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Gesundheitszentrum St. Gallen, St. Gallen, Switzerland; and 2Department of General Practice,
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University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland

ABSTRACT These anthropometric factors may have different effects

Knechtle, B, Wirth, A, Knechtle, P, and Rosemann, T. Training
over different distances. Body height seems to be associated
with performance in running 10 km (2) and marathons (30);
volume and personal best time in marathon, not anthropometric
BMI is related to marathon (15) and ultramarathon per-
parameters, are associated with performance in male 100-km
formances (19). In addition to BMI, body fat seems to have
ultrarunners. J Strength Cond Res 24(3): 604–609, 2010—We
an effect on running time and is positively associated with
investigated the relation between selected anthropometric and
marathon performance times (15). In some studies, a relation
training variables and the personal best time in a marathon with between skin-fold thicknesses and performance has been
total race time in 66 Caucasian male nonprofessional ultra- described. Lower skin folds are positively associated with
runners in a 100-km run. In the multiple linear regression improved running times up to 10,000 m (1,2,28,29), and skin-
analysis, the average weekly training volume in kilometers (r2 = fold thicknesses in the lower limbs are positively associated
0.224, p , 0.01) and the personal best time in a marathon (r2 = with running times over 1,500 and 10,000 m (1,2) and
0.334, p , 0.01) were significantly associated with total marathons (3). The length of the upper leg has a positive
race time, whereas no anthropometric variable was related to association with running times over 800, 1,500, and 5,000 m
race performance (p . 0.05). We conclude that high training (39). Circumferences of chest and thigh are positively asso-
volume and a fast time in a marathon were more important for a ciated with running times over 800 m, and 1,500 and 5,000 m,
fast race time in male 100-km runners than any of the whereas upper arm circumference has shown a positive asso-
determined anthropometric variables. ciation with 10,000-m running times (39) and in ultrarunners
K E Y W O R D S ultraendurance, skin-fold thickness, Anthropometric properties and their effect on exercise
anthropometry, percent body fat performance during short and middle distance running and
marathon running have been investigated previously (1,28);
however, there is very little scientific data about the effect of
INTRODUCTION anthropometry on race performance in ultramarathon runn-
ing (3,17,20,21,22). Ultrarunning means distances longer than

n runners, different factors with an effect on perfor-
mance are described. Apart from physiological param- the classic marathon distance of 42.195 km. Ultramarathon
eters, several different anthropometric parameters runners seem to have a lower BMI than sedentary people
depending upon the duration of running are related (40) and have low amounts of fat at the abdomen and legs
to performance such as body mass (2,20), body height (17). These low amounts of body fat are supposed to be the
(2,30,32), body mass index (BMI) (15,31), body fat (15), total result of intense training in ultrarunners (17), and this intense
skin-fold thickness (2), skin-fold thickness of the lower limb training may lead to an improved performance (3). Probably
(1,2,28,29), length of legs (24,39), and circumferences of limbs a thinner upper body with low circumferences of the upper
(20,21,31,39). arm is advantageous for ultrarunners of distances of more
than 300 km (20) or even 1,200 km (21).
Address correspondence to Dr. Beat Knechtle, beat.knechtle@hispeed. The question is whether anthropometry or training or both
ch. have a relationship with race performance in ultrarunners.
24(3)/604–609 There are a lot of data for runners up to the marathon
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research distance, but very little data are available for ultrarunners. Bale
Ó 2010 National Strength and Conditioning Association et al. found that elite runners running over 10 km both trained
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more often and for more miles per week (2), and the same
group found that for female marathon runners, the number of
training sessions per week and the number of years of training TABLE 1. The anthropometric variables of the
were the best predictors of competitive performance over 10 successful finishers (n = 66).
miles and marathons (3). In addition, Leake and Carter (26) Variables of anthropometric
concluded that training parameters were more important measurements Result
than anthropometric measurements in the prediction of
performance of female triathletes in short-distance races, and Age (y) 46.7 (8.0)
Body height (cm) 178 (6)
Laurenson et al. (25) concluded from their study of female Body mass (kg) 74.2 (9.9)
short-distance triathletes that no ideal or unique anthropo- Length of leg (cm) 86.9 (4.1)
metric profile with influence on overall performance can be Circumference upper arm (cm) 29.5 (2.4)
established. Presumably, gender was of importance in these Circumference of calf (cm) 33.0 (2.4)
2 studies. Sum of 8 skin folds (mm) 88.0 (33.9)
BMI (kgm22) 23.4 (2.2)
In addition to training volume, previous race experience Percent body fat (%) 16.3 (4.4)
might also be of importance because in a recent study of male
ultrarunners the positive association of a personal best time in Results are presented as mean (SD).
marathon running on performance in a 24-hour run was
demonstrated, whereas anthropometry and training volume
showed no relation (22). According to Gulbin and Gaffney,
previous best performances in short-distance triathlon Biel, Berne, Switzerland, took place during the night of June
coupled with weekly cycling distances and longest training 13/14, 2008. The runners started the 100-km run at 10:00 PM,
ride could partially predict overall performance in an 13 June. There was an altitude difference of 645 m. During
Ironman race with male and female triathletes (13). this 100-km run, they had 17 aid stations offering food and
The aim of this present investigation was therefore to beverages. The athletes were allowed to be supported by
determine in male 100-km ultrarunners whether variables of a cyclist to have additional food and clothing, if necessary. At
anthropometry and training or personal best times in the 10:00 PM start, the temperature was 15° C, and it was dry.
marathon and 100-km running showed a relation with race During the night, the temperature dropped to 8° C and then
performance. rose to 18° C the next morning by 10:00 AM.
METHODS Procedures
Experimental Approach to the Problem Immediately before the start of the race, body mass;
The organizer of the 50th edition of the 100-km run in Biel, circumferences of upper arm, thigh, and calf; length of leg
Switzerland, contacted all participants of the race in 2008 by and skin-fold thicknesses at 8 sites were measured in our
a separate newsletter, 3 months before the race, in which they subjects to calculate BMI, sum of skin folds, and percent body
were asked to participate in the study. About 2,000 male fat using the anthropometric method. Body mass was
Caucasian runners started in the race, and 70 male ultra- determined using a commercial scale (Beurer BF 15, Beurer
runners were interested in our investigation. The study was GmbH, Ulm, Germany) to the nearest 0.1 kg. Skin-fold
approved by the Institutional Review Board for use of Human thicknesses of chest, midaxillary (vertical), triceps, subscap-
subjects of the Canton of St. Gallen, Switzerland. The athletes ular, abdominal (vertical), suprailiac (at anterior axillary),
were informed of the experi-
mental risks and gave informed
written consent. No criteria for
inclusion/exclusion were used.
Sixty-six athletes out of our TABLE 2. Training variables and previous race experience of the athletes (n = 66).
study group finished the race Variables of training volume and previous experience Result
within the time limit, whereas
one subject finished in the top 3 Years as active runner 11.2 (8.4)
Average weekly training volume in running (km) 75.4 (30.1)**
position. Four runners had to
Average weekly training volume in running (h) 7.5 (2.8)
retire because of medical prob- Average speed in running during training (kmh21) 10.6 (1.6)
lems. The anthropometric var- Personal best time in a marathon (min) (n = 63) 206.8 (30.4)**
iables of our athletes are Personal best time in a 100-km run (min) (n = 42) 658.3 (195.9)
summarized in Table 1, and
Results are presented as mean (SD). The correlation between variables of training and total
their training variables are race time is given (**p , 0.01).
given in Table 2. The 50th
edition of the 100-km run in

VOLUME 24 | NUMBER 3 | MARCH 2010 | 605

Performance in 100-km Ultrarunners

were measured at the largest

circumference of the limb. Cir-
cumference of the thigh was
determined 20 cm above the
upper pole of the patella.
Length of the leg was measured
from the trochanter major to the
malleolus lateralis. Every mea-
surement was taken 3 times by
the same person to the nearest
0.1 cm, and then the mean
value was used for calculation.
Percent body fat was calculated
using the following formula:
Percent body fat = 0.465 +
0.180(+7SF) 2 0.0002406
(+7SF)2 + 0.0661(age),
where +7SF = sum of skin-fold
thickness of chest, midaxillary,
triceps, subscapular, abdomen,
suprailiac, and thigh mean,
Figure 1. Athletes with a higher weekly training volume in hours were able to complete the 100-km race faster according to Ball et al. (4). In
(n = 66; r2 = 0.224, p , 0.01). addition to the determination
of the anthropometric parame-
ters, athletes were asked pre
thigh, and calf were measured using a skin-fold calliper race for their average weekly training volume in hours, and
(GPM-skin-fold calliper, Siber & Hegner, Zurich, Switzer- the kilometers run, over the last 3 months before the race.
land) to the nearest 0.2 mm. Skin-fold thicknesses and During the 3 months before the race, each athlete maintained
circumferences of the extremities were measured on the right a comprehensive training diary consisting of daily workouts
side of the body. Circumferences of the upper arm and calf showing distance and duration. Furthermore, they listed their
previous race experience in-
cluding the number of finished
marathons and 100-km runs,
and their personal best time
over these distances.

Statistical Analyses
Results are presented as mean
(SD). A multiple linear regres-
sion analysis (stepwise, p of F
for inclusion ,0.05, p of F for
exclusion .0.1) using race per-
formance as the dependent
variable (Y) was assessed for
the prerace measured and cal-
culated anthropometric predic-
tor variables (body mass, body
height, BMI, percent body fat,
sum of 8 skin-fold thicknesses,
length of leg, and circumfer-
ence of upper arm and calf ), the
training variables (average
Figure 2. Personal best time in marathon running was related to race time in the 100-km run (n = 63; r2 = 0.334, weekly training volume in
p , 0.01). hours and kilometers run and
speed in running during
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training) and previous race experience (years as active runner finishers, the longest mileage covered per training session
and personal best time in a marathon). Multicollinearity is the best predictor for a successful completion of a marathon
between predictor variables was excluded with R . 0.9. (42). In female marathon runners, the number of training
sessions per week and the number of years training were the
RESULTS best predictors of competitive performance at the marathon
distance (3), and Scrimgeour et al. found that runners training
Table 1 shows the measured and calculated anthropometric
more than 100 km per week have significantly faster race
variables of the athletes, Table 2 the training variables and
times over 10–90 km than athletes covering less than 100 km
previous race experience. Athletes were running for 1–25
(37). According to Billat al., top class marathon runners train
years, during training, they were running for 2–12 hwk21 and
for more total kilometers per week and at a higher velocity
completing 25–180 km weekly. Their running speed in
than runners at a lower level (6).
training was from 8.3 to 15.0 kmh21. The successful runners
However, training volume seems to have clear limits. There
finished the 100-km run in 701 (123) minutes. Our fastest
exists an upper limit in training volume above which there are
runner finished in the top 3 position. The average weekly
no more improvements (38). When training in runners is
running volume in kilometers (Figure 1) (r2 = 0.224, p , 0.01)
analyzed in detail, parameters such as previously completed
and the personal best time in a marathon (Figure 2) (r2 =
marathons (15), workout days (15), total workouts (15), total
0.334, p , 0.01) were associated with race performance. All
kilometers (14), total workout days (14), mean kilometers per
investigated anthropometric parameters showed no relation
workout (14,15), total training minutes (15), maximal
to total race time (p . 0.05).
kilometers of running per week (15), mean kilometers per
week (15), and mean kilometers per day (15) seem to have an
DISCUSSION effect on a marathon performance. Probably, gender had an
The main finding of this present investigation was the fact that influence when the effect of training volume on performance
selected anthropometric variables having a well-known effect was studied. In one study, Hagan al. investigated female
on performance in runners-up to the marathon distance were runners (15) and in another male runners (14).
not associated with total race time in these male 100-km As Bale et al. could demonstrate in 60 male runners, those
ultrarunners, whereas the average weekly training volume in elite runners with a higher training frequency, higher weekly
kilometers and the personal best time in a marathon showed training volume, and longer running experience had a better
an association with race performance. 10-km performance (2). According to Hewson and Hopkins,
We found a correlation between the personal best time in a correlation exists between seasonal weekly duration of
a marathon and total race time (Figure 2). An association moderate continuous running for runners specializing in
between personal best times over shorter distances and longer distances (18). In our multiple linear regression
performances in a longer race has been shown in 3 studies analysis, only average kilometers per week were related to
involving marathoners, ultrarunners, and triathletes. In a race performance, but speed in running during training and
recent study of male ultrarunners in a 24-hour run, the average hours of running per week were not related.
personal best time in marathon running was associated with A large number of different anthropometric factors are
race performance, but anthropometry and training volume described that have an influence on race performance in
showed no relation (22) and, according to Gulbin and runners, dependent on the distance. In this present study, we
Gaffney, previous best performances in short-distance tria- investigated male ultrarunners beyond the marathon distance,
thlons coupled with weekly cycling distances and the longest where presumably other factors are of importance. However,
training ride could partially predict the overall performance in contrast to a previous study of ultrarunners where body
in an Ironman race involving male and female triathletes (13). mass was associated with race performance (20), in this
McKelvie et al. found that the final race time in a marathon present investigation, body mass showed no effect on
was positively related to the best 10-km race time in the performance. Hagan et al. found that in female marathon
previous 12 months before the marathon (34). For those runners marathon performance time was positively corre-
runners who had already performed a 100-km run, their lated to BMI, but not to body mass (15). However, body fat
personal best time in a 100-km run showed no association was also positively correlated to marathon performance time.
with actual race performance. Presumably, the number of Bale et al. described in female marathon runners that elite
finishers (n = 42) was too small compared with the athletes runners had a lower percentage of fat (3), and Hetland et al.
who had already finished a marathon (n = 63) (Table 2). could demonstrate that regional and total body fat correlated
In addition to the personal best time in a marathon, the inversely to the performance in an incremental treadmill test
average weekly training volume in kilometers (Figure 1) was in long-distance runners (17). In contrast, we could not find
associated with total race time. According to the literature, an association of percent body fat with race performance in
training parameters seem to be of more importance than these 100-km runners. Probably, this was because of to
anthropometric measurements in the prediction of perfor- gender. Although we investigated male ultrarunners, Hagan
mance in runners (2,3,6,7,8,11,12,14,36). In marathon et al. (15) and Bale et al. (3) studied female runners.

VOLUME 24 | NUMBER 3 | MARCH 2010 | 607

Performance in 100-km Ultrarunners

Low amounts of body fat seem to be advantageous for hypopituitary-gonadal axis and lead to a decreased
ultrarunners. In the literature, there are several studies testosterone level (23). However, this decrease could be
showing an effect of thin skin-fold thicknesses on running prevented by resistance exercise, thus leading to an increase
performance, especially up to 10,000 m. The amount of fat in testosterone (41). A higher running speed could lead to
and the thickness of skin folds seem to be of importance for more forefoot strike (16), thus potentially leading to more
performance in runners. It has been shown that physical injuries of the lower limbs. Fortunately, anthropometry
performance is negatively related to body fat and positively showed no relation to race performance. In case of a low
related to skeletal muscle mass (27). In runners, a high body fat would have been correlated with total race time,
amount of adipose tissue leads to a higher body mass and an anorexia and drive for thinness (10) could also become
impairment of performance because more weight has to be a problem in ultrarunning. To solve the mentioned dilemma,
moved, which does not contribute to power development. in future studies with ultrarunners over the 100-km distance,
The study of Hetland et al. demonstrated that regional and the training should be analyzed in detail and correlated with
total body fat was negatively correlated with performance race performance to find out whether rather a high mileage at
in a treadmill test (17). In runners, decreased skin-fold low intensity or a low mileage at rather high intensity would
thicknesses in the lower limb were measured after a longer be better for a fast race time over 100 km. Furthermore,
training period; this might be particularly useful in predicting a training study with 2 groups of ultrarunners where 1 group
running performance (28). In the study of Legaz and Eston, is performing prerace resistance exercise in addition to the
3 years of training reduced skin-fold thickness, and the running training and the other group is not could clarify
change in performance was related to the change in skin-fold about a potential benefit of resistance exercise during high-
thickness of triceps, front thigh, and medial calf (28). volume running. A beneficial effect of resistance exercise on
The lower skin-fold values found in runners might be running speed (higher muscle mass) and testosterone (increase
because of the high performance (29). However, in non- despite a higher training mileage) could be expected.
runners also, fat percentage is significantly associated with
12-minute running performance (33). A low skin-fold ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
thickness seems to be associated with performance. Bale The authors had no conflict of interest and no financial
et al. found that total skin-fold, the type and frequency of support for the study. For their help in translation, we thank
training, and the number of years of running were the best Matthias Knechtle, Lausanne, Switzerland, and Mary Miller
predictors of running performance and success for the 10-km from Stockton-on-Tees, Cleveland in England, crew member
distance (2). In our male ultrarunners, anthropometric of an ultraendurance support crew. Special thanks go to
parameters, such as skin-fold thicknesses and the total sum Markus Gnädinger, MD, Steinach, Switzerland, and Hans
of skin-fold thickness, did not correlate with total race time. Drexler, MD, PhD, Braunschweig, Germany, for their
Presumably, distances up to the marathon and 100-km runs constructive criticism.
are not comparable races.
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