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waddiet NTPC WITH INDIA’S POWER MAHARATNA Recruitment of Engineering Executive Trainees -2022 through GATE-2022 NTPC Lined is nas largest power conglomerate wih an instal capacity of 70.234 MM. Commensurate wih Our czuntys growth challonges, NTPC has {eae gen an aus sno aan ta aed cgay of 120 by ‘Sergei young Gracate Engineers with iin academe record toh Seganatonae ‘Calegory-wise peered vacancesin each dscpine ae gen below Disc ‘Vacancies EWS. 3 Elect ne | 36 | 35, ENGINEERING EXECUTIVE TRAINEES 2022 n daciplines of “Electical (280) "Mechanical (360) “Elecroniesnstrumentation (164), ‘Civ (30), “Mining (0) QUALIFICATION: Fulltime Sachola's Degrs in Engineering or Technlogy/AMIE wih not ss than 5% marke a per repactv Inettaluniveray nor (2s tar SCSTIP WED ‘andidses). Candidates must have sppeared for Graduate Acide Test Engineering (GATE) -2002-A canddate withthe prescbed degree etied for thedacptnes as ger blow can ony api fore pst of EET im he respectve Electcal | Elecrieal & Electronics | Electra Insrumantaten & Corl! Power Systeme & igh ‘Votlage Power Electonics! Power gi ‘chanical Prosueton/ haustialEngg/Producion| [Alpaustralengg.Thormall MecnancalBAvtomaton Powerengnaaeng Electonics | Electonics & Telecommunicalon 7 Electonics & Powor/ Powor Elosvones! Elonex & Communeation Elec Electronics Electonics & instrumentation / iatumentaten & Corral Electronics, atumertaion & Cont ‘GlConstrueton Engineering ElectnealEnginenng MocharicalEngneatng lockers Enaineorng Engineering ‘Ci Egineerng Minngengneerg "AGE LIMIT: LUpperAge itis 27 years as onastdte of otneapptcaton, SELECTION PROCESS: Egle candidates must have appeared & qualifies Graduate Aptude Tet in Engneeing (GATE) 2022, Canale shall be. sorties Yor document ‘op aganst his advrtsementit NTP. Farley, the candidates will extended “Ofer of Appointment sbjee! to meeting the asverived eighty tora Besse roethatonty GATE marks 12022 willbe valor EET-2022,recetant Caen Elctcal Engg. (leccal/Electical & | Electrical Eleevonce /Elscte| netumentaton & | Engineering Cantal! Power Systeme & High Vaage! Poner Elcvonce! Power Enpnearg) ‘Wochaical Eng. (ocnancal/ Prosueton instal Engg! Prosucton ‘lpaustal Engg! Thoma Mechanical ‘3 Automaton Power npnesrng) Mechanical Engineering Fleevones Engg, (loconies/Eocwonee 4 Toloconmunieton Electors & Ponor! Powe: Electronics laconic & ‘Communication Electeal & Elecroscs) jecvonies & Communication] Engineering Tnstunentaton Engg. (Eleerones & Instumentstn !Instumentaton & ‘GonvotEteconies, Instrumentation & Sante Tnatrumentaton| ‘Engineering ‘Gul Engineering (owCanstucton) ial Engineering Tg Enger ining Mechanical 2st Electronies 73 | 1 | «| 28 ii a Mining = pups ps [s ‘Thovacancies or PwBDe are esarvedas pox Gov. gasotnos, Vacances forEWS: Candidates are a por Govt guidelines subject the tral outcome of Honble SC onder, lontified type of dleabli'es forthe post of EET (Electrical: 2) D, HH b) ‘OAOL.Dw, AAV ¢) ASD (¥). SLD. Ml 3) MO Involving (a) fo (@), EET (Mechanica) a) 0, tb) OA OL Dw AAY c) SLD. MI) MD valving (a) () EET (Electronics instrumentation: a) DH 0) OAOL. CRLC. Da, AAV c) ASD(M).SLD, Mia) MDinvohng (a). (@), EET (Chil:a)D, Hb) AOL LC.Oa, ‘RAVe) SLO, id) MO ialing (a to (9) EET (Mining) Not denies or Pua eng, The total numberof projected vacancies Indeed above may inctease/daresse atthedacretonasNTBe management, Selected candidates willbe places nthe pay scale of R.40,000-140,00 a the Bie pay of 4,001 (E1 Grad), The ter Soret such a Dearest “admissible as par company rues in fore from bme to time during training / after sbeorpon PLACEMENT: ‘The selected candidates shall ndergeoneyoar training avarous places. Thora lace of posing wil be doedod afer complaion of Faring. Candidates can be Placed, acoss the county, many of projects labors including Subsiares! IV Companies! NTPC. ‘The incumbents would be posted at prjectsstatons fr shit operation of power lant and willbe required werk ssh (cudng nig sf) Aopen forte ost wil be coneidarea as the consent ofthe candidate o workin aie (neuang gnesh +. Candies ining bon ary paula calegry salnacessatyhaven Rolaxations will be extended in vacancies ientifed for SC / ST / OBC (non ‘reamy ayer PWD. Category (SCISTIOBCIEWSIPWED) onco fl inthe onine aplication form Wwilnot be changed and ro bono of tho atogoy wil be admis ao. The’ raserves"eategory canalates are rqured Yo submt roqulste vad carat nthe ata prosrfod format of Govarment of nda, osued by Me ompotentautony, {calor ‘SC, ST ana PwBD candidates wi atleast 55% mars n quayng examination 1 elle to apply fr the pos. The upper age hits elec by © years for ‘SCIST. 2 years for OBC canddaten. fi relaxed by 10 yeas fr PweD- GeneravEWS. 12 yoare for Pwa0-OBC and" yoars for PwBD-SCIST tandieles. The OBC canddata who belong ta "Creamy Layer ae ol eited for concession admissile to OBC category and auch cana have To Inaeste ther category 22 General. The EWS! OBC. Womcreany Layer) cance ar ogre fo bl equate ciate i prenatal ot 53174288. aston, he age relaxation or Ecaanvcamses[XSM) willbe a or {Government aianorms ‘SERVICE AGREEMENT BOND: “The slated candidates who blong to General, EWS and OBC catagories wl be reguredio sxoccte a sence agroement bond ofa, 600 000 (Re 2 80. 000-for Candidates belonging» SC. ST, PwaD calogares to sare tr company fer a Icast3 yars after successtulcomplatoncfone-yeertaning. Size: 25x38 HEALTH: ‘efor joining, canes wihave lo undergo macal examination by te NTPC Medical Boat and the eesion a he Board wb ial and nang. No elation Ines standards lowes. Detaled medial norm a avaiable on he wobsto Careerentpe con HOWTO APPLY: ‘Candidates need to apply online for NTPC EET:2022 on the wsbsits Ccamereintpeic.n or visk careers section at worwintpe.con with felt ‘GATE: 2022 registration number. Candidate wil requiedo volte photcaran ring online appa, Road the instuctons carfly and filin the ore application fom ving {courte lformaton ineuding tne ATE-2022 rogisaton ‘rumba. Att Suczosstlrgisvtn, sytem wilgersrte aUnique egstralonlappication ‘umber Cancites are requred fo Keep the pntouto he relat ‘ahi wie generatedby the ystem afte succestlrepst sto Please ensure that the GATE-2022 registration num: ‘mentioned on your GATE-2022 score card a iled up correctly. Name ‘should sito be fled up as appearing In GATE score card. No roquest with fespecs othe enange in any data ovtered by We eae wl be eertaned ‘hee the apaton tesuomited suecosstll. Candles belonging o General W'SIOBC category aeroquradto pay anon. ‘etunabie essraton foe ! Re, 30D, The SCIST/PWBDIXSN calogory and female candidates need no pay ine eg tation fe. Te payment canbe mage ‘therinenlin orofine md, ‘A. Paymontin offine mode: Sats Bank of Inia has boon authorzedo collect ‘Rerogutraion fo, a specally opened account (No. 30967919983) at CAG ‘ranch, New Delhonbshalf of NTPC. Candidate has to approach the noarsy Selovarch wit apriniuto’the"paynsio whens avalaels ono application ‘giseation pot Tho paj-rslipprntea om the pot souls rl bo sed ot ‘posing te fos fr proper credtng of amount the allcatec sccourt. On ‘cept te money. thebenkwilissve a ungue Jounal Number anda Branch (Code oftne banc cacng the money. This aumalnumberanatbranch code ‘tobe fled up by the canst during enn rogstatan NTPC wil ot be ‘esponsblsincaeethecardsie depose thefee nawrang ccount 1B Payment in online mode: Candidate also have the option to pay te oes ‘Sate ough Net banking / Debt Card Crea Card The one payment ‘Slonilse valli fontneappeston form. Feo once pi wil not be teunded under any crcumstances. Candidates aro ‘horoor roquosiod ovary far alge betas payng Paragon, [GENERAL INFORMATION AND INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Oni Indian Natonals ar lgbleto app. 2. The candidate should ensure hat hash ull he eigbiltyerteria ana ther ‘omementoned nthe adverisoment. NTPC Limited (aor. ot na Enns. ‘A qualifetions should be fromm an Indian Univer Intute recognized by BICTE/ appropriate itary sunt. [NI computations of ge and quaifiation shal be one wit the lst dale of receiplotanineapplition a ertonodintne avessemen 'Nomanual/paper application wile entrained CCandiatre ofa rgistred candile is tale tobe reacts at any stage of recutmantprecess oat ocraimentcroning, any information prove by the candgao i aes of ot found to bon conformy wih elit eter Imentoned nthe adverisemont. Canvassing m any fom shall osqUaly te ana, ‘Te E-mal ID enteredin the online aplication frm must remain vaio atleast naxtone oar No range intioe-mal willbe allowed, once sored. Alfure Consspendance woulsbe sentva E-mail Candidates employed wth Government Departments! PSUS / Autonomous Bedesarerequlredia submitretevingletar rom cent organzatenatthetime flaning.selectedtortnesalspost ‘The mare fact that @ candidate has submited application against the advertisement ana apparently fling the vtoia ay prescribed ih the ‘Siverisement wouldnt bestow on hiner he ight to be Geely cal or Frhorsloctonproeons TONTPC reserves the rant to cancal / reste | enlarge! madly / air the recent process, nod 20 ase, wihoit mang any further note oF Sssgning any reason whatsover 11.Ary pocoodings in rspect of ary matior of cain or esput arsing out ofthis ‘aoricomentand/oranapplcatoninesponse esto can baud onlin Delhi ana cours urate forura at Dah ony shal have sla and xclsvo Junsdctontoty any sucheause/apute. ‘2m case any ambiguitylepute arses on account of interpretation in versions ‘er han English, tne ngs Version ilprval IMPORTANT OATES: «2. | Commencement of ontine application ‘20402022 »b, | Last ate for onine application nana N1Po Bhavan, Coe, SCOPE Cero, Insure a Loh Ros New a 0008 cok Leta trsconoT6s "Ystusat weenie coin ek ie rs £7 ene (eeu hit fb is Size: 25x18

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