CH 9 Tortoise and Turtles (Oct) LP

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9.A. What
Teacher Manual
Happened To Me?
1 Get Set Reading Junction- 30 min
Get Set
Book B Get Set

9.B. Read and

Teacher Manual
2 Reading Junction 30 min
TeachNext Reading Junction

Book B Read the passages

TeachNext Reading Junction

Discussion of
Book B
3 Get Going answer 30 min

Assign Worksheet
Book C

Teacher Manual 9.C. Sea Animals

4 Vocabulary Junction Complete the 30 min
Book B

Assign Worksheet
Book C

NextEnglish :: 107 ::
9.D. Sound
Teacher Manual


5 Phonics Junction TeachNext Phonics Junction 30 min

Complete the
Book B

Assign worksheet
Book C

9.E. Agree or
Teacher Manual
6 Grammar Junction 30 min
Complete the
Book B

9.F. Sequence
Teacher Manual

7 Writing Junction TeachNext Writing Junction 30 min

Complete the
Book B

9.G. Animal
Teacher Manual

8 Speaking Junction TeachNext Speaking Junction 30 min

Assign Worksheet
Book C

9.H. Listen And

Teacher Manual

9 Listening Junction TeachNext Listening Junction 30 min

Complete the
Book B

Assign Worksheet
Book C 30 min

Revision and
10 Grammar Station Book B 30 min

1RWH * The printable resources required for the activities can be downloaded from the Next Mentor App.
* The worksheets that have been assigned as homework are to be discussed before moving on to the next topic.



/HDUQLQJ2XWFRPH V Learners will be able to talk about an imaginary situation.

6WDQGDUG V : To be able to discuss differences between animals

NextEnglish :: 108 ::

Ask the learners:
How many of you find your school bags too heavy to carry?
Do you like carrying such heavy bags on your back?
How would you feel if you had to carry a huge, heavy shell on your back always?

Encourage divergent responses.

Can you think of any animal which carries a heavy shell on its back all the time?

Tell learners:
You are going to read about an animal who carries its house on its back.

Ask learners to open Book B and look at Get Set junction.

Discuss the task
Look at the questions given in Get Set junction.
Now close your eyes and think about it.
How do you think a turtle reacts when it is threatened?
Would it be nice to have your home nearby always or would it be a burden?

Group learners into pairs. Give them five minutes to discuss their views with their partners.
Discuss various responses.
Ask learners what else they know about turtles and tortoises.
Have you ever seen a turtle or a tortoise?
Is there any difference between them?
Did you know that turtles and tortoises are often kept as pets?
Would you like to keep one as a pet?



/HDUQLQJ2XWFRPH V Learners will be able to:

read and understand informative passages
extract information from the text to answer questions
6WDQGDUG V  To be able to read and learn about turtles and tortoises

Ask learners:
Have you ever been confused between turtles and tortoises?
Accept their responses and inform them that they are going to learn some interesting facts about turtles and tortoises
which will help them to tell the difference easily.

NextEnglish :: 109 ::
Divide the class into two groups.
Instruct them to keep their books closed.
Ask two learners from each group to come to the front of the class.
On the blackboard make two columns - Tortoise and Turtle.
Inform the class that one member from their team will be the ‘reader’ who will read the passage on the tortoise and the
other member will be the ’writer’ who listens to the passage and writes down brief points on the blackboard. The other
team’s ‘reader’ and ‘writer’ will do the same for the turtle. The reader and the writer should do this alternately, one
passage at a time.
After they finish, ask the learners from each group to read out the different points.
Help with corrections if needed.
Instruct the learners to now silently read the passages from Reading Junction.
Discuss the task given in Get Going Junction of Book B.
Ask learners to complete Get Going Junction in their Book B.

Assign worksheet 9.1 in Book C as homework.



/HDUQLQJ2XWFRPH V Learners will be able to familiarise themselves with the names of sea animals.
6WDQGDUG V  To be able to learn about new species of animals

Tell learners that they are going to learn about some sea animals. Ask them to look at the pictures in the book.
Have you seen any of these animals before?
Can you share some interesting facts about any of them?
Ask learners to name a few animals that live in water.
Compile the list on the blackboard.
Now explain the difference in the water bodies - rivers,ponds and seas. Explain that many sea animals cannot live in the
freshwater of the rivers and vice versa.
Ask learners to look at Vocabulary Junction in Book B.
Discuss the explanation and examples given.
Ask them to identify the animals that live in the sea, and the ones that live in freshwater.
Discuss the task given in Vocabulary Junction.
Ask learners to complete the same.
Conclude the topic by asking learners:
Which of these creatures did you find the most attractive? Why?
Would you like to see any of these? Where do you think you can see them?
Assign worksheet 9.2 in Book C as homework.

NextEnglish :: 110 ::
9RFDEXODU\*DPH Refer to the activity to reinforce the concept. This is an optional activity.
Vocabulary Game
Inform the learners that they are going to play a quiz game.
Group them into 3 teams - Land, Air and Water.
Inform them that they will have to guess the names of the animals. For every correct answer, they earn a point.
Conduct the game by asking one question per group.
Name the sea animal that has eight arms.
Name the sea animal that is shaped like a star.
Name a bird that cannot fly and looks like a man in a black coat.
Make your own questions based on the animals given in Vocabulary Junction.


/HDUQLQJ2XWFRPH V Learners will be able to:
recognise the three ways in which the letter o is pronounced
pronounce words with the letter o correctly
6WDQGDUG V : To be able to correctly read the words that have the letter ‘o’
Ask learners to open Book B to Phonics Junction page, and find the words mentioned in the story.
Familiarise yourself with the pronunciation of the words provided in Book B Answer Key section at the end of this module.
Enunciate each word clearly and ask the learners to listen carefully.
Pause after each word and ask them to repeat after you.
After they have pronounced the words as a group, read out the words once again and ask the learners, one at a time, to
pronounce the words.
Ensure every learner gets a chance to pronounce the words.
Help any learner who is unable to pronounce the word(s) properly.
Complete the task given in Phonics Junction in Book B.
Assign worksheet 9.5 in Book C as homework.


/HDUQLQJ2XWFRPH V Learners will be able to identify if the subject and the verb agree.
6WDQGDUG V  To be able to write sentences where the subject and the verb agree

Write a sentence on the blackboard.
Ask the learners to identify the subject and the verb.
Briefly recall the concepts of subject and verb in a sentence.

NextEnglish :: 111 ::
Write nouns in both singular and plural forms on the blackboard.
Ask the learners to distinguish between the two.
Now form sentences with the nouns.
Then draw attention to the fact that verbs in singular take a suffix ‘s’ and verbs in plural drop the ‘s’. Contrast this with
the plural ‘s’ that is added to nouns.
Elucidate your point by giving an example. For instance:
The cat drinks milk.
The cats drink milk.

Now ask the learners to find two sentences from the text:
One where the subject is plural.
One where the subject is singular.
Ask them to identify the verb in both the sentences to see if they agree.

Ask the learners to read the explanation and examples given in Grammar Junction of Book B.
Discuss the task given in Grammar Junction.
Ask the learners to complete the exercises in Book B.
Mention the difference between the plural inflection ‘s’ (dogs) and the ‘s’ in verbs in the present tense (eats).
Tell the learners that these two should not be confused.
Assign worksheet 9.3 in Book C as homework.

*UDPPDU*DPH Refer to the activity to reinforce the concept. This is an optional activity.

Grammar Game
Write down the following on the blackboard
He/ She

Ask the learners to pick a verb of their choice and complete the sentences in their notebooks.
I sleep
We sleep
You sleep
He/She sleeps
They sleep
It sleeps

NextEnglish :: 112 ::


/HDUQLQJ2XWFRPH V Learners will be able to:

recognise the importance of writing in a coherent manner
arrange sentences in a proper sequence to form a paragraph
6WDQGDUG V  To be able to compose well-organised paragraphs

Tell learners a story in the jumbled order. Ask them:
Did you understand the story?
Emphasise on sequencing of sentences, events for better comprehension.
Explain that in case of paragraphs it is important to sequence sentences.
Recap parts of a paragraph with the children.
Show them the paragraph with jumbled sentences.
Ask them to read. Later ask them:

Ask the learners to sequence the sentences in the paragraph and then read it again.
Ask them which paragraph made more sense?
Ask them to sequence a few more paragraphs.
Ask the learners to look at the activity in Book B.
Briefly describe the pictures. Be careful not to give away the sequence.
Ask learners to complete the task in Writing Junction of Book B.
[Rubric for Writing Task attached at the end of this module]
Ask learners to revise what they have written, and give them time to make changes, if any.
Assign worksheet 9.4 in Book C as homework.



/HDUQLQJ2XWFRPH V Learners will be able to express their opinion on animal cruelty.

Standard(s): To be able to share views and become more aware of the nuances of a conversation

Inform the learners that today they will talk about adopting an animal. Tell them they will then be able to help the animals
around them lead a better life.

NextEnglish :: 113 ::
Provide a model conversation for learners. You can ask two learners to come prepared with the conversation or you can
prepare a conversation yourself and ask the learners to present it.
Ask them to read the example given in Speaking Junction of Book B.
Discuss the example and talk about the following:
Cruelty to animals
How animals are being killed for their fur, bones and hide
Need to protect animals and birds
Rising cost of keeping animals in zoo or sanctuaries
Animal adoption
What can be our contribution towards protecting animals

Once learners understand the concept, ask them to share their views on animal adoption and if given an opportunity,
which animal would they like to adopt.
Move to an independent activity.
Ask each learner to speak about the animals they would like to adopt. Ask them to raise their hands if they need your
help. Keep a close watch and guide them wherever necessary.
Reinforce that we should be kind to animals and birds. They can do small things to show their kindness, like:
Keep a little grain and a bowl of water for the birds
Take the help of grown-ups to stop someone from bullying stray dogs, cats or cows.



/HDUQLQJ2XWFRPH V Learners will be able to listen to information to complete a text.

Standard(s): To be able to listen to specific information

Show the picture of an ant and ask them to identify the animal.
Ask them if they had ever seen ants gathering food. Try to link their experience to the passage.
Tell them that they will listen to a passage about ants. Ask them to listen carefully.
Ask learners to look at Listening Junction of Book B and listen
Tell them to listen closely to the passage that is being read out. that hear a short passage being read out.
They have to listen carefully and then complete the task given in Listening Junction of Book B.
Read the passage aloud.

NextEnglish :: 114 ::
Ants are social insects that live together in a large colony. They do different kinds of jobs in the colony. The worker ants
search for food, build the colony and protect it. Ants work really hard to search and collect food for their colony.
Ants use their antennae to locate food, and then return to the anthill with food. As theyreturn to the anthill, their bodies
give off a smell. This smell is produced by a chemical called pheromone. The smell helps the other ants locate the food.
The other ants follow the smell to locate the source of food. As more and more ants follow the path, the smell becomes

Ask learners to complete the task while listening to the text.

If required, read the passage again.
Discuss the answers.

NextEnglish :: 115 ::



Tortoise Turtle
Home on land in and around water
Shell large, dome-shaped, heavy flat, sleek, light
Feet short, sturdy webbed, long claws or zipper like fins
Food Habits vegetarians omnivorous
Lifespan up to 150 years up to 80 years

% Responses may vary.

Turtles are able to live in water, as they have flat, sleek, light shells and webbed feet with long claws or fins, making it easy to swim
and float. They eat both plants and animals, which help them survive in and around water bodies.
Tortoises live on land as they have heavy, large shells and short, sturdy feet with bent legs. They are vegetarians and can easily
find food around them.

 Responses may vary.
 Responses may vary.


(a) Seahorse
(b) Sea turtle
(c) Dolphin
(d) Starfish
(e) Octopus

crab whale eel
shark jelly fish lobster
octopus seahorse seal



phone more today
arrow for

NextEnglish :: 116 ::

 (a) Venus are the hottest planet.

Venus is the hottest planet.
(b) Govinda have the winning lottery ticket.
Govinda has the winning lottery ticket.
(c) Greek and Chinese am difficult languages to learn.
Greek and Chinese are difficult languages to learn.
(d) Everybody were asked to be quiet.
Everybody was asked to be quiet.
(e) We have a lot of homework yesterday.
We had a lot of homework yesterday.

 (a) speak
(b) flows
(c) play
(d) thinks
(e) clean

(May vary) has to go home.
Anil (goes/comes/walks/cycles etc) to school every day.
(May vary) is going for a walk.
(May vary) are all shorter than me.
The trees were cut down.

(a) gets
(b) plays
(c) flies
(d) look
(e) introduces


Responses may vary. The teacher may discuss different responses in class.


Responses may vary. The teacher may discuss different responses in class.

Ants live together in a large colony.
The worker ants search for food.
Ants use their antennae to locate food.
When they return to the anthill, their bodies give off a smell.
This smell helps the other ants locate the food.
The smell becomes stronger as more and more ants follow the path.

NextEnglish :: 117 ::

 (a) speak
(b) looks
(c) plays
(d) fly
(e) go

 (a) lives
(b) cook
(c) walk
(d) appears
(e) works

 Monty Mouse is running across the field happily munching on a piece of bread, when he sees a big shadow on the ground. He
quickly runs and hides under a thick bush. Someone whispers, “Shhh! No noise, please. Sammy Snake lives nearby.” Monty turns
his head and looks. Four rabbits look back at him. Monty says, “All this while I was scared of the big eagle. Now a snake! How will I
go home?”The rabbits smile and say, “Don’t worry. We have dug a tunnel. Come with us. After we enter the tunnel, we will roll this
stone over it. The snake cannot come after us.” Monty and the rabbits escape from the snake and the eagle.

 Responses may vary. The teacher may discuss different responses in class.

1. Responses may vary.
2. Responses may vary.


 a. Clown Fish
b. Starfish
c. Turtle
d. Seahorse
e. Jellyfish
f. Eel

 Responses may vary.


Pronounced as in ‘bony’ Pronounced as in ‘on’ Pronounced as in ‘to’

home together
cold today


 a. were
b. are
c. have
d. are
e. collects

NextEnglish :: 118 ::
 a. The boy likes to ride a bicycle.
b. The crocodiles stay in water during summer.
c. The moon has not appeared tonight.
d. Rohit takes a bus to reach office.
e. We are Indians.
f. Raghu wrote a story on his pet parrot.
g. Tony and Tiny drive to school.
h. My pet is a good watchdog.
i. The family has moved to their new house.
j. Mitesh and Somesh are very happy with their new toys.

 Henry Hare and Tim Tortoise are best friends. Henry Hare is always bragging about how fast he can run. He laughs at Tim for
being slow. One day, Tim challenges Henry to a race. Henry laughs and accepts the challenge. They begin the race. Tim stops for a
while, but goes on with a slow and steady pace straight to the end. Henry underestimates Tim and rests under a tree. Soon, he falls
asleep. When he wakes up, he sees Tim crossing the finish line. Tim wins the challenge.



Paragraph that learners write may vary.



a. underwater
b. excellent
c. absorb

a. The earliest turtles had teeth whereas the present ones do not have teeth.
b. The largest turtles are the Leatherback Sea Turtles. The smallest turtles are the Bog Turtles.
c. The shell of a turtle is made up of 60 bones, that are connected together. Their shells are mostly flat, sleek and light.


1. Responses may vary.

2. Responses may vary.

& Responses may vary.

NextEnglish :: 119 ::

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