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In a world where everyone wears a mask, it’s a privilege to
see a soul.

God said, “I’m about to put you in a place where they will be
able to see you but won’t be able to reach you.”

Prayer is part of my business strategy

Don’t mistake my positivity for lack of struggle. I’m a sinner,

been broken, didn’t know my worth, accepted anything and
God still rescued me

Rule #1: Never make God #2

And try as they might, no one can keep you from a life God
planned for you

When you accept that you’re exactly where you’re supposed

to be in this moment and that you have all that you need,
miracles happen.

How cool is it that same God that created mountains, oceans

and galaxies looked at you and thought the world needed one
of you, too!

Sometimes, God allows people to run their mouth about you,

so they can see they ran their mouth and still couldn’t stop

First, I talk to God, then I listen to Cardi B

Y’all be hurting people God sent to heal you.

The universe is never testing you, it’s simply giving you an

opportunity to practice all that you say you are.

Sometimes when you can’t sleep, it’s because God want you
to talk to him.

What if you said yes out of impatience and later came across
what God actually had for you?

Blessed AF

Lord, prepare me for what I am praying for.

Sometimes, God breaks your heart to save your soul.

God is not punishing you, he is preparing you. Trust his plan,

not your pain.

My faith doesn’t comprehend “no!”

People will pretend to support you just in case you make it

Sometimes the betrayal is the blessing

Somebody, somewhere is depending on you to do what God
has called you to do

Sometimes the answers to your prayers come in what you


At one point I used to think about shitting on those who

shitted on me but when God blesses you…all that becomes

Stay in your lane, keep your eyes and faith on yourself

I thank God for saying “no” to some of my prayers

Dear Lord, help me manage everything you’ve given me to do

Since God told me I’m going to get it, I walk like I already got

God I’m frustrated…but I trust you!

Thankful that my blessings are bigger than my problems

God used Goliath to get David to the throne. Your giants aren’t
meant to defeat you. They are meant to promote you!

A plane can’t land until the coast is clear. Some of our

blessings are stuck in the air because of our environment

It doesn’t matter how over-saturated the market is. If God
called you to it here’s room for you

People don’t have to like you for God to bless you

Don’t ask God for more and you haven’t mastered less. Be
faithful over the little…

My pastor said, “if people take you for granted it’s a

compliment because you’re consistent…but while it’s a
compliment to you, it’s a danger to them because what’s
consistently taken for granted is eventually taken away.”

My grandmother’s prayers are still protecting me…

Somewhere between God’s plan and God quit playing…

God will bless you if you stop hating.

Follow the calling. Not the crowd.

Pray so big and so often that when God meets you at

heaven’s gate, he says with a smile, “Kid, you kept me very

Somebody needs the part of the story that you’re ashamed


God in their bio doesn’t mean God in their life

Always capitalize the G in God

You meet someone incredible but you question it. You get
invited to the table but sit silently because you’re too busy
questioning if you belong. Good things happen in your life and
you ask why? Blessings can’t multiply if you’re always wasting
energy questioning them.

Something you’ve been praying for is about to happen for

you. You’ve had enough lessons. You’ve been patient long
enough. You’ve remained strong through many trials and
challenges. Nothing broke you. You’re still here standing
strong Now is the time for you to start receiving.

Empty your life and let God fill the space.

Replacing “why is this happening to me?” with “what is God

trying to tell me?” is a game changer.

Father, in the mighty name of Jesus, I bind every spirit of

suicide, depression and low self-esteem! I loosen life, joy
and your peace!

God is about to turn your private prayers into public miracles

Be okay with people around you being served their

blessings while yours is still on the shelf

When it’s not in God’s time you can’t force it. When it is
God’s time you can’t deny it

God will put you back together right in front of the people
that broke you!

What I once wanted seems so small in comparison to what

God is now offering me

You’re about to enter a relationship only God can take

credit for!

Let every enemy working against your purpose be expose

and stumble in their own foolishness in the name of Jesus!

People will post a “word” that encourages them and scroll

right past the word that challenges them

I stay looking out for people and God stay looking out for me!

God said remain humble, not small!

Somewhere between praying hands and throwing hands

God, this hard work has to pay off. Please, thank you,

Don’t let your Saturday night turn up, affect your Sunday

Don’t block your blessings trying to do people how they do

Soul to God. Money on my mental.

When it’s God it flows. When it’s you, it’s forced.

I’m just out here trusting God

Your greatest test is when you’re able to bless someone

else while you are going through your own storm

You will never be given a dream without being given the

power to make it come true.

I pray for things money can’t buy

The universe will send you exactly what you asked for and
then send you a distraction to see if you mess it up.

I whispered to him my dreams and then he spoke them into


“Yo chill! I gotchu!” – God

Chill out and rest. God has you. Stop trying to figure
everything out and let God work

The Lord will prepare a table for you in front of your enemies

If all your prayers were answered, would it change the

world or just yours?

I asked God to help me grow and it started raining

Dear Lord, in a world of distractions, help me to focus on


What’s for you will not pass you by

I have a story that will make you believe in God

There are some blessings God will delay until you get from
around the wrong people

You can’t use prayer to replace laziness

When you understand time and season – you envy no one.

What’s for you, will bring out the best in you, not the worst.
That’s how you’ll know.

I stopped venting and started praying because I don’t need

sympathy, I need strength

Be careful of the company you keep. Some people aren’t

coming alone, they’re bringing demons with them

You’re praying on my downfall and I’m praying for you to get
on your feet! We are not the same!

I wanted revenge but God whispered, “they’re already


I want to bear the type of fruit that makes it impossible for

people to doubt God

I might be crazy but
I’ll hold you down and
love the shit out of

You’re all my heart ever talks about.

Isn’t it scary knowing that anytime could be the last time you
talk to someone? Always keep that in mind.

He never looked nice. He looked like art and art wasn’t

supposed to look nice…it was supposed to make you feel

I don’t care if you man sells balloons, you’re supposed to be

right next to him blowing them shits up!

Dear soulmate, please hurry tf up, they doing me dirty out

here baby.

You’re interesting and you’re different…and I like that!

When you’re dating your soulmate but they’re still searching

for theirs…

She got wife written all over her…but some men can’t read

Dating nowadays you can’t worry if you’re the only one…you

just gotta hope that you’re the favorite

Life doesn’t come with a manual. It comes with a mother.

Even though we never said it to each other...we knew.

There is not one person walking this earth that is worth you
laying awake at night feeling like you’re not good enough

If I’m going to cheat. I’m going to do it in the morning because

at the end of the day, I’m loyal

If your man laughs at another girl’s jokes, write it down and tell
him the same joke next week. If he doesn’t laugh…KNOCK HIM

If she pay her own bills without your help…she ain’t going to
listen bro.

Stuck between “I don’t wanna feel that type of hurt again” but
“I wanna feel that type of love again.”

He said “Do you have a type?” …I said “the type that won’t
waste my time.”

I don’t care if you sleep on the floor, I don’t care if you and your
family of 9 stay in a one-bedroom apartment, I will come sit my
ass on the floor and kick it like we in a mansion. You know why?
Because if I fuck with you then I fuck with you and not all of us
got it easy. You don’t have to fake anything with me.

I’ll never be cuffed because cuffed spelled backwards is

deffuc and deffuc do I look like settling down with you

Niggas be cheating with bitches that look up to their girl

Don’t show me any love if the loyalty isn’t coming with you
as well

Your day ones might be the reason you didn’t reach your
goals yet! Start networking and meeting day twos!

She will always choose the man who taught her something
over the man who bought her something

Make sure whoever you got…got you.

You can post a suicide prevention phone number all you

want but if you really want to help prevent suicide,
depression and self-harm, stop being such assholes to each
other online and in real life

Who cares if he looks good…does he look out?

I can’t be controlled, so all I want is someone who can

watch me do my thing and say, “that’s my baby.”

Never beg someone for what you can get elsewhere without

Sometimes it doesn’t work out with someone because

they’re a piece of shit who deserves a piece of shit and
you’re not a piece of shit!

When someone helps you and their struggling too…that’s not
help, that’s love.

I kept I real with people that I should’ve finessed

People who was raised on love see shit differently from

people who were raised on survival.

So many people love you. Don’t focus on the people who


You deserve a relationship that allows you to sleep

peacefully at night

Stuck between “I’m
proud of myself” and
“I gotta go a little

The habits you created to survive will no longer serve you
when it’s time to thrive. Get out of survival mode. New
habits. New life.

Sometimes you gotta keep the good news to yourself

You can’t build with someone who expects you to do all the

Some of you are so scared of being great on your own that

you’re postponing your blessings because you feel like you
need company at the top

If someone wastes 10 minutes of your time, 8 minutes is

your fault

A crown without respect is just a shiny hat

Be humble, be hungry and always be the hardest worker in

the room

People who don’t respect your growth have to go. You can’t
keep explaining yourself to people who are committed to
misunderstanding you

For all the doors they slammed on us, we are coming to buy
the building!

You better learn how to save and stop trying to keep up

You can be grinding for 4 years with no results and on the 5th
year become the biggest thing on the planet. The power of
never giving up is real as fuck.

People will quit on you. You gotta get up every day and make
sure you never quit on yourself!

Before you become an overnight success, you must be an

everyday hustler

Stop trying to skip the struggle. That’s where character is built.

Embrace it. Learn from it. Grow from it.

Woke up feeling like I need to go harder

Do more than required. That’s excellence!

Stop yelling this boss shit if you haven’t put anyone else in a
position to win. If your team is hungry, you’re not a boss.

When no one else believed in me. I did.

Stop saying “yes” and “ok” when you should be saying “no
thanks” and “fuck off.”

Take a deep breath and remember who the fuck you are.

Hustling is being brave enough to go broke

This work is often thankless. You won’t be celebrated,
supported, credited or even paid. All people will do is take from
you. So, you better be in “it” for the right reasons.

Not everyone is fronting for the gram…Some people just

worked hard

Don’t surround yourself with winners and start hating.

Don’t be lazy. Start working tomorrow. Not in one week, not

in one month. Now!

Sometimes you gotta create what you want to be a part of

Hustlers don’t hear the word “no.” It translates to “let me

figure this shit out.”

I want more entrepreneurs to experience success that doesn’t

involve suffering first and being glorified later

Most people can’t recognize an opportunity unless there’s a

paycheck attached to it.

No amount of workshops, webinars, coaching, mentorships,

one-on-ones, meets or conferences will ever replace actually
doing the work.

Don’t get the popular circle confused with the winner’s

Think like the person you want to become

You need zero degrees to be a business owner, but you

need a degree to work for a business owner

They never tell you, the more bring to the table, the harder it
is to find someone to eat with…

People work 40 hours a week complaining…I do 40 hours in 3

days. You can’t be a boss working 40 hours a week

You can be grinding for 4 years with no results and on the 5th
year become the biggest thing on the planet. The power of
never giving up is real asf!

Just keep moving forward and don’t give a shit about what
anybody thinks. Do what you have to do, for you.

“See this is why I don’t support white-owned business” – said no

white person ever

People like me don’t have people. We are the people that

people have.

It doesn’t make sense to hire smart people and then tell them
what to do; hire smart people so they can tell you what to do.

At some point there is no excuse. Either you want to do
everything it takes to make it happen or you don’t.

Money doesn’t make you somebody. Being somebody makes

you somebody.

They’ll always have private conversations about you. Stay


You are already that person, just put yourself in that place.

I owe myself an apology for all the shit I let slide and all the
shit I chose to deal with and accept.

First learn and then remove the L

Last year I did favors. This year I do business.

That W that you desperately want is tucked behind that L

you’re too scared to take

It’s foot on they neck season

Hustle beats talent when talent doesn’t hustle

There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.

Money speaks only one language: “If you save me today, I will
save you tomorrow.”

Not all hustle is heard. Sometimes it’s just you. All alone.
Grinding, elevating, evolving, while no one hears a sound.

If you aren’t willing to work for it, don’t complain about not
having it!

Never beg anyone to join your vision…Did Noah beg anyone to

get on the ark? No. He just kept building and told everyone
the rain was coming.

Don’t let anyone who never accomplished their dreams tell you
that your dreams are impossible.

88% of financially successful people read at least 30 minutes

per day

Ten years from now, make sure you can say that you chose
your life, you didn’t settle for it.

Your greatest fear carries your greatest growth.

Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great.

Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and start being

excited about what could go right.

No decision will pay off more than prioritizing your life and
giving extreme focus and energy to the things with the highest

The real don’t entertain hate, they understand it’s a part of

a winner’s lifestyle

The things that excite you are not random. They are connected
to your purpose. Follow them.

Attract people who plan, not plot!

The average CEO reads more than 60 books per year

One day you will thank yourself for never giving up.

Plot quietly and humbly. Manifest fruitfully and abundantly

Everybody wants to take your spot until they see what it

takes to play your position.

Quotes don’t work unless you do!

Some of your greatest hurt will come from people you helped

I pledge allegiance…to the bag!

I tell myself everyday “you're making money but you could
make more. You're doing good, but you could do better.”
Don’t be afraid to challenge yourself.

A millionaire and a poor man both have 24 hours in a day, let

that sink in!

One day all these sacrifices will pay off. Don’t say I’m acting
different, just say you didn’t believe

What’s left behind is nothing compared to what’s ahead.

Save money by staying at home in your pajamas and avoiding


Admit it. You’re dope. Stop pretending you’re less than you are
to protect someone else’s ego. Be unabashedly aware of your

You gotta budget your energy out like you would your

If it comes, let it. If it goes, let it.

If someone wants to know your business, tell them to invest

in it.

I’m a boss but I’m in the field like a worker.

Imagine you move to another city, focus on your grind and
being a better person then BOOM you become your own

A business that makes nothing but money is a poor business

Move with strategy, not emotion.

In this season, you will not have to make announcements.

They will look at you and know.

They asked what’s the first thing you’re going to when you
make it to the top? I said send the ladder back down for the

Before you assume, try asking.

Even if you ain’t got no paper, bring your motivation to the


Make no mistakes, the beast inside me is sleeping, not dead.

Built, not bought. Hustle, not handed. Earned, not given.

You need to stop doing things for someone when you find out
it’s expected rather than appreciated.

Your enemies are confused. They studied how to trip you up

and yet you still haven’t fallen

If you’re reading this, I dare you to dedicate the next 6
months exclusively to your goals. No announcements, just
fall back and do the work

There are no discounts on the price of success

Stop buying your kids what you never had and start teaching
them what you never knew

If you date an entrepreneur be ready to be a personal

assistant, manager, investor, promoter, cheerleader and
counselor. If you’re not ready to fill ALL of these roles, DO
NOT APPLY for the job

The things that excite you are not random. They are
connected to your purpose. Follow them.

You gotta play the hand you were dealt like it was the hand
that you wanted

It’s either you gone fold, or the pressure is going to make you
a monster!

The best preparation for good work tomorrow is to do good

work today

People romanticize their plans but dread the execution. The

magic you’re looking for is in the work you’re avoiding.

You have to win in your head before you win in life!

Sometimes you gotta hit the left blinker and turn right

I don’t know who needs to hear this, but you’ve been

humble way too long…shit on them!

See the problem with sharing is that people will start thinking
it’s theirs

Don’t ever think that I haven’t paid my dues just because

you have seen my receipts

Don’t let someone who studied your gift run you out of your

Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard

Don’t nobody hustle harder than a person who hates asking

people for shit!

Don’t quit being you just because you see people trying to
be you, too!

I blame myself first before I trip about shit now…sometimes

you gotta take accountability for even putting yourself in
certain situations

Most people around you don’t really fuck with you, they
fuck with your position.

Don’t let anyone forget fucking with you is a privilege

Do it scared. Do it broke. Do it when they don’t understand.

Do it in imperfection. Do it anyway!

The plate you see me eating off of…I fixed that shit myself!

If you don’t need help, your vision is not big enough

My plan B is just another way to make my plan A work.

Don’t be afraid of being different. Be afraid of being the

same as everyone else.

I don’t hate people that are smarter, more creative and

imaginative than I am. I hire them.

Shout out to the friends that want to see you do well

without turning it into a competition

When people ask, “what do you do?” I say “Whatever it


All the hustle, late nights, early mornings, missed parties

will be worth it!

Everybody wants the plug but nobody wants to pay the
electric bill

Sometimes I feel like giving up but then I remember I have a

lot of MFers to prove wrong

Success is not an accident, it’s the result of hard work

Success doesn’t come and find you, you have to go and get

Maybe the journey isn’t so much about becoming anything.

Maybe it’s about un-becoming everything that isn’t really
you, so you can be who we meant to be in the first place.

Really think about your goals and how much energy you are
truly putting into them. Your routine is costing you.

Someone somewhere is waiting on you to fuck this up. So,


No one can fire you from your natural-born gifts, talents or

skillsets. Jobs come and go but passion is forever.

You are vulnerable to the voices around, so be careful who

you share your vibes with

Never trade your integrity for the appearance of success

You’re mad I’m winning. I’m mad you’re losing

The universe will send you exactly what you asked for and
then send you a distraction to see if you mess it up

You win some. You lose some. Just win more times than you

A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by

the desire to beat others.

Perhaps when you thought you weren’t good enough the

truth was that you were overqualified

I’m all I got, so I move different

The same calls I used to wait for, I don’t even answer


There are million-dollar ideas being suffocated by your

mortgage, car note and Starbucks. Develop a business
before you develop a lifestyle.

Hustle like you have no friends and grind like nobody has
your back

If people like you, they’ll listen to you. If people trust you,

they’ll do business with you

Don’t let everybody
get the chance to know

If the same storyline keeps following you, you’ve got to ask
who’s playing the leading role?

Just found out the world doesn’t revolve around me. Shocked
and upset.

Some people won’t begin to acknowledge you until “they”

acknowledge…start acknowledging you first.

Make sure your head isn’t bigger than your accomplishments

Don’t trust everything you see. Even salt looks like sugar

I apologize for the years I slept on you…for the years I was blind
to your greatness. You’ve been magic all along – a note to me,
from me.

I pray you quit overthinking, replaying failed scenarios,

feeding self-doubt and seeing the good in everyone but
yourself. You deserve more.

Sometimes you gotta go broke, lose the person you thought

you loved, watch your friends turn into foes, just to get where
you’re going. Trust the process. Elevation requires separation.

Sometimes fear manifest as self-sabotage

Don’t die before you’re dead.

People think traveling to the past and changing something
small will drastically change the present but no one in the
present thinks they can drastically change the future by doing
something small now.

You’re never in the wrong place. Sometimes you’re in the right

place looking at things the wrong way

Sometimes you just need to relax and remind yourself that

you’re doing all that you can, and everything is going to turn
out just fine.

Shout out to everyone who is trying to heal from things they

can’t talk about me…

Don’t let the internet rush you.

When thinking about life, remember this: No amount of guilt

can solve the past and no amount of anxiety can change the

Sometimes you have to cut off people who aren’t necessarily

bad people…just bad for your happiness.

I peep. I understand. I fall back. I let you do you.

Never let them take the light behind your eyes.

Be softer with you. You are a breathing thing. A memory to
someone. A home to a life.

Life isn’t about getting and having, it’s about giving and being.

The only person that can save you…is you.

Get your own way. Do what you want. Everyone plays his own

Pain can either destroy you or make you stronger.

Once you become very aware of yourself, it’s almost a joke

when someone tries to tell you about you.

I don’t care who I lose anymore, as long as I don’t lose myself


Be raw. Be open. Be fucking real. The last thing this world

needs is more fake shit.

You need people in your life who cheer for you even after
you pass them.

I know you are in pain but after this you are free!

Self-care is creating a life you don’t routinely have to escape


Unfollow every account on Instagram that makes you feel
like you need to be someone else

Be super clear on who loves you for you and who loves you
for your access

Yeah…it hurt, but I ain’t’ die tho

When you know what you know, there is no need to

entertain what “they think.”

Loyalty kept me in some situations that common sense

should’ve took me out of…

Let’s stop taking people’s absence so personal. Sometimes

what they are going through requires isolation. It’s not even
about you!

What was once in the windshield is now in my rear view

The problem with shortcuts is that you arrive prematurely

and unprepared

You ever just like…trust the universe so much that you

don’t give a fuck

Be careful when giving it your all. You may end up with


With pure intentions
come pure opportunity

Be so positive that negative people don’t want to be around

If you’re reading this it’s too late, I’ve already sent good vibes
your way. They’re coming. There’s nothing you can do to stop

But they can’t copy your spirit tho…

Stop right now and just appreciate this moment

Protect your mental and emotional state by being cautious of

the things you give your attention and energy to.

Give more than you can but take less than you need

Quit letting who you were talk you out of who you’re

Be careful not to loan out what you may need back. I’m not
talking about money. Your time. Your energy. Your vibes.

Speak life into your friends. Tell them they’re killing it, tell
them you’re proud of them…it’ll means so much coming from

If you hang out with me for too long, I’ll brainwash you into
believing in yourself and knowing you can achieve anything

Never do the jealous, shady, insecure, envy stuff…just stay on
that hustler, grinder, go-getter, well-wisher stuff

Love yourself first and stop giving all your shit away.

Promote what you love instead of bashing what you hate

Did some speaking into existence and manifestation today.

It’s not over until I win.

Use the dirt they throw to grow

Don’t compromise for company

Instagram is your own personal little vision board, use it

manifest your visions instead of posting reminders of your

When you are actually powerful, you don’t need to be petty

I love the glow you get from minding your own business and
letting go of negativity

Never get some comfortable in pain that you forget

happiness is still an option

Take your pleasure seriously.

When you love yourself, you move different

Don’t let my humbleness fool you, we are not the same.

The best thing in the world is seeing people smiling because

of you.

What’s for you will not pass you by.

Your hard work will pay off. The right people will show up.
Your dreams will come true.

Always believe that something wonderful is about to happen

I’m going to get it done regardless!

Believe in yourself and you will be unstoppable

Worry about loving yourself instead of loving the idea of

other people loving you

Don’t let the internet rush you

Your income right now is directly related to who you choose

to consistently surround yourself with on a monthly basis

Don’t follow the crowd. Let the crowd follow you.

If you believe it will work out, you’ll see opportunities. If
you believe you won’t, you will see obstacles.

Define success on your own terms, achieve it by your own

rules and build a life you’re proud to live

The best revenge is no revenge. Move on. Be happy.

You’re gonna piss off a lot of people by doing you and getting

Go to bed with dreams. Wake up with plans.

Find three hobbies you love: one to make you money, one to
keep you in shape and one to be creative.

You will never be given a dream without being given the

power to make it come true.

I have a habit of dreaming bigger than anything I seen in

front of me

People won’t like you and you will live

Staying low-key will literally solve half your problems

Go after dreams. Not people.

Just a masterpiece trying to master peace

When they get too
comfortable at the
table you’ve gotta
remind them it’s a line

The jealousy be in the jokes, pay attention.

You’d have to understand how accessible I’m not to really

appreciate how accessible I am to you. Everyone’s access isn’t

People can do all things through God…except play with me!

Adult friendship is saying “let me call you back” hanging up and

calling back 3-4 days later and no one takes it personal.

I walk around like I’m OK but deep down inside…I wanna be

on Section 8

You can’t change people, but you can change how you fuck
with them

Your physical appearance is supposed to be a plus, not your

whole package

You’re waiting for me to fail and I’m waiting for you to succeed.

Do they fuck with you because you’ve been official or

because you’re beneficial?

Sometimes you got to be disrespectful to show people that you

were being respectful the entire time

Some people don’t like you because your anointing aggravates
their demons

I can’t wait until talent is relevant again…

Help secure the bag or get from around me. The spiritual bag,
the emotional bag, the financial bag and every other bag I

You’ll never have what you hate to see others with.

Niggas don’t support shit you do but always saying bro

Subliminals are for suckas. Be direct with your disrespect.

I sleep good at night knowing I’ve done no sucka shit to be


The 90’s. Many memories. No evidence.

Once thing about me…I ain’t begging a soul to fuck with me.

You gotta let people lose with who they think they’re winning

I was showing love when I knew they was hating

Just because you’re street doesn’t make you real!

I don’t care how well I’m doing, I still need that money you owe

If you spend your own time trying to sabotage me, you

already vibrate high enough to come close to fucking up
anything I have going on.

Nobody hates you more than a person that did you wrong

Truth sounds like hate to those who hate the truth

If I tell you I’m 5 mins away and you believe me, you need to
grow up

I peep game faster than you can run it

The problem is y’all choose people who are good for your
image, instead of choosing those who are good for your spirit

Bitches will tell you throw the whole nigga away and waiting
by the garbage

My favorite part of going out is when I sneak out the club

without saying by to anyone to go home and sleep

I hate when somebody thinks they are telling my business.

First off , I be lying…

If your man’s name hold weight, you can’t just be out here
acting like you regular

Never trust a girl who went out and made no snaps

In 2019 ladies, treat your man right or another man will!

People will match their hats with their sneakers and their
purses with their shoes but won’t match their words with
their actions.

Make them regret not fucking with you

I got trust issues because people got lying issues

You should give a fuck. You really should. But only about things
that set your soul on fire. Save your fucks for magical shit.

Stop calling men broke because they can’t afford to buy or

give you things that you can’t afford yourself.

No one cares that you used to get it…get it now!

That check feels better when you don’t have to sell your soul
for it!

A lot of y’all living your best life because y’all don’t pay bills

People still think millennials are teens…no baby, we grown,
poor and ready to beat y’all ass.

You don’t have to say you’re dope, real dope sells itself.

If you’re lurking, you care.

Stay out your feelings, ain’t no money in there.

Don’t let sex turn you into a mother before love has the
chance to turn you into a wife.

May your net move be the game changer

May your life be as awesome as your pretend it is on

Facebook & Snapchat

Underestimate me so I can embarrass you.

After a certain age, you’re no longer petty…you just


Negative people always requesting positive vibes

We’re all ugly to someone, fake to someone, stuck up to

someone, a bitch to someone…but who the fuck cares?
Make your money, pay your bills, take care of you and your
family and don’t worry about what someone else thinks.

Everything happens
for a reason but
sometimes the reason
is that you’re stupid
and make bad

People be hating so much they won’t even help you if it
helps them

Once a nigga fall in love with you, everything you do without

him is hoe shit

Once I start taking my own advice, it’s over for you hoes!

All I care about is carbs and like three people…

Somethings are better left unsaid, but I’ll probably get

drunk and say them anyway

Selfie coming soon…I’m ugly right now

The same people who brought you pain, check your page to
see if you’re happy

The devil will tell you a lie in your own voice

Oprah’s walking around with 4 billion dollars and is humble

as pie. You did Keke Wyatt’s hair 6 years ago and stuck up
as help. It doesn’t make sense

Just because someone doesn’t follow you on Instagram

doesn’t mean they don’t follow you on Instagram

Choose wisely, these niggas wanna come up off you not

with you!

You have all these deep quotes on your page, yet you haven’t
changed at all

It’s the ones who are against you that believe in your power
the most

I’ve met people that have millions of dollars that the nicest
most humble people ever. Then there’s the bitches with
$27.50 in their bank account until next week that try to treat
you like shit.

The biggest egos come from those who have accomplished


Nowadays, people know the price of everything and the

value of nothing

Niggas don’t ever support shit you do but always saying you
they bro

You not believing in yourself is a tragedy. Stop that shit.

If your OG or big homie is not teaching you how to love

women, make money legally and be self-sufficient as a
man…stop looking up to him. He’s not your big homie, he’s
just a nigga that’s older than you.

It’s weird how everyone sleeps differently…like I sleep on my
side, my ex sleeps with everyone and y’all sleep on me.

Who be doing y’all make up? I’m asking for a funeral home.

People would rather say “RIP to my nigga” or “Free my

nigga” instead of telling they “nigga” to stop before they end
up dead or locked up.

Stop comparing yourself to $10,000 worth of surgery

No arguing all 2019.
I’m sending an “OK”
and going on about my

Just because you want to see your people eat doesn’t mean
you’re responsible for making their plate

When I took them wins “we” won…when I took them loses, “I”
took them loses!

Eat with people who are hungry, not people that are greedy

If you act funny, I’m going to be hilarious

I am learning to love the sound of my feet walking away from

things not meant for me.

Don’t worry about who’s not supporting you. Grow with those
that do!

I wasn’t stupid, I was loyal!

Let me tell you a story. She makes it. The end.

People have to pretend you’re a bad person, so they don’t

feel guilty about the things they did to you. God forbid they
accountable for their BS.

People stop being your friend and think it’s automatically

beef. Girl, if you don’t’ the good memories and get the fuck

Don’t worry about the people who aren’t happy for you…they
probably aren’t happy for themselves either.

You don’t ever have to throw in somebody’s face that you

fed them. They get reminded of it when they start to starve.

Even the people who betray you are a part of the master plan

Don’t be afraid to lose people. Be afraid of losing yourself by

trying to please everyone around you.

When I was down and messed up, all I heard was “Smh…that’s
crazy!” Heard you!

Sometimes you have to run through the 6 by yourself.

If you’re OK with being mediocre, then do that…but please do

that on your own time. Get out of the way of people who are
literally devoting their lives to making their life the best
fucking life they can imagine.

The people I rocked with the hardest showed me you gotta

be more careful.

You cannot put everyone on. You will drown trying to rescue
the people who were never taught to swim

I done grew out of explaining shit…bitch fuck you!

Imagine taking someone for granted and then never finding
anyone like them again.

Some people you thought loved you only need you.

I’m going to get where I’m going even if it means dropping

you off

Keep it real gangsta with people and you’re bound to hurt some
feelings. Once their feelings heal up, they’ll respect what you
said because it was real!

Let’s be clear…I don’t fuck with nobody more than they fuck
with me. I give the same energy I receive at all times.

Do yourself a favor and stop going around people who don’t

like you. It doesn’t matter if they’re family or not. Live in peace!

The child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down
to feel it’s warmth

You were my cup of tea, but I drink champagne now

We’re too old to still be telling people how they should treat

Don’t think you ever used me…you just ran into a real one with
a big heart.

Stuck between, idk, idc, idgaf

We live in a generation where being cool is more valuable than

being real

I’ve done a lot of great things for a lot of ungrateful MFers

Sometimes you have to be like” nahh…that’s not for me.”

In most cases, the universe does not allow us to move forward

until we have honored where we are right now.

I was raised different…so I don’t respect certain shit.

Some people are mad you because you aren’t suffering the
way they expected you to

Can’t be out here losing sleep over someone you don’t even
wake up to

When people show you their red flags, show them your
white flag and peace out

I’ve been doing really good with leaving people where they
had me fucked up at

If I’ve ever disrespected you, I meant that shit because I

know I let you slide about 500 ½ times before I did you like

If you can’t spell, don’t inbox me…talking about “Hi, wear
you farm?”

People look so different when they no longer belong in your


Don’t let anyone take you back to a level that you leveled up

You’re responsible for how long you let what hurt you,
haunt you.

Your growth owes no one an explanation

Sometimes you gotta fallback to move forward

I had to stop scratching everybody’s back because when

mines itched, I had to put my back against the wall

Y’all care way too much about people that don’t give a
damn about you

You cannot put everyone on. You will drown trying to rescue
the people who were never taught to swim

Some people will not celebrate you because celebrating you

feels like a loss to them.

Don’t be so thirsty for opportunity that you drink from every
cup handed to you…that’s how you get poisoned

Some people refuse to celebrate you because you have

grown beyond the limits that they gave you

If I ever stopped rocking with you, no love lost. I still want to

see you eat, just not with me.

You can’t play a person that’s genuinely fucking with you or

looking out for you – you’re only playing yourself because
those people are hard to find.

I love you but I need another year alone.

You see a person’s true colors when you are no longer

beneficial to their life.

Pac-Man had it all
figured out. Eat, avoid
suckas and moved on
to the next level!

Ships don’t sink because of the water around them…ships sink
because of the water that gets in! Don’t let what’s happening
around you get inside of you and weigh you down

I fall too. I just don’t tell the world about it. I use my energy to
get back up.

Try not to burn out before you are fully lit

If it don’t evolve me…it don’t involve me.

Somewhere, someone is looking for exactly what you have to


Do what you were called to do that you can stop having an


You know you got a good heart when you feel bad for doing
what’s best for you.

You gotta show people shit is going to get done with or

without them

You must train your mind to be stronger than your

emotions or else you will lose yourself every time

The hardest thing is evolving and seeing the people you care
about stuck in their mental limitations.

I like minding my business and not knowing shit I’m not
supposed to know.

People will leave you out in the cold and get mad when you
learn how to get warm by yourself.


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