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ANNOUCEMENTS Sharon Christie All Peoples United Church

Sudbury, Ontario Sunday Oct 30th, 2022

We are collecting donations for Since 1927
Sleeping Children Around the World. Leading us in worship Welcome Cindy Hebert
Bed kits are $35, or any amount is appreciated.
(See Nancy) e-transfer/ E-mail “

Donations - Shoe Boxes

for the homeless
see Mona for More info
For the Son of
Man came to
The Value Vault Donations seek and to
The Value Vault at Sudbury Secondary School (SSS) save the lost.”
is used by students who need food, clothing and
Luke 19: 10
small household items, pens, pencils etc.…
Our Prayer List
People of Ukraine, Nancy McDonald,
Bryan Marsh, Gil Davies Join us for coffee and tea PROCESSIONAL
Following the service Holy, holy, holy Lord God Almighty!
Early in the morning our song shall rise to thee.
Help us Grow Donate today Holy, holy, holy, merciful, and mighty
E-mail “” God in three persons blessed Trinity!
Words of Welcome ……………
Facebook @allpeoplesunited CALL TO WORSHIP
One: We come to this place from many experiences
All: Our minds are filled with what happened yesterday, worries
Upcoming Speakers about tomorrow, tasks that need completing before winter sets in
Nov 6th – Shelly Kennedy
One: We need to know that God invites us to STOP. God invites us to
Nov 13th -Rev Gerry Copeman
take a moment, to just sit and BE with each other, AND with God.
Nov 20th -Rev John Fraser All: With each other and with God.
One: Let us stop and be refreshed.
All: It is our joy to do so! Alleluia! (Richard Bott Gathering Pentecost 2022)
Opening Hymn VU 806 O God our help in ages past OFFERING SONG (Sung by all)
Praise and thanksgiving, thanks be to God
OPENING PRAYER Thanks for the food we eat,
Loving parent we come to you today thankful for those who love us or
And for the friends we meet.
have loved us in the past. Their love reminds us of what it is like to be
For each new day we greet
loved by YOU. Thank you for challenging our perceptions when we
Thanks Be to God!
think we know everything about someone, and continually opening us
to new ways to greet all of humanity with the same deep non- OFFERING PRAYER
judgmental love that You offer us unconditionally.
Join me in our prayers of intercession. When I say ‘’Eternal One’’ please
PRAYER OF CONFESSION respond: Together we pray in faith.
Oh God we stumble into your presence this morning.
Too often we attempt to hide our brokenness, from you and those THE LORD'S PRAYER
around us. Too often we decide for ourselves who is ‘’ good’’ and
who id ‘’bad’’ before we understand the full story of someone’s life. Closing hymn VU 679 Let there be light
We come to you now. We offer you our brokenness and all our short
comings as we name them now before you in silence.
May the living God, who is eternal love, watch over you and keep you
WELCOME & ANNOUNCEMENTS safe. In all you do, people of God, may you be guided by God’s word,
strengthened by God’s promise, and blessed by God’s love.
Minute for Mission Go out into the world with Jesus as your divine inspiration for
fostering inclusiveness and belonging.
Psalm 119: 137-144 VU page 841 part 6
Luke 19: 1-10
BENEDICTION: (Sung by all)
Readings Response: May God’s sheltering wings,
All: This is the word of the Lord; Thanks be to God. Her gathering wings protect you
GLORIA PATRI – (Sung by all) May God’s nurturing arms,
Glory be to the father and to the son, His cradling arms sustain you.
and to the Holy Spirit… And hold you in her love and hold you in his love

When you let go, something magical happens.

You give God room to work.
HYMN VU 288 Great is thy Faithfulness

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