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Council of Homoeopathic System of Medicine-Haryana OATH (A) At the time of registration, each applicant shall submit the following declaration and oath read and signed by him to the Registrar concerned attested by the Registrar himself or by a registered practitioner of Homoeopathy (1)!'solemnly pledge myself to consecrate my life to the service of humanity (2) Even under threat, | will not use my medical knowledge contrary to the laws of humanity (3) | will maintain the utmost respect for human life. (4) | will not permit considerations of religion, nationality, race, political beliefs or social standing to intervene between my duty and my patient (5) | will practise my profession with conscience and dignity in accordance with the principles of Homoeopathy and/or in accordance with the principles of biochemic system of medicine (tissue remedies). (6) The health of my patient shall be my first consideration (7) | will respect the secrets which are confided to me (8) | will give to my teachers the respect and gratitude which is their due. (9) | will maintain by all means in my power the honour and noble traditions of medical profession. (10) My colleagues will be my brothers and sisters. (41) | make these promises solemnly, freely and upon my honour. (B) Hahnemannian Oath "On my honour | swear that | shall practise the teachings of Homoeopathy, perform my duty, render justice to my patients and help the sick whosoever comes to me for treatment. May the teachings of master Hahnemann inspire me and may | have the strength for fulfillment of my mission." a Se Attesting Auth. Signature of applicant _ Council of Homoeopathic System of Medicine-Haryana Declaration LTenny S/o, Dio, Wio_ Phaxamutiy ___ resident panOnA cy 4 NG Roaol Softdin 4 Fue do hereby solemnly affirm < and declare as under:- of _Veax New RI 4. That | have not been convicted and sentenced by a criminal court to imprisonment for any offence involving moral turpitude; Py That | have not been adjudicated by a competent court to be of unsound mind; o That | am not an undischarged insolvent; b That my name has not been removed from the Registrar of Practitioners maintained by any State council / Board or Parishad for Professional misconduct, o That | have gone through the Punjab Homoeopathic Practitioners Act, 1965 and rules framed thereunder and | promise to abide by the provisions of the said Act and the Rules; 2 That copies of documents attached with application form are correct and genuine and if found fake / false at any time, | shall be held responsible. ” That my name is registered with GISM (Hansa \_board / council against : registration No. 627 _ and submitting my NOC. 1 solemnly declare and affirm that the contents given in my application for registration and in paras (1) to (7) above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. | further declare on oath that noting relevant has been concealed therein. jaws signature of applicant)

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