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11.A. Make Some

Teacher Manual

1 Get Set Reading Junction - 30 min

Teach Next
Get Set

Book B Get Set

11.B. Read and

Teacher Manual

2 Reading Junction Reading Junction - 30 min

Teach Next

Book B Read the story

Discussion of
Teach Next

Discussion of
3 Get Going Book B 30 min

Assign worksheet
Book C

Teacher Manual 11.C. Anagrams

Teach Next examples and
4 Vocabulary Junction Explanation, 30 min
Book B examples and

Assign worksheet
Book C

NextEnglish :: 134 ::
11.D. Sound
Teacher Manual

Teach Next examples and
5 Phonics Junction exercises 30 min
Explanation and
Book B

Assign worksheet
Book C

Teacher Manual 11.E. Conjunctions Ball of wool

Teach Next examples and
6 Grammar Junction 30 min
Complete the
Book B

Assign worksheet
Book C

Teacher Manual 11.F. Story Maps

Teach Next examples and
7 Writing Junction 30 min
Complete the
Book B

Assign worksheet
Book C

11.G. Favourite
Teacher Manual
8 Speaking Junction 30 min
Teach Next Speaking Junction

Book B Complete the task

11.H. Listen and

Teacher Manual

Teach Next Listening Junction

9 Listening Junction 30 min
Book B Complete the task

Assign worksheet
Book C

Revise and
10 Grammar Station Book B complete the 30 min

NextEnglish :: 135 ::
1RWH * The printable resources required for the activities can be downloaded from the Next Mentor App.
* The worksheets that have been assigned as homework are to be discussed before moving on to the next topic.


/HDUQLQJ2XWFRPH V  Learners will be able to express their views on food
6WDQGDUG V To be able to express their feelings and opinions

Ask learners:
Have you ever tasted soup?
There are many kinds of soup. Which soups have you tasted?
Does your mother make soup at home or do you get the readymade packs to make soup?

Accept all responses and then tell learners that they will read a poem about a special soup.
Divide the class into groups of four or five members each.
Read the poem with the correct intonation.
Discuss the poem with the learners.
Discuss the questions in Get Set Junction in Book B.
Ask learners to read the poem given in Get Set Junction once again.



/HDUQLQJ2XWFRPH V  Learners will be able to:

read the story
read between the lines and extract information
relate to the story at a personal level.
6WDQGDUG V  To be able to read a story and answer questions based on the comprehension of the text

Ask learners:
Do you share your food during the lunch hour or eat alone?
Would it be more fun if you had lunch alone, or if you shared it with your friends?

Emphasise the importance of hygiene while sharing food.

Tell learners that they are going to read a story about three travellers who taught the people of a village to share food.
Ask learners to take turns reading the story.

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Pause at regular intervals to ask learners comprehension questions.
Discuss the glossed words.
Discuss Get Going Junction of Book B.
Ask learners to complete the exercises in Get Going Junction.
Ask the learners what they liked best about the story.
Assign worksheet 11.1 in Book C as homework.



/HDUQLQJ2XWFRPH V  Learners will be able to rearrange letters in a word to make new words.
6WDQGDUG V  To be able to identify and use anagrams to make new words

Write the word DQDJUDPV on the blackboard and a few simple examples.
Ask learners:
What do you think is an anagram?
Accept all responses and give them a few examples.
Accept all responses and then tell them that they are going to learn about anagrams.
Ask learners to look at Vocabulary Junction of Book B.
Discuss the explanation and examples given in the book.
Ask them to give some examples of anagrams.
Discuss the exercises in Vocabulary Junction.
Ask learners to complete the exercises.
Assign worksheet 11.2 in Book C as homework.

9RFDEXODU\*DPH Refer to the activity to reinforce the concept. This is an optional activity.
5HVRXUFH V UHTXLUHGsheets with anagrams
Some anagrams have been given. You can add your own to the list. Create a set of six anagrams for each group. Ideally,
create a different set of words for each group.

NextEnglish :: 137 ::

are - ear god - dog

keen - knee act - cat
inch - chin pea - ape
cafe - face tab - bat
earth - heart tar - rat
sink - skin bare - bear
waits - waist balm - lamb
lamp - palm flow - fowl

Divide the class into groups of six members each.

Give each group a sheet with six anagrams.
Ask them to create new words with the anagrams.
Check if they have got their anagrams right.
Guide the learners wherever required.
Ask them to share their anagrams with the class.



/HDUQLQJ2XWFRPH V Learners will be able to:

recognise the sound variation of the grapheme /RR/ as in ‘food’, ‘door’ and ‘poor’
pronounce words with the grapheme /RR/ correctly.
6WDQGDUG V  To be able to read words with /RR/ correctly

Ask learners to open Book B to Phonics Junction page, and find the words mentioned in the story.
Familiarise yourself with the pronunciation of the words provided in the Book B Answer Key section at the end of this
Enunciate each word clearly and ask learners to listen carefully.
Pause after each word and ask them to repeat after you.
After the learners have pronounced the words as a group, read out the words once again and ask them, one at a time, to
pronounce the words.
Ensure every learner gets a chance to pronounce the words.
Help any learner who is unable to pronounce the word(s) properly.
Discuss and assign worksheet 11.3 in Book C as homework.

NextEnglish :: 138 ::


/HDUQLQJ2XWFRPH V  Learners will be able to:

identify conjunctions as words that join two words or sentences
recap previously learnt conjunctions
frame sentences using conjunctions.
6WDQGDUG V  To be able to make sentences using conjunctions



Ask learners what conjunctions are.
Ask them to list a few that they learnt in the previous grades and use them in sentences.
Compile the conjunctions listed by the learners on the blackboard.
Recap conjunctions and their usage.
Introduce the conjunctions DIWHU, EHIRUH, ZKHQand ZKLOH, and explain their usage with examples.
Write these new conjunctions on the blackboard.
Ask the learners to read the explanation and examples given in Grammar Junction.
Discuss the explanation and examples given.
Ask them to give some examples.
Discuss the exercises in Grammar Junction.
Ask learners to complete the exercises given in Book B.
Recap the concept of conjunctions.
Assign worksheet 11.4 in Book C as homework.

*UDPPDU*DPH Refer to the activity to reinforce the concept. This is an optional activity.

Organise the learners into groups of ten members each.
Tell them that they will be playing a game with conjunctions.
Show them a ball of wool and tell them that they will be making a story web. They will use the conjunctions on the
Inform the learners that:
You will begin the story and then throw the ball of wool to a learner, still holding onto the free end of the wool.
The learner will catch the ball of wool and continue with the story.
Then, you will ask the first learner to throw the ball of wool to the next learner, while holding on to the free end of the wool.

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The next learner will continue the story from where the first learner left.
This will continue till everyone has had a chance to take part in the storytelling.
The last learner will throw the ball back to you, and you will finish the story.
By the end, a big story will be spun.
You can begin the story like:
Then ask a learner to continue. Tell the learners that they have to use conjunctions wherever possible.
During the activity, guide them in the usage of conjunctions wherever required.



/HDUQLQJ2XWFRPH V  Learners will be able to write a narrative paragraph.

6WDQGDUG V  To be able to write a topic sentence

Recap parts of a paragraph.
Tell learners what a story map is.
Ask them to read the story of Xian given in Book B, and draw their attention to the way it has been divided into a
beginning, middle and end.
Discuss characters, setting, problem and solution.
Ask learners to list the different parts of a paragraph.
Write this paragraph on a chart paper:
Show them this paragraph and ask them to identify the topic sentence.
Explain that the paragraph narrates the story in the sequence the events happened.
Inform them that they can use the adverbs first, next, soon, then, and so on, to sequence the events. The concluding
sentence should tell what kind of an experience it was.
Discuss the task given in Writing Junction.
Ask learners to complete the task.
Recap the concept before assigning worksheet 11.5 in Book C as homework.

NextEnglish :: 140 ::


/HDUQLQJ2XWFRPH V  Learners will be able to talk about their favourite food.

6WDQGDUG V  To be able to express an opinion and justify it

Ask learners:
What did/will you have for lunch?
Did/Do you like it?
What is your favourite food?

Keep the name cards of learners in a bowl.
Tell them that they will discuss their favourite food item.
Write these questions on the blackboard.
What is the name of the food item?
What is the main ingredient in the dish?
Do you like it cooked at home or at a restaurant?
Why do you like it?

Tell the learners that these questions will help them talk about their favourite food.
Talk about your favourite food.
Then pick up a name card and read out the name.
Ask the learner to come forward and talk about his/her favourite food with the help of the questions on the blackboard.
Guide the learners as they speak, and appreciate their efforts.
Encourage them to appreciate their peers.
State the importance of eating healthy food.



/HDUQLQJ2XWFRPH V  Learners will be able to listen to a recipe and follow instructions to prepare the dish.
6WDQGDUG V  To be able to follow instructions

Ask learners if they have prepared any snacks or juice. Sandwich or buttered bread? Juice?
Ask them to share their experience. How did they make it?

NextEnglish :: 141 ::
Tell the learners that they are going to listen to a set of instructions to make a dish.
Ask them to look at Listening Junction in %RRN%.
Read out or play the instructions in the TN.
Ask learners to listen and then make the dish.
A day before the activity, divide the class into groups of five members each.
Ask each group member to get at least two items or ingredients required to make dry EKHOSXUL.

A bowl of puffed rice
½ cup VHY
2 spoonfuls of roasted peanuts
½ boiled potato (finely chopped)
½ onion (finely chopped)
1 tomato (finely chopped)
1 spoon coriander leaves (finely chopped)
1 spoon raw mango (finely chopped) or
lemon juice
A pinch of chaat masala

Also ask one member from each group to get a large bowl and another member to get a small bowl. Tell the others in the
group to bring spoons.
Once they are ready with the ingredients, ask them to get into groups and place all the ingredients on the table.
Inform them that the steps to prepare dry bhelpuri would be played or read out one step at a time, and that they need to
follow the instructions.
After the activity, ask them to tidy up the classroom.

After the snack is ready, ask learners to share it with the other groups and enjoy.
Discuss how they enjoyed making the dish.

NextEnglish :: 142 ::

1. The three men were knocking at the doors of the villagers because they were tired and hungry. They wanted to ask the village
folk for some food.

2. The villagers refused to give any food to the three men because they did not want to share their food.

3. The villagers added salt and pepper, juicy carrots, red onions, fresh cabbages, and other ingredients that they could find.

1. The three men made the village folk believe that they would make soup with stones, but tricked them into getting all the
ingredients needed.

2. The three men showed the villagers that there is great joy in sharing with others whatever they had.

1. Answers will vary. The teacher may discuss the different responses in the class.

2. Answers will vary. The teacher may discuss the different responses in the class.

b. war
c. cat
d. read
e. pots
f. mile
g. bats
h. draw
i. begin
j. desert

1. cat
2. trap
3. pea
4. art
5. time
6. eel
7. later
8. rear
9. race
10. emitter
11. rates
12. scalp
13. players
14. snail
15. leading
16. guns
17. serpent

NextEnglish :: 143 ::

book cool
look roof
stood pool
hook moon
foot soon

1. a. after
b. before
c. No change
d. after
e. No change
f. when

2. when, while, after, before, when

3. One day, Xian got up early to go to the nearby forest to pluck some fruits and berries. While going to the forest, he picked up a
big basket from Uncle Tom’s shop. When he reached the forest, the sun was shining brightly. There were pretty flowers
everywhere and beautiful butterflies were hovering over them. Xian ran after them and chased them from flower to flower. While
he was playing, a fox slowly crept up to him. Xian saw the fox and was frightened. Then he remembered his magic paintbrush
and drew two fox cubs near a bush on a piece of paper from his pocket. Whoosh! Sparks flew and two small cubs appeared.
After seeing the cute cubs, the fox became very happy and started licking them. The cubs too were happy to find a mother. After
the fox left with the two cubs, Xian quickly picked up his basket and started plucking the berries and fruits. Soon his basket was
full and he returned home happily.

ses in the class.

4. Answers   will   vary.   The   teacher   may   discuss   the   different   responses  i n   the   class.

Writing  J
Answers  w  ill  v  ary.  T
  he  t eacher  m
  ay  d
  iscuss  t he  d
  ifferent  r  esponses  i n t he  c  lass. 

Grammar  S

(a) When  ☑ 
(b) and × 
(c) After ☑ 
(d) While ☑ 
(e) before ☑

(a)  while
(b)  after
(c) w  hen
(d)  while
(e)  before

NextEnglish :: 144 ::
3. C   olour  a  s  p
  er  a
  nswers  g   iven  b   elow.
4.  After  D  honi  g   ot  o  ut,  I ndia’s  c  hances  o   f  w  inning  t he  m   atch  b   ecame  d  im.
 While  I  w  aited  f or  m   y  t urn  a  t  t he  t icket  c  ounter,  I  w   atched  t he  p   round  m
  eople  s  tanding  a   e.  Before
planting  t he  s  eeds  i n t he  s  oil,  t urn  t he  s  oil  i nside  o    f ew  t imes.
  ut  a
 After  M
  aria  c  ompletes  h   er  g
  raduation,  s  he  w   ill  l ook  f or  a    j ob.
 When  I  w
  oke  u   p  i n t he  m
  orning,  m   other  w   as  b
  aking  a    c  ake.

5.  Answers  m
  ay  v  ary. 

Book   C  A nswer   K ey 

11.1   Reading   J unction 
1.  Answers  w  ill  v  ary.  T
  he  t eacher  m
  ay  d   ifferent  r  esponses  i n t he   class. Suggested   
  iscuss  t he  d
answer:   The  s  tory  i s c  alled  ‘ Stone  S
  oup’  b  ecause  i t i s a
  bout  h   en   make soup  w
  ow  t hree  m   ith  t 
hree  s  tones.

2.  Answers  w
  ill  v  ary.  T
  he  t eacher  m
  ay  d
  iscuss  t he  d
  ifferent  r  esponses  i n t he  c  lass. 

11.2   Vocabulary   J unction 

NextEnglish :: 145 ::
11.3  P
  honics  J   unction 
Answers  w  ill  v  ary.  T
  he  t eacher  m
  ay  d
  iscuss  t he  d
  ifferent  r  esponses  i n t he  c  lass. 

11.4  G  rammar  J   unction 

a. While   my  b  rother  w   as  s  leeping,  I  m   ade  a    c  ard  f or  h
b. When   the  r  ain  s  tops,  R   aghu  w   ill  g
  et  t he  m  edicines  f rom  t he  p   harmacy.
c. After   my  e
  xaminations  a   re  o
  ver,  I  w
  ill  g
  o  o
  n  a   v  acation.
d. Before   anybody  c  ould  u   nderstand  w   hat  h   appened,  t he  t hief  r  an  a   way  w   ith  t he  b
e. The  c  ricketer  s  aid,  “   After   my  b
  roken  w   rist  i s h
  ealed,  I  w   lay  f or  I ndia  a
  ill  p   gain.”
f. While   Nora  w   as  a   rranging  t he  b   ooks  o   n  t he  s  helf,  M
  anju  a   rranged  t he  f urniture  i n t he

2. Answers  w
  ill  v  ary.  T
  he  t eacher  m
  ay  d   ifferent  r  esponses  i n t he   class.
  iscuss  t he  d

11.5  W
  riting  J   unction 
Answers  w   ill  v  ary.  T
  he  t eacher  m
  ay  d
  iscuss  t he  d
  ifferent  r  esponses  i n t he  c  lass. 

11.6   Comprehension   J unction 

A. 1.  T
  he  f ood  t hat  c  an  b
  e  p
  repared  a   nd  s  erved  v  ery  q  uickly  i s c  alled  f ast  f ood.
2.  Fast  f ood  i s o
  ften  c  ooked  w   ith  p
  rocessed  i ngredients  o   eep  f ried  i n o
  r  i s d   il.
3.  Fast  f ood  i s h
  igh  i n f at,  s  ugar  a
  nd  s  alt.  T
  hey  a
  re  o
  ften  d
  eep  f ried  a   nd  s  o   may
 cause  o  besity.

B. 1
  .   H
  ome­cooked  f ood  i s h
  ealthier  a
  s  i t h
  as  l ess  o
  il  a
  nd  t he  i ngredients  a   ostly  r  ich  i n
  re  m
 minerals,  v  itamins,  p   roteins  a   ther  i mportant  n
  nd  o   utrients.
 2. (i)  t asty (ii) disease
C. Responses  m   ay  v  ary.  T
  he  t eacher  m  ay  d   ifferent  r  esponses  i n  class.
  iscuss  t he  d

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