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Group members: Group 3

Bùi Phạm Quang Duy - 207CT47713
Phan Văn Dự - 207TL15279
Nguyễn Minh Dương - 207TL44517
Trần Trương Thuý My - 207TL01371
Nguyễn Thị Thanh - 207KS33283
Problem & Solution Summary:
- Our business exists for one purpose which is to bring health to everyone.
- Problems that our company can solve for customers: reduce overweight, keep fit,
maintain stable health, provide some essential nutrients for the body without
supplementing functional foods.
- Our product can solve the problem because it is a combination of many different
types of grains, low in calories, high in nutrients to help customers feel full for a
long time without having to eat much.
Market & Competition
- Target customers:
o Age: 15 – 60 years old.
o All genders.
o Vegetarians and meat eaters can both use this product.

- Market segments: Our product concentrated in urban areas and city suburbs,
because in those places people have little time to ensure nutrients in each meal.
- Business key competition: Product quality, reasonable price, sufficient nutrition for
one serving, variety of products in taste and design.
- Business customer’s also consider: Companies with the same nut business and the
same market segment.

Company & Product Description

- Company’s misson:
o Make customer’s life better by improving customer’s health and appearance.
o Product: Grain with rolled oats, nuts and honey.
o Goals: Proceeds and product popularity.
- Company aim to achieve: Achieved 5 billion in revenue and 1 million people in the
country know about the product.
- Company product: Cereal grains including rolled oats, nuts, honey and fruit such as
berries, mangoes and walnuts.
- To achieve the set goals, our company will: Invite KOLs, shoot promotional
videos, let customers experience the product directly by free tasting and have
discount programs.

Why us?
- Our company understands the importance of health in everyone's life. With the
mission of bringing food to support health, our company understands the needs and
psychology of customers, along with a diverse supply of quality pure plants and
many unique designs.

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