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particle Scattering Experiment n of Rutherford, in 1911, bombandin; 9 nwo associates, H. Geiger and E. Marsden, performed a-particles (Helium nuclei Z = 2,4 = 4) ona gold foil. Most of the a-particles pass through the gold foil undeflected. Avery small number of a-particles (1 in $000) suffered large angle deflection: some of them retraced their path or suffered 180° deflection. Conclusion: ) Arom is hollor ) Entire positive charge and nearly whole mass of atom concentrated in a small centre called nucleus of pasa Incident =) Coulomb's law hol beam of e-paricies for atomic distances. Negatively charged electrons are outside the nucleus. Impact Parameter: The perpendicular distance of initial velocity vector of a-particle from < nucleus, when the particle . 8 & away from the nucleus, is ee a a led the impact parameter. It is Gsnoted by 5. For head on approach of a-particle, 6 = 0. Aagle of Scattering (@) : The angle by which a-particle is deviated from its original direction is ‘ed angle of scattering. & F 1 zo Gre, Ey 2 “Ete Eis the inital kinetic energy for head on approach of | 2 Pate. “Pt parameter, = 0. ‘Scanned with CamScanner 2. Distance of Closest Approach The smallest. a | 1ce of approach of a-particle near heavy nucleus i 1 2z0* ane, E, is kinetic energy of incident a-particle, Z = atomic number, ¢ = electronic charge, 3. Rutherford’s Atom Model Atom con: ameasure ofthe size of mil, Distance of near st approach = size of nucleus = 's of a central heavy nucleus containing positive charge and negatively charged electrons circulating around the nucleus in circular orbits. : Rutherford model could explain the neutrality ofan atom, thermionic emission and photoelectrie effect; but it could not explain the stability of an atom and the observed line spectrum of an atom (atomic spectrum). 4. Bohr’s Model Bohr modified Rutherford atom model to explain the line spectrum of hydrogen, Postulates of Bohr’s Theory @ Stationary Circular Orbits: An atom consists of a central positively charged nucleus and negatively charged electrons revolve around the nucleus in certain orbits called stationary orbits. ‘The electrostatic coulomb force between electrons and the nucleus Provides the necessary centripetal force. mo? 1 (ele) ie Fe, a) where Z is the atomic number, m is the mass of electrons, r () Quantum Condition: radius of orbit, The stationary orbits are those in which angular momentum of =r h electron is an integral multiple of 2, Byres h mor = ng, 1,23, (i) Integer n is called the principal quantum number. This equation is called Bohr’s quantum condition. rhe electron does not radiate energy when in a stationai of energy (or photon) is emitted or absorbed when an orbit to the other. The frequency of emitted or ry orbit. The quantum electron jumps from one stationary absorbed photon is given by «--(il) ‘This is called Bohr’s frequency condition. Radius of Orbit and Energy of Electron in Orbit Condition of Motion of Electron in Circular Orbit is mu® __1_(Ze)(e) i 7 ie ) Bohr’s quantum condition is ] nh > 2nmr Substituting this value of v in (i), we get a(t y = 2 Y\2nmr} ~ ane, 42 eyh?n? This gives r F This gi aa ‘Scanned with CamScanner Denoting radius of th orbit by f,. we have ii) Ze For hydrogen atom Z =1. led Bohr's radius, It is denoted by cy = 0.529% 107m = 0. re’ Energy of Orbiting Electron From equation (i). Kinetic energy, Potential energy, Total energy 4 me For convenience introducing Rydberg constant, R= S53 se We have For hydrogen atom Z = 1, Energy of orbiting electron in H-atom Rh " = indicate the and energies of hydrogen Tike atoms (de, atoms Equations (iii) > gndicate that radii and energies of hydrog ‘quations (iii) and (eit) 1% ini ct 1y) are quantised. taining one electron only) are a ‘Scanned with CamScanner 5. Energy Levels of Hydrogen Atom TI ene = STN oe. x i (Z = 1) SS -0.28 0 ‘The energy of electron in hydrogen atom ( Eta is given (or ae hydrogen spectrum) by TT he _—— = “Pav n whenn = 1, —_— -tt0 3 when n = 2 _— -8 00 ne? when n = 3, when n =4, when n = 5, 13.600 net when Fig. (a) Energy Level yam 0 when» when n = 0, If these energies are expressed by vertical lines on proper scale, the diagram obtained is called the energy level diagram. The energy level diagram of hydrogen atom is shown in fig. (a). Clearly the separation between lines goes on decreasing rapidly with increase of n (i., order of orbit) ‘The series of lines of H-spectrum are shown in fig. (a). If the total energy of electron is above zero, the electron is free and can have any energy. Thus there is a continuum of energy states above E = 0 eV. 6. Hydrogen Spectrum Hydrogen emission spectrum consists of 5 series. () Lyman series: This lies in ultraviolet regi Balmer series: This lies in the visible region. Paschen series: This lies in near infrared region. (iv) Brackett series: This lies in mid infrared region, (2) Pfund series: This lies in far infrared region. Hydrogen absorption spectrum consists of only Lyman series. Explanation of Hydrogen Spectrum: n, and ny are the quantum numbers of initial and final states and E; and Eyare energies of electron in H-atom (Z = 1) in initial and final states then we have Rh A and B, = Re cf 1 Ifvis the frequency of emitted radiation, we have from Bohr’s fourth postulate E,-E, cain Ee 7 ( #6) «ne 2 1 ) Bye ye) Relay oP at) ONE » reciprocal of wavelength) of the emitted radiation is given by a ne Ea? my ‘The wave number (ice, The relation explains succesfully the origin of various lines in the spectrum of hydrogen atom. “The se lines are obtained due to the transition of electron from various other orbit ies 0 its to a fixed inner orbit. | zor eo Physi : ‘Scanned with CamScanner 3% 1.097 * 107 = 1.215x107 m = 1215A For Shortest wavelength of Lyman series n; = 2 1 1 > —=R 1). ete s)=* Continuum ae aroev a ev a 0.38 eV n=5 Tt ossev n=4 1 1 THA Piuna series “935 ov Bracket series 03 ! ut st | | | Paschen sefos nna bu soy Balmer series 8 é a 136 eV Fig. b) Series of H-spectrum ie 9116x105 un 6A R 1,997 10" ‘This is called series limit of Lyman serieS Min Obviously the lines of Lyman series are found (ii) Balmer series: The series is produced when an electron jumps second stationary orbit (1 = 2)- o1L.6A 1 in ultraviolet region. 5 from higher orbits to the “Thus for this series, pe-ter(t-4+ = 3,4,5, 6... v=x5 (738) where n; = 3,45, 6» For Longest wavelength of Balmer series (*: =3) 1 pf b-4y-% Rea ne 7)" 36 36. m = 6.563 x 107m = 65634 -—_—_26__., 5 x 1.097 x 10" ‘Scanned with CamScanner ries n, 9 646A 3.646 X 107 m = ind first, second, third Obviously the lines of Balmer series are found in the visible region ce lines are called Hy, Hyy Hyon lines respectively. : ; (iii) Paschen series: ‘This series is produced when an electron jumps from third stationary orbit (ny =3), Bex an(s =) whe igher orbits to the 4, 5,6, Tyee no Ysa? For Longest wavelength of Paschen series (1; = 4) 1 Ta Dangy = = 4m = 18.752 1077 m = 18752 A mmx TR 7.x 1.097 107 limit of Paschen series (1; =20) 1 p(t Lyk tools) = 9. 9 R 4,097 x 107 Obviously lines of Paschen series are found in infrared region. (iv) Brackett series: This series fourth stationary orbit (ny =4) .204 x 1077 m = 8204 A produced when an electron jumps from hi ) where; = 5,6, 7, 8 " ; is produced when an electron jumps from higher orbits to the fifth stationary orbit (ny = 5) 1 1 ne 3) where n, = 6,7, 8. ‘The last three series are found in infrared region. The series spectrum of hydrogen atom is represented in figure. Q.1. Suppose you are given a chance to re} sheet of solid hydrogen in place of ‘What results do you expect? -peat the alpha particle scatterin, i ing athin ¢ dl ig experiment using a thin Bold foil (hydrogen is a solid at temperature below 14 K. Ans. Size of hydrogen nucleus = 1.2% 10"! m, 3 \ Electrostatic potential energy of a-particle at nuclear surface | 1_ Reve 2x y-19y2 = Fe IO = 0x 109 PEU.S 1 “arey 7 1axioe J _ 9X10" X2%10% x 1079 1.2x 10718 = 2.4x10° eV = 2.4 Mev This is much less than incident energy 5.5 M ; 5.5 MeV of a-particle; the . the nucleus and no scattering will he observed) 1 Patties therefore a-partc ‘Scanned with CamScanner ev

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