our contribution sive than others to even small payments, whereas oth-
In this paper, we deviate from the main body of ers may only be mobilized by higher offers. Technically,
the existing literature and explicitly consider the uncer- we capture this participation uncertainty in willingness
tainty about the users’ participation in mobile crowd- functions wij (pij ) with
sensing campaigns. Contrary to [6] and [1], we model wij (pij ) = 1 − e−γi pij (1)
user willingness to participate as a continuous function
of the incentives rather than a step function with a pre- Hence, the willingness functions are increasing concave
defined threshold, whose definition in real world appli- probabilistic functions within [0, 1] exhibiting diminish-
cations is unclear. Compared to [9], we relate the prob- ing returns to the offered amounts of payments, i.e.
ability of contributors’ participation on quantitative in- they strictly monotonically increase with payments but
centives offered in a multiple task scenario. We formu- at lower rate as the latter get higher. The parameter
late a convex optimization problem (section 2) for the γi captures the user-specific sensitivity to payments; it
incentive allocation process, aiming at maximizing the makes sense to allocate payments to contributors that
total expected quality of contributions under task- and will be more responsive to them.
contributor related constraints. We propose an iterative
approximate algorithm (section 3) that decomposes the 2.2 Problem formulation
convex optimization problem into two basic iterative The goal, then, of the service provider is to maxi-
steps: a payment allocation step where the user-to-task mize the expected aggregate quality of attained contri-
physical proximity constraints are relaxed, and a pay- butions over all tasks and contributors by determining
ment refinement step, where payments are corrected to proper payment offers to the mobile crowd. The users

receive the offers for ongoing tasks via their smartphone savings in actual implementations. We further demon-
devices and decide whether to participate and to how strate these advantages of our algorithm in Section 4.
many tasks, accounting for their physical distance of
the proposed tasks and the total walking effort to reach 3.1 Initialization step
the respective locations. Formally, the task of the ser- We relax the original problem (P1) by omitting the
vice provider is to allocate payments among users so as distance inequality constraints and derive problem (P2i):
to maximize the total expected quality of tasks (P1). XX
The problem is a convex optimization problem with maximize qij wij (pij )
j∈K i∈N
task-oriented linear equality constraints referred to as X
budget constraints and user-oriented convex inequality subject to pij = Bj , ∀j ∈ K (P 2i)
constraints referred as distance constraints. The budget i∈N
constraints reflect the fact that the to-be-allocated pay- pij ≥ 0, ∀i ∈ N , ∀j ∈ K
ments are ultimately constrained by limited task bud-
gets designated from the customers to the platform. Problem (P2i) is a convex optimization problem with
XX equality constraints. It is solved exactly by the water-
maximize qij wij (pij ) filling algorithm [10], determining the optimal payments
j∈K i∈N to contributors in the absence of individual distance
subject to
pij = Bj , ∀j ∈ K (P 1) constraints. Intuitively, the optimal value of (P2i) is
greater or equal than the one of (P1) since the feasible
X solution space of (P2i) is a superset of that of (P1).
dij wij (pij ) ≤ Di , ∀i ∈ N
j∈K 3.2 Payment refinement step
pij ≥ 0, ∀i ∈ N , ∀j ∈ K The solution of (P2i) yields two candidate contribu-
tor sets. A set of contributors that violate the distance
The distance constraints capture the fact that the ex- constraint, Nv0 , and a set of contributors that do not,
pected total distance contributors are willing to traverse Na0 . More generally, by the time this step initiates iter-
in response to the offers made to them, is limited by ation t, t ∈ {1, 2, 3, . . . }, the candidate contributors are
their individual “walking budgets” Di . partitioned in sets Nvt , with |Nvt | = Nvt and Nat , with
|Nat | = Nat . For contributors in Nvt , there exist dif-
3. AN APPROXIMATE ALGORITHM ferent options to remove part of the non-zero tentative
At first sight, we could solve the convex problem (P1) payments computed for them in the payment allocation
for its global optimum via brute-force application of a step of the previous iteration so that they do comply
standard solver, i.e. the M AT LAB r built-in solver for with the distance constraints. Apparently, these pay-
convex optimization problems. However, it turns out ment cuts, δij , are upper bounded by the current pay-
(Section 4) that the running times of such solvers scale ment allocations δij ≤ pij . The goal in this step, is
badly with the number of tasks and users, limiting their to find the optimal combination of such values δij such
actual applicability to practical instances of the prob- that the resulting loss in the expected quality LQ (δij )
lem. Therefore, we propose a low-complexity approxi- is minimized:
mation algorithm that decomposes the original problem X X 
LQ (δij ) = qij · wij (pij )−wij (pij −δij ) (2)
(P1) into simpler subproblems that can be solved opti-
j∈K i∈Nvt
mally and fast through a number of iterations.
Each iteration involves two basic steps, as shown in Since the first term does not involve δij , the problem of
Algorithm 3. First, in the payment allocation step of minimizing LQ (δij ) is equal to maximizing the second
Algorithm 1, tentative payment offers are computed for term. Moreover, the problem can be tackled indepen-
the users without taking into account their distance con- dently for each user so that we are faced with Nvt differ-
straints. Then, in the payment refinement of Algorithm ent convex optimization problems (P2r), one for each
2, the payments are cut to make them compatible with user i in Nvt , with a concave equality constraint and a
the distance constraints. The budget that is accumu- bound on the values of δij . These problems are of the
lated out of the excess payment cuts is anew allocated following form:
to contributors, who are not yet constrained by distance X
constraints. The steps are repeated until the computed minimize − qij wij (pij − δij )
offers are constraint-compatible for all contributors. j∈K
The problems encountered in each step are simpler subject to dij wij (pij − δij ) = Di (P 2r)
and can be solved optimally. Moreover, in each step we j∈K
end up solving these problems separately for each task
0 ≤ δij ≤ pij , ∀j ∈ K
(payment allocation step) and each user (payment re-
finement step). This lends to trivial parallelization of Noticing that the term wij (pij − δij ) appears in the
the involved computation effort and results in even more objective function and the equality constraint, we can

transform the problem (P2r) to a linear optimization Algorithm 1: Payment allocation step
counterpart problem (P3r) setting xij = wij (pij − δij ).
Data: Bj , Nat , K, qij
Result: optimal payments: pij
minimize − qij xij
1 Allocate budget Bj to N contributors in Nat to
X maximize expected quality of tasks K.
subject to dij xij = Di , (P 3r)

0 ≤ xij ≤ 1 − epij , ∀j ∈ K Algorithm 2: Payment refinement step

Data: Di , Nvt , K, qij , dij , pij
where δij = ln(1−xij )+pij . By the end of this step, the Result: optimal payment cuts: δij
contributors in Nvt are allocated payments pij −δij such 1 Remove δij from contributors in Nvt to minimize
that the distance constraints are satisfied (and active). the loss in expected quality of tasks K.
If Nst is the set of these “saturated” contributors by it-
eration t, with |Nst | = Nst , it holds Nst = Nst−1 ∪ Nvt−1 ,
i.e. contributors who end up violating the distance con-
straints in the previous payment allocation step, are the payment allocation step (P2a, P2i) during iteration
turned into saturated contributors in the subsequent t ∈ {0, 1, 2, . . . }, the distance constraints are not vio-
payment refinement step and are no further considered lated by any contributor, Nvt = ∅. This implies that
in future payment allocation steps. Nat > 0 and Nst < N , i.e. the budgets of tasks are fully
allocated and there is at least one contributor for whom
3.3 Payment allocation step the distance constraint is not active. The second possi-
Summing across tasks the payment cuts δij , deter- bility is that after a payment refinement step Nst = N ,
mined in the payment refinement step, we get residual i.e. the set of contributors with active distance con-
budget amounts Θj that can be re-distributed across straints grows all the way to include the full set of users
contributors in Nat . and Nat = 0. Hence, there is budget unspent since no
contributor’s payment can grow more without violating
their corresponding distance constraint.
Θj = δij (3)
More formally, we can show that Nat decreases over
time till it either becomes the null set or remains con-
The aim with these allocations is to maximize their stant across two successive iterations, through an in-
impact on the expected aggregate quality of contribu- duction argument. Base case: For t = 0, Na0 = N .
tions. The complementary payments θij should be such At the end of the first iteration t = 1, we have that
that the gain GQ (θij ) is maximized. Na1 = Na0 − Nv1 . If Nv1 > 0, we get Na1 < Na0 ; if Nv1 = 0,
X X  then the algorithm terminates. Assumption step: Let
GQ (θij ) = qij · wij (pij + θij ) − wij (pij ) the statement about the algorithm’s termination con-
i∈Nat j∈K ditions hold for t = n, i.e. Nan ≤ Nan−1 . Induction
step: We will show that it holds for t = n + 1, i.e.
The second term does not change with θij , so the Nan+1 ≤ Nan . If the inequality in the assumption step
optimization is applied to the first term, which can be holds as equality, then Nan+1 = Nan = Nan−1 and the al-
split into k ≤ K different summation components, one gorithm already terminates by the nth iteration. Oth-
for each task j with Θj > 0. Therefore, at this step, we erwise, it either holds Nan+1 < Nan , when Nvn+1 > 0,
solve k different problems of the following form or Nan+1 = Nan when Nvn+1 = 0. Hence, the original
statement about the two termination conditions of the
minimize − qij wij (pij + θij )
algorithm holds generally.

3.5 Complexity
subject to θij = Θj (P 2a)
i∈Nat The complexity of the iterative algorithm depends on
θij ≥ 0 ∀i ∈ Nat the complexity of the algorithms used in the individual
steps and the required number of iterations till it termi-
(P2a) is a convex optimization problem with linear con- nates. Since problems (P2i), (P3r), and (P2a) are sepa-
straints and can be solved optimally applying the same rable, the allocation (refinement) step can be indepen-
waterfilling algorithm that we use for the solution of dently solved for each task (respectively user). Hence,
(P2i). By the end of this step, the computed offers for the computation procedure can be highly parallelized.
contributors in Nat equal pij + θij . The convex optimization problem with a linear con-
straint in (P2i) is solved using the waterfilling algorithm
3.4 Algorithm correctness from [10]. The algorithm execution for each task in-
Intuitively, there are two possibilities for the algo- volves sorting the N initial contributors in O(N log N )
rithm termination. In the first case, upon execution of steps and iterating O(N ) times resulting to complexity

1 1400

Algorithm 3: Proposed algorithm for (P1). K=2

K=4 1200
0.8 K=6 K=6
1 Remove distance constraint from (P1). K=10

Constraint activity
1000 K=10

Average quality
2 Perform allocation step solving (P2i). 800

3 t = 0, f lag = 0. 0.4

4 Categorize contributors into sets Nv0 and Na0 . 0.2


5 if Nv0 > 0 then 0 0
6 t=1 200 400 600
Contributors, N
800 1000 200 400 600
Contributors, N
800 1000

7 while Nvt > 0 and f lag = 0 do (a) (b)

8 Perform refinement step solving (P3r).
9 Compute excess budget Θj . Figure 2: (a)Normalized number of contributors
10 Perform allocation step solving (P2a). violating distance constraint (b) average quality
11 Update contributor sets Nvt and Nat . achieved,varying contributors and tasks, for the pro-
12 if Nvt = 0 then posed algorithm.
13 Feasible solution reached.
14 f lag = 1
15 if Nvt > 0 and Nat = 0 then ity parameters are uniformly distributed in [0,1], while
16 Solution infeasible. the physical distance thresholds are sampled from the
17 f lag = 1 interval [0,100]. Fifty simulation runs are carried out
18 t=t+1 for each fixed combination of problem parameters.
19 else
20 Feasible solution reached.
4.1 Algorithm efficiency
We compare our proposed algorithm with a typical
convex optimization problem solver built in MATLAB
9 400

K = 3 solver
K=3 solver
K=3 proposed
(for our problem the solver implements the active-set
K = 4 solver
7 K = 4 proposed K=4 solver
algorithm). Fig. 1a shows that the average running
Average running time

300 K=4 proposed

K = 10 proposed
Average quality

K = 20 proposed
K = 30 proposed
K=6 solver
K=6 proposed
time grows exponentially with the number of candidate
contributors for the Matlab solver, whereas its increase
is linear with our proposed algorithm. Increasing the

1 50
number of tasks from K = 3 to K = 4 doubles the
50 100 150
50 100 150 200
solver’s running time for N = 150, while the respective
Contributors, N Contributors, N increase is subtle even when we let the number of tasks
(a) (b) scale to K = 30. Notably, this advantage in terms of
running time comes at almost no expense in terms of
Figure 1: Average running time in seconds (a) and (b) the solution quality: our algorithm consistently yields
average quality for the proposed algorithm and solver. expected quality values very close to the optimal ones,
as seen in Fig. 1b.
of O(N log N ) if parallelization is supported. (P3r) is a 4.2 Properties of our algorithm
linear optimization problem that can be solved in poly-
nomial time O(K p L), where p > 0 and L is the number Fig. 2a presents the portion of contributors violat-
of input bits. For example, the Karmarkar algorithm ing the distance constraint during an iteration of our
achieves p = 3.5. The algorithm needs to be carried out algorithm. For K = 2, the problem (P2) results in
once for each contributor who violates the distance con- (P2i) with no users violating the constraint. The im-
straint. Finally, the convex optimization problem (P2a) pact in the average expected quality for each added
is also solved by the waterfilling algorithm. In the allo- contributor becomes smaller as N grows in Fig. 2b
cation step, the algorithm is executed as many times as (87% of the contributors are paid for N = 100 and
the tasks that have budget to reallocate and each ex- 38% when N = 1000). Since the same amount of bud-
ecution demands O(N log N ) steps. In the worst case get is distributed amongst a larger variety of contribu-
that one contributor violates the distance constraint at tors, payments eventually get smaller and their effect to
each iteration, the payment allocation and refinement individual willingness of participation eventually drops
steps are executed N times. Hence, the complexity is along with their expected traveling distance and ex-
O(max{N K p L, N 2 log N }). pected quality. On the contrary, the growth of K aug-
ments the expected traveling distance per contributor
(Fig. 2a), and works in favor of the aggregate expected
4. RESULTS quality (Fig. 2b).
In the simulations that follow, we consider a rectangu- To get more insights into how our algorithm allocates
lar area (60x60) and randomly place users and tasks all payments, we study the correlation between contribu-
over it. The quality indices and the payment sensitiv- tors’ payments and their quality indices in Fig. 3a and

1 1

munity network can crowdsource tasks to a pool of users
that are connected to the network.
Quality index

Quality index
0.6 0.85

0.4 0.75

The authors acknowledge the support of the Euro-
0.65 pean Commission through the Horizon 2020 project net-
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Commons (Contract number 688768, duration 2016-2018).
Payment Payment

(a) (b) 7. REFERENCES

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