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0306 Operating Systems

Due date
The project is due November 22nd 2021 MARKS 35
You are an IT Consultant hired by a company to implement an organization wide IT Platform for
their organization. As part of your responsibility you are to submit a report detailing your
recommendations for the system to be implemented. In your report you are to discuss the
various subsystems which would make up the overall Organization Wide Platform focusing
your discussion on the Operation System to be used on the various subsystems discussing why
your selected the Operating System.

For example, for a retail system the subsystems would be as follows:

 Point of Sales systems
 Backend Sales Servers
 Corporate Application Servers (e.g. email, accounting/finance, HR etc.)
 Infrastructure Servers
 Webserver etc.
 Security Appliances

As you can see an organization’s IT Platform is made up of a number of subsystems which work
together to form the overall IT Platform.
Select one from the following type of organizations/systems:
 A National Lottery System
 Health Institutions (Should be a Hospital from the USA, Canada or Europe)
 A Smart City
 An International Hotel Chain
 A Just In Time Inventory System
 A Taxi Service such as Uber or Lyft
 A Movie Streaming Service
 Banking/Finance Industry
 Social Media
 Any other industry you desire but you must get approval from the instructor beforehand
You are required to write a report on your research findings.
Your report should be written using the MLA Style and must contain the following sections:
 Introduction/Overview
 Description of the business (including its functional areas)
 Subsystems and why you chose the OS
 Analysis (your assessment of whether the OS is meeting the business goals)
 Recommendations (if any)
 Conclusion

If you are interested in any other areas, please clear it with the instructor before proceeding.
1. This Project must consist of the student’s own research findings as a result of carrying out
research, analysis and evaluation based on the presented problem, each response must have an
introduction, body and conclusion with the student's own interpretation and recommendations.

2. The report must be of a satisfactory literary standard, free from typographical errors, void of
plagiarism (see below) and must comply with required academic protocol.

3. The report must be typed using Times New Roman, 12 pitch point, page numbered, presented
in 1.5 line spacing, on white paper background and with suitable layout i.e. margins, allowing
sufficient space for footnotes etc.

4. A table or a figure should appear in the text closely following the point where it is first
discussed and should be listed by number e.g. Table 1.

5. The body of the report should be at least 2,500 words or 11-12 pages (excluding appendices,
table of contents, references and cover page).

6. Citations – (View this video A key part

of writing your report is the documentation of references. This means that you must give proper
credit to the experts who have worked to provide you the valuable information on which you
have based your ideas and writing. Failing to identify your sources can constitute plagiarism.
Plagiarism is the act of representing the work of another as one's own (without giving
appropriate credit) regardless of how that work was obtained and submitting it to fulfil academic
requirements. Plagiarism includes but is not limited to: the act of incorporating the ideas, words,
sentences, paragraphs, or parts thereof, or the specific substance of another's work, without
giving appropriate credit, and representing the product as one's own work. Sample attached for
your ease of reference but please check UWI ROYTEC’s website for the most recent version.
You MUST submit your work to WWW.TURNITIN.COM or your project will not be accepted.

7. Projects must be submitted to TURNITIN.COM as you progress with your name, date, course,
lecturer and student number on the cover page, as this is an individual case study. Your final
project submission will be accessed by your lecturer for grading on Turnitin.

A pdf copy of the Case Study will be made available on the SRC Learning Platform for
your ease of access. You are required to read the Case Study thoroughly and email any
questions you may have for clarification to no later than one
week after receiving the Case Study assignment.

See Project Rubric for assessment criteria

NOTE: Students are to submit a Turitin Report with a similarity index of no more than

Turnitin loging Info:

Class ID: 31482535
Enrollment Key: INFO0306

Bachelor of Information System Management
Course:____________________ Instructor:_____________________ Date:________

Assessor:___________________ Name:__________________________
Falls short of Expectation (1)
Exceeds Expectation (5)

Meets Expectation (3)

Not Applicable (0)



Project Report Rubric

Paper has a clear purpose that is well suited to its discipline and audience
Organizes written materials in a logical sequence (paragraphs,
subheading, etc.)
Main points are easy to find and ideas are easy to follow
Makes strong, persuasive arguments
Uses graphs, tables, and diagrams to explain, interpret, and assess
Cites sources appropriately
Grammar and spelling are correct
Is clear, concise, unambiguous, and direct
Adheres to conventional rules of grammar and punctuation
Written work is presented neatly and professionally
Conforms to the prescribed style guide and format
Technical Content-15
Demonstrates a good understanding of the research area
Explains and interprets results correctly
Creative opinions and solutions
Case analysis


Final Mark =

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