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ATD Module 3 Problems Repository

Subject Code : MVJ19ME42

1) A Diesel engine has a compression ratio of 14:1 and fuel is cut off at 0.08 of stroke. Calculate
the mass of fuel used per kWh if the calorific value is 42 MJ/kg and the relative efficiency
2) Calculate the air flow rate, fuel flow rate, bmep and imep for a 4-stroke engine developing
300 kW at 2500 rpm when the stroke volume is 2000 cc, thermal efficiency is 0.30 and
air/fuel ratio is 15
3) A petrol engine having a compression ratio of 8, has a brake thermal efficiency which is 40%
of air standard efficiency. The calorific value of fuel is 44 MJ/kg. Calculate the fuel
consumption in kg/h,if the engine delivers 7.5 kW
4) A 4-stroke engine uses natural gas and has a stroke of 400 mm, bore of 350 mm. It runs at
1000 rpm and the air-fuel ratio 5:1 by volume and the volumetric efficiency of 0.80. Estimate
the bmep when the brake thermal efficiency is 0.28 and the HV of the gas is 8 MJ/m3 at
standard conditions
5) A four-cylinder engine running at 1200 rpm gave 18.6 kW brake power. The average torque
when one cylinder was cut off was 105 Nm. Determine the indicated thermal efficiency if the
heating value of fuel is 42000 kJ/kg and the engine uses 0.34 kg of petrol per kW brake
6) A 4 stroke 4 cylinder S.I. engine running at 3000 rpm produces a torque of 66.5 Nm. It has a
bore of 60 mm and a stroke of 100 mm. The clearance volume in each cylinder is 60 cc and
the relative efficiency with respect to brake efficiency is 0.5. If the calorific value of fuel is 42
MJ/kg, determine the fuel consumption in kg/h and the bmep.
7) A 4-stroke 3000 cc 6 cylinder engine has a maximum torque of 240 Nm at 2000 rpm. The
specific fuel consumption is 0.09 kg/MJ and the air-flow rate is 4.08 m 3/min. The ambient
conditions are p1=1bar, T1=300 K. Estimate the volumetric efficiency, air-fuel ratio and the
thermal efficiency if the heating value of fuel is 44 MJ/kg.
8) Estimate the cylinder dimensions of 4-stroke 3 cylinder engine producing 25 kW at 3500
rpm, when the air-fuel ratio is 15, the heating value of fuel is 40 MJ/kg, the volumetric
efficiency is 0.85, brake thermal efficiency is 0.30.
9) A 6-cylinder 4-stroke SI engine having a bore of 90 mm and a stroke of 100 mm has a
compression ratio of 7. The relative efficiency is 0.55 when the indicated specific fuel
consumption is 300 gm/kWh. Calculate (i) the calorific value of the fuel, (ii) the fuel
consumption in kg/h, when the imep is 8.5 bar and speed is 2500 rpm.
10) A 4-cylinder gasoline engine having a bore of 75 mm and a stroke of 90 mm, and running at
3000 rpm develops a brake power of 20.9 kW. A Morse Test was conducted on this engine,
and the brake power (kW) obtained when each cylinder was made inoperative by short
circuiting the spark plug are 14.9, 14.3, 14.8 and 14.5 respectively. The test was conducted
at constant speed Estimate the indicated power, mechanical efficiency and the bmep, when
all the cylinders are firing.
11) A six-cylinder 4-stroke gasoline engine having a bore of 80 mm and a stroke of 100 mm for
each cylinder consumes fuel at the rate of 20 kg/h and develops a torque of 150 Nm at the
speed of 4000 rpm. The clearance volume in each cylinder is 70 cc. Estimate (i) the brake
power, (ii) the brake mean effective pressure, (iii) the brake efficiency if the calorific value of
fuel is 43 MJ/kg, and (iv) the relative efficiency based on brake power.
12) A 5 tonne R-12 plant maintains a cold store at –15°C. The refrigerant flow rate is 0.133kg/s.
The vapour leaves the evaporator with 5 C deg. superheat. Cooling water is available in
plenty at 25°C. A suction line heat exchanger subcools the refrigerant before throttling. Find
(a) the compressor discharge temperature, (b) the COP, (c) the amount of subcooling in C
deg., and (d) the cylinder dimensions of the compressor, if the speed is 900 rpm, stroke-to-
bore ratio is 1.2, and volumetric efficiency is 95 %.Allow approximately 5°C temperature
difference in the evaporator and condenser.
13) Determine the ideal COP of an absorption refrigerating system in which the heating, cooling,
and refrigeration take place at 197°C, 17°C, and –3°C respectively
14) 14)A food-freezing system requires 20 tonnes of refrigeration at an evaporator temperature
of –35°C and a condenser temperature of 25°C. The refrigerant, R-12, is subcooled 4°C
before entering the expansion valve, and the vapour is superheated 5°C before leaving the
evaporator. A six-cylinder single-acting compressor with stroke equal to bore is to be used,
operating at 1500 rpm. Determine (a) the refrigerating effect, (b) the refrigerant flow rate,
(c) the theoretical piston displacement per sec, (d) the theoretical power required in kW, (e)
the COP, the (f ) the heat removed in the condenser, and (g) the bore and stroke of the
15) An R-12 plant is to cool milk from 30°C to 1°C involving a refrigeration capacity of 10
tonnes.Cooling water for the condenser is available at 25°C and 5 C deg. rise in its
temperature is allowable. Determine the suitable condensing and evaporating
temperatures, providing a minimum of 5 C deg. differential, and calculate the theoretical
power required in kW and the cooling water requirement in kg/s. Also, find the percentage
of flash gas at the end of the throttling. Assume a 2 0C deg. sub-cooling in the liquid
refrigerant leaving the condenser
16) In an ammonia absorption refrigerator system, heat is supplied to the generator by
condensing steam at 0.3 MPa, 85% quality. The temperature to be maintained in the
refrigerator is –10 0C, and the ambient temperature is 30 0C. Estimate the maximum COP of
the refrigerator. If the actual COP is 40% of the maximum COP and the refrigeration load is
30 tonnes, what will the required steam flow rate ?
17) A two stage vapour compression refrigeration system with a direct contact heat exchanger
(flash chamber) operates with ammonia as the refrigerant. The evaporator and condenser
temperatures are –40 0C and 30 0C respectively. If the capacity of the plant is 40 tonnes of
refrigeration, estimate the total work of compression and the COP. Had the compression
been done in a single stage, what would have been the percentage increase in the work of
compression What is the percentage increase in the COP owing to the staging of the
compression process
18) An air conditioning unit using R-12 as a refrigerant is mounted in the window of a room.
During steady operation 1.5 kW of heat is transferred from the air in the room to evaporator
coils of R-12. If this air is at 22°C and the temperature of R-12 in the evaporator is 15°C,
determine (a) the refrigerant flow rate, and (b) the minimum power required to drive the
compressor if the outside air is at 43°C and the temperature of the refrigerant during
condensation is 50°C.
19) A vapour compression refrigeration system uses R-12 and operates between pressure limits
of 0.745 and 0.15 MPa. The vapour entering the compressor has a temperature of –10°C and
the liquid leaving the condenser is at 28°C. A refrigerating load of 2 kW is required.
Determine the COP and the swept volume of the compressor if it has a volumetric efficiency
of 76% and runs at 600 rpm.
20) An ideal (Carnot) refrigeration system operates between the temperature limits of −30°C
and 25°C. Find the ideal COP and the power required from an external source to absorb 3.89
kW at high temperature
21) R-12 vapour compression refrigeration system is operation at a condenser pressure of 9.6
bar and an evaporator pressure of 2.19 bar. Its refrigeration capacity is 15 tonnes. The
values of enthalpy at the inlet and outlet of the evaporator are 64.6 and 195.7 kJ/kg. The
specific volume at inlet to the reciprocating compressor is 0.082 m 3/kg. The index of
compression for the compressor is 1.13.Determine: (a) the power input in kW required for
the compressor, and (b) the COP. Take 1 tonne of refrigeration as equivalent to heat
removal at the rate of 3.517 kW.
22) A refrigerator using R-134a operates on an ideal vapour compression cycle between 0.12
and 0.7 MPa. The mass flow of refrigerant is 0.05 kg/s. Determine (a) the rate of heat
removal from the refrigerated space, (b) the power input to the compressor, (c) the heat
rejection to the environment, and (d) the COP.

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