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ENGLISH 8 in collaboration with Advanced English, and Health

(First Quarter)
DESCRIPTION: The students are tasked to deliver an informative speech about mental health with a theme
“Gender and Emotion Expression: A Developmental Contextual Perspective”.

PERFORMANCE STANDARD: The learner transfers learning by composing and delivering an informative
speech based on a specific topic of interest keeping in mind the proper and effective use of parallel structures
and cohesive devices and appropriate prosodic features, stance, and behavior.

Research would show that the Online Distance Learning (ODL) has taken its toll on the mental heath
number of teenagers worldwide. In line with this, the celebration of Mental Health Month in October 2022,
the NCLC Gabay is holding a seminar for all NCLC students to address the mental issues concerning them
with a theme “Gender and Emotion Expression: A Developmental Contextual Perspective”. You were part of
team composed of a psychologist, a TV network correspondent, and a writer tasked to complete a case study,
a documentary video, and a write-up on some musings about the coping mechanisms of young people with
mental health struggles.
Your report of the case study, the documentary video and the write-up will be presented during the
assembly after all the findings have been collated, analyzed and interpreted. In your presentation, ensure that
you have the content, the use of appropriate and polite oral language, the application of the correct and
suitable multimedia resources when orally giving information instructions, and making explanations, and finally
the corresponding stance and behavior.

GOAL: To address the mental health issue

ROLE: Psychologist, TV network correspondent, and Writer
AUDIENCE: Guidance Personnel, Teachers, and Students
PRODUCT: Case Study, Documentary Video, Write-up
STANDARD: The use of appropriate and polite oral language, the application of the correct and suitable
multimedia resources when orally giving information instructions, and making explanations, and finally the
corresponding stance and behavior.
10 8 5 3

Use of facts is Use of facts is Use of facts is Use of facts is

Content correct and correct and incorrect and erroneous and
explanation is explanation is explanation is explanation is full of
compelling. sufficient. lacking in some misconceptions.
Language choices Language choices Language choices Language choices
The use of enhance the generally support partially support the minimally support
appropriate and effectiveness of the the effectiveness of effectiveness of the the effectiveness of
polite oral presentation and is the presentation presentation and the presentation
language appropriate to and is appropriate some words used and not appropriate
audience. to the audience. were inappropriate to audience.
to the audience.
Different Different Different Different
The application multimedia multimedia multimedia multimedia
of the correct elements are elements are elements are elements are shown
and suitable creatively combined combined in a clear combined to for special effects
multimedia and done in an way to illustrate illustrate ideas. rather than to
resources when engaging way to ideas. However, these support any idea.
orally giving illustrate ideas. distract rather than
information, clarify ideas.

Delivery techniques Delivery techniques Delivery techniques Delivery techniques

(posture, gesture, (posture, gesture, (posture, gesture, (posture, gesture,
eye contact, and eye contact, and eye contact, and eye contact, and
vocal vocal vocal vocal
Stance and expressiveness) expressiveness) expressiveness) expressiveness
Behavior make the make the make the detract from the
presentation presentation presentation less understand ability of
compelling and interesting and interesting and the presentations
speaker appears speaker appears speaker appears and speaker appears
polished and comfortable. tentative. uncomfortable.

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