CH 12 Christmas Cookies (Jan) LP

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12.A. What’s The

Teacher Manual

1 Get Set Reading Junction - 30 min

Teach Next
Get Set

Book B Get Set

12.B. Recite And

Teacher Manual

2 Reading Junction Reading Junction - 30 min

Teach Next

Book B Read the story

Discussion of
Teach Next

Discussion of
3 Get Going Book B 30 min

Assign worksheet
Book C

A balloon, ball,
12.C. What’s The
Teacher Manual empty can and an
alarm clock

Teach Next examples and
4 Vocabulary Junction exercises 30 min
Book B examples and

Assign worksheet
Book C

NextEnglish :: 147 ::
12.D. Sound
Teacher Manual

Teach Next examples and
5 Phonics Junction exercises 30 min
Explanation and
Book B

Assign worksheet
Book C

12.E. Adverbs Of
Teacher Manual

Teach Next examples and
6 Grammar Junction exercises 30 min
Complete the
Book B

Assign worksheet
Book C

12.E. Adverbs Of
Teacher Manual

Teach Next examples and
7 Writing Junction exercises 30 min
Complete the
Book B

Assign worksheet
Book C

Teacher Manual 12.G. Do or Does?

8 Speaking Junction Teach Next Speaking Junction 30 min

Book B Complete the task

12.H. Listening To
Teacher Manual Script given in TM

Teach Next Listening Junction

9 Listening Junction 30 min
Book B Complete the task

Assign worksheet
Book C

NextEnglish :: 148 ::
Revise and
10 Grammar Station Book B complete the

1RWH * The printable resources required for the activities can be downloaded from the Next Mentor App.
* The worksheets that have been assigned as homework are to be discussed before moving on to the next topic.



/HDUQLQJ2XWFRPH V  Learners will be able to identify festivals with the help of special dishes which are cooked during
6WDQGDUG V  To be able to talk about food and culture

Ask learners about their favourite festival:
How do they celebrate it?
Do they know of any special dishes or delicacies that are cooked during festivals?

Accept all responses.

Discuss the different festivals and dishes cooked during those festivals.
Discuss the task in Get Set Junction in Book B.
Ask learners to complete the task given in Get Set Junction.
Tell learners they are going to read a poem about preparing Christmas cookies.



/HDUQLQJ2XWFRPH V  Learners will be able to:

read and recite the poem

relate to the poem at a personal level.
6WDQGDUG V  To be able to read and enjoy the poem

Ask learners:
List the things that come to your mind when you hear the word &KULVWPDV.

Accept all responses.

NextEnglish :: 149 ::
As the poem is read out, encourage learners to move their hands about and mimic the different cooking processes. At
‘rolling pin’, pretend to roll some dough; at ‘mixing bowls’, make a stirring motion with your hands; at ‘Cut the cookies
with the cutters’, pretend to press down on some dough that is kept on the table; at ‘Pop them all into the oven’, open an
imaginary oven and mime putting a tray inside. Have the learners copy your movements.
Pause after each stanza and discuss the poem.
Ask comprehension questions to check the level of understanding.
Make the learners recite the poem all together. Encourage them to make movements as well.
Discuss Get Going Junction in Book B.
Ask learners to complete the the questions in Get Going Junction.
Ask learners what they liked best about the poem.
Assign worksheet 12.1 in Book C as homework.



/HDUQLQJ2XWFRPH V  Learners will be able to:

identify the different sound words
use sound words in their conversation.
6WDQGDUG V  To be able to identify and use sound words

5HVRXUFH V UHTXLUHGA balloon, ball, empty can and an alarm clock


Ask learners to close their eyes and listen to the different sounds that they can hear around them.
Tell them you will snap your fingers, and they will have to open their eyes.
After a minute, snap your fingers.
Ask the learners to share the different sounds they heard. The sounds can be:
birds chirping
cars honking
fans whirring

Compile the different sounds and the sources. Tell that the ‘snap’ they heard is also a sound word.
Inform them that they are going to learn sound words.
Ask learners to look at Vocabulary Junction in %RRN%.
Ask them to read the explanation and the examples.
Discuss the explanation and examples given.
Ask them to give some more examples of sound words.
Discuss the exercises in Vocabulary Junction.
Ask learners to complete the exercises.

NextEnglish :: 150 ::
Reinforce the concept before assigning worksheet 12.2 in Book C as homework.

9RFDEXODU\*DPH Refer to the activity to reinforce the concept. This is an optional activity.
5HVRXUFH V UHTXLUHG a balloon, ball, empty can and an alarm clock

Bring a few things to the class in a box, like a balloon, ball, empty can and an alarm clock.
Ask learners to sit back with their eyes closed.
Explain that they will hear some sounds and they have to identify the source of the sound.
After checking that everyone has closed their eyes, snap your fingers.
Ask the learners to identify the sound.
(Make the sound)
Snap your finger
Drop a ball
Drop a can or anything made of metal
Set the alarm and let the alarm go off.
Blow air into a balloon and then release the air
Accept all answers and then tell that the sounds were
61$3 and it was produced when you snapped your fingers
The ball made a 7+8' sound
The can fell with a &/$1*
The alarm clock went 755,1*
:+226+ when air rushes out of a balloon, tyre, and so on.

Ask learners to come up with some more sound words and ask them as riddles.


/HDUQLQJ2XWFRPH V  Learners will be able to:
recognise the sound variation of grapheme ‘ RX’ as in ‘out’, ‘touch’ and ‘your’
pronounce words with grapheme ‘ RX’ correctly.
6WDQGDUG V  To be able to read words with /RX/ correctly

Ask learners to open%RRN% to Phonics Junction page, and find the words listed in the story.
Familiarise yourself with the pronunciation of the words provided in Book B Answer Key section at the end of this module.
Enunciate each word clearly and ask learners to listen carefully.
Pause after each word and ask them to repeat after you.

NextEnglish :: 151 ::
After the learners have pronounced the words as a group, read out the words once again and ask them, one at a time, to
pronounce the words.
Ensure every learner gets a chance to pronounce the words.
Help any learner who is unable to pronounce the word(s) properly.
Discuss and assign worksheet 12.3 in Book C as homework.



/HDUQLQJ2XWFRPH V  Learners will be able to:

identify adverbs that tell the time when an action happened
use adverbs correctly in sentences.
6WDQGDUG V  To be able to use adverbs to talk about time of action

Write a few sentences with commonly used adverbs on the blackboard.
Underline the adverbs and ask learners how they add meaning to the sentences.
Elicit the response that they are adverbs and they tell us more about verbs or action words.
Inform them that they are going to learn more about adverbs.
Recap Adverb of Manner.
Write a few sentences with Adverbs of Time on the blackboard, and explain the concept with the help of the sentences.
Ask learners to come up with some more examples.
Now ask them to look at Grammar Junction in %RRN%.
Discuss the explanation and examples given.
Ask them to use the adverbs of time in sentences of their own.
Discuss the exercises in Grammar Junction.
Ask learners to complete the exercises.
Reinforce the concept by eliciting examples of different adverbs of time.
Assign worksheet 12.4 in Book C as homework.

*UDPPDU*DPH Refer to the activity to reinforce the concept. This is an optional activity.

Group learners into two teams.
Explain the concepts of Adverbs of Time and Manner to them.
Give some examples like:
He finished the work yesterday.
She reached home early.
The train arrived late.

NextEnglish :: 152 ::
Ask learners to give some more examples.
Divide the class into small groups of 4 or 5 members each.
Instruct them that within three minutes each group has to make as many sentences using Adverbs of Time.
Each member of the group must provide at least one sentence.
Set the timer and guide them in the activity.
The group with the most correct sentences wins. Appreciate the efforts of the learners.


/HDUQLQJ2XWFRPH V  Learners will be able to:
comprehend a picture
express views on a topic
write a descriptive paragraph.
6WDQGDUG V  To be able to write a descriptive paragraph

Recap the different paragraphs that they have done till now.
Inform learners that they will be learning how to write a descriptive paragraph..
Recap the parts of a paragraph.
Tell learners they will be writing a paragraph to describe an object.
Explain that they will begin with a topic sentence about the object. Then they will expand on the topic by writing supporting
Ask them to use the names of the senses to describe the object.
Read this paragraph to the learners.
Explain to learners that:
Sight – to see things
Smell – to detect fragrance or odour
Hearing – to hear sound
Touch – to feel the texture of things
Taste – to detect if something is sweet, sour, and so on
Ask learners to look at the example, explanation and table given in Writing Junction in Book B.

NextEnglish :: 153 ::
Discuss the task in Writing Junction.
Ask learners to complete the task.
Recap the concept before assigning worksheet 12.5 as homework.



/HDUQLQJ2XWFRPH V  Learners will be able to frame questions and statements using GRGRHV.
6WDQGDUG V  To be able to frame questions to get answers

Ask learners and compile these questions on the blackboard:
Do you like the story Stone Soup?
Do you think we can really make soup with stones?
Does your mother cook special dishes on festivals?
Does the word ‘squish’ tell you about some sound?

Accept all responses and underline the words ‘ 'R’ and ‘'RHV’.
Explain how to use GR and GRHVwith singular and plural nouns, and pronouns.
Tell learners that GR and GRHVare used to ask questions and also to answer them.
Ask them these questions and write their answers on the blackboard:
Do you wake up early in the morning?
Do you go for morning walks?
Does your mother like to watch movies?
Does your father read the newspaper in the morning?

Explain the use of GR and GRHV with QRW in the answers.

Yes, I do.
No, I don’t. / Yes, I do.
Yes, she does. / No, she doesn’t.
Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t.
Ask learners to sit in pairs and write five questions with GR and GRHV.
Encourage them to ask and answer each other’s questions.
Recap the concept.

NextEnglish :: 154 ::


/HDUQLQJ2XWFRPH V  Learners will be able to listen and sequence the steps of an activity.
6WDQGDUG V  To be able to listen and sequence steps



Tell learners:
To make a potato face, first take a potato.
Then add two peppercorns for eyes.
Next, cut a thin crescent moon-shaped piece from a carrot.
Place the piece in the centre to make the mouth.
Place a few cloves with the flower head showing at the top to make curly hair.

Now ask them to repeat the order in which you made the potato face.
Accept all responses and discuss them.
Inform learners that they have to sequence steps.
Ask them to look at Listening Junction in %RRN%.
Read out the passage.
Ask learners to look at Listening Junction of %RRN%, and complete the task.
If required, read out the script again.

Listening Script
I first took a slice of bread and stuck noodle strands as hair. Then, I asked mother to give me a triangle-shaped piece of
beetroot. I made a nose for the face with the beetroot. After this, I squeezed ketchup over the slice of bread to draw a
smile. Under the smile, I kept a thin slice of cucumber that my mother had sliced in the shape of a tongue. Then I took a
seedless green grape and cut two thin slices from it. My mother helped me with this. I used them as eyes. On the eyes I
placed two tiny mustard seeds. Veda loved the face and she ate it up as soon as she saw it.

Discuss the responses in the class.

NextEnglish :: 155 ::


A. 1. We need sugar, flour, eggs and butter to make cookies.

2. The cookies are being cut into diamond, circle and crescent shapes.

B. 1. The first step while making a cookie is mixing the ingredients with a spoon in a mixing bowl.

2. The cookies are being made for Christmas. The poet says that they are about to make Christmas cookies.

3. Batter is a liquid made out of different kinds of flour that is generally mixed, while dough is more solid and needs to be
rolled with a rolling pin.

C. 1. Answers will vary. The teacher may discuss the different responses in the class.
The poet is happy to make the cookies because it is Christmas time. He/she is happy also because cookies are very tasty.


1. (a) The gentle mooing of the cows filled our ears.

(b) The loud boom of thunder scared the dogs.
(c) We could hear the roar of the lion all over the zoo.
(d) The birds were chirping in the garden.
(e) The car screeched to a halt.

2. (a) snap
(b) crash
(c) crack
(d) sizzle
(e) splash
(f) screech
(g) thud
(h) crackle

3. Answers will vary. The teacher may discuss the different responses in the class.



shout soul four trouble
cloud course country
mouse thought young
out pour couple
house bought tough

NextEnglish :: 156 ::

lately sadly today regularly
quickly early soon

yesterday always late
here happily

finally frequently badly tonight
early later

tomorrow below next

2. a. late
b. soon/tomorrow
c. tomorrow/soon/now
d. yesterday
e. late

3. a. often
b. today
c. regularly
d. today
e. immediately

4. Answers will vary. The teacher may discuss the different responses in the class.


Responses may vary. The teacher may discuss the different responses in class.


NextEnglish :: 157 ::

(a) now
(b) soon
(c) early
(d) yesterday
(e) next

(a) late
(b) soon
(c) tomorrow
(d) now
(e) yesterday

3. Responses may vary. The teacher may discuss the different responses in class.

4. Responses may vary. The teacher may discuss the different responses in class.


12.1 Reading Junction

Answers will vary. The teacher may discuss the different responses in the class.

12.2 Vocabulary Junction

1. (a) Clang
(b) Crack
(c) Whoosh
(d) Drip

2. Answers will vary. The teacher may discuss the different responses in the class.

12.3 Phonics Junction

‘Ou’ pronounced as in around ‘Ou’ pronounced as in your ‘Ou’ pronounced as in touch

shout four country
cloud course rough
mouse thought trouble
round fought young

NextEnglish :: 158 ::
12.4 Grammar Junction

1. (a) He returns from school in the afternoon.

(b) I have an appointment with the doctor now.
(c) The cricket match will start soon.
(d) The metro rail construction finished today.
(e) The results will be declared next week.

2. (a) She will come soon.

(b) He has arrived today.
(c) The boy came early.
(d) The play will begin now.
(e) Robert plays football often.

12.5 Writing Junction

Responses may vary. The teacher may discuss the different responses in class.

12.6 Comprehension Junction


1. (a) T
(b) F
(c) T
(d) F
(e) T
(f) T

2. (a) In some rare coffee plants, two seeds grow together. Such beans are called peaberries.
(b) When the berry is roasted, it produces aromatic oil. If a lot of aromatic oil is released, the coffee is of very good quality.

B. Responses may vary. The teacher may discuss the different responses in class.

C. Responses may vary. The teacher may discuss the different responses in class.

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